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Dragon ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Group: Dumpshocked Posts: 4,258 Joined: 9-March 10 From: The Citadel Member No.: 18,267 ![]() |
I'm sorry about the place holder ICs but work is kicking me in the teeth at the moment...promise that as we draw towards a suitably epic conclusion that the posts will get some better quality/time injected into them!
Moving Target ![]() ![]() Group: Members Posts: 619 Joined: 12-October 12 From: Calgary, AB Member No.: 56,960 ![]() |
Clarification on E:Tribes communications available? When Sprogget initially proposed/sent Scrapheap into the sewer system, IC indicated that he also dropped Scrapheap from the tacnet, before it started glitching out due to signal loss. UN62 "Landscaping for Signal Attenuation" says signal reduced by 2 to 5 per meter of 'earthen features', depending on metallic content. I figured that the distance would be enough to block normal wireless signals from reaching the surface. Jazz was never part of the team tacnet. Did not want to leave an extra signal that the Dissonants might notice, since they knew where she was, and might be watching. Those below ground can still connect to each other when in LOS, but going around a corner will degrade signal quickly (some 'bounce' ok, but only to limited extent). Assuming that the apparent lack of interest in the squad to chase Jazz, plus the 'breeze' that Scrapheap felt, plus Gemeaux noticing that Jazz reversed course, are related to the mage sending a spirit after Jazz, is Oyl going to get a burst of fear, or something from the watcher spirit that is staying with Jazz? OOG, I expect that you do not want solid targeting for the mage in the squad. Note that the content related to a dumb spirit matching aura to location does not seem quite appropriate. This does not seem like a 'difficult' task. Local (near earth) astral maps to physical one to one. Mundane Objects in physical are shadows in astral, and auras will 'glow'. The relative positions / separations between auras will be the same as the separation between the physical people. That should correspond very well to the density map produced by UBWR. Here, the piece that is of interest is the relative positioning / relationship between the auras. 'Here' is the interesting aura, I see 'this' many not interesting auras 'that' way, and so many 'that' way. If the auras were all in a regular grid, it might be hard to associate, but the more random or bunched groups are, the easier it should be align things. Especially with the UWBR view available to match too, and a good idea of about where to look. Using the 'bunched' gangers as one reference point, and the 'metal monster' APC as another, it should be easy to localize the mage. Especially as the squad spreads out a bit to reduce effective grenade targeting. As a last resort, a spirit could be told to 'manifest' (not materialize) right over the mage's head SR4A193. That would give any non-technological viewer a target to add to the tacnet, while still needing astral attacks to affect the spirit. Sprogget might need to get 'eyes on', instead of using just the sensor feeds. If the mage switches to astral to deal with the nuisance, he will get minuses on avoiding any physical attack. All of that is useless, unless some physical fire power is available. If that *is* a spirit going after Jazz, might give Oyl a little extra time with the Citymaster occupants while it and the mage are occupied elsewhere. With a very little support (enough to keep that other mage out of it, and reinforcements out of the Citymaster), Sprogget and Oyl *will* be able to take at least temporary control of the Citymaster, and make a serious mess of that remaining APC, squad, and gangers. Unless the fading knocks Sprogget out first. |
Dragon ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Group: Dumpshocked Posts: 4,258 Joined: 9-March 10 From: The Citadel Member No.: 18,267 ![]() |
@Aria, Hmmm, take your point, was picking up on JxJxA’s mention of the net without really thinking it through / checking, let’s assume I meant simple AROs below ground when they were more or less in LOS…to avoid friendly fire incidences if nothing else (IMG:style_emoticons/default/nyahnyah.gif) Clarification on E:Tribes communications available? When Sprogget initially proposed/sent Scrapheap into the sewer system, IC indicated that he also dropped Scrapheap from the tacnet, before it started glitching out due to signal loss. UN62 "Landscaping for Signal Attenuation" says signal reduced by 2 to 5 per meter of 'earthen features', depending on metallic content. I figured that the distance would be enough to block normal wireless signals from reaching the surface. Jazz was never part of the team tacnet. Did not want to leave an extra signal that the Dissonants might notice, since they knew where she was, and might be watching. Those below ground can still connect to each other when in LOS, but going around a corner will degrade signal quickly (some 'bounce' ok, but only to limited extent). Assuming that the apparent lack of interest in the squad to chase Jazz, plus the 'breeze' that Scrapheap felt, plus Gemeaux noticing that Jazz reversed course, are related to the mage sending a spirit after Jazz, is Oyl going to get a burst of fear, or something from the watcher spirit that is staying with Jazz? Yes, a spirit has gone hunting Jazz, yes, your watcher will see it and pass on the info to Osha. OOG, I expect that you do not want solid targeting for the mage in the squad. Note that the content related to a dumb spirit matching aura to location does not seem quite appropriate. This does not seem like a 'difficult' task. Local (near earth) astral maps to physical one to one. Mundane Objects in physical are shadows in astral, and auras will 'glow'. The relative positions / separations between auras will be the same as the separation between the physical people. That should correspond very well to the density map produced by UBWR. Here, the piece that is of interest is the relative positioning / relationship between the auras. 'Here' is the interesting aura, I see 'this' many not interesting auras 'that' way, and so many 'that' way. If the auras were all in a regular grid, it might be hard to associate, but the more random or bunched groups are, the easier it should be align things. Especially with the UWBR view available to match too, and a good idea of about where to look. Using the 'bunched' gangers as one reference point, and the 'metal monster' APC as another, it should be easy to localize the mage. Especially as the squad spreads out a bit to reduce effective grenade targeting. As a last resort, a spirit could be told to 'manifest' (not materialize) right over the mage's head SR4A193. That would give any non-technological viewer a target to add to the tacnet, while still needing astral attacks to affect the spirit. Sprogget might need to get 'eyes on', instead of using just the sensor feeds. If the mage switches to astral to deal with the nuisance, he will get minuses on avoiding any physical attack. I think my problem was in the interpretation of the live data…spirits can’t view digital info, even on a screen as far as I can tell as they have no frame of reference. There is the convoluted ‘picture in the mind’ of the summoner but given that the spirit is only force 2 I didn’t think it was clever enough. Plus everything is moving so if it’s there and it is Osha looking on…?!?…it just seemed too complicated to me but if you are comfortable that the spirit is capable of tagging the mage then I guess I’ll allow it…you’ve got enough stacked against you as it is (IMG:style_emoticons/default/ork.gif) It can certainly do the ‘sit over his head’ manoeuvre and hope it doesn’t get blatted by the mage or the ganger adept! All of that is useless, unless some physical fire power is available. If that *is* a spirit going after Jazz, might give Oyl a little extra time with the Citymaster occupants while it and the mage are occupied elsewhere. With a very little support (enough to keep that other mage out of it, and reinforcements out of the Citymaster), Sprogget and Oyl *will* be able to take at least temporary control of the Citymaster, and make a serious mess of that remaining APC, squad, and gangers. Unless the fading knocks Sprogget out first. The Freedom lot are busy trying to fight off a nasty dissonant created worm/virus on their nexus which is why they aren’t leaping out to help you (and overshadowing PC heroics!). I vaguely think I mentioned Jazz’s drone being around and ‘howling at the moon’ so there’s some ready fire power. Or co-opt the Optic X and crash it into something! Or yes, you could try and take over the Citymaster but I still suspect that’s a little overconfident (IMG:style_emoticons/default/biggrin.gif) As far as I can tell you’ll have to hack the rigger’s link, shunt him aside somehow and then give an order to the weapons systems from there. If he’s jumped in (although Osha didn’t think he was as he’d opened his cocoon) then you’ll need to do the ‘attack his icon’ in the matrix (interestingly this has kind of been established in canon in SR5…hackers can seriously mess with a rigger’s day!). Of course you’ve probably got some nefarious scheme in mind! It is mere moments from arriving ‘on scene’ so it had better be fast! As a side note, you’ve already got a salvageable APC for the 2075 game in the Russian heap you nuked! If you can get the Citymaster too then good luck to you (IMG:style_emoticons/default/biggrin.gif) |
Moving Target ![]() ![]() Group: Members Posts: 619 Joined: 12-October 12 From: Calgary, AB Member No.: 56,960 ![]() |
I seem to have previously skipped past some of the content from this post. Another book sized OOC post.
