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Dragon ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Group: Dumpshocked Posts: 4,258 Joined: 9-March 10 From: The Citadel Member No.: 18,267 ![]() |
I'm glad I'm playing a fairly slow-witted character in this game, because I'm completely flummoxed about what to do in this scenario. Working on an IC post, I'll just gloss over Scrap's normal response to a voice out of the dark with a handgun trained on him would be. (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile.gif) I'll be honest, I hadn't anticipated you charging the APCs like you did the gangers road rage vehicle (IMG:style_emoticons/default/biggrin.gif) so that's ok! But it's not out of the realms of possibility for the PCs to suicide themselves against HMG fire and I don't want you to feel railroaded (GM Sin!!!), just there are some things that the PCs should think really carefully about doing...I haven't managed to IC it yet but the gangers are drawing away from the perimeter back towards the hole in the mall, there should be plenty of rich pickings in a few moments! |
Moving Target ![]() ![]() Group: Members Posts: 869 Joined: 8-March 02 Member No.: 2,252 ![]() |
I'll be honest, I hadn't anticipated you charging the APCs like you did the gangers road rage vehicle (IMG:style_emoticons/default/biggrin.gif) so that's ok! But it's not out of the realms of possibility for the PCs to suicide themselves against HMG fire and I don't want you to feel railroaded (GM Sin!!!), just there are some things that the PCs should think really carefully about doing...I haven't managed to IC it yet but the gangers are drawing away from the perimeter back towards the hole in the mall, there should be plenty of rich pickings in a few moments! Yeah, Scrap may not be the brightest bulb in the box but he's seen enough trid of what happens when meat charges readied heavy weapons to know that frontal assault isn't the way to go. Killing gangers, on the other hand, is something he's getting quite handy at. |
Moving Target ![]() ![]() Group: Members Posts: 619 Joined: 12-October 12 From: Calgary, AB Member No.: 56,960 ![]() |
Timings, the eta of soldier boys to the APCs is around 2 mins, not enough time (i don't think) to locate the sewer entrances, trudge 100m or so through sewage and then spring Jazz from underneath. Don't forget that as a TM she doesn't need a commlink to talk to you (I'm pretty sure you can 'call' her?!?)...and she's out of the jamming now. 2 minutes? Why that should be LOTS of time (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile.gif) Veto if you do not want to us to try this way, but ...120 seconds is 40 combat turns, standard walking movement rate of 10 meters/turn is 400 meters. Running is 25 meters/turn, but caution and environment probably do not allow much of that. Slowed to start while getting to entrance, then speed up once out of sight. Sprogget's mechanic toolkits (automotive, industrial) should contain something to use to improvise a handle to open the first from the top. I would expect more than 100 meters distance, since probably need to get a little past the APC position. If those gangers are pulling back though, might be able to move faster while still above ground. That UWBR scan of the APC's should have recorded entrances. And it WAS recorded, since the initial look was just a quick snapshot, then get out of sight again. The covers would not be enough barrier to block signal, so each entrance will show as a nice covered vertical shaft, getting fuzzy further down as the earth becomes enough barrier to block signal. That will be within 100 meters of Banjo's location. Which will be our side of the APCs, to the right from my previous diagram. Might not be enough to see the entrance we want to use for Jazz (borderline case), but could be enough to see a pattern, to know where that one should be. Simple distance estimate on standard map overlay, which could probably be verified once know where to look. LeO using blind fire with the pepper punch, to move the line of march a bit, to get Jazz as close as possible to the grating. Then suppressive fire SR4A154 (after moving some, and Jazz 'stumbles'), while opening and dragging her inside. Then more suppressive to keep them away until she is clear. A 'detail' that is important here, is the distance from the hole in the wall to the grating, and the (nearest) APC. And any obvious path that will be used to get there. I was aware of the chance to call Jazz, but was unsure of a couple details. Many TM's use a physical commlink, and I am assuming that is where previous comm calls were going, since Sprogget was not aware until recently that she WAS a TM. To call direct will need an access ID, which for a TM is automatically hidden mode. He will have to locate that hidden node before he can talk to her. Since that is going to take at least a little time, want to make sure that other needed activities are started