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post Mar 13 2013, 08:02 PM
Post #3001


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QUOTE (RdMarquis @ Mar 13 2013, 03:22 PM) *
Fair enough. In any case, she got a good 5 hits on that last shot (I think that's a critical success). Feel free to take some off to reflect the distance. Alternately, she could pick a new target. As magnification can't be used here, she'll reload instead.

I haven't checked the numbers yet but I suspect that Sprogget will have run over the mage before you get a shot off (in 3.3 i think) so you'll not need to worry much about range, just what the angry orc will be doing to you two (IMG:style_emoticons/default/ork.gif)
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post Mar 14 2013, 05:19 AM
Post #3002

Neophyte Runner

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@ Aria: Eeeexcellent, into the fire we go! By the way, is it ok if we spend some karma? I've been wanting to buy an extra point of Edge and maybe put 1 more point into thrown weapons for grenades. One day, I've got to put some more into Willpower and Charisma in order to blossom into the slick mofo he should be. (IMG:style_emoticons/default/biggrin.gif)
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post Mar 14 2013, 07:21 PM
Post #3003

Moving Target

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@NSEDM: Intuition 4 + Police Procedures 4 = 4 hits. Would Lone Star use a boot or a battering ram to open that door if they were breaching it (assuming no hacker on overwatch)?
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post Mar 14 2013, 09:02 PM
Post #3004

Shooting Target

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QUOTE (ChromeZephyr @ Mar 14 2013, 08:21 PM) *
@NSEDM: Intuition 4 + Police Procedures 4 = 4 hits. Would Lone Star use a boot or a battering ram to open that door if they were breaching it (assuming no hacker on overwatch)?

Battering ram or lockbuster shotgun shell. Assuming no decker to just open it up. Harvey has mentioned before that he is primarily a mechanic/rigger and that his decking skills are poor.
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post Mar 14 2013, 09:37 PM
Post #3005

Shooting Target

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Attack of Will on watcher when/if it gets close enough:

Banishing 2 + Will 5 = 7d6.hits(5)=3, base damage 4P.

RE: karma spend, I'd really like Copperhead to specialize in banishing insect spirits - if that's allowed.
I also need to update her online character sheet but will need to find the chummer file I have been working from first!

Also, she is activating counterspelling on herself (think it is only one extra dice, but better than nothing).
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post Mar 14 2013, 09:37 PM
Post #3006

Shooting Target

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post Mar 15 2013, 11:38 AM
Post #3007

Shooting Target

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@Virtual Scream/Noodle house

Reaction and Initiative rolls please! Unless you are planning to just hand over all your toys!
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post Mar 15 2013, 01:01 PM
Post #3008


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QUOTE (JxJxA @ Mar 14 2013, 05:19 AM) *
@ Aria: Eeeexcellent, into the fire we go! By the way, is it ok if we spend some karma? I've been wanting to buy an extra point of Edge and maybe put 1 more point into thrown weapons for grenades. One day, I've got to put some more into Willpower and Charisma in order to blossom into the slick mofo he should be. (IMG:style_emoticons/default/biggrin.gif)
Spend away! You could have done it mid game but as it is you’ve had 6 weeks of very boring down time for sorting things out!
QUOTE (Notsoevildm @ Mar 14 2013, 09:37 PM) *
Attack of Will on watcher when/if it gets close enough:

Banishing 2 + Will 5 = 7d6.hits(5)=3, base damage 4P.

RE: karma spend, I'd really like Copperhead to specialize in banishing insect spirits - if that's allowed.
I also need to update her online character sheet but will need to find the chummer file I have been working from first!

Also, she is activating counterspelling on herself (think it is only one extra dice, but better than nothing).
I don’t see why banishing insect spirits shouldn’t be allowed, particularly as you’ll mostly be using it for attacks of will at a guess! Note: Spiders aren’t insect spirits, you just need to be one twisted fragger to follow Spider!