.. quote snipped .. Yep! That’s why I offered you the chance to grab Jazz’s cyberhound (and there’s a certain amount of poetry to that) or some other firepower…going up against a tank with a knife is not likely to have a good life expectancy modifier! Of course going up against the tank with anything isn’t exactly prolonging your life!!! Good (if crazy) karma though! The drone is circling so it will inevitably come into range of your drones. Just to clarify, are you using active radar to spot it? That is likely to get you targeted! Anyway, it’s an Optic-X running with an improved sensor array, UWBR etc… Optic-X is a small drone, upgraded sensor array gives it a medium sensor package, which has 6 slots. UWBR takes 2, regular radar takes 5 AR59. Can’t have both, so UWBR plus (probably) optical sensors. UWBR limited to 100 meter range, if no barrier(s) in the way strong enough to (cumulatively) block it, based on the rating (separate from the 100 meter signal range). Similar trade-offs to what G’Eye has, with a small sensor package (5 slots). Banjo has a large sensor package (8 slots), but is specialized more to the intended task of placing sensors. Yes DR has supposedly been using active radar(6) (regular not UWBR, so longer range:10km, less functionality for some things) to spot the drone. Needed to find it (the drone), before could hide from it. If the active radar source is enough to localized the source, the drone started sending first. You did not seem to be giving enough information to locate the drone from that though, so Sprogget set DR to active search. If active signals are going to that easily invite targeting, Sprogget would not have needed to do that. The signal from the Optic-X would have shown where it was. Regular radar would not have helped to tell what it was, other than a little for size, so no need to use for that. You only said ‘radar’ for the initial sweep contact. If that includes enough information to say UWBR, Sprogget knows that means range limited to 100 meters. Same as G’Eye and Banjo. ** Which do have active UWBR signals going. Banjo as of the just before the attack on the APC, G’Eye as of when Sprogget sent it to try to see the Citymaster. Both are inside buildings, looking through walls to see what is going on. Which means DR (with Sprogget) will be moving ‘away’ from the APC and circling drone, to try to stay out of the UWBR range, and putting solid buildings / lots of walls in between if it starts getting too close. The other tankkillers seem to be underground, and my early IC and OOC for locating the sewer entrances noted that the UWBR was seeing those as vertical shafts fading / fuzzing out as the earth (and angle) became too great to see through. The people underground should be safe from detection by above ground UWBR. The possible targeting, especially of a stationary signal source, was also why Sprogget got the monocycle moving away from the (dwindling) group as soon as the radar sweep was noticed. Once the drone is spotted, cut the active radar (if it was needed at all), and DR goes full evasive / infiltration. To do the planned hack work, Sprogget does not need to stay close, and DR is not an attack platform, so there is no reason to stay LOS with the squad or APC. The IC already had DR dog brain with explicit instructions to keep under cover from the Citymaster and it’s missiles. .. quote snipped .. In this case I think that a single squad tacnet isn’t likely (more likely for a spec ops unit) and that they would all be sharing info so you only need to break in the once. Inserting false data would be easier than removing something as it’s harder to cross verify. Feeding false info from the drone overhead might be the way to go as it’s a single source…or you could try and blow it out of the sky of course… Feeding false data from the drone is *interesting*, but probably will require a decrypt of that node too, after first locating it with scan, then either hack it, or spoof content from it. Too much time I think. To spoof, need to have (matrix perception) the "Access ID" of the source. Which means at least decrypting the signal traffic, and probably the node. If it **only** needs finding the hidden node, plus matrix perception to get the access ID, plus decryption of the signal traffic (in progress, part 2), plus edit (create content) and spoof, Sprogget can hold that in reserve to use after the other is in progress. .. quote snipped .. Ok, I’ve been fudging pbp / RAW times but I guess this needs some spelling out as the decrypt could take considerable ‘time’ (in game terms if not in actual perceivable time). Citymaster has accel 5/30 so it’s not going to take long to cover the 50m (or so) to the breech. I’ll say it’s not going to get to full speed because of the intervening burnt out cars etc but it is still only going to take a matter of 4-5 turns (maybe as much as 30s tops…). So that’s the time to grab the node info, Osha’s spirits to do their attacks and begin the decrypt. For ease of brain function (and possible drama!) let’s say the decrypts will finish in the turn it arrives…of course that leaves considerable time for the soldier boys to do something… Not to mention that it has to get stopped too. Which means that at simple ‘walk’ accel, it will move 5 + 10 + 15 + 15 + 10 + 5 + 0 to get 60 meters, start to stop. I though it was a bit further away from other content, which put it 50ish meters East from where LeO was, which was 135 meters from the APC. That would put it 100ish meters from the APCs, but it can of course move faster, up to 30 + 60 + 30 + 0 for 120 meters (the 0 is to get stopped, since the numbers would have it still moving at the beginning of that turn. That does not say whether the decrypts were running in parallel. Unless your above content meant that only a single decrypt was going to be needed? Sprogget’s planned actions *can* start as soon as the first decrypt is done, cancelling the remainder (to get a different sprite to do the Hack). Interesting thought while listing limits for UWBR: Sprogget has Juryrigger RC98/SR5p75 quality. One of the possible ‘feats’ is QUOTE (Runners Companion @ page 98) Tweaking an electronic device to function at a rating one higher than normal for 1 Combat Turn. QUOTE (Shadowrun, Fith Edition Core @ page 75) Tweak an electronic device to function at a rating one higher than normal for 1D6 Combat Turns. Running UWBR at a signal rating of 3 instead of 2, extends the range from 100 meters to 400 meters. Still limited by cumulative barrier rating, but that could give a good snapshot in the right circumstances. Alternatively, boosting the UWBR base rating from 4 (max by SR4 RAW, not found in SR5) to 5 would allow penetrating 25 points of barrier instead of 20.Is Sprogget going to have to ‘lose’ the UWBR sensors on the move to SR5? .. quote snipped .. Hmmm, take your point, was picking up on JxJxA’s mention of the net without really thinking it through / checking, let’s assume I meant simple AROs below ground when they were more or less in LOS…to avoid friendly fire incidences if nothing else (IMG:style_emoticons/default/nyahnyah.gif) Yes, a spirit has gone hunting Jazz, yes, your watcher will see it and pass on the info to Osha. .. quote snipped .. I think my problem was in the interpretation of the live data…spirits can’t view digital info, even on a screen as far as I can tell as they have no frame of reference. There is the convoluted ‘picture in the mind’ of the summoner but given that the spirit is only force 2 I didn’t think it was clever enough. Plus everything is moving so if it’s there and it is Osha looking on…?!?