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post Mar 16 2013, 04:19 PM
Post #3026

Shooting Target

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QUOTE (Aria @ Mar 15 2013, 06:13 PM) *
Ok, that is bad news! No way she’s going back in there yet! That means she needs to find a new body, at least temporarily! Because a girl has standards she’s not just going to jump into a manservant and start calling it home, something more refined is in order. I could probably add some karma and nuyen rewards to Gossamer and buy something but I’d rather do something more fitting, just not sure on the rules…I thought we could conjour something on a variation to the spoof lifestyle rules (Hacking+Spoof)1 day test threshold 12 for ‘middle’ lifestyle to do something like hack the accounts of a drone seller and get them to deliver a humanoid drone to an appropriate address where Gossamer could assume command and ‘walk’ it back to Argent’s.


Note: I’ll go for something like an Emerging Futures Living Doll, stats as a Manservant but with mimic 1. Will have to upgrade it with response chips and so on later, Slater might be able to help make it feel more ‘homely’ (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile.gif)

IC probably after the weekend…
Given the confusion caused by the virtual scream and no glitches, you can take receipt of one Living Doll drone, delivered within a couple of hours to an address of your choosing. Slater or Cutter can even go pick it up from said address in their nondescript, slighty grubby, white panel van to avoid Gossamer having to walk it home.
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post Mar 16 2013, 04:26 PM
Post #3027

Shooting Target

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QUOTE (phlapjack77 @ Mar 16 2013, 05:42 AM) *
Reaction: Rea(6) = 3 hits
Init: Init(9) = 2 hits

His wired reflexes aren't on yet, so when he gets a chance to turn them on he'll have 1 more die to both tests...

Also can Dante make a roll to know the relationship that exists between the Jasons and the Red Lotus? Like, if Dante were to "use excessive force" in this situation, how would that affect Red Lotus?

Gangs: Skill(3) + Int(3) = 4 hits
Seems Dante knows a good deal about a great many things (IMG:style_emoticons/default/biggrin.gif)
Jasons and Red Lotus are not friends. Dante would likely earn a lot of credit/respect with the Red Lotus if he was to use excessive force on these racist scumbags who should know better than cross into Red Lotus territory.

Dante can use the surprise round to activate his wired reflexes (and can even reroll initiative with the extra die and action phase for the first combat round).
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post Mar 16 2013, 05:03 PM
Post #3028


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QUOTE (Notsoevildm @ Mar 17 2013, 12:26 AM) *
Jasons and Red Lotus are not friends. Dante would likely earn a lot of credit/respect with the Red Lotus if he was to use excessive force on these racist scumbags who should know better than cross into Red Lotus territory.

Dante can use the surprise round to activate his wired reflexes (and can even reroll initiative with the extra die and action phase for the first combat round).

Sounds good!

Init: Rea(7) + Int(3) = 1 hit oh well, saving the good rolls for later (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile.gif)
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post Mar 17 2013, 01:11 AM
Post #3029


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QUOTE (Notsoevildm @ Mar 16 2013, 11:05 AM) *
His agent can download the text document as a complex action. She can even move the virtual scream files from the links but only one at a time and only one per full combat turn.

Detecting the ganger's links requires a detect hidden node test (EW+scan, agent can do this if it has scan running). Either a complex action per node with a target number of (4+stealth) or an extended test (combat turn, 15+stealth) to get them all.

Strictly speaking, Cindy's warning comes in the surprise round, but with 19 matrix initiative Dubstep will get to go first in combat round 1, phase 1. Need to check on rules for dropping out of VR, but assume he loses any additional actions this turn.

Basically what i'd like to try to do is stay in VR. If the gangers have their commlinks in active or passive mode then there would be no scan test required. But really i wasn't necessarily wanting the agent to find their hidden nodes. I was wondering if the agent could pop up a virtual map with possible threats in red or something so that i can narrow down who to target for my scans. Ideally i'd lack to scan the leader/speaker of the group.

EW+Scan=10d6.hits(5) → [1,6,4,6,6,5,6,6,4,1] = (6)
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Machine Ghost
post Mar 17 2013, 05:44 AM
Post #3030

Moving Target

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@E:Tribes, Aria
QUOTE (Aria @ Mar 16 2013, 06:54 AM) *
.. snip ..
I guess things are a little different in my mind...I was thinking that you were cutting across the carriage way so sort of perpendicular to his travel, he swerved as you hit him and more or less swung his bike alongside yours (lots of combat sense justifies making you the main threat, at least that's how I see it).  As to speeds, I'm not sure that it's realistic to be going much more than 30m/turn here due to the restrictions of the road...I know by RAW you can do all sorts of crazy sh*t but all that weaving is going to slow you down...not even the mono bike can corner 90 degrees at speed!