@E:PL / All
Now seems like a good time to compile a new load of rolls from you all for various things, initiative, attacks, perceptions, defense and damage soak and other such...if they can be in the format established for E:Tribes that would be great! I'll then make up a new combat order and go from there. Some of you might want to catch Copperhead up before she gets herself killed (IMG:style_emoticons/default/biggrin.gif) ...you did want to rush into a feral ghoul attack didn't you? (IMG:style_emoticons/default/ork.gif)

EDIT: I've updated the Chi Town map with your locations <<Map>>
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post Mar 15 2013, 01:09 PM
Post #3009

Moving Target

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QUOTE (Notsoevildm @ Mar 15 2013, 12:38 PM) *
@Virtual Scream/Noodle house

Reaction and Initiative rolls please! Unless you are planning to just hand over all your toys!

She's planning to hand over all her toys, but just in case:
Reaction role to gangers entering restaurant. (3d6.hits(5) -> [5,6,2] = 2)
Initiative role for gangers entering restaurant. (7d6.hits(5) -> [5,6,4,1,1,4,2] = 2)
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post Mar 15 2013, 01:35 PM
Post #3010


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Pre-genned Rolls
[ Spoiler ]

Tweak Ini 16 (3IPs) Sprogget: Ini 11 (1IPs)/13 (3IPs) Scrapheap: Ini 12 (1IPs) Spring Ini 9 (1IPs) LeFey: Ini 8 (1IPs)

Combat order:

Pre combat: Sprogget goes past the Americar, Tweak crashes into it and Spring drives after, incoming fire from side building

1.1 Attacker 1 and 3 fire at the van, 2 goes towards the girl in the car, Sprogget swings the mono around, Spring closes on the van…Tweak’s drive action to swing around and protect Spring
1.2 Sprogget scans the area
1.3 Sprogget’s manoeuvring to begin attack run on attacker 3

2.1 Sprogget tries to run down attacker 3, LeFey fires at attacker 3 as they are inbound, Scrapheap shoots attacker 2, attacker 1 fires at the mono bike, no effect
2.2 Sprogget turns off stealth
2.3 Sprogget hacks a slaved surveillance node, Tweak races lumbers towards the new attackers

3.1 Sprogget bounced to central slave node, Accolon goes too, trace IC activated, LeFey fires twice at attacker 1, may or may not have hit. Tweak lines up on the Harley?!? Rust bucket Americar deploys a roof mounted AK, presumably someone will pop up behind it next rnd, pillion rider fires at van
3.2 Clash of the titans with van & Harley. Tweak resists biofeedback
3.3 Sprogget changes targets to ram Harley – not precisely sure on speeds but assumed Bod damage to Harley and half that to monobike, no damage to either

4.1 LeFey shoots at Harley mage, Scrapheap shoots at roof gunner, rest of you…? Mage hits the mono bike and does 6 damage! No feedback damage to Sprogget, pillion rider on LHS shoots (and misses) Spring

Qu: shouldn’t Sprogget be on minuses for sustaining the tacnet?

I'm trying not to dictate your actions too much but please shout if you disagree with this bit of the combat so far!
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post Mar 15 2013, 03:21 PM
Post #3011


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QUOTE (Notsoevildm @ Mar 15 2013, 06:38 AM) *
@Virtual Scream/Noodle house

Reaction and Initiative rolls please! Unless you are planning to just hand over all your toys!

Dubstep will most definitely not be handing over his toys. Do you have any clue how much he has invested in his commlink?

First, would his Agent be able to handle the copying of that text document onto his commlink as well as transferring the virtual scream pieces off the other's commlinks? If she can at least copy the document of the Nexus and onto his commlink, he'll give her a command to do so. Hopefully she can handle it all. But I'll leave that up to you.

Reaction Test: 3d6.hits(5) → [6,2,5] = (2)
Matrix Initiative: 13d6.hits(5) → [6,2,5,6,1,2,6,6,4,6,1,3,2] = (6) = Initiative 19

I assume I'll be using Matrix Initiative since I'm logged in, but just in case you need a standard initiative roll: 5d6.hits(5) → [4,3,3,6,4] = (1)

Oh and can my agent running the TacSoft at least identify the gangers' commlinks for me?
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post Mar 15 2013, 05:06 PM
Post #3012

Moving Target

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Aria: Shouldn't Scrapheap have a second shot in 4.1? The 990 is an SA weapon, not SS.
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post Mar 15 2013, 05:08 PM
Post #3013


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QUOTE (ChromeZephyr @ Mar 15 2013, 05:06 PM) *
Aria: Shouldn't Scrapheap have a second shot in 4.1? The 990 is an SA weapon, not SS.