first. Cooperation is only needed near the end. There will be time for a few attempts to get the needed threshold. Even time to do a scan for all hidden nodes in range. Jazz personal bionode signal range will depend on Resonance / 2, which for Sprogget is 2, giving direct (not using drones for mesh and booster) range of only 100 meters. If Jazz has Resonance 5, that would increase to 400 meters. Currently G'Eye is plenty close enough, if Sprogget can route through there. The RFID tag controls added for the wireless on the drone do not have ECCM, so that needed to get an open spot to turn things back on, but once enabled, G'Eye has good ECCM, so some blocking can be ignored. Sprogget would 'prefer' to use Banjo to hunt for Jazz's hidden node, using G'Eye to tell where to look. That radio signal scanner(6) is better than any sniffer CF he is going to be able to thread, and Banjo has the Electronic Warfare autosoft to use it effectively (10 dice pool, should be able to get threshold 4 in a few attempts). If Banjo can see (with the signal scanner) through the (damaged) mall blocking, to get to Jazz. Once the node is found, Sprogget can do matrix perception himself, to get the ID, and use G'Eye as a base to talk to Jazz. Sprogget's personal range is not a factor, since he can mesh through the skinlinked wireless adapter(5). No, the soldiers might have respirators (it's the barrens after all and there's all this ash crap floating about) but not full chem gear. Ok, a gas grenade attack could get them to move the right way then, the dice gods and GM willing.If Sprogget is going to 'general' the attempt, he would get Scrapheap moving first, with the tools needed. Something to open a grating from above, and at least a pair of cutters to get the restraints off of Jazz. Flashlight if someone has it, preferably low light or thermographic. Then very quick summary outline to all before getting Banjo hunting for the node. While waiting for that, expand details to the others, finding out what they can/are willing to do to support. He would go himself, but can't really do the other things needed while hurrying to get through the sewer. Plus he knows that Scrapheap is better at the initial infiltration. Plus <grin> he knows that as a tech scavenger, he is not likely to be too worried about the muck in the sewer. The others he does not know well enough to know what their appropriate skills might be, or if they would quickly enough accept 'orders', when there is no time to talk. Besides, those chameleon suits are more advantage above ground. When locate Jazz, proceed cautiously. In VR there will be some time. Look around closely, to make sure she does not also have a matrix side guard/monitor. May need to wait until last second, then blast a quick message. Something like, "Get down grandma, grating left" should tell her everything she needs to know. Unless he has a specific alternate idea, get Gemeaux to place the repeater anyway, explaining that with the built-in blocking for the mall, their normal communications might still be blocked without it. Not right on top of us though, in case it attracts attention when it is activated. Other than that, it looks like getting to sniper positions for supporting. If timing allows, alternate fire, so can move after firing, while another takes the next shot. LeO has enough ammo to suppress for only 3 passes, after taking down the previous gangers, the drone, and deliberately missing the final ganger a couple of times. 20 round bursts eat ammo fast (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile.gif) Another 15 rounds for more targeted efforts. Firing pattern will have to depend on what they do with the first burst. Sprogget will take direction from those more familiar with weapons fire. Maybe the first fire should be a long burst, spread as 4 short burst across 4 targets, if they are close enough together to do that, then suppress on the 2nd pass. Suppressive fire covers 10 meter width. Cone really, but at that range, not much difference. Got a little time to 'discuss' the options while scrapheap is making like a sewer rat. Is the main rescue scenario something Sprogget thinks is 'possible', if people start moving 'right F**n now'? That is getting into position to try. The rest can all be adjusted on the fly, or even aborted based on new information as it comes in. For aborting, Scrapheap might not know about the abort until he is almost in position. Matrix signal is going to go bad fast underground. IC to cover, if get that far. Uh ... Did Cam say that Sprogget thinks to much? |
Moving Target ![]() ![]() Group: Members Posts: 619 Joined: 12-October 12 From: Calgary, AB Member No.: 56,960 ![]() |