I'm happy to amend my post if you seriously disagree...but then it will be Spring's scooter getting slammed and I'm sure that will be much nastier in the grand scheme of things (IMG:style_emoticons/default/ork.gif)
No need to send extra trouble Springs way (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile.gif)
QUOTE (Machine Ghost @ Mar 15 2013, 11:06 AM) *
.. snip ..
For speed, here is my about RAW view
Accel: 15/25 ==> 12/20 ==> 27/35 (with purchased vehicle test hits, per turn not IP, which makes it 9/12, 9/12, 9/11 per IP)
0.3 S @ 30
1.3 N @ 5
2.1 Ram N @ 14 (I think this was assumed higher {over 30})
3.1 S @ 21
3.2 S @ 33
3.3 Ram S @ 44
4.1 ? S @ between 32 and 66 depending on slow or speed up

Base accel: 15/30, reduced to 12/24 if it is armored, increased by 5 per hit on driver vehicle test
3.2 N @ 30?
3.3 N @ ?
4.1 S??? @ over 32 ?? including getting caught up to the monocycle?

Is that just GM 'fuzz', or should Sprogget be extremely surprised to have that Harley on his tail that fast?
Basically 'widen' the road, and treat it as a 2D parking lot, instead of as a 1D 'lane'.  Works.  The accel / speed is on the order of 2 - 5 lanes of traffic per IP.

Then 2.1 Ram North, is on the West edge of the road, where Attacker 2 ran out from the building on the West side, 3.1 is the {right} turn getting started back South, now on the East side of the road, and 3.3 Ram S becomes Ram W, as Sprogget turns across from the East edge.  Which gets 4.1 Harley Ram to be Ram W as he turns the same way.

That then should mean that 4.1 (mono) does have a ram attack on Harley, and possible again in 4.2 and 4.3.  Where are the racing bikes in your view?

In 1.2 ish IC you said the sensor mesh might even have some drones in the mix.  Sprogget was going to use some free matrix actions to scan for Fre∑dom drones to use for support, to see what might be visible {signal wise} starting from the hacked node.  But I think it's time that Sprogget did some more spends, and started on his {expensive} toys collection.  The drones he started with were more focused on the backstory, and life with the Mechanicals, and as a dronomancer, he wants more drones.  Rigging the monocycle just whets the appetite.

Hows this sound to bring it in IC: Sprogget notices a drone sitting on a roof suntanning (recharging), and thinks he recognizes it from when the Mechanicals were supplying / customizing equipment for Fre∑dom.  Sprogget does have that awesome perception sitting in the pregen rolls (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile.gif) .  Having 'played' with (and drooled on) it then, he figures he might be able to take it over (and buy it from them after using, just cause he likes it so much (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile.gif) ).  Maybe he left a little private backdoor into it 'just cause'.  Something that Fre∑dom might not notice, because it was hardware based, so software scans would not notice it.  That would require physical access to install, so could not be used for regular hacking things.  This was one of the prototype platforms.  More than Fre∑dom would use for the run of the mill sensor mesh.  If it does get gremlins, maybe that is why it is out here.

Also to note: still logged in to that hacked node, if anything changes over there.  Did not want to disconnect, so the trace has time to complete. Was also planning some more {free} matrix actions, but looks like going to be busy elsewhere.

Using the outline in used tech through the tribe, I'll see about making this 'interesting', with used prices, and possible gremlins.  I have the specs for the drone, but have not worked out pricing, since I think I may need to split it some.  The drone itself seems to be all 'Mechanicals' tech, assuming Armorer skills is Mechanicals, and good enough for rating 16F light machine gun GE Vindicator Minigun {AR29}.  That the rating 6 response chip, and upgraded sensor cameras (also 16) are the highest availability items in the mix.  Nothing else is over 12R (ECCM).

For best cost, buy the drone without those 4 items at the better rate, then upgrade paying the higher rate for just those 4.  They are both addon / upgrade items to start with.  Each of those, reduce by 30% 'used' pricing (three steps, each with possible gremlin results), so the main drone is at 50%, and the extras at 70% of list price.

