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post Feb 15 2013, 09:11 PM
Post #2876


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If you want to pick up a conversation with Dubstep, I'll be arriving at Hai Fuk shortly after 12:30 to meet with Cat. Dubstep is AmerInd, dressed overly sharp for this neighborhood and moving along the the beat of a set of large headphones that appear to have been modded/repaired by hand a few times.
When he first gets there he will look around for the person he's supposed to meet and then take a seat and order up a steaming bowl of noodles. While he waits, he will be doing some light AR activity and looking up any time somebody new comes into the place.
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post Feb 16 2013, 05:04 AM
Post #2877


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Cool! Done (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile.gif)
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post Feb 16 2013, 10:49 AM
Post #2878

Moving Target

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QUOTE (Machine Ghost @ Feb 15 2013, 11:18 AM) *
@RdMarquis, LeFey is on the team tacnet, so she would have information about status as fast as anyone else, including Sproggets warning.

Can't believe I didn't realize that. The post has been edited.
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Machine Ghost
post Feb 16 2013, 04:02 PM
Post #2879

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QUOTE (Dakka Fiend @ Feb 15 2013, 01:57 PM) *
Hmm stingers, learn something new every day. (IMG:style_emoticons/default/wink.gif)

Yup, I'm gonna have Tweak try and break through / push aside the Americar at the kerb side of the road.

First time I'm doing this, so if someone spots rules mistakes, chime in.
Let's say Bulldog Step-Van (Body 16, Armor 8 ) at 60 metres/turn.

Ramming, our van has a base DV of 16P at that speed and has to soak 8P with 24 dice itself.
Treating the Americar as barrier, it tries to soak 16P + successes on Tweak's vehicle test damage with 2 * its armor rating and if the remaining DV is at elast equal to its structure rating, we break through. If not, well, let's see. (IMG:style_emoticons/default/wink.gif)

BTW, made another attempt at setting up an account with invisiblecastle and this time it worked. (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile.gif)

First, the soak roll for our poor van: 16 body + 8 armor give exactly the 8 hits we need. (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile.gif)

Second, Tweak's driving roll: Response 5 + Pilot Ground Craft 2 + hot VR 2 + Handling 1 for 2 hits.

Third, Tweak has to make a second Pilot roll as a save vs crashing: 10 dice again for only 1 hit. Luckily, the hot VR means he only needs the one. (IMG:style_emoticons/default/wink.gif)

Aria, if modifiers make that a fail, I'll Edge to reroll.

Long story short: The car has 2*armor rating to soak 18P down to less than structure. If they're about the same as a sedan's armor and body, we should crash through without much trouble.

Edit: Must have confused the van with some other car, Handling should be 0 not 1. Luckily, the last die was a dud on both rolls.
I was going to say that Tweak should also get +2 dice pool on the vehicle tests from tacnet, but rereading UW128 looks like does not apply. If the target vehicle had been moving, then yes for maneuvering, but a stationary target is not dodging, so no probable vector calculations needed. Given the initial description, that car is already 'hurting', so could finish destroying with less.
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post Feb 16 2013, 05:17 PM
Post #2880

Moving Target

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@Virtual Scream
I've been super busy the last few days. I need to post a Darkhorse post to conclude Cat's first job and then another post to get to the noodle place. I'll try and get this done ASAP, sorry if I'm delaying anything.
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Dakka Fiend
post Feb 16 2013, 05:26 PM
Post #2881

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QUOTE (Machine Ghost @ Feb 16 2013, 05:02 PM) *
I was going to say that Tweak should also get +2 dice pool on the vehicle tests from tacnet, but rereading UW128 looks like does not apply. If the target vehicle had been moving, then yes for maneuvering, but a stationary target is not dodging, so no probable vector calculations needed. Given the initial description, that car is already 'hurting', so could finish destroying with less.

Given my luck with Pilot rolls, those two dice wouldn't have changed anything. During one campaign my character managed to sink every single ship he took control of. Luckily, the GM kept attacking us with pirates, so we had a steady supply of ships. (IMG:style_emoticons/default/wink.gif)
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post Feb 18 2013, 01:04 PM
Post #2882


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Gemeaux: Ini 15 (3IPs) Mordred: Ini 11 (3IPs) Tsubaki: Ini 10 (2IPs)

Pre-genned Rolls
[ Spoiler ]

Combat order:
[ Spoiler ]

7.1 Mordred & Gemeaux fires again [using pre-genned rolls], Attacker 1 lays down suppressing fire with SnS, attacker 3 drops to same floor level as Gemeaux & Mordred. Gemeaux chucks grenade at attacker 1 (assuming you don’t risking life and limb against SnS and throw once burst has gone past…!)
7.2 Attacker 3 burst fire at Gemeaux (rolled surprise for you both! (IMG:style_emoticons/default/ork.gif) ) Attacker one drops his gun and launches himself down to your level like a burning comet!
7.3 Gemeaux fires at burning guy and he goes down. Mordred targets Attacker 3 but misses in the confusion. Attacker 3 wings Gemeaux [1 net hit = 5+1S/Im +2: Resist Bod+Im = 10D = 4 hits = 2 more stun & knockback!