Cam's an adept with kinesics too! It got nerfed in SR5 but it was the goto power in SR4 (IMG:style_emoticons/default/biggrin.gif) Then, time permitting, Oyl would use the kinesics to kinesics communication ability to tell him, as forcefully as possible "shut up, don't interfere"Image is something like this: Russian APC, stats are from Eurowars Antiques: BTR-20 APC The link is showing a BTR-80, but I get the .. picture ..HANDL+0 ACCEL 10/20SPD 100PILOT 0 BODY15 ARM10 SENS 2 Std. Upgrades/Accessories: Amphibious Operation (Level 1), Life Support (Level 1), Network Incompatible, Run Flat Tires, Reinforced Weapon Mount (external, heavy turret, armored manual), Weapon Mount (external, turret, remote). It probably has cameras, movement sensors and maybe an audio mic or two...nothing very good (unless it has been upgraded...) You can get the stats from it's AROs probably...given time youc could even trace the Metroplex Guard depot it came from...the intact AROs imply they've been borrowed, or perhaps it's an elaborate misdirection? (IMG:style_emoticons/default/ork.gif) I don't have Eurowars Antiques, but the armor rating is enough to base estimates on. See end of post describing plans for targeting the drone, if it was armored. If the APC is sitting still, it / the driver should not get a defense roll. Just have to soak the damage using body and armor. Called shot target vital +4 SR4A161 brings base DV to 10. A single hit boosts that to 11. Enough that it can not simply be blocked by armor 10. See also call shot on vehicles SR4A171. Attack would be Pilot(3)+Targeting(4)+Optimization(1)+Tacnet(2)+Take Aim(2)-Called Shot(4), for a pool of 8. Buy 2 hits, assuming no defense when sitting still, and that becomes 12P + 12 for a high velocity narrow full burst. Looking at soaking 24P with body 15 + armour 10. Less than 7 hits on the soak would take it right out! Could potentially increase the attack dice pool, using a sensor test, active targeting SR4A171. Sensor(6)+Clearsight(4)+Tacsoft(2)-visibility modifiers+Signature Modifier for vehicle size SR4A171. Opposed test if trying to evade detection, but parked does not seem to apply. Hits from that add to the attack dice pool. So 8 plus about the hits from 12d6 dice pool for the attack, and if at least one hit, facing 22 + hits damage. Looks doable, as a fallback, if something says can not rescue Jazz by having her 'drop out' of the middle of the squad. If they are not fairly quick, could take out both APCs in a single combat round, not counting a single combat turn to do the initial lock and take aim. Sensor lock: simple action, 2 simple actions for take aim, complex action on the first APC. Unless can maintain 2 sensor locks at once, do without that or take aim on the second one, buying a single hit from 6 dice for attack, and looking at a straight 23P. Could we get them to explode, and take out the onboard drones? Or get enough damage that they can not launch? Or if do enough damage to the first, it explodes and does damage to the second before even target it? Oh and have the Spined Drakes snuggled close too. Of course, pending those checks on the AROs to see if can learn about modifications, of course with the consideration that the data might be fake. Especially with Dissonants involved. At least checking the AROs should be a passive check. Just reading what they are publishing, so minimal chance of being noticed in the matrix from just that. Just listening to the radio broadcast here, thank you very much (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile.gif) Sprogget is not the blood thirsty one here. He really prefers more peaceful or indirect methods. He just has the right toy, and friends are in danger! It would be a good story to tell the 'kids' some time later. Taking out 2 APCs with a glitched drone, in about 3 seconds (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile.gif) I already DID roll for that glitch, and the dice were nice to me. If LeO can do that, he is in for a lot of TLC, to get that glitch fixed, and a nice holo in the Sprogget gallery, even if he is not steampunked. Anybody else in the group that can do something similar, to get modified DV over 10? Using Ex ammo, with a better starting DV makes it simpler, though that high velocity mod is what really pushes the damage up. A little extra, incase of a good soak roll would be nice though. |
Neophyte Runner ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Group: Members Posts: 2,162 Joined: 14-June 10 From: San Diego, CA Member No.: 18,704 ![]() |
Gemeaux is happy to place the repeater. Part of keeping his reputation as a professional is by fulfilling each contract to the letter. How else would he get paid? (IMG:style_emoticons/default/nyahnyah.gif)
Moving Target ![]() ![]() Group: Members Posts: 619 Joined: 12-October 12 From: Calgary, AB Member No.: 56,960 ![]() |
Oh, should just mention. Sprogget is really liking the idea of taking out an APC or 2, as the distraction to get the squads attention, to get Jazz underground. Instead of the suppressive fire at them. If Jazz can get close enough to the grating, without using the gas grenades. And target the APC with the one lying down first. The assumed dissonant 'on duty'.