Noted...do you want to pick a target for 4.1 and 4.2? You can shoot the car if you want (it's armoured!) or swing round and shoot either of the crotch rockets...???? Range might be an issue for the one to the east but the west one is close and shooting at Spring...
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post Mar 15 2013, 05:10 PM
Post #3014

Moving Target

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Hrmm. How quickly is that car approaching me? Also, what is Attacker 1 doing? Maybe he overlooked me on the first shot, but with no van to hide behind and the fact that I just took someone's head off with my boomstick I doubt he'll continue to do so. I'll make my shot choices with that data.
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post Mar 15 2013, 05:13 PM
Post #3015


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QUOTE (Notsoevildm @ Mar 8 2013, 03:18 PM) *
Aria/Gossamer - 2 boxes of icon damage. Safely in Argent's link. Slater has just rebooted her chassis and given her the bad news. Aria to post. Note that it will take several hours to find anything on the matrix mainly because there is nothing but panic and guesswork initially. Only by early evening (around 7 PM), does the first useful information start to show up. You can make a Computer + Data Search roll to see what you find.

Ok, that is bad news! No way she’s going back in there yet! That means she needs to find a new body, at least temporarily! Because a girl has standards she’s not just going to jump into a manservant and start calling it home, something more refined is in order. I could probably add some karma and nuyen rewards to Gossamer and buy something but I’d rather do something more fitting, just not sure on the rules…I thought we could conjour something on a variation to the spoof lifestyle rules (Hacking+Spoof)1 day test threshold 12 for ‘middle’ lifestyle to do something like hack the accounts of a drone seller and get them to deliver a humanoid drone to an appropriate address where Gossamer could assume command and ‘walk’ it back to Argent’s. In case you go for that (and maybe an adjusted time interval?) here’s some rolls:

Hacking 6 +Spoof 5
11d6.hits(5) → [1,3,5,2,6,1,1,3,2,2,2] = (2)
11d6.hits(5) → [4,1,5,1,1,5,2,3,4,2,1] = (2)
11d6.hits(5) → [3,2,4,5,2,4,1,4,4,5,5] = (3)
11d6.hits(5) → [5,5,2,5,3,2,6,2,5,1,6] = (6)
11d6.hits(5) → [1,1,4,6,5,1,2,4,2,3,6] = (3)
11d6.hits(5) → [1,1,6,5,3,5,6,6,5,4,5] = (7)
11d6.hits(5) → [5,2,5,2,5,3,3,2,4,5,6] = (5)
11d6.hits(5) → [3,3,1,1,2,1,1,3,1,3,4] = (0)
11d6.hits(5) → [2,6,1,1,1,5,5,1,6,6,3] = (5)
11d6.hits(5) → [3,1,1,5,4,1,2,4,1,2,5] = (2)

Computer 3 +Data Search 3
6d6.hits(5) → [6,6,6,6,6,1] = (5)
6d6.hits(5) → [2,3,3,2,4,2] = (0)
6d6.hits(5) → [4,1,5,5,5,5] = (4)
6d6.hits(5) → [3,6,3,1,2,6] = (2)
6d6.hits(5) → [2,6,2,6,1,3] = (2)

Note: I’ll go for something like an Emerging Futures Living Doll, stats as a Manservant but with mimic 1. Will have to upgrade it with response chips and so on later, Slater might be able to help make it feel more ‘homely’ (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile.gif)

IC probably after the weekend…
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post Mar 15 2013, 05:31 PM
Post #3016


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Quick aside, I've just picked up a pdf copy of Stormfront and I will be eagerly devouring it over the next few weeks. Would anyone here be interested in a sub campaign of 2072 (same characters but in a separate IC thread) that projected you into the future to that timeline? 2074 ish I think but I'd have to read more to tell...