8.1 Gemeaux & Mordred fire at attacker 3, attacker 3 fires flashbang at all of you!

Mordred and Gemeaux, can I have resists against the flashbang please as it's a bit out of the ordinary! 6S -3AP resisted with Impact. You get cover bonus [+4D] offset by area effect [-2D] as the grenade has come from behind your cover but you still get assorted equipment between you and it...

Gotta love non-lethal tech, it's often worse than lethal (IMG:style_emoticons/default/ork.gif) (and it's not just a gamey reason that they are using it against you, there's a plot reason too!). Hope you bought some stim patches! If not I'm happy to retroactively say you have some, you all have sufficient posts under your belt to buy a few and every shadowrunner should have several!

Tsubaki, to confirm once again, the exit you are at will take you outside at the far end of the dam where you entered. To get to the boat you need to go back in and down through the make-shift door leading to the Clearwater compound. You may or may not be able to get into the compound from the shore (you now know where the entrances are!) but the entrance to the boat chamber doesn't appear to be at the shoreline?!?

If you choose to go outside you have an open space and then some tree cover. The shore or the resevoir are fairly barren though with little or no cover.

All: On the optimistic note that 'you've got them pinned' don't forget you've only seen the first car full so far...just thought I'd point that out (IMG:style_emoticons/default/ork.gif)
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post Feb 18 2013, 01:21 PM
Post #2883

Moving Target

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Oh, okay! (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile.gif) So, does this mean that the boat CAN arrive to shore? It sounds like there may not be any boat entrances, but if the entrance is somewhere else, the boat could possibly be driven on over to this particular shore and do some picking up of people? ...Right? XD

Otherwise, let me know so I re-write my post accordingly. XS
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post Feb 18 2013, 08:21 PM
Post #2884

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@ Aria:

Cripes, I may have to buy a few of those stim patches. x_x On a lighter note, now that I know that CoP has a streamlined char building thing, I think it's time to resurrect Trismegistus! XD
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post Feb 18 2013, 08:30 PM
Post #2885


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QUOTE (karhig @ Feb 16 2013, 11:17 AM) *
@Virtual Scream
I've been super busy the last few days. I need to post a Darkhorse post to conclude Cat's first job and then another post to get to the noodle place. I'll try and get this done ASAP, sorry if I'm delaying anything.

No worries from my end. I posted something IC for Cat and Dubstep to meet at Hai Fuk Noodle Shop for lunch and now he's there and things are moving towards Dante come talk to him while waiting for Cat to arrive.
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post Feb 19 2013, 06:34 AM
Post #2886

Moving Target

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QUOTE (JxJxA @ Feb 18 2013, 12:21 PM) *
@ Aria:

Cripes, I may have to buy a few of those stim patches. x_x

I'd do the same, but here's the thing.

Body (3) + Impact (6) + Cover (2) - AP (3) = 8d6

I only got one hit, which means Mordred is unconscious.


Love to Edge this, but I don't remember if I have any left. Unfortunately, I lost my character sheet when my old computer broke. I'm going to look at my old posts and see if I spent it all. Incidentally, he's out of explosive bullets and switching to regular. Assuming he gets the chance.
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post Feb 19 2013, 06:45 AM
Post #2887

Moving Target

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I've searched all my posts since I registered at Dumpshock and found no references to rerolls (from Mordred) or Edge. If it's okay, I'm going to assume I had one left, and use it to reroll the dice that didn't get hits. If not, I'll thank my teammates to drag me to safety. ^_^;


3 hits.

Mordred is down to three Stun boxes, but that's better than being completely out.
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post Feb 19 2013, 08:57 AM
Post #2888

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@ Aria/E:PL/UK:

Depending on what happens with my role, you guys may be dragging Gemeaux off. I've taken 6S already

Soaking flashbang:
Body(4) + Impact(5) + Cover(4) - AP(3) - Area(2) = 8d6 for 2 hits. I checked my posts from the start of the fight, and I think I've only spent the one point of Edge in rerolling my failed thrillseeker roll, so I'm spending 1 point of Edge to reroll misses for 2 more hits. Suffice to say, I feel like crap, but at least I'm still up and running. x_x

What kind of action is it to un-jam a gun? I don't know, but I'll (hopefully) need to next IP.