…it just seemed too complicated to me but if you are comfortable that the spirit is capable of tagging the mage then I guess I’ll allow it…you’ve got enough stacked against you as it is (IMG:style_emoticons/default/ork.gif) It can certainly do the ‘sit over his head’ manoeuvre and hope it doesn’t get blatted by the mage or the ganger adept! Not quite by RAW, but should not matter (see below). SR4189 Watcher Tasks -- Courier: says a watcher can display simple pictures, up to the complexity of a 2D, non-moving photograph shown to it. So it can process that data, whether it has any understanding of it or not. Here is the way I view the exchange: Osha has astral perception / assensing (good dice pool even, with both perceptive quality and enhanced perception adept power), so knows what things ‘look like’ to the spirit. She looks at the combined sensor data that Bit gave her, and sees that the UWBR information is reasonably close to the shadows and auras of astral. She translates that to an approximation of what the spirit should expect, and sends it off to find the aura of the mage. Once the spirit finds the aura, it sends Osha it’s view of the surrounding area in astral, and Osha uses that to match to her live view of the sensor data. The spirit does not need to do any interpreting. It just needs to find the mage, then provide a snapshot of the astral view. Osha has to do the work of translating that back to the positions in the sensor data. That amounts to a quick rotation and zooming to get the right orientation based on prominent features, like the APCs, and any clustered group(s) of gangers, then overlaying what the spirit is showing her to find the pattern of nearest neighbours (auras) around the mage. The ‘sit over his head’ option would only need to be maintained long enough for someone (from the good guys (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile.gif) ) to see it, and add a tag to tacnet. Then, as long as the mage does not ‘break contact’ with the sensors (UWBR), tacnet could maintain the tag without the spirits help. The Freedom lot are busy trying to fight off a nasty dissonant created worm/virus on their nexus which is why they aren’t leaping out to help you (and overshadowing PC heroics!). I vaguely think I mentioned Jazz’s drone being around and ‘howling at the moon’ so there’s some ready fire power. Or co-opt the Optic X and crash it into something! Or yes, you could try and take over the Citymaster but I still suspect that’s a little overconfident (IMG:style_emoticons/default/biggrin.gif) Sprogget might have been expecting some general Fre∑dom support, but I was not. That ‘call’ was really intended to give LeFey a good link to get in on the action, and connected back to the tankkillers. That data link between Mechanicals C&C and Fre∑dom should be going down shortly then, with or without warning to C&C. Yes I remember the mention of Jazz’s drone, which is why the query about the specs for it. To be practical in the time frame though, I think I need to assume that Jazz gave Sprogget access to it, same as he did to her for G’Eye. As far as I can tell you’ll have to hack the rigger’s link, shunt him aside somehow and then give an order to the weapons systems from there. If he’s jumped in (although Osha didn’t think he was as he’d opened his cocoon) then you’ll need to do the ‘attack his icon’ in the matrix (interestingly this has kind of been established in canon in SR5…hackers can seriously mess with a rigger’s day!). Of course you’ve probably got some nefarious scheme in mind! It is mere moments from arriving ‘on scene’ so it had better be fast! Yes, nefarious and fast scheme ready. Will describe in IC, since Sprogget needs to clue Oyl in (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile.gif) , now that he has a bit of idea about what the timing will look like. Too freaking tight! As a side note, you’ve already got a salvageable APC for the 2075 game in the Russian heap you nuked! If you can get the Citymaster too then good luck to you (IMG:style_emoticons/default/biggrin.gif) Mechanicals like salvage (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile.gif) The outline of the nefarious scheme: From previous IC and OOC content, the Citymaster is setup for hardwired access only, which is currently a physical connection to the rigger’s commlink. There are currently only 3 people in the Citymaster, one being the rigger who last look said was still in the cocoon, whether jumped in or not. If he is jumped in, or just in VR, Oyl’s spirit can get a good attack on him (prone, not moving, not really aware of physical). If not, then he is running at physical speed, and Sprogget (and Sprite) will be much faster in the matrix, with even more bonus if he is dodging physical attacks from the spirit at the same time. SR4A225/6 Virtual Reality (Any action taken in the physical world while in VR suffers a –6 dice pool penalty.) Use the spirit to get the rigger out of VR and defending in the physical world, just as the hack goes through (starts after the decrypt done). Being faster, and without the rigger being jumped in, spoof a command (as coming from the rigger) to the Citymaster to load/run a prepared script. Send it ‘rogue’: treat all metahumans and that remaining APC as enemies, including the current occupants: interesting if the Citymaster has capabilities to quell (gas maybe) trouble with occupants {the rigger cocoon would **normally** protect the driver from that}) Include in that script a special designation that the sensors can detect (without wireless) to allow Mechanicals to get close/in to take over later. With the timeline, corners are going to have to be cut, with better chances that rigger actions will prevent the plan from working. A requirement to have any chance, is to keep the squad out. The actual take over, starting with the hack, which will need a few combat passes, can not start until the decrypt is done. Decrypt, Sprite to hack rigger commlink, (simultaneous) Sprogget to use matrix perception to get rigger access ID, after hack, Sprogget to use matrix perception to locate access point for Citymaster node, Sprogget or Sprite to spoof command for prepared script. The IC is going to take some time to get right I think. EDIT: Since Engulf SM100 says materials can appear next to the spirit, and does not need to drag victims inside their (spirit) body, that might mean that multiple victims can be engulfed, one after the other as separate melee attacks, while sustaining the previous engulf ??? I think Osha is going to be using edge to try for a stronger spirit for this. (IMG:style_emoticons/default/devil.gif) |
Neophyte Runner ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Group: Members Posts: 2,162 Joined: 14-June 10 From: San Diego, CA Member No.: 18,704 ![]() |
So if I go in the sewers, am I off tacnet, too? Honestly, I'm not sure where I fit in, or why I wouldn't take myself off and just go back to Collot given that it's hard to find the group and follow them in IC and OOC. (IMG:style_emoticons/default/frown.gif)
Moving Target ![]() ![]() Group: Members Posts: 619 Joined: 12-October 12 From: Calgary, AB Member No.: 56,960 ![]() |
So if I go in the sewers, am I off tacnet, too? Honestly, I'm not sure where I fit in, or why I wouldn't take myself off and just go back to Collot given that it's hard to find the group and follow them in IC and OOC. (IMG:style_emoticons/default/frown.gif) With available information, wireless is going to degrade fast underground, so no tacnet while running a centralized tacnet with Sprogget above ground.That would seem to be a reasonable PC choice. For underground, you can have the infrastructure map that Sprogget grabbed from the Mechanicals system, with the route that was planned to get Scrapheap to the grating to enable the escape. Nothing was pre-setup for an exit though. Likely the first part will be a reverse of the route, but might not come out at the same place. With the activity above ground, staying underground and getting far away before coming out seems like a Very Good Idea™ If we can prevent Jazz from being 'spirit'ed away. |
Dragon ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Group: Dumpshocked Posts: 4,258 Joined: 9-March 10 From: The Citadel Member No.: 18,267 ![]() |
I have sort of read the epic OoC post from MG, will try and answer it tomorrow or Thur...Gemeaux is going to rescue the damsel, Collot can look after himself for now, your duty on that front is discharged, job done. The Freedom lot hired you to establish comms, job done, so this is pro bono (IMG:style_emoticons/default/biggrin.gif) although you can probably squeeze them for cash later if you wish!