Dragon ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Group: Dumpshocked Posts: 4,258 Joined: 9-March 10 From: The Citadel Member No.: 18,267 ![]() |
Oh, should just mention. Sprogget is really liking the idea of taking out an APC or 2, as the distraction to get the squads attention, to get Jazz underground. Instead of the suppressive fire at them. If Jazz can get close enough to the grating, without using the gas grenades. And target the APC with the one lying down first. The assumed dissonant 'on duty'. Not wanting to rain on the parade but I'm 90% sure there's an sr4 rule that says bf/FA etc don't count when comparing DV against armour. Lots of small bullets that can't penetrate are not going to do anything if 1 can't! So, if you can get 11dv with net hits that's one thing but otherwise... APCs are meant to protect against small arms! |
Moving Target ![]() ![]() Group: Members Posts: 619 Joined: 12-October 12 From: Calgary, AB Member No.: 56,960 ![]() |
Not wanting to rain on the parade but I'm 90% sure there's an sr4 rule that says bf/FA etc don't count when comparing DV against armour. Lots of small bullets that can't penetrate are not going to do anything if 1 can't! So, if you can get 11dv with net hits that's one thing but otherwise... APCs are meant to protect against small arms! Opps, just noticed that the high velocity mod will add 11 to the damage, not 12. 12 Bullets, but +11 modifier.True. Which is why the +11 for the burst does not get added until after the DV is greater than the armor. Have to hit first with attack, without the burst modifier. But once you hit with a modified DV greater than the armour rating, the burst modifier gets added in for the actual damage. That was why the careful order of the calculation. Base DV 6P, called shot +4, two actual (net) hits gets to 12, which is enough to get through the armor 10. Then the +11 for high velocity. The modified DV for that armour test is 12, but the damage will be 23P. Vehicle Damage SR4A170, Narrow Burst SR4A153, High Velocity side bar AR26, Long Burst, Full Burst SR4A154, Called Shots SR4A161 on vehicles SR4A171 Which is why there were so many tiny little pieces of that roto-drone scattered down the street. (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile.gif) I think that for the drone (with lower armor) Sprogget could have specified a called shot of 'engine' or maybe 'rotors' to take it out of action without totally destroying it. That would have made it potentially salvageable, but the Dissonant TM would not have gotten dumpshocked. The numbers shown in the previous post for the attack might be a little high. May need to included a visibility modifier in there, as well as the one included in the sensor test. Still enough to buy a hit or two. The APC would probably protect the occupants from this, because attempting to target passengers would get a blind fire modifier to the attack as well, which might no longer be enough to beat the armor. But this is targeting the APC itself. This is also a bit better than 'small arms fire' (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile.gif) |
Dragon ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Group: Dumpshocked Posts: 4,258 Joined: 9-March 10 From: The Citadel Member No.: 18,267 ![]() |
I wrote this as an edit to my post but you've beaten me to it...here it is anyway (IMG:style_emoticons/default/nyahnyah.gif)
EDIT: Ok, re-read your post, sorry, you’ve calculated correctly that you can get DV high enough with the called shot (ouch!). Don’t forget range and visibility mods though, range will be down to you (and I know you’ve got the rangefinder…) visibility is partial darkness with heavy smoke/rain etc…ie pretty crap! That may reduce you to rolling D to hit… Active targeting might not be a great idea as you’ll light up their instruments like a Christmas tree. Even aiming is a bit risky, better hope they don’t spot you in those precious second or two or those HMGs will mince you! I don’t know offhand what RAW says about vehicles exploding – I suppose you could cook off the HMG ammo but I don’t think you’ll be able to penetrate enough to get the fuel. It’s more likely that you’ll find a weak spot on the turret and possibly as a consequence fry the electrics. It certainly won’t be enough to damage the other APC. The gangers are heading for the hole in the mall rather than the APCs… Re the 2 mins…yes, you can cover that above ground really easily…getting below ground (through a rusty grating), along a sewer in hopefully the right direction (Scrap is a big orc) and then back up the other end will not be so easy! You can do it, but it will be one of those film esque ticking clock moments and take some good athletics type rolls! |
Moving Target ![]() ![]() Group: Members Posts: 619 Joined: 12-October 12 From: Calgary, AB Member No.: 56,960 ![]() |
@Aria, E:Tribes,