My intention would be to eventually set up a 2072 type thread using SR5 rules (or converted SR4 rules where the core books etc are missing to begin with...) and this might be the starting point for that.

It won't be for a little while but I will take more careful notes if I think I might end up GMing some of this stuff in the nearish future.
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Machine Ghost
post Mar 15 2013, 06:06 PM
Post #3017

Moving Target

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QUOTE (Aria @ Mar 15 2013, 06:35 AM) *

... snip ...

4.1 LeFey shoots at Harley mage, Scrapheap shoots at roof gunner, rest of you…? Mage hits the mono bike and does 6 damage! No feedback damage to Sprogget, pillion rider on LHS shoots (and misses) Spring

... snip ...

Qu: shouldn’t Sprogget be on minuses for sustaining the tacnet?
No minuses. Tacnet is a learned (permanent) complex form, so no need to sustain. It is an always on item, unless explicitly turned off, like Sprogget did for the stealth CF. Only get minuses when sustaining threaded. Which is why the exploit CF was dropped as soon as got in. Would be minus if using threading to improve the tacnet CF beyond the learned rating. Threading is very flexible but, like mage sustained spells, needs to be managed carefully.

That Harley got turned around awful fast! We should have been headed opposite directions, with some speed.
Does that mean I can try ramming him again in 4.1? I was expecting to have to maneuver to get lined up on anything (using the time for more matrix actions).
But if he is right behind me, either jamming on the brakes, or swerve, brake, swerve should do the trick.

Accel figures include decel, and those numbers are the change in speed. Sprogget picked up a little on the reversal, because he was using walking rate for better targeting of the shooter (2.1), but went to running rate to get turned and headed back toward the action (2.2 through 3.2), the drops to walking again for the ram in 3.3.

For speed, here is my about RAW view
Accel: 15/25 ==> 12/20 ==> 27/35 (with purchased vehicle test hits, per turn not IP, which makes it 9/12, 9/12, 9/11 per IP)
0.3 S @ 30
1.3 N @ 5
2.1 Ram N @ 14 (I think this was assumed higher {over 30})
3.1 S @ 21
3.2 S @ 33
3.3 Ram S @ 44
4.1 ? S @ between 32 and 66 depending on slow or speed up

Base accel: 15/30, reduced to 12/24 if it is armored, increased by 5 per hit on driver vehicle test
3.2 N @ 30?
3.3 N @ ?
4.1 S??? @ over 32 ?? including getting caught up to the monocycle?

Is that just GM 'fuzz', or should Sprogget be extremely surprised to have that Harley on his tail that fast?
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post Mar 15 2013, 06:54 PM
Post #3018

Neophyte Runner

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Is it possible to get a chameleon coated/ruthenium polymer coated smartpack?
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post Mar 16 2013, 03:13 AM
Post #3019

Moving Target

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QUOTE (Aria @ Mar 15 2013, 09:31 AM) *
Quick aside, I've just picked up a pdf copy of Stormfront and I will be eagerly devouring it over the next few weeks. Would anyone here be interested in a sub campaign of 2072 (same characters but in a separate IC thread) that projected you into the future to that timeline? 2074 ish I think but I'd have to read more to tell...

My intention would be to eventually set up a 2072 type thread using SR5 rules (or converted SR4 rules where the core books etc are missing to begin with...) and this might be the starting point for that.

It won't be for a little while but I will take more careful notes if I think I might end up GMing some of this stuff in the nearish future.

Love to. It'll be fun to see what happens after the dust clears. I might even GM a plotline or two, time permitting.

QUOTE (JxJxA @ Mar 15 2013, 10:54 AM) *
Is it possible to get a chameleon coated/ruthenium polymer coated smartpack?