La Reponse: Modded Savalette Guardian (smartgun built in)
Mods: Extended Clip, Improved Rangefinder, Internal Silencer, Skinlink, Advanced Electro Safety Shocker
Range w/o penalties: 0-20 (-2 for long, -5 for extreme)
Ammo: EX-Explosive (15c)
DV: 6P
AP: -2
RC: 1

Free action: Switch Le Repartie to offhand
Simple action: Quickdraw La Reponse and shoot Attacker #3
Quick Draw: Need 3 hits
React(8 ) + Fire(4) - Wound(2) = 10d6 for 4 hits. Boom.
Shoot Attacker #3
Agi(9) + Fire(4) + Smart(2) + Synch(1) - Cover(2) - Vis(2) - Wound(2) = 10d6 for 4 hits.
Simple action: Shoot Attacker #3 again
Agi(9) + Pistols(4) + Smart(2) + Synch(1) - Recoil (1-1=0) - Vis(2) - Wound(2) - Cover(2)= 10d6 for 5 hits.

11 bullets left in clip
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post Feb 19 2013, 01:02 PM
Post #2889


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Ok, E:Tribes turn to see some combat (man I'm a gluton for punishment!!!). As with E:PL it makes sense to get some pre-genned rolls from each of you (best case so we'll add all the positive mods that seem appropriate and then I can knock off D from the end as needed. It would really help me if you can copy and paste the actual rolls (plus the assumptions you've made on mods etc) in so I don't need to go through to Invisible Castle to check them that way!

So, a single initiative roll (unless you really want to roll lots?), perception rolls, your normal attack rolls, defense rolls (plus good cover seems logical, any other positive mods that seem reasonable), full damage resist rolls assuming no AP and against ballistic armour, anything else you can think of now...happy to roll others as needed but this is a good start!
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post Feb 19 2013, 03:30 PM
Post #2890

Shooting Target

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@Virtual Scream/All
Updated OOC summary.

Aria/Gossamer - 2 boxes of icon damage. Safely in Argent's link. GM to post.

Mister J/Cipher - Slumped in a heap at reception of Ares Seattle General Hospital. Currently on 6S, 3 boxes of which are suppressed by aspirin (effectively 3S). GM to post.

Slacker/Dubstep, Phlapjack77/Dante, kahrig/Cat - Slacker and Phlapjack have hijacked Jenny Ho to keep the scene moving. Good job guys. Waiting for Cat to arrive. kahrig to post.

ChromeZephyr/Alex Bianchi - Chasing the goons who attacked Harvey. GM to post.

Uller - Lurking outside Slicer's possible hiding place. Sent a message to see if Big Peat is still with us. MIA.

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post Feb 19 2013, 07:07 PM
Post #2891

Moving Target

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Bunch of rolls for Scrapheap
Initiative: Initiative 8 = [4,6,6,3,6,1,6,4]. 4 hits, Initiative 12, 1 IP.

Perception: Intuition 4 + Perception + Visual Enhancement 3 = [6,4,1,3,2,2,3,3,4,1,2], [2,5,3,3,6,1,4,5,2,2,5], [5,4,5,3,2,3,6,5,3,4,5]. 1 hit, 4 hits, 5 hits. Wasn't sure how many you wanted, so I figured 3 was a good number.

Puyallup Gangs Knowledge check: Intuition 4 + Puyallup Gangs 4 = [4,2,5,4,4,5,1,4]. 2 hits.

Shooting Remington 990 at <target>: Agility 4 + Shotguns 3 = [5,4,6,4,5,3,2]. 3 hits. 7 damage, -1AP before net hits.

Dodge against return fire: Reaction 4 + Good Cover 4 = [4,6,6,5,1,3,4,2]. 3 hits.

Damage resistance: Body 5 + Armored longcoat 6 + Toughness = [5,2,1,2,4,2,5,2,5,2,3,2]. 3 hits.

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Mister Juan
post Feb 19 2013, 10:45 PM
Post #2892

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Hopefully, this goes here. The spoilers are just to prevent the post from being ridiculously long (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile.gif)

CoP character submission

Mieke Van Der Veen
Human Female, mid 20s
Blind Jazz Pianist and Signer
Board Member of Regulus Joint Industries

[ Spoiler ]

Sphere of Influence
[ Spoiler ]

[ Spoiler ]

Level 6 or 5 Contacts
[ Spoiler ]

[ Spoiler ]

[ Spoiler ]

Gear / Ware / Spells Etc: 
[ Spoiler ]

[ Spoiler ]
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post Feb 19 2013, 11:09 PM
Post #2893

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Circles of Power:

[ Spoiler ]

Entourage and Contacts:
[ Spoiler ]

[More to come...]
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post Feb 20 2013, 05:20 AM
Post #2894

Moving Target

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Ok, here are LeFey's rolls.