Moving Target ![]() ![]() Group: Members Posts: 619 Joined: 12-October 12 From: Calgary, AB Member No.: 56,960 ![]() |
With the Citymaster moving toward, and G’Eye to intercept (inside the mall), UBWR sensor data is going to be available 'quickly'. When the Citymaster gets close to 100 meters from the breech. If it started closer than that, the information would have been available as soon as G’Eye went active on the sensors, when Sprogget enabled them shortly after the Citymaster was detected. End of this IC enabled wireless, middle of this comments on not needing to move much with the Citymaster moving. Was **supposed** to be commands beginning of this to get him moving, but that seems to have gotten dropped while I was editing off line. What is the relative positions of the various occupants? Looking to plan a place for the spirit to have cover while working. Not a lot of room inside a vehicle, but a spirit is not constrained by meta-human norms for shape/stance. Start with LOS to the rigger, but out of view for the Medic and Winter. Some 'moss' inside the cocoon, under rigger sounds good. Rigger meat shield (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile.gif) Some fluff content in the RAW books show spirits apparently materializing directly out of a wall. Touched on this earlier, but do not think I got an answer. This would seem to be GM discretion. I can not see anything RAW that gives an opinion. What would be the effect of a successful Fear SR4A295 attack by a materialized spirit on a rigger either jumped in, or in VR? Where the source of that Fear is inside the same vehicle? Or at least what does Oyl think the effect would be? Options I see are to 'dump' from VR then run away physically, or to run away in the matrix, although the source will still be right with them. (Apparent safety) Someone in VR (their body) can still feel fear, but what will be perceive as the source to run away from? Running away 'with' the jumped in vehicle is another possible, but that is like running away from the tiger that is already on your back (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile.gif) That open cocoon means LOS attacks are possible, even if not initially inside it (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile.gif) If fear causes someone to jump out, can the door be closed again by the dog brain (Sprogget’s best guess, and comfort level) ? IC still being worked on, but here are dice rolls for Oyl to get a force 5 plant spirit, with optional confusion power. Spend karma(6): Oyl Summoning(2) to (3) [ Spoiler ] Mages get a negative modifier for dice pools while sustaining spells. I *was* going to sequence events assuming that Spirits got negatives for sustained powers too, then noticed that Materialization power SR4A296 is listed as sustained, and I have never seen a modifier to the dice pools because of it. Looks like Sustained powers are automatic / concious choice, but do not impact other actions or powers while 'on'. The initial plan for the spirit, possibly modified by what UWBR shows, and what Sprogget and Oyl believe about dog brain being able to close an open door, and Fear affects on rigger in VR/jumped in. [ Spoiler ] Concealment SR4A293: Simple, LOS, Sustained | - (magic) dice from potential observer dice pool (optional) Confusion SR4A293: Complex, LOS, Sustained | Magic+Willpower vs Willpower, net hits dice pool modifier all actions Fear SR4A295: Complex, LOS, variable | Willpower+Magic vs Willpower, run away net hits combat turns Engulf SR4A294, Plant specific SM100: Complex, Touch(Melee), Sustained | magic + net hits on melee attack every (sustained) action phase - STR+BOD vs MAG+BOD to escape Now if Sprogget can do as good getting a Sprite to hack the rigger commlink node … |
Dragon ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Group: Dumpshocked Posts: 4,258 Joined: 9-March 10 From: The Citadel Member No.: 18,267 ![]() |
QUOTE (Machine Ghost @ Oct xx 2013, 08:14 AM) Optic-X is a small drone, upgraded sensor array gives it a medium sensor package, which has 6 slots. UWBR takes 2, regular radar takes 5 AR59. Can’t have both, so UWBR plus (probably) optical sensors. UWBR limited to 100 meter range, if no barrier(s) in the way strong enough to (cumulatively) block it, based on the rating (separate from the 100 meter signal range). Similar trade-offs to what G’Eye has, with a small sensor package (5 slots). Banjo has a large sensor package (8 slots), but is specialized more to the intended task of placing sensors. Ok, sorry for the confusion over radar/UWBR, it is running the latter, and I thought you were too (on all your vehicles/drones)Yes DR has supposedly been using active radar(6) (regular not UWBR, so longer range:10km, less functionality for some things) to spot the drone. Needed to find it (the drone), before could hide from it. If the active radar source is enough to localized the source, the drone started sending first. You did not seem to be giving enough information to locate the drone from that though, so Sprogget set DR to active search. If active signals are going to that easily invite targeting, Sprogget would not have needed to do that. The signal from the Optic-X would have shown where it was. Regular radar would not have helped to tell what it was, other than a little for size, so no need to use for that. You only said ‘radar’ for the initial sweep contact. If that includes enough information to say UWBR, Sprogget knows that means range limited to 100 meters. Same as G’Eye and Banjo. ** Which do have active UWBR signals going. Banjo as of the just before the attack on the APC, G’Eye as of when Sprogget sent it to try to see the Citymaster. Both are inside buildings, looking through walls to see what is going on. QUOTE (Machine Ghost @ Oct xx 2013, 08:14 AM) Which means DR (with Sprogget) will be moving ‘away’ from the APC and circling drone, to try to stay out of the UWBR range, and putting solid buildings / lots of walls in between if it starts getting too close. The other tankkillers seem to be underground, and my early IC and OOC for locating the sewer entrances noted that the UWBR was seeing those as vertical shafts fading / fuzzing out as the earth (and angle) became too great to see through. The people underground should be safe from detection by above ground UWBR. yes, that fits with what I was thinking…the reason why missiles haven’t rained down on you!The possible targeting, especially of a stationary signal source, was also why Sprogget got the monocycle moving away from the (dwindling) group as soon as the radar sweep was noticed. Once the drone is spotted, cut the active radar (if it was needed at all), and DR goes full evasive / infiltration. To do the planned hack work, Sprogget does not need to stay close, and DR is not an attack platform, so there is no reason to stay LOS with the squad or APC. The IC already had DR dog brain with explicit instructions to keep under cover from the Citymaster and it’s missiles. QUOTE (Machine Ghost @ Oct xx 2013, 08:14 AM) Feeding false data from the drone is *interesting*, but probably will require a decrypt of that node too, after first locating it with scan, then either hack it, or spoof content from it. Too much time I think. To spoof, need to have (matrix perception) the "Access ID" of the source. Which means at least decrypting the signal traffic, and probably the node. If it **only** needs finding the hidden node, plus matrix perception to get the access ID, plus decryption of the signal traffic (in progress, part 2), plus edit (create content) and spoof, Sprogget can hold that in reserve to use after the other is in progress. We’ll hold that thought for now then…not sure what it would achieve anyway given you other plans!QUOTE (Machine Ghost @ Oct xx 2013, 08:14 AM) .. quote snipped .. Sorry again, was assuming you were running the parallel decrypts as you described to bring us more or less back in sync…Ok, I’ve been fudging pbp / RAW times but I guess this needs some spelling out as the decrypt could take considerable ‘time’ (in game terms if not in actual perceivable time). Citymaster has accel 5/30 so it’s not going to take long to cover the 50m (or so) to the breech. I’ll say it’s not going to get to full speed because of the intervening burnt out cars etc but it is still only going to take a matter of 4-5 turns (maybe as much as 30s tops…). So that’s the time to grab the node info, Osha’s spirits to do their attacks and begin the decrypt. For ease of brain function (and possible drama!) let’s say the decrypts will finish in the turn it arrives…of course that leaves considerable time for the soldier boys to do something… Not to mention that it has to get stopped too. Which means that at simple ‘walk’ accel, it will move 5 + 10 + 15 + 15 + 10 + 5 + 0 to get 60 meters, start to stop. I though it was a bit further away from other content, which put it 50ish meters East from where LeO was, which was 135 meters from the APC. That would put it 100ish meters from the APCs, but it can of course move faster, up to 30 + 60 + 30 + 0 for 120 meters (the 0 is to get stopped, since the numbers would have it still moving at the beginning of that turn. That does not say whether the decrypts were running in parallel. Unless your above content meant that only a single decrypt was going to be needed? Sprogget’s planned actions *can* start as soon as the first decrypt is done, cancelling the remainder (to get a different sprite to do the Hack). QUOTE (Machine Ghost @ Oct xx 2013, 08:14 AM) Interesting thought while listing limits for UWBR: Sprogget has Juryrigger RC98/SR5p75 quality. One of the possible ‘feats’ is I’m sure we can conjure an approximation of the SR4 rules to use with SR5! Max range might be possible to extend but given the likelihood of there being more barriers to pass through boosting the penetration would be more useful!QUOTE (Runners Companion @ page 98) Tweaking an electronic device to function at a rating one higher than normal for 1 Combat Turn. QUOTE (Shadowrun, Fifth Edition Core @ page 75) Tweak an electronic device to function at a rating one higher than normal for 1D6 Combat Turns. Running UWBR at a signal rating of 3 instead of 2, extends the range from 100 meters to 400 meters. Still limited by cumulative barrier rating, but that could give a good snapshot in the right circumstances. Alternatively, boosting the UWBR base rating from 4 (max by SR4 RAW, not found in SR5) to 5 would allow penetrating 25 points of barrier instead of 20. Is Sprogget going to have to ‘lose’ the UWBR sensors on the move to SR5? QUOTE (Machine Ghost @ Oct xx 2013, 08:14 AM) Not quite by RAW, but should not matter (see below). SR4189 Watcher Tasks -- Courier: says a watcher can display simple pictures, up to the complexity of a 2D, non-moving photograph shown to it. So it can process that data, whether it has any understanding of it or not. Got it! When explained like that it does seem a lot less complicated than what I thought you had in mind! So mage tagged, more or less and maintained as long as they are in LOS of the tacnet feeders (including GEye’s UWBR).Here is the way I view the exchange: Osha has astral perception / assensing (good dice pool even, with both perceptive quality and enhanced perception adept power), so knows what things ‘look like’ to the spirit. She looks at the combined sensor data that Bit gave her, and sees that the UWBR information is reasonably close to the shadows and auras of astral. She translates that to an approximation of what the spirit should expect, and sends it off to find the aura of the mage. Once the spirit finds the aura, it sends Osha it’s view of the surrounding area in astral, and Osha uses that to match to her live view of the sensor data. The spirit does not need to do any interpreting. It just needs to find the mage, then provide a snapshot of the astral view. Osha has to do the work of translating that back to the positions in the sensor data. That amounts to a quick rotation and zooming to get the right orientation based on prominent features, like the APCs, and any clustered group(s) of gangers, then overlaying what the spirit is showing her to find the pattern of nearest neighbours (auras) around the mage. The ‘sit over his head’ option would only need to be maintained long enough for someone (from the good guys ) to see it, and add a tag to tacnet. Then, as long as the mage does not ‘break contact’ with the sensors (UWBR), tacnet could maintain the tag without the spirits help. QUOTE (Machine Ghost @ Oct xx 2013, 08:14 AM) The Freedom lot are busy trying to fight off a nasty dissonant created worm/virus on their nexus which is why they aren’t leaping out to help you (and overshadowing PC heroics!). I vaguely think I mentioned Jazz’s drone being around and ‘howling at the moon’ so there’s some ready fire power. Or co-opt the Optic X and crash it into something! Or yes, you could try and take over the Citymaster but I still suspect that’s a little overconfident Ah, I thought you were after specs of the Optic-X (IMG:style_emoticons/default/nyahnyah.gif) Sprogget might have been expecting some general Fre∑dom support, but I was not. That ‘call’ was really intended to give LeFey a good link to get in on the action, and connected back to the tankkillers. That data link between Mechanicals C&C and Fre∑dom should be going down shortly then, with or without warning to C&C. Yes I remember the mention of Jazz’s drone, which is why the query about the specs for it. GM Nissan Doberman [H 0, Ac 10/25, Sp 75, Pi 3, B 3, Ar 6, S 6] +Walker mode, weapon mount (external, remote-controlled turret), clearsight 3 and targeting 3 autosofts +Sensors [6] (Camera 6+Smartlink+Lowlight+Thermo+Magnification+Vision Enhance 3 (front), Camera 6+Lowlight (rear), 2 Laser Range Finders (front and back), Motion Sensor (front), Radio Signal Scanner 6) Ingram White Knight [6P, AP -1, BF/FA, RC 5 (6), 50 © or 100 (belt)] +External smartlink, 100x normal rounds +100x tracer rounds QUOTE (Machine Ghost @ Oct xx 2013, 08:14 AM) Unless you want Jazz’s drone to show up at the breach, trailing her, since LeFey is not around. Single shot / burst and retreat, to take out that other mage would give a bit more opportunity for Oyl to keep things stirred up while Sprogget works to stay conscious long enough to retarget the Citymaster weapons. Ok, you have command!If Sprogget is going to notice that, and use/command, a bit more specs would be good. Either G’Eye or Banjo could be close enough to notice it sneaking around. Getting access fast enough could be more of an IC problem. To be practical in the time frame though, I think I need to assume that Jazz gave Sprogget access to it, same as he did to her for G’Eye. |
Dragon ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Group: Dumpshocked Posts: 4,258 Joined: 9-March 10 From: The Citadel Member No.: 18,267 ![]() |