Some IC up filling in on some of the OOC stuff. Interleaving posts was fun. No dice rolls done, would you like some? So far, any of Sprogget's or the drones actions seem easy enough, and not in a big enough rush to worry about. Even at matrix speed, Sprogget is feeling time pressure, but there should be plenty of time for a few retries. He just wants everything possible of the plan ready as soon as possible, to give more time to adjust if something changes. More IC content half preped, but this looks like a good point to let the GM put in any twists desired. Activating the repeater, Mechanicals C&C, Jazz response and information. As usual, there are a lot of assumptions in the post. Can't really be helped, without cutting posting size to a couple of lines, and waiting for GM responses. Upcoming, getting the drones moving into position, scanning the AROs on the APCs, Oyl ready to throttle someone, Talking to Jazz, if that not glossed over. Besides getting her ready to jump, the plan is to see if she can drag her feet a bit, giving Sprogget a few extra seconds. Lets see what the visibility modifiers look like. SR4A136 Partial Light, Heavy Smoke Low Light 0, -2 Thermographic -2, -2 WIth a little light still around, only -2 on visibility with Low Light. All of the flying drones, and Sprogget's PAN have both Low Light and thermographic enhancements. DR does not, but that is OK here. Regular radar is not affected by those anyway (at least on the charts, OOG, I think flying ash could, as a form of low grade chaff), though currently that is off, since IT could be visible. Here is what the pools seem to be (correct any bad assumptions) Sensor(6)+Clearsight(4)+Tacsoft(2)-visibility modifiers(2)+Signature Modifier(1) ==> 11d6 From Signature Table SR4A171, 'guessing' the APC is enough larger than a regular vehicle to get a +1 on the signature. I do not think it is big enough to get the +3 for oversized vehicles, but it might get a +2. Pilot(3)+Targeting(4)+Optimization(1)+Tacnet(2)+Take Aim(2)-Called Shot(4)-Visibility(2)+Sensor Lock(?) ==> 8d6 + lock adjustments If Sprogget (or the local weapons consultants) can figure the effect of the variable conditions and options, with safety considerations about being detected too soon, may deliberately remove some of the bonuses, down to where buying a single hit, but giving less potential notice of the incoming attack. If the attack even goes this way. May still need to use the pepper punch to have a chance of getting Jazz loose, which is going mess this all up. Pilot(3)+Targeting(4)+Optimization(1)+Tacnet(2)-Called Shot(4)-Visibility(2) ==> 4d6 No range modifiers at 150 meters with the improved range finder, and have vision magnification as well. If beyond 150 meters, and magnification does not cancel, then -2 modifier, and would need at least the take aim. 22P has a reasonable chance of taking out an APC with body 15, armor 10. Needs at least 8 hits on 25 dice to have a single point of body left. Average should be 7.3 hits. Odds go up fairly fast with an extra hit or 2. Decisions. Still need to scan what the AROs are saying too, and compare some to what the UWBR snapshot shows. For active sensor targeting, the only thing 'active' from LeO is the laser range finder / improved range finder. All other sensors are passive optical based. If they weren't, he could probably ignore the visibility modifier instead, and get about the same place. Banjo is the one that will really light them up, with the UWBR, as part of the tacsoft bonus. Active targeting just means actively using the sensor to locate the target, not necessarily painting it with active scanners, which is what Banjo will do. Planned drone details in later posts, after GM twists the current state all out of shape (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile.gif) What is the timing looking like, relative to the squad coming out, and the Spined Drakes supposedly going in? My IC guess would be the other guys plan is for the gangers to go in after most/all of the military is clear. The military team should want the gangers to stick around as guards until the APCs are rolling. Maybe hitting the APCs will get them in bad with their employers (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile.gif) They were eager, and pulled back too soon, letting us get closer. What is the size of that squad? Does it seem like it is enough for both APC's, or is there another (or more) group wandering around? For Oyl, I just 'had' to pick on Bit. Little Bit, not bit bucket, computer bit (also small), all on top of drill bit. I could also go with something with teeth and getting biten. |
Dragon ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Group: Dumpshocked Posts: 4,258 Joined: 9-March 10 From: The Citadel Member No.: 18,267 ![]() |
Ok, so we’re reasonably sure there’s going to be a dead APC any moment now (IMG:style_emoticons/default/ork.gif) that’s assuming they don’t spot you in the 2 simple actions of ‘take aim’ but the chances are fairly slim. No rolls needed, I’m even glossing over the weather but feel free to describe LeO fighting the wind shear when you write this up IC.