The drone (autosoft and program) software is borderline Mechanicals, but better fits with Fre∑dom.  Paying the (hacked) list price - 10% for that, as 'friends' of Fre∑dom (availability up to 12R for ECCM).

Full price {just the member discount} for the ammo.  Don't want to play with used ammo (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile.gif)

Sound good?

Drone specs
[ Spoiler ]
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post Mar 17 2013, 07:22 PM
Post #3031

Shooting Target

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QUOTE (Slacker @ Mar 17 2013, 02:11 AM) *
Basically what i'd like to try to do is stay in VR. If the gangers have their commlinks in active or passive mode then there would be no scan test required. But really i wasn't necessarily wanting the agent to find their hidden nodes. I was wondering if the agent could pop up a virtual map with possible threats in red or something so that i can narrow down who to target for my scans. Ideally i'd lack to scan the leader/speaker of the group.

EW+Scan=10d6.hits(5) → [1,6,4,6,6,5,6,6,4,1] = (6)
The gangers links are hidden, but that's good enough to find the leader's link.

I'll have a look at what the tacsoft can do but some fancy audio processing by his headphones could give a rough position of the three gangers as hostiles, the positions of Dante and Cat as friendlies, the waitress and other diners as neutral overlaid on the restaurant's floorplan.

Is the agent scanning for the hidden node or is Dubstep doing that himself? In either case, you can post up what Dubstep and the agents are doing in combat turn 1, phase 1.
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post Mar 17 2013, 07:32 PM
Post #3032

Shooting Target

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@Virtual scream/Mister J
Okay going to need some rolls from you for Cipher:

Data Search + Browse to search through the Virtual Scream data for a logo or corp name. Either a single roll and I'll go with success level or you can do a reducing roll and give me the total hits.

Some of the data is encrpyted so if he also wants to dig through that I will need a Computer + Decrypt roll.

And finally, either a Computer + Analyze or Logic + relevant Computer knowledge skill roll will possibly deliver some insight on the source of the virtual scream data.
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Machine Ghost
post Mar 18 2013, 12:11 AM
Post #3033

Moving Target

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QUOTE (Notsoevildm @ Mar 17 2013, 12:22 PM) *
The gangers links are hidden, but that's good enough to find the leader's link.

I'll have a look at what the tacsoft can do but some fancy audio processing by his headphones could give a rough position of the three gangers as hostiles, the positions of Dante and Cat as friendlies, the waitress and other diners as neutral overlaid on the restaurant's floorplan.

Is the agent scanning for the hidden node or is Dubstep doing that himself? In either case, you can post up what Dubstep and the agents are doing in combat turn 1, phase 1.
I'm sort of in scream, so I'll kibitz a bit here. In RAW, tacsoft could effectively provide overlays from the sensors of all of the members of the tacnet. To get any bonuses, you need at least 3 members already in the tacnet, and membership has requirements for enough 'sensor channels' to qualify. UW125

For what the intent is, tacsoft should not be needed. From VR, all of the PAN is directly available. If your commlink is 'in the open', it's camera feed can be put up as a window in VR. For IC, have a look at what is included in your PAN. Any image feeds / enhancements from glasses, contacts, etc are all available, as well as the mentioned audio sources. If the audio includes spatial recognition, then the 'speaker' is fairly easy. The commlinks being cleaned are other info sources. They should have audio and video feeds, that can be accessed with a ?simple? action since you are already there to move the virus file.
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post Mar 18 2013, 01:21 AM
Post #3034

Neophyte Runner

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Just to document the little bit (okay, a lot) of karma spending I've done on Gemeaux:

Willpower 3 => 4
Edge 3 => 4
First Aid 2 => 3 + Specialty (Combat Wounds)
Throwing Weapons 1 => 3

And the cash spending:

Stim Patch R6 x4 (600)
EX-Explosive Rounds x440 (4,400) (La R-60; Le D-80; Le R-300)
Spare Clips x16 (80) (La R-2; Le D-8; Le-R-6)
Month-Middle Lifestyle x4 (20,000)
Flashbang Grenade x10 (300)
Thermal Smoke Grenade x1 (35)
White Phosphorous Grenade x3 (360)