I have the same question about contact lenses with Thermographic Vision and Flare Compensation.
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Machine Ghost
post Mar 16 2013, 03:55 AM
Post #3020

Moving Target

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QUOTE (Aria @ Mar 15 2013, 10:13 AM) *
Ok, that is bad news! No way she’s going back in there yet! That means she needs to find a new body, at least temporarily! Because a girl has standards she’s not just going to jump into a manservant and start calling it home, something more refined is in order. I could probably add some karma and nuyen rewards to Gossamer and buy something but I’d rather do something more fitting, just not sure on the rules…I thought we could conjour something on a variation to the spoof lifestyle rules (Hacking+Spoof)1 day test threshold 12 for ‘middle’ lifestyle to do something like hack the accounts of a drone seller and get them to deliver a humanoid drone to an appropriate address where Gossamer could assume command and ‘walk’ it back to Argent’s. In case you go for that (and maybe an adjusted time interval?) here’s some rolls:

Hacking 6 +Spoof 5
11d6.hits(5) → [1,3,5,2,6,1,1,3,2,2,2] = (2)
.. snip ..

Note: I’ll go for something like an Emerging Futures Living Doll, stats as a Manservant but with mimic 1. Will have to upgrade it with response chips and so on later, Slater might be able to help make it feel more ‘homely’ (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile.gif)

IC probably after the weekend…
Dumpshock and PBP adjust things, but full RAW spoof tests are 1 day intervals.
A hacker can improve her lifestyle to a given level for one month by making a Hacking + Spoof Extended Test. See the Spoofing Life table, p. 99, for threshold; the interval is 1 day.
Or using advanced lifestyles
the interval to spoof any category of the Advanced Lifestyle rules is six hours.
Probably necessities here?

With RAW, it would seem easier to do a one time hack and steal what you want with the same effect. Get it delivered, and walk off. Just make sure to clean up the evidence, so the body does not get repossessed <grin>
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post Mar 16 2013, 04:42 AM
Post #3021


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QUOTE (Notsoevildm @ Mar 15 2013, 07:38 PM) *
@Virtual Scream/Noodle house

Reaction and Initiative rolls please! Unless you are planning to just hand over all your toys!

Reaction: Rea(6) = 3 hits
Init: Init(9) = 2 hits

His wired reflexes aren't on yet, so when he gets a chance to turn them on he'll have 1 more die to both tests...

Also can Dante make a roll to know the relationship that exists between the Jasons and the Red Lotus? Like, if Dante were to "use excessive force" in this situation, how would that affect Red Lotus?

Gangs: Skill(3) + Int(3) = 4 hits
Seems Dante knows a good deal about a great many things (IMG:style_emoticons/default/biggrin.gif)
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post Mar 16 2013, 01:54 PM
Post #3022


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QUOTE (ChromeZephyr @ Mar 15 2013, 05:10 PM) *
Hrmm. How quickly is that car approaching me? Also, what is Attacker 1 doing? Maybe he overlooked me on the first shot, but with no van to hide behind and the fact that I just took someone's head off with my boomstick I doubt he'll continue to do so. I'll make my shot choices with that data.

Attacker 1 hasn't resurfaced. The car is moving fairly slowly - it's seriously weighed down by the sheet metal welded over the windows, and the crap maintenance regime of course!
QUOTE (Machine Ghost @ Mar 15 2013, 06:06 PM) *
No minuses. Tacnet is a learned (permanent) complex form, so no need to sustain. It is an always on item, unless explicitly turned off, like Sprogget did for the the stealth CF. Only get minuses when sustaining threaded. Which is why the exploit CF was dropped as soon as got in. Would be minus if using threading to improve the tacnet CF beyond the learned rating. Threading is very flexible but, like mage sustained spells, needs to be managed carefully.
Ok (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile.gif)
QUOTE (Machine Ghost @ Mar 15 2013, 06:06 PM) *
That Harley got turned around awful fast! We should have been headed opposite directions, with some speed.
Does that mean I can try ramming him again in 4.1? I was expecting to have to maneuver to get lined up on anything (using the time for more matrix actions).
But if he is right behind me, either jamming on the brakes, or swerve, brake, swerve should do the trick.

Accel figures include decel, and those numbers are the change in speed. Sprogget picked up a little on the reversal, because he was using walking rate for better targeting of the shooter (2.1), but went to running rate to get turned and headed back toward the action (2.2 through 3.2), the drops to walking again for the ram in 3.3.