Perception: http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/3934664/

3 hits

Ballistic Armor: http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/3934665/

3 hits

Pistols: http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/3934666/

2 hits, 6S(e), -half AP

Reaction (with Good Cover): http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/3934674/

1 hit

Initiative: http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/3934673/

2 hits, for a total of 8.
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Machine Ghost
post Feb 20 2013, 09:13 AM
Post #2895

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Encounter with Spined Drakes gang: Bunch of rolls for Sprogget.

With tacnet currently up, many of the already posted rolls should get a couple of extra dice for the pool.  With tacsoft rating 2, 5 team members, the bonus maxes at 2 dice.
UW126 lists a bunch of tests where the bonus applies, including close combat, dodge, firearms, infiltration, maneuvering, perception.

Physical Initiative: Rea(4) + Int(4) (8d6.hits(5)+8=[5,1,3,6,3,1,1,6,8]=4) "+8" did not work the way I expect, so really 1 IP 3+8=11
(with Snuff bonus: Is that still active?  Right at the limit for the effective time.
currently rigging the DR in full VR so
Matrix Initiative: Response(5) + Int(4) (9d6.hits(5)=[3,5,2,5,2,1,5,1,6]=4) 3 IP 4+9=13

Main bunch of rolls
[ Spoiler ]

Full VR, 3 IP, only 1 needed to control the monocycle.  Use others to hunt for more targets, until have more information.  'Normal' perception on the sensors, plus specific for the radio signal scanner to spot wireless sources associated with people, weapons, other 'mobile' equipment.  All except the commlinks very short range (3 or 40 meters typical, SR4A222).  Hidden commlinks still detectable as a signal source, although can not hack them until located as a matrix node.
Locate enemy wireless sources; Radio Signal Scanner(6): Data Search(2)+Sniffer(6)+Analytical Mind(2)+VR(2) (12d6.hits(5)=5)
12d6.hits(5) → [2,5,2,5,1,1,5,3,3,5,3,5] = (5)
If getting anything, can do some more rolls [descending pool?]

If get clear targets, Sprogget will try some ramming SR4A169, probably hitting in the 21-60 meters/turn range, though could get higher if get into open area. Monocycle is the size (width at least) of a motorcycle, so should be possible to take it through a doorway. Or ram a door to open it for others.

Not seeing or hearing much for the first perception, but just look at that second visual perception!!

Edit: Added spoiler tags around major bunch of rolls
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post Feb 20 2013, 11:37 AM
Post #2896

Shooting Target

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@Virtual Scream/All
IC posts up.

Aria/Gossamer - 2 boxes of icon damage. Safely in Argent's link. Aria, I'd like to move Gossamer along to at least a point where there is more information about the scream online. Also, just how much would ingame Aria want to get her hands on a possible emergent AI. I'm thinking 'a lot'. And can you refresh my memory about Argent's capabilities (I think that despite some tech, she is also a mage)? Aria to post.

Mister J/Cipher - Bagged, tagged and brainscanned. Currently on minus lots of dice due to cocktail of drugs being pumped into him. Mister J to post.

ChromeZephyr/Alex Bianchi - Just arrived at goon central. ChromeZephyr to post.

Slacker/Dubstep, Phlapjack77/Dante, kahrig/Cat - Slacker and Phlapjack have hijacked Jenny Ho to keep the scene moving. Good job guys. Waiting for Cat to arrive. kahrig to post.

MachineGhost/Sprogget - Hunter sprite out hunting. GM to post

Uller - Lurking outside Slicer's possible hiding place. Sent a message to see if Big Peat is still with us. MIA.
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post Feb 20 2013, 01:09 PM
Post #2897

Moving Target

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@Virtual Scream / NSEDM
Post up for Cat's meeting with Darkhorse. I progressed it a little into his house as I presumed that's where she would end up and want to catch up with the others in the noodle brothel, hope you don't mind.
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Dakka Fiend
post Feb 20 2013, 06:16 PM
Post #2898

Moving Target

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Aria, E:Tribes

[ Spoiler ]

[ Spoiler ]

Hey, with a bit of luck, I'll get four more posts in before Spring gets killinated and I've got the Karma for him to spontaneously develop Mystic Armor. (IMG:style_emoticons/default/wink.gif)
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post Feb 20 2013, 09:02 PM
Post #2899


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QUOTE (Notsoevildm @ Feb 20 2013, 05:37 AM) *
Slacker/Dubstep, Phlapjack77/Dante, kahrig/Cat - Slacker and Phlapjack have hijacked Jenny Ho to keep the scene moving. Good job guys.

Glad to see you approve. (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile.gif)
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post Feb 21 2013, 01:32 PM
Post #2900


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JxJxA and Mister Juan, I've linked your character sheets to post 2. Feel free to post an intro post for your characters around August '72. If you want to be at the NeoNet party that's great, if not let me know what you are up to and I'll weave you in to the plot (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile.gif)

EDIT: Although I have posts for everyone else to write first so I'll get you going as soon as I can, promise!
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