If I can pick up a smartpack with chameleon coating/ruthenium polymer coating, I'll do that as well. It'll make infiltration a lot more fun. (IMG:style_emoticons/default/biggrin.gif)
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post Mar 18 2013, 01:40 PM
Post #3035


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QUOTE (JxJxA @ Mar 18 2013, 01:21 AM) *
Just to document the little bit (okay, a lot) of karma spending I've done on Gemeaux:

Willpower 3 => 4
Edge 3 => 4
First Aid 2 => 3 + Specialty (Combat Wounds)
Throwing Weapons 1 => 3

And the cash spending:

Stim Patch R6 x4 (600)
EX-Explosive Rounds x440 (4,400) (La R-60; Le D-80; Le R-300)
Spare Clips x16 (80) (La R-2; Le D-8; Le-R-6)
Month-Middle Lifestyle x4 (20,000)
Flashbang Grenade x10 (300)
Thermal Smoke Grenade x1 (35)
White Phosphorous Grenade x3 (360)

If I can pick up a smartpack with chameleon coating/ruthenium polymer coating, I'll do that as well. It'll make infiltration a lot more fun. (IMG:style_emoticons/default/biggrin.gif)

2072 ignores lifestyle costs so that will save you 20k...should be enough for the smart pack!
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post Mar 18 2013, 02:01 PM
Post #3036

Running Target

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QUOTE (Notsoevildm @ Mar 17 2013, 07:32 PM) *
@Virtual scream/Mister J
Okay going to need some rolls from you for Cipher:

Data Search + Browse to search through the Virtual Scream data for a logo or corp name. Either a single roll and I'll go with success level or you can do a reducing roll and give me the total hits.

Some of the data is encrpyted so if he also wants to dig through that I will need a Computer + Decrypt roll.

And finally, either a Computer + Analyze or Logic + relevant Computer knowledge skill roll will possibly deliver some insight on the source of the virtual scream data.

Ah, ok, so the images and stuff I keep seeing is actually data? I thought it was more like visions or dreams and I just had to look at them. I'll try and get the rolls done soon.
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post Mar 18 2013, 04:26 PM
Post #3037

Moving Target

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QUOTE (Aria @ Mar 16 2013, 07:54 AM) *
Attacker 1 hasn't resurfaced. The car is moving fairly slowly - it's seriously weighed down by the sheet metal welded over the windows, and the crap maintenance regime of course!

Hrmmmm. Well, then, the choice given the data is clear. With the remaining actions left for 4.1, Scrapheap will move over to his left so that the trashed Americar will absorb some of the blow if the oncoming Madmaxmobile tries to run him over. He will then turn and shoot at the crotch rocket coming towards him and Spring. A pillion rider with an SMG is too dangerous to let roll around with impunity. Besides, it's a crotch rocket. A hawg-rider just can't let that stand. (IMG:style_emoticons/default/wink.gif)

4.2 depends on what the shot at the rider in 4.1 does.
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post Mar 18 2013, 05:31 PM
Post #3038


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@Virtual Scream/NSEDM

Not exactly being a hacking guru I’ve cobbled some rolls that seem sensible, but someone please shout if I’ve missed something obvious or done something silly – Gossamer wouldn’t have!

Initial Probe for admin account 17D [Hacking+Exploit+VR+Spec+Sapper] =
17d6.hits(5) → [1,1,2,5,5,5,5,3,3,4,5,1,3,4,6,5,4] = (7)
17d6.hits(5) → [6,1,5,1,2,5,3,5,4,2,3,5,3,6,3,2,2] = (6)
17d6.hits(5) → [4,2,2,5,2,2,5,6,6,2,2,4,3,5,3,2,1] = (5)
17d6.hits(5) → [3,3,1,3,2,6,3,4,4,5,1,1,3,6,5,6,6] = (6)
17d6.hits(5) → [1,1,3,5,2,6,6,4,3,2,6,1,1,1,3,4,1] = (4)
17d6.hits(5) → [4,2,1,6,1,6,6,1,4,4,5,6,2,3,5,4,1] = (6)
17d6.hits(5) → [2,5,5,5,4,3,3,1,4,3,2,4,3,3,6,6,1] = (5)
17d6.hits(5) → [3,4,1,2,5,3,4,5,1,2,5,3,4,2,5,6,3] = (5)
17d6.hits(5) → [1,2,4,6,1,5,3,6,2,5,5,3,1,3,2,6,4] = (6)
17d6.hits(5) → [5,4,2,3,1,4,6,3,2,4,5,2,3,1,1,6,3] = (4)