For speed, here is my about RAW view
Accel: 15/25 ==> 12/20 ==> 27/35 (with purchased vehicle test hits, per turn not IP, which makes it 9/12, 9/12, 9/11 per IP)
0.3 S @ 30
1.3 N @ 5
2.1 Ram N @ 14 (I think this was assumed higher {over 30})
3.1 S @ 21
3.2 S @ 33
3.3 Ram S @ 44
4.1 ? S @ between 32 and 66 depending on slow or speed up

Base accel: 15/30, reduced to 12/24 if it is armored, increased by 5 per hit on driver vehicle test
3.2 N @ 30?
3.3 N @ ?
4.1 S??? @ over 32 ?? including getting caught up to the monocycle?

Is that just GM 'fuzz', or should Sprogget be extremely surprised to have that Harley on his tail that fast?
I guess things are a little different in my mind...I was thinking that you were cutting across the carriage way so sort of perpendicular to his travel, he swerved as you hit him and more or less swung his bike alongside yours (lots of combat sense justifies making you the main threat, at least that's how I see it). As to speeds, I'm not sure that it's realistic to be going much more than 30m/turn here due to the restrictions of the road...I know by RAW you can do all sorts of crazy sh*t but all that weaving is going to slow you down...not even the mono bike can corner 90 degrees at speed!

I'm happy to amend my post if you seriously disagree...but then it will be Spring's scooter getting slammed and I'm sure that will be much nastier in the grand scheme of things (IMG:style_emoticons/default/ork.gif)
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post Mar 16 2013, 01:56 PM
Post #3023


Group: Dumpshocked
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QUOTE (JxJxA @ Mar 15 2013, 06:54 PM) *
Is it possible to get a chameleon coated/ruthenium polymer coated smartpack?

Yes, no problem...not sure there's a price to cover the polymer so 1000 nuyen ought to cover the upgrade...or whatever RAW says if you can find it!

QUOTE (RdMarquis @ Mar 16 2013, 03:13 AM) *
I have the same question about contact lenses with Thermographic Vision and Flare Compensation.

Again, no problem at all, they'll even throw an image link on them for free! (IMG:style_emoticons/default/biggrin.gif)
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post Mar 16 2013, 01:57 PM
Post #3024


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QUOTE (Machine Ghost @ Mar 16 2013, 03:55 AM) *
With RAW, it would seem easier to do a one time hack and steal what you want with the same effect. Get it delivered, and walk off. Just make sure to clean up the evidence, so the body does not get repossessed <grin>

You are probably right...I'll have to dream up some rolls for the beginning of the week!
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post Mar 16 2013, 04:05 PM
Post #3025

Shooting Target

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QUOTE (Slacker @ Mar 15 2013, 04:21 PM) *
Dubstep will most definitely not be handing over his toys. Do you have any clue how much he has invested in his commlink?

First, would his Agent be able to handle the copying of that text document onto his commlink as well as transferring the virtual scream pieces off the other's commlinks? If she can at least copy the document of the Nexus and onto his commlink, he'll give her a command to do so. Hopefully she can handle it all. But I'll leave that up to you.

Reaction Test: 3d6.hits(5) → [6,2,5] = (2)
Matrix Initiative: 13d6.hits(5) → [6,2,5,6,1,2,6,6,4,6,1,3,2] = (6) = Initiative 19

I assume I'll be using Matrix Initiative since I'm logged in, but just in case you need a standard initiative roll: 5d6.hits(5) → [4,3,3,6,4] = (1)

Oh and can my agent running the TacSoft at least identify the gangers' commlinks for me?

His agent can download the text document as a complex action. She can even move the virtual scream files from the links but only one at a time and only one per full combat turn.

Detecting the ganger's links requires a detect hidden node test (EW+scan, agent can do this if it has scan running). Either a complex action per node with a target number of (4+stealth) or an extended test (combat turn, 15+stealth) to get them all.

Strictly speaking, Cindy's warning comes in the surprise round, but with 19 matrix initiative Dubstep will get to go first in combat round 1, phase 1. Need to check on rules for dropping out of VR, but assume he loses any additional actions this turn.
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