QUOTE (Machine Ghost @ Oct xx 2013, 08:14 AM) As far as I can tell you’ll have to hack the rigger’s link, shunt him aside somehow and then give an order to the weapons systems from there. If he’s jumped in (although Osha didn’t think he was as he’d opened his cocoon) then you’ll need to do the ‘attack his icon’ in the matrix (interestingly this has kind of been established in canon in SR5…hackers can seriously mess with a rigger’s day!). Of course you’ve probably got some nefarious scheme in mind! It is mere moments from arriving ‘on scene’ so it had better be fast! …it may just be me but this rigger seems to be in for a bad time (IMG:style_emoticons/default/nyahnyah.gif) They seem to be percularly vulnerable to matrix attack so I’d make the assumption that his link will be protected by an Agent actively checking for hostile icons. A milspec comm shouldn’t be a breeze! SR5 changes all that and I think riggers may be in for a harder time (there’s even a bit in the main rulebook about it…), but we’re not quite there yet (IMG:style_emoticons/default/biggrin.gif) Yes, nefarious and fast scheme ready. Will describe in IC, since Sprogget needs to clue Oyl in , now that he has a bit of idea about what the timing will look like. Too freaking tight! The outline of the nefarious scheme: From previous IC and OOC content, the Citymaster is setup for hardwired access only, which is currently a physical connection to the rigger’s commlink. There are currently only 3 people in the Citymaster, one being the rigger who last look said was still in the cocoon, whether jumped in or not. If he is jumped in, or just in VR, Oyl’s spirit can get a good attack on him (prone, not moving, not really aware of physical). If not, then he is running at physical speed, and Sprogget (and Sprite) will be much faster in the matrix, with even more bonus if he is dodging physical attacks from the spirit at the same time. SR4A225/6 Virtual Reality (Any action taken in the physical world while in VR suffers a –6 dice pool penalty.) Use the spirit to get the rigger out of VR and defending in the physical world, just as the hack goes through (starts after the decrypt done). Being faster, and without the rigger being jumped in, spoof a command (as coming from the rigger) to the Citymaster to load/run a prepared script. Send it ‘rogue’: treat all metahumans and that remaining APC as enemies, including the current occupants: interesting if the Citymaster has capabilities to quell (gas maybe) trouble with occupants {the rigger cocoon would **normally** protect the driver from that}) Include in that script a special designation that the sensors can detect (without wireless) to allow Mechanicals to get close/in to take over later. With the timeline, corners are going to have to be cut, with better chances that rigger actions will prevent the plan from working. A requirement to have any chance, is to keep the squad out. The actual take over, starting with the hack, which will need a few combat passes, can not start until the decrypt is done. Decrypt, Sprite to hack rigger commlink, (simultaneous) Sprogget to use matrix perception to get rigger access ID, after hack, Sprogget to use matrix perception to locate access point for Citymaster node, Sprogget or Sprite to spoof command for prepared script. The IC is going to take some time to get right I think. QUOTE (Machine Ghost @ Oct xx 2013, 08:14 AM) EDIT: Since Engulf SM100 says materials can appear next to the spirit, and does not need to drag victims inside their (spirit) body, that might mean that multiple victims can be engulfed, one after the other as separate melee attacks, while sustaining the previous engulf ??? NO NO NO NO NO! Spirits are bad enough as it is without allowing them to engulf the world! I’m not sure on the RAW (without consulting the main forums) but I’m going to say one use of a power at a time!I think Osha is going to be using edge to try for a stronger spirit for this. @Aria, Again, probably a question for the main forums…senses are overridden by the RAS but fear is an emotion (?!?) my first reaction is that the fear makes them fear something in the matrix and to ‘run away’ they would have to jack out. I think I’d then ask for a new fear roll from the spirit to confront them again, they would then in theory run from the spirit…worth asking the rules lawyers though!With the Citymaster moving toward, and G’Eye to intercept (inside the mall), UBWR sensor data is going to be available 'quickly'. When the Citymaster gets close to 100 meters from the breech. If it started closer than that, the information would have been available as soon as G’Eye went active on the sensors, when Sprogget enabled them shortly after the Citymaster was detected. End of this IC enabled wireless, middle of this comments on not needing to move much with the Citymaster moving. Was **supposed** to be commands beginning of this to get him moving, but that seems to have gotten dropped while I was editing off line. What is the relative positions of the various occupants? Looking to plan a place for the spirit to have cover while working. Not a lot of room inside a vehicle, but a spirit is not constrained by meta-human norms for shape/stance. Start with LOS to the rigger, but out of view for the Medic and Winter. Some 'moss' inside the cocoon, under rigger sounds good. Rigger meat shield (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile.gif) Some fluff content in the RAW books show spirits apparently materializing directly out of a wall. Touched on this earlier, but do not think I got an answer. This would seem to be GM discretion. I cannot see anything RAW that gives an opinion. What would be the effect of a successful Fear SR4A295 attack by a materialized spirit on a rigger either jumped in, or in VR? Where the source of that Fear is inside the same vehicle? Or at least what does Oyl think the effect would be? Options I see are to 'dump' from VR then run away physically, or to run away in the matrix, although the source will still be right with them. (Apparent safety) Someone in VR (their body) can still feel fear, but what will be perceive as the source to run away from? Running away 'with' the jumped in vehicle is another possible, but that is like running away from the tiger that is already on your back (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile.gif) That open cocoon means LOS attacks are possible, even if not initially inside it (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile.gif) With no magical protection left inside the vehicle that spirit is going to cause some carnage! Not sure about the conceal as you need to be materialised to affect the material plane but you could always instruct it to do that outside the Citymaster before going in. Confusion will also have interesting effects on the rigger…he might even start firing on his troops without you taking over the node (IMG:style_emoticons/default/ork.gif) If fear causes someone to jump out, can the door be closed again by the dog brain (Sprogget’s best guess, and comfort level) ? IC still being worked on, but here are dice rolls for Oyl to get a force 5 plant spirit, with optional confusion power. Spend karma(6): Oyl Summoning(2) to (3) [ Spoiler ] Mages get a negative modifier for dice pools while sustaining spells. I *was* going to sequence events assuming that Spirits got negatives for sustained powers too, then noticed that Materialization power SR4A296 is listed as sustained, and I have never seen a modifier to the dice pools because of it. Looks like Sustained powers are automatic / concious choice, but do not impact other actions or powers while 'on'. The initial plan for the spirit, possibly modified by what UWBR shows, and what Sprogget and Oyl believe about dog brain