Stealth rolls, edit for the delivery log, edit the access log, edit the suite booking at the Hilton and edit the access log there
6x Stealth 14D [Hacking+Stealth+VR (-6 to detect AI)] & 4x Edit 14D [Hacking+Edit+VR] =
14d6.hits(5) → [3,5,6,5,5,2,6,1,6,4,5,1,4,5] = (8)
14d6.hits(5) → [4,6,3,2,6,1,5,6,5,2,4,2,1,1] = (5)
14d6.hits(5) → [5,3,5,3,3,1,1,6,2,4,2,3,6,4] = (4)
14d6.hits(5) → [3,1,3,4,1,5,1,2,4,4,1,3,6,4] = (2)
14d6.hits(5) → [6,2,6,2,1,3,1,3,3,2,2,1,4,1] = (2)
14d6.hits(5) → [4,2,6,5,6,2,3,5,4,5,2,1,6,2] = (6)
14d6.hits(5) → [3,1,2,5,3,6,5,5,1,5,2,3,4,6] = (6)
14d6.hits(5) → [6,6,2,5,3,4,2,2,4,4,3,4,6,1] = (4)
14d6.hits(5) → [1,3,5,6,5,1,4,2,2,1,5,4,3,6] = (5)
14d6.hits(5) → [6,4,1,6,5,1,3,3,3,4,6,5,3,2] = (5)

I guess I might in theory need some decrypt rolls too (and some disarm databomb rolls if you’re feeling really mean!) but hopefully this little lot will do for now…?!?
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post Mar 18 2013, 07:39 PM
Post #3039

Shooting Target

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QUOTE (Aria @ Mar 18 2013, 06:31 PM) *
@Virtual Scream/NSEDM

Not exactly being a hacking guru I’ve cobbled some rolls that seem sensible, but someone please shout if I’ve missed something obvious or done something silly – Gossamer wouldn’t have!

Initial Probe for admin account 17D [Hacking+Exploit+VR+Spec+Sapper] =
<lots of numbers>

Stealth rolls, edit for the delivery log, edit the access log, edit the suite booking at the Hilton and edit the access log there
6x Stealth 14D [Hacking+Stealth+VR (-6 to detect AI)] & 4x Edit 14D [Hacking+Edit+VR] =
<lots more numbers>

I guess I might in theory need some decrypt rolls too (and some disarm databomb rolls if you’re feeling really mean!) but hopefully this little lot will do for now…?!?
If you were hacking Renraku, I might give you a harder time but with her built in matrix sneakiness, Gossamer easily fools the system into the delivery (would actually be computer + edit NOT stealth). Some judicious spoofing/editing of Gisele's ID and a good virtual pat down for tags and she will have a spare body to jump into. Give me a computer + decrypt, data search + browse and computer + analyze roll and I'll let you know what she and Slater can piece together while Cutter is off picking up the drone.
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post Mar 18 2013, 08:18 PM
Post #3040


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QUOTE (Notsoevildm @ Mar 17 2013, 02:22 PM) *
The gangers links are hidden, but that's good enough to find the leader's link.

I'll have a look at what the tacsoft can do but some fancy audio processing by his headphones could give a rough position of the three gangers as hostiles, the positions of Dante and Cat as friendlies, the waitress and other diners as neutral overlaid on the restaurant's floorplan.

Is the agent scanning for the hidden node or is Dubstep doing that himself? In either case, you can post up what Dubstep and the agents are doing in combat turn 1, phase 1.

Basically the tacnet can give a team of people subscribed to the tacnet a bonus on a bunch of different skills like perception and combat as it throws up some enhancing data into their AR vision, like highlighting known locations of enemies seen by anybody in the group. Neither Dante nor Cat has know to subscribe to it though. So I don't that you want it to apply to anything in this combat for them.

As far as the agents go, I'd like to send orders to Cindy for her to first copy the document of the Nexus and onto my commlink, then transfer the scream parts from Cat's commlink, Dante's commlink, and the iBall drone to the Nexus; in that order. And if you'd allow it I'd have the agent running tacnet send an invite to Cat and Dante for joining the tacnet.