Up to you which of the above ‘rolls’ you want to use, either way it seems like it won’t matter much. I think in order to ‘call shot’ you will have to take a few moments to aim…after all HV bursts from a bobbing drone don’t sound like the most accurate tool in the box without a little extra care. After that you’ll have milliseconds before the other APC decides it doesn’t like being shot at (IMG:style_emoticons/default/ork.gif) Analysing the APC AROs won’t help much, they don’t list any mods, just that these vehicles came from a Metroplex Guard training facility in Fort Lewis. A later check (if you make one) will reveal they never existed on the Guard database…yeah right! Timing, you are probably right, mil boys out then gangers in! The squad is about 20 as I said, enough to fit into 2 APCs |
Neophyte Runner ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Group: Members Posts: 2,162 Joined: 14-June 10 From: San Diego, CA Member No.: 18,704 ![]() |
Ok, put a post up. Let me know if I should do any infiltration or rolls. ^_^ As for the other enemies and their efficacy, I think Gemeaux would say something like this:
C'est trop d'un ennemi et pas assez de cent amis. (Do not think that one enemy is insignificant, or that a thousand friends are too many) |
Moving Target ![]() ![]() Group: Members Posts: 619 Joined: 12-October 12 From: Calgary, AB Member No.: 56,960 ![]() |
but we need to protect the well, we can’t let them in here again Well Sprogget knows NOW about the well. Either just learned, or knew from the backtime submersion prep that is supposed to involve eBreeze. IC worded so Sprogget already knew about it, since not surprised. Vistor access? An extra couple of dice for some actions would help. Especially with the wageslave style tutor building expected. At least until/unless SR5 makes that impossible. Sprogget does have day job, 40 hr/wk as a quality.Oyl Assensing Table SR4A191 Assensing(2)+INT(5)+Perceptive Quality(2)+Enhanced Perception power(2) Assense Spindle's Summoned Spirit, Assense Spindle (11d6.hits(5)=3, 11d6.hits(5)=1) 11d6.hits(5) → [3,1,4,1,1,3,6,2,6,1,5] = (3) 11d6.hits(5) → [4,2,3,4,1,6,3,2,2,1,2] = (1) Oyl's magic = 5, for comparison to the spirit FYI, while Oyl is doing any sort of IC activities, she is likely to be making use of perception and assensing a lot. The skills and bonuses started as aids for the medical orientation, but is very appropriate for all of the influence and people related activities too. On top of the kinesics. Summon force 2 plant spirit (5d6.hits(5)=1, 2d6.hits(5)=0) 5d6.hits(5);2d6.hits(5) → [4,5,1,3,3] = (1) 5d6.hits(5);2d6.hits(5) → [3,2] = (0) One service, buy 2 hits to resist the drain Astral Patrol SM126 Future someplace, but Oyl has a proposal for Prospero/Fre∑dom. Merge the living spaces. A hacker tribe does not really have much need to be all together, or separate from others, and physical presence at the well is not needed either. Mixed in with the Mechanicals would make them a harder target, and give Mechanicals even better matrix support. Filling the visible head count could also help disguise that they are (will be) weakened too. Also means Fre∑dom does not need to work so hard at looking deserted. Still need to provide whatever physical security for the node with the well, but only combatants need to do shifts, and can probably add tech security / traps with the help of the Mechanicals. The mall is close enough, they can probably arrange underground passages, using the sewer / storm systems as a base, so they can keep the visible traffic in and out of the mall to a minimum. Good place to put (multiple / redundant) wired connections to the well too. |
Moving Target ![]() ![]() Group: Members Posts: 619 Joined: 12-October 12 From: Calgary, AB Member No.: 56,960 ![]() |
FYI, all of the nodes in the tacnet, people and drones, will have an identifying tag, so a handle/street name is associated with each. @Aria, The APC is the target, if Jazz can get to the grating without needing the pepper punch grenades to try to move them over. At least one more posts getting into position, before pulling the trigger, and Jazz or something from the activated repeater could still change plans. Sprogget has not told C&C what he plans yet. He has been very busy, and has been 'forgetting'. He does not want an argument right now (IMG:style_emoticons/default/wink.gif) They have the sensor data about the actual actions being taken, but not the plans. The team 'chatter' is not part of the feed. |
Moving Target ![]() ![]() Group: Members Posts: 869 Joined: 8-March 02 Member No.: 2,252 ![]() |
Okay, can someone give me a summary of what Scrap is going into the sewer to do? Sorry, MG, but that's so much dense text that I'm getting lost.
Is it: Go through sewer to grate, quietly cut bolts on grate, wait for the APC to get shot up, then grab Jazz in the confusion and go back into the sewer and out? Or did I miss something? I want to put up an IC post, but I'd rather not go a direction that the plan is against. |
Dragon ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Group: Dumpshocked Posts: 4,258 Joined: 9-March 10 From: The Citadel Member No.: 18,267 ![]() |
Okay, can someone give me a summary of what Scrap is going into the sewer to do? Sorry, MG, but that's so much dense text that I'm getting lost. Is it: Go through sewer to grate, quietly cut bolts on grate, wait for the APC to get shot up, then grab Jazz in the confusion and go back into the sewer and out? Or did I miss something? I want to put up an IC post, but I'd rather not go a direction that the plan is against. Sounds like my understanding of the plan except I think you get Jazz to drop into your lap rather than jump out and drag... That last is likely to get you shot! |
Moving Target ![]() ![]() Group: Members Posts: 869 Joined: 8-March 02 Member No.: 2,252 ![]() |
Groovy. IC post incoming, then. Any rolls needed from me, Aria? Scrap has his bolt cutters and a low-light flashlight already from about 20 pages ago, so he'll have the tools necessary.