being able to close an open door, and Fear affects on rigger in VR/jumped in. [ Spoiler ] Concealment SR4A293: Simple, LOS, Sustained | - (magic) dice from potential observer dice pool (optional) Confusion SR4A293: Complex, LOS, Sustained | Magic+Willpower vs Willpower, net hits dice pool modifier all actions Fear SR4A295: Complex, LOS, variable | Willpower+Magic vs Willpower, run away net hits combat turns Engulf SR4A294, Plant specific SM100: Complex, Touch(Melee), Sustained | magic + net hits on melee attack every (sustained) action phase - STR+BOD vs MAG+BOD to escape Now if Sprogget can do as good getting a Sprite to hack the rigger commlink node … Physical layout of the APC: http://fc08.deviantart.net/fs25/f/2008/161...y_doctaotsu.png Rigger cocoon in line with mage cocoon along right side of the vehicle, there’s a manual turret gunner position on the left (next to the rigger cocoon and with a view through the ‘window’), most of the rest of the vehicle is open with wall mounted drop down seats for the occupants. Interestingly SR 5 lists a Roadmaster (civvie version) as having 8 seats (including the driver’s)…but doesn’t mention cargo space. I’m saying there are at least 12 seats + the 2 cocoons in this one. So, if you wouldn’t mind clarifying the spirit effects on someone in VR on the main forum you could even ask about the multi-use of spirit powers… I might even reluctantly let you get away with it (IMG:style_emoticons/default/nyahnyah.gif) |
Moving Target ![]() ![]() Group: Members Posts: 619 Joined: 12-October 12 From: Calgary, AB Member No.: 56,960 ![]() |
.. MG quote snipped .. Ok, sorry for the confusion over radar/UWBR, it is running the latter, and I thought you were too (on all your vehicles/drones) DR is running regular (vehicle) radar, G'Eye and Banjo have UWBR, LeO has/had neither. .. MG quote snipped .. yes, that fits with what I was thinking…the reason why missiles haven’t rained down on you! So the IC content about DR going active with the Radar was incorrect. The original incoming scan contact had enough information to both know that it was UWBR (for the Optic-X at least), and fairly close where it was, even if the storm and stealth profile meant that it could not be seen visibly. I expect that the Citymaster is running regular vehicle radar, like the monocycle is. No real barrier penetration for that, so easier to hide from. LeO was just too visible, given the position used to target the APC. .. MG quote snipped .. We’ll hold that thought for now then…not sure what it would achieve anyway given you other plans! Faking content from the sensor platform could be fun IC though. Just as the Citymaster goes rogue, show a bunch of other (ground troop) contacts moving in, including something 'heavy' inside the breech, so they do not retreat that way, to really stir up that squad <evil evil grin> .. MG quote snipped .. Sorry again, was assuming you were running the parallel decrypts as you described to bring us more or less back in sync… I was probably not clear enough on the original description. It was intended to show the different possible paths depending on interpretation of what was possible, and an implied question about what you would allow. Parallel looks reasonable, to allow TM's and Sprites the same general base abilities as hackers and agents, but does not seem completely required. So the first and third decrypts would finish before the Citymaster stops, and the second just as it stops. Sprogget will 'dither' a bit, but wait for the final decrypt to finish before compiling a new sprite for the hack. IC timing should have Oyl's spirit hitting the rigger with confusion about then, and if that looks like enough to prevent the Citymaster from stopping by the squad, Sprogget gains a little time. The time needed to compile and hack means that unless the confusion adjusts things, the squad could start boarding before he was done anyway. .. block snipped .. GM Nissan Doberman [H 0, Ac 10/25, Sp 75, Pi 3, B 3, Ar 6, S 6] +Walker mode, weapon mount (external, remote-controlled turret), clearsight 3 and targeting 3 autosofts +Sensors [6] (Camera 6+Smartlink+Lowlight+Thermo+Magnification+Vision Enhance 3 (front), Camera 6+Lowlight (rear), 2 Laser Range Finders (front and back), Motion Sensor (front), Radio Signal Scanner 6) Ingram White Knight [6P, AP -1, BF/FA, RC 5 (6), 50 © or 100 (belt)] +External smartlink, 100x normal rounds +100x tracer rounds .. MG quote snipped .. Ok, you have command! Would you like IC and plans/dice rolls for this 'pup' shooting the mage, or do you want to just include the result in one of your IC posts? Pending IC has the instructions to add it to the tacnet, and get it moving into tentative position, then fine tune when the mage is tagged on tacnet, before taking the shot. Your previous IC had the squad spreading out and taking cover, behind the APC, and at the breech. Where did the mage end up? To give the Doberman a better chance of getting close enough unnoticed, and clear again after, I would 'prefer' at the breech. I have the drone initially approaching that from inside the mall. Also, what is the timing going to look like for the spirit hauling Jazz out of the sewer, Doberman targeting the mage, and finishing the final decrypt (which would match the Citymaster stopping, if the confusion does not change that)? .. MG quote snipped .. …it may just be me but this rigger seems to be in for a bad time (IMG:style_emoticons/default/nyahnyah.gif) I certainly hope so (IMG:style_emoticons/default/ork.gif) : They seem to be percularly vulnerable to matrix attack so I’d make the assumption that his link will be protected by an Agent actively checking for hostile icons. A milspec comm shouldn’t be a breeze! SR5 changes all that and I think riggers may be in for a harder time (there’s even a bit in the main rulebook about it…), but we’re not quite there yet (IMG:style_emoticons/default/biggrin.gif) SR5 I think says no IC except in hosts, so yah, not in the commlinks. In SR4 an agent (and IC) would be valid in a commlink, especially higher end, with the resources to run it and it's payload of programs. Good thing Sprogget's current plan is to not stick around long enough to give the IC much chance to interfere! .. MG quote snipped .. NO NO NO NO NO! Spirits are bad enough as it is without allowing them to engulf the world! I’m not sure on the RAW (without consulting the main forums) but I’m going to say one use of a power at a time! It **has** to be more than one power at a time, since materialization is a power, but limiting the number of uses of each makes sense. I was figuring the number of uses of a power limited by spirit rating, like is explicitly done for Concealment and Guard. The difference being that those can be applied to multiple targets simultaneously, if all in LOS, while Engulf requires individual Melee attacks. I can work with one engulf at a time, though I need at least confusion sustained while doing Fear and /or Engulf without getting a lot trickier / riskier. .. MG quote snipped .. Again, probably a question for the main forums…senses are overridden by the RAS but fear is an emotion (?!?) my first reaction is that the fear makes them fear something in the matrix and to ‘run away’ they would have to jack out. I think I’d then ask for a new fear roll from the spirit to confront them again, they would then in theory run from the spirit…worth asking the rules lawyers though! Forcing a jackout would be 'perfect' for my plan. Would not even need to have him run away from the spirit. In fact need to