Dubstep himself will be doing the scanning for the leader's commlink and subsequent hacking of it. But that's a complex action and issuing commands are each a simple action. Commands would be his first actions, then he'd do the scan.
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post Mar 18 2013, 08:25 PM
Post #3041

Moving Target

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@Virtual Scream / nsedm, slacker, phlapjack

Cat basically has nothing more to add to this until combat starts. I assume her first action will be hiding behind something. Don't wait for her before proceeding (IMG:style_emoticons/default/biggrin.gif)
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post Mar 18 2013, 09:51 PM
Post #3042


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QUOTE (Notsoevildm @ Mar 18 2013, 07:39 PM) *
If you were hacking Renraku, I might give you a harder time but with her built in matrix sneakiness, Gossamer easily fools the system into the delivery (would actually be computer + edit NOT stealth). Some judicious spoofing/editing of Gisele's ID and a good virtual pat down for tags and she will have a spare body to jump into. Give me a computer + decrypt, data search + browse and computer + analyze roll and I'll let you know what she and Slater can piece together while Cutter is off picking up the drone.

I lumped the rolls together to save some time, only the last four were intended to be edit rolls! As it's comp not hacking should probably knock the last 3 D off, but as you've graciously allowed me to get away with it I'll post notional drone stats for approval tomorrow along with those rolls you requested! Right now I need sleep (IMG:style_emoticons/default/nyahnyah.gif)
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post Mar 19 2013, 07:21 AM
Post #3043

Moving Target

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Between work and getting sick, finishing that post took entirely too long.

I've spent 13 Karma to Initiate, 6 to boost Perception to 3, and 2 to specialize in Urban Infiltration. I'll figure out what to do with the rest later.
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post Mar 19 2013, 07:36 AM
Post #3044


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QUOTE (karhig @ Mar 19 2013, 04:25 AM) *
@Virtual Scream / nsedm, slacker, phlapjack

Cat basically has nothing more to add to this until combat starts. I assume her first action will be hiding behind something. Don't wait for her before proceeding (IMG:style_emoticons/default/biggrin.gif)

Maybe Cat can serve as a distraction (IMG:style_emoticons/default/biggrin.gif)
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post Mar 19 2013, 01:15 PM
Post #3045


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Member No.: 18,267

QUOTE (Notsoevildm @ Mar 18 2013, 07:39 PM) *
If you were hacking Renraku, I might give you a harder time but with her built in matrix sneakiness, Gossamer easily fools the system into the delivery (would actually be computer + edit NOT stealth). Some judicious spoofing/editing of Gisele's ID and a good virtual pat down for tags and she will have a spare body to jump into. Give me a computer + decrypt, data search + browse and computer + analyze roll and I'll let you know what she and Slater can piece together while Cutter is off picking up the drone.

Not sure if these are extended rolls so I've given you five to choose from (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile.gif)
Computer+Decrypt: 11D
11d6.hits(5) → [1,4,2,4,2,1,6,3,2,5,5] = (3)
11d6.hits(5) → [3,2,5,6,3,2,1,2,4,6,4] = (3)
11d6.hits(5) → [2,2,4,1,1,2,1,4,1,1,6] = (1)
11d6.hits(5) → [3,2,5,1,6,3,4,3,4,4,2] = (2)
11d6.hits(5) → [5,3,5,6,2,1,5,2,2,2,4] = (4)

Data Search+Browse: 9D
9d6.hits(5) → [2,1,3,1,3,2,4,2,3] = (0)
9d6.hits(5) → [1,1,5,3,2,6,6,1,1] = (3)
9d6.hits(5) → [1,1,6,6,1,6,1,2,5] = (4)
9d6.hits(5) → [4,3,6,1,6,4,5,4,3] = (3)
9d6.hits(5) → [6,4,1,1,6,1,5,4,4] = (3)

Computer+Analyse (+AI Perception?): 8D+3D
11d6.hits(5) → [2,1,4,5,2,3,6,2,6,4,3] = (3)
11d6.hits(5) → [2,4,4,2,6,1,3,3,6,3,5] = (3)
11d6.hits(5) → [4,6,2,4,5,1,1,6,2,3,3] = (3)
11d6.hits(5) → [3,6,1,6,1,1,3,4,4,2,6] = (3)
11d6.hits(5) → [3,6,1,1,1,5,4,5,5,3,3] = (4)

Emerging Futures Living Doll [H 0, Ac 5/15, Sp 15, Pi 3, B 3, Ar 0, S 2] 7500¥
+2 Mechanical Arms, Walker Mode, Mimic [1]

I'll need to seriously upgrade the sensor package, response chip etc. I'd quite like to add a body stabaliser but that would need GM approval as it would go over my 4 mod slots!