Moving Target ![]() ![]() Group: Members Posts: 619 Joined: 12-October 12 From: Calgary, AB Member No.: 56,960 ![]() |
Sounds like my understanding of the plan except I think you get Jazz to drop into your lap rather than jump out and drag... That last is likely to get you shot! About the way I was seeing it. Jazz is not quite the right genre, but "Catch a Falling Star" (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile.gif) I don't have a character sheet for Jazz, to learn details of abilities, so she might be wanting to link to your PAN, to use any sensors you have for navigating in the near dark. As a dronomancer (assumed because info says she has the same Paragon as Sprogget), she is likely to have a good sensor package herself. If it was not taken away. |
Dragon ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Group: Dumpshocked Posts: 4,258 Joined: 9-March 10 From: The Citadel Member No.: 18,267 ![]() |
QUOTE @Aria, Yes, eBreeze would have mentioned the Well and Sprogget might even have seen it but it is not generally accessed and it isn’t in the main Freedom node (or host in SR5 parlance). By the time you’ve submerged for the 2075 thread I’ll drip feed you a few more of its secrets (IMG:style_emoticons/default/biggrin.gif) Well Sprogget knows NOW about the well. Either just learned, or knew from the backtime submersion prep that is supposed to involve eBreeze. IC worded so Sprogget already knew about it, since not surprised. Vistor access? An extra couple of dice for some actions would help. Especially with the wageslave style tutor building expected. At least until/unless SR5 makes that impossible. Sprogget does have day job, 40 hr/wk as a quality. Oyl Assensing Table SR4A191 Assensing(2)+INT(5)+Perceptive Quality(2)+Enhanced Perception power(2) Assense Spindle's Summoned Spirit, Assense Spindle (11d6.hits(5)=3, 11d6.hits(5)=1) 11d6.hits(5) → [3,1,4,1,1,3,6,2,6,1,5] = (3) 11d6.hits(5) → [4,2,3,4,1,6,3,2,2,1,2] = (1) Oyl's magic = 5, for comparison to the spirit FYI, while Oyl is doing any sort of IC activities, she is likely to be making use of perception and assensing a lot. The skills and bonuses started as aids for the medical orientation, but is very appropriate for all of the influence and people related activities too. On top of the kinesics. Summon force 2 plant spirit (5d6.hits(5)=1, 2d6.hits(5)=0) 5d6.hits(5);2d6.hits(5) → [4,5,1,3,3] = (1) 5d6.hits(5);2d6.hits(5) → [3,2] = (0) One service, buy 2 hits to resist the drain Astral Patrol SM126 Future someplace, but Oyl has a proposal for Prospero/Fre∑dom. Merge the living spaces. A hacker tribe does not really have much need to be all together, or separate from others, and physical presence at the well is not needed either. Mixed in with the Mechanicals would make them a harder target, and give Mechanicals even better matrix support. Filling the visible head count could also help disguise that they are (will be) weakened too. Also means Fre∑dom does not need to work so hard at looking deserted. Still need to provide whatever physical security for the node with the well, but only combatants need to do shifts, and can probably add tech security / traps with the help of the Mechanicals. The mall is close enough, they can probably arrange underground passages, using the sewer / storm systems as a base, so they can keep the visible traffic in and out of the mall to a minimum. Good place to put (multiple / redundant) wired connections to the well too. @JxJxA FYI, all of the nodes in the tacnet, people and drones, will have an identifying tag, so a handle/street name is associated with each. @Aria, The APC is the target, if Jazz can get to the grating without needing the pepper punch grenades to try to move them over. At least one more posts getting into position, before pulling the trigger, and Jazz or something from the activated repeater could still change plans. Sprogget has not told C&C what he plans yet. He has been very busy, and has been 'forgetting'. He does not want an argument right now They have the sensor data about the actual actions being taken, but not the plans. The team 'chatter' is not part of the feed. Spindle’s spirit is greater force than his essence (6) and obviously greater than Osha’s magic rating…not by much but enough for it to be physical drain…I can’t really think of a better way to describe ‘force 7’ (IMG:style_emoticons/default/nyahnyah.gif) Good idea on the living spaces – I’ll write that into the recruitment thread for 2075! Ok, Jazz will be more or less by the grating so pull the ‘trigger’ whenever you want! @Chrome / Scrap: Can you make a couple of athletics tests please? Only a glitch is likely to derail Sprogget's cunning plans (IMG:style_emoticons/default/ork.gif) |
Moving Target ![]() ![]() Group: Members Posts: 869 Joined: 8-March 02 Member No.: 2,252 ![]() |
At the risk of sounding stupid, what kind of athletics? Scrap doesn't have that skill group, just the Running and Climbing skills.