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post Mar 19 2013, 01:15 PM
Post #3046


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QUOTE (Machine Ghost @ Mar 17 2013, 05:44 AM) *
@E:Tribes, Aria
No need to send extra trouble Springs way :)Basically 'widen' the road, and treat it as a 2D parking lot, instead of as a 1D 'lane'. Works. The accel / speed is on the order of 2 - 5 lanes of traffic per IP.

Then 2.1 Ram North, is on the West edge of the road, where Attacker 2 ran out from the building on the West side, 3.1 is the {right} turn getting started back South, now on the East side of the road, and 3.3 Ram S becomes Ram W, as Sprogget turns across from the East edge. Which gets 4.1 Harley Ram to be Ram W as he turns the same way.

That then should mean that 4.1 (mono) does have a ram attack on Harley, and possible again in 4.2 and 4.3. Where are the racing bikes in your view?
Errrm…yes? Although unless you want to crash you’ll need to spend one IP controlling the bike…I’m fairly certain ramming doesn’t count towards that (IMG:style_emoticons/default/biggrin.gif) . Harley didn’t ram you, he hit you with his glowy fist in 4.1, more or less from behind/to the side but you can easily do the ‘slam on the brakes to let him fly past’ manoeuvre seen in every good dogfight film! I’ll let you write that up IC if you want to. The racing bikes are currently more or less level with you east to west. As I see it you are all in a kind of cruciform. From the south you have the van, then racing bikes, mono and Harley…north of them are Spring and Scrapheap (who is lurking south of the wrecked Americar), and finally north of them is the rust bucket.

The racing bikes are shooting north at a rate of knots, Harley is playing kiss chase with the mono and the rust heap is lurching south towards the group…
QUOTE (Machine Ghost @ Mar 17 2013, 05:44 AM) *
In 1.2 ish IC you said the sensor mesh might even have some drones in the mix. Sprogget was going to use some free matrix actions to scan for Fre∑dom drones to use for support, to see what might be visible {signal wise} starting from the hacked node. But I think it's time that Sprogget did some more spends, and started on his {expensive} toys collection. The drones he started with were more focused on the backstory, and life with the Mechanicals, and as a dronomancer, he wants more drones. Rigging the monocycle just whets the appetite.
I was thinking more of Ferret perimeter monitoring drones but as a justification for picking up something with some bang bang that sounds fine!

QUOTE (Machine Ghost @ Mar 17 2013, 05:44 AM) *
Hows this sound to bring it in IC: Sprogget notices a drone sitting on a roof suntanning (recharging), and thinks he recognizes it from when the Mechanicals were supplying / customizing equipment for Fre∑dom. Sprogget does have that awesome perception sitting in the pregen rolls (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile.gif) . Having 'played' with (and drooled on) it then, he figures he might be able to take it over (and buy it from them after using, just cause he likes it so much (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile.gif) ). Maybe he left a little private backdoor into it 'just cause'. Something that Fre∑dom might not notice, because it was hardware based, so software scans would not notice it. That would require physical access to install, so could not be used for regular hacking things. This was one of the prototype platforms. More than Fre∑dom would use for the run of the mill sensor mesh. If it does get gremlins, maybe that is why it is out here.

Also to note: still logged in to that hacked node, if anything changes over there. Did not want to disconnect, so the trace has time to complete. Was also planning some more {free} matrix actions, but looks like going to be busy elsewhere.

Using the outline in used tech through the tribe, I'll see about making this 'interesting', with used prices, and possible gremlins. I have the specs for the drone, but have not worked out pricing, since I think I may need to split it some. The drone itself seems to be all 'Mechanicals' tech, assuming Armorer skills is Mechanicals, and good enough for rating 16F light machine gun GE Vindicator Minigun {AR29}. That the rating 6 response chip, and upgraded sensor cameras (also 16) are the highest availability items in the mix. Nothing else is over 12R (ECCM).

For best cost, buy the drone without those 4 items at the better rate, then upgrade paying the higher rate for just those 4. They are both addon / upgrade items to start with. Each of those, reduce by 30% 'used' pricing (three steps, each with possible gremlin results), so the main drone is at 50%, and the extras at 70% of list price.

The drone (autosoft and program) software is borderline Mechanicals, but better fits with Fre∑dom. Paying the (hacked) list price - 10% for that, as 'friends' of Fre∑dom (availability up to 12R for ECCM).

Full price {just the member discount} for the ammo. Don't want to play with used ammo (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile.gif)

Sound good?

Drone specs
[ Spoiler ]
Aack! You want a minigun?!? That was a little more power creep than I had anticipated and will end the current combat in a big lead hose (assuming those gremlins don’t come to play (IMG:style_emoticons/default/ork.gif) ) but that said I don’t have a problem with it in principal. I’d rather you paid full whack for the minigun though, the chances of the Mechanicals finding one on a scrap heap are next to nill so it will have come from a weapons dealer. They have an appropriate contact and the gun is probably left over from the Eurowars but it still spits lead with the best of ‘em!

QUOTE (ChromeZephyr @ Mar 18 2013, 04:26 PM) *
Hrmmmm. Well, then, the choice given the data is clear. With the remaining actions left for 4.1, Scrapheap will move over to his left so that the trashed Americar will absorb some of the blow if the oncoming Madmaxmobile tries to run him over. He will then turn and shoot at the crotch rocket coming towards him and Spring. A pillion rider with an SMG is too dangerous to let roll around with impunity. Besides, it's a crotch rocket. A hawg-rider just can't let that stand. (IMG:style_emoticons/default/wink.gif)

4.2 depends on what the shot at the rider in 4.1 does.
Numbers are stacked against you for that second shot…I’m guessing you’ll blast away again in 4.2. You wing him in 4.2 and finish him with shot #2…needless to say the bike goes splat in a messy fashion! Feel free to write this up IC! Plus you’ve run out of attacks…can you roll me some more with +2 tacnet added? Thanks
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post Mar 19 2013, 01:16 PM
Post #3047


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Pre-genned Rolls
[ Spoiler ]

Tweak Ini 16 (3IPs) Sprogget: Ini 11 (1IPs)/13 (3IPs) Scrapheap: Ini 12 (1IPs) Spring Ini 9 (1IPs) LeFey: Ini 8 (1IPs)

Combat order:
[ Spoiler ]

3.1 Sprogget bounced to central slave node, Accolon goes too, trace IC activated, LeFey fires twice at attacker 1, may or may not have hit. Tweak lines up on the Harley?!? Rust bucket Americar deploys a roof mounted AK, presumably someone will pop up behind it next rnd, pillion rider fires at van
3.2 Clash of the titans with van & Harley. Tweak resists biofeedback
3.3 Sprogget changes targets to ram Harley – not precisely sure on speeds but assumed Bod damage to Harley and half that to monobike, no damage to either

4.1 LeFey shoots at Harley mage, Scrapheap shoots at roof gunner, rest of you…? Mage hits the mono bike and does 6 damage! No feedback damage to Sprogget, pillion rider on LHS shoots (and misses) Spring. Scrapheap second shot blast at W crotch rocket – missed due to second target, dodge etc…
4.2 Scrapheap finishes off W crotch rocket

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post Mar 19 2013, 01:19 PM
Post #3048


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Copperhead is getting shot at...dodge etc please

The rest of you, you are some distance away but I need to know what you are thinking of doing...

Pregenned rolls from everyone please when you have a moment! (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile.gif)
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post Mar 19 2013, 02:41 PM
Post #3049

Moving Target

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QUOTE (phlapjack77 @ Mar 19 2013, 08:36 AM) *
Maybe Cat can serve as a distraction (IMG:style_emoticons/default/biggrin.gif)

Want her to scream? She's got a vocal modulator, I'll probably get a crap load of dice for something or other! (IMG:style_emoticons/default/biggrin.gif)

If I see some way she can be helpful without dying horribly (she's only wearing 2/2 armour right now), then I'll do my best. She doesn't know they're meta hating morons, so she probably thinks she has a chance of doing something or other if it looks like she has to.
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post Mar 19 2013, 03:03 PM
Post #3050

Moving Target

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Hello all, apologies for falling off the grid for about 8 months there (IMG:style_emoticons/default/frown.gif) Got sent across country rather unexpectedly and rather forgot about shadowrun for the nonce. Just thought I'd drop in and catch up (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile.gif) .
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