Neophyte Runner ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Group: Members Posts: 2,113 Joined: 24-January 13 From: Here to Eternity Member No.: 70,521 ![]() |
At the risk of sounding stupid, what kind of athletics? Scrap doesn't have that skill group, just the Running and Climbing skills. I would have guessed Gymnastics, to not fall over stuff, but that's just a guess. Crow is setup in cover pretty much wherever you want him, the idea being to give any troops something extra to think about once the APC's have another target or have been neutered. OR to just strat giving Drakes some second thoughts about going into that hole ! .. that works for me too ! |
Dragon ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Group: Dumpshocked Posts: 4,258 Joined: 9-March 10 From: The Citadel Member No.: 18,267 ![]() |
At the risk of sounding stupid, what kind of athletics? Scrap doesn't have that skill group, just the Running and Climbing skills. Well that's good, 1 running and 2 climbing please (IMG:style_emoticons/default/biggrin.gif) |
Moving Target ![]() ![]() Group: Members Posts: 869 Joined: 8-March 02 Member No.: 2,252 ![]() |
Strength 5 + Running 3 = [1,1,5,2,1,1,2,3] = 1 hit GLITCH - Edge spent to counter glitch, 2 points remaining until refresh. Strength 5 + Climbing 3 = [6,3,5,1,4,4,2,6] = 3 hits. Strength 5 + Climbing 3 = [2,5,6,3,2,4,1,6] = 3 hits. Well, that could have gone better. I know I've asked this before, but I'm not searching 3700 posts to find the answer: When does Edge refresh, Aria? I spent 1 point in the firefight with the Drakes in the last scene, should it have refreshed? If so, then I have 3 edge remaining instead of two. |
Moving Target ![]() ![]() Group: Members Posts: 619 Joined: 12-October 12 From: Calgary, AB Member No.: 56,960 ![]() |
Gotcha: I was recently told by my face to face GM, that as of SR4 Anniversary, that would not be a glitch. It has to be MORE than half ones. The actual reference I can find, SR4A62 says it would be. Maybe there was an errata that I do not have merged.Strength 5 + Running 3 = [1,1,5,2,1,1,2,3] = 1 hit GLITCH - Edge spent to counter glitch, 2 points remaining until refresh. Strength 5 + Climbing 3 = [6,3,5,1,4,4,2,6] = 3 hits. Strength 5 + Climbing 3 = [2,5,6,3,2,4,1,6] = 3 hits. Well, that could have gone better. I know I've asked this before, but I'm not searching 3700 posts to find the answer: When does Edge refresh, Aria? I spent 1 point in the firefight with the Drakes in the last scene, should it have refreshed? If so, then I have 3 edge remaining instead of two. I asked about edge refresh as well recently. GM discretion. Aria refreshed at the beginning of the scene when we left the mall for the patrol and sensor placement. You got that one back. |
Moving Target ![]() ![]() Group: Members Posts: 619 Joined: 12-October 12 From: Calgary, AB Member No.: 56,960 ![]() |
@Aria, E:Tribes,
Sorry (but only a little) about the book sized posts. I hope eyes did/do not glaze completely over. It was too much fun putting IRL information into the descriptions, especially the low tech lights in the high tech virtual model, to make vantage point picking as simple as looking for a colored pattern on a 2D photograph, above the edges of black shadows. People tended to be good at that sort of pattern recognition. That fits so nicely with the pseudo low tech steampunk theme. How do you like my IC description of the process for an astral patrol? Triangulation, error fitting, error correction, known and unknown reference points, partial starting map? For anyone interested in how this gets applied IRL in a robotics context, start with a look at Simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM) Everything should be ready and in place, as far as Oyl and Sprogget are concerned. @Arial, if you want LeO to try for the shot at the second APC, just have Jazz delayed or hesitate slightly. If she is still in the way, LeO's instruction should have him choose that, before moving over and going to suppressive fire. My records say he as 75 rounds left out of the 100 for the drum, 12 rounds per full high velocity burst at the APCs, 20 for each suppressive fire. Should I change professions and become a writer? Suspense and cliff hanger? PULL |
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