prevent that, so that the physical wired connection is not unplugged. The fear would prevent going back in for at least 1 combat turn, and that at meat speed after jackout. .. MG quote snipped .. With no magical protection left inside the vehicle that spirit is going to cause some carnage! Not sure about the conceal as you need to be materialised to affect the material plane but you could always instruct it to do that outside the Citymaster before going in. Once materialized, could the spirit move through the wall of the Citymaster? Isn't it going to be too solid to do that? Yes need to be materialized to affect the physical plane, but figured could have the power already active while materialising, so that it did not need an extra complex action while it was easier to notice. Having a place to materialize that is out of sight from all of the occupants would do as well. Inside/under the riggers cocoon, or maybe inside the dead mage's cocoon look reasonable. Confusion will also have interesting effects on the rigger…he might even start firing on his troops without you taking over the node (IMG:style_emoticons/default/ork.gif) I had not considered that possibility. (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile.gif) I was just hoping to get him to not stop / turn away from the squad, so they did not get involved inside the Citymaster. Physical layout of the APC: http://fc08.deviantart.net/fs25/f/2008/161...y_doctaotsu.png nice model image. Rigger cocoon in line with mage cocoon along right side of the vehicle, there’s a manual turret gunner position on the left (next to the rigger cocoon and with a view through the ‘window’), most of the rest of the vehicle is open with wall mounted drop down seats for the occupants. Interestingly SR 5 lists a Roadmaster (civvie version) as having 8 seats (including the driver’s)…but doesn’t mention cargo space. I’m saying there are at least 12 seats + the 2 cocoons in this one. Mechanicals are going to like having this (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile.gif) A little big and conspicuous for discrete transport that Sprogget was complaining about not having during the 'great escape', but a little operating process adjustment, and Spindle in that cocoon rigged with the 'mage sight' vision system already built in … I think the local gangs will be leery of direct confrontations (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile.gif) Just need to convince Spindle that the Citymaster is a reasonable 'rat hole' to run/retreat to. Would make an excellent 'limo' for Oyl to attend any diplomatic negotiations too. With the limited resource (actives) available, it would seldom be fully crewed, but no need to tell anyone that, and they would have to mostly guess about that anyway, unless a deliberate parade / demonstration was done. Getting ahead, but how about this: with the Mechanicals skills, refit the interior to be removable / reconfigurable. An alternate configuration could turn it into a mobile meeting room, with amenities supplied by the tribal gardens. Pull up and 'invite' a gang leader and his lieutenants to step into Oyl's office, for a meal and chat. Carrot and the stick shown all at once. So, if you wouldn’t mind clarifying the spirit effects on someone in VR on the main forum you could even ask about the multi-use of spirit powers… I might even reluctantly let you get away with it (IMG:style_emoticons/default/nyahnyah.gif) Queries posted: matrix and fear multiple engulf When the actual combat goes 'live', how fast do you want to run it? I can post as clear of instructions for the Spirit as possible, then you can run mostly end to end. Or IP by IP. There are going to be a bunch of decision points for *someone*, based on what the opposition is doing, noticing, resisting. As well as a trigger from Sprogget, to Oyl, to Spirit about triggering Fear or Engulfing the rigger, to try to pull him out of VR (or at least not jumped in), to leave a path for Sprogget. Lots of things happening almost at the same time, and the order will need to affect the actions being taken. At least with the UWBR in G'Eye, Sprogget will be able to mostly keep up with how the Spirit is doing. |
Moving Target ![]() ![]() Group: Members Posts: 619 Joined: 12-October 12 From: Calgary, AB Member No.: 56,960 ![]() |
For SR5, I have a convenient 'mark' symbol for Sprogget to use ⚙⚙⚙⚙⚙⚙, if that works in most browsers (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile.gif) Sliding a hacked Scan(6)+Optimization(3)+Ergonomic+Crashguard program into Banjo, so it can do "Detect Hidden Node" for Sprogget Electronic Warfare(4)+Scan(6) (4, Complex Action) [ Spoiler ] For shooting the mage, I think a pair of short bursts looks good. If the first burst takes him out, use the second simple action to start the retreat. [ Spoiler ] I think I have IC organized in a reasonable order for what Sprogget and Oyl are doing, and what other IC says is happening. I can squeeze an extra (Oyl) IP or 2 out of that, to get the Spirit active earlier, by having the watcher notice the spirit kidnapping Jazz latter in the sequence, just after sending the Plant spirit to the Citymaster. That would also give Fido more time to get into position.Given the timeline for the decrypts and Citymaster, the IC is taking too long, but wanted to fill in a reasonable planning dialog between Sprogget and Oyl, since they are not mind readers. For creating the fake sensor data, Sprogget has Artisan(1)+INT(5), Disguise(2)+INT(5), Automotive Mechanic(2)+LOG(4), Electronic Warfare(2)+LOG(4), Hardware(2)+LOG(4) to draw on. Hardware for what the sensors see, electronic warfare for the signals end of inserting the data, the rest for making it look right in context. It was both interesting a fun trying to interleave the actions at different speeds, with everyone in a hurry to get things done and ready in time. To get the feel of the rush, and suppressed panic. At this point, the fake sensor data is a time killing project for Sprogget, but keeping busy is way better than chewing on his virtual nails. If feels like he is contributing, even if it is mostly waiting. Plant Spirit(5)+Confusion: B 8, A 4, R 7, S 9, CILW Edg 5, Init 10, IP 2 Rolls [ Spoiler ] |
Moving Target ![]() ![]() Group: Members Posts: 869 Joined: 8-March 02 Member No.: 2,252 ![]() |
@Aria: Can I hear Jazz coming back towards me? Need to know so I can put up an appropriate IC post.
Moving Target ![]() ![]() Group: Members Posts: 619 Joined: 12-October 12 From: Calgary, AB Member No.: 56,960 ![]() |
@Aria: Can I hear Jazz coming back towards me? Need to know so I can put up an appropriate IC post. Oyl had a watcher spirit keeping an eye on Jazz, so she got warning that way. The middle of this IC has the watcher passing a message to Scrapheap. Which order things happen is of course somewhat flexible. |
Dragon ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Group: Dumpshocked Posts: 4,258 Joined: 9-March 10 From: The Citadel Member No.: 18,267 ![]() |
Moving Target ![]() ![]() Group: Members Posts: 619 Joined: 12-October 12 From: Calgary, AB Member No.: 56,960 ![]() |
No, she's gone, no scream, nothing... How fast is Fido going to be in position to take the shot at the mage in these timelines? |
Moving Target ![]() ![]() Group: Members Posts: 619 Joined: 12-October 12 From: Calgary, AB Member No.: 56,960 ![]() |
Looking at the image you supplied for the Citymaster, I am going to tentatively say that the door is powered, so the dog brain should at least be able to close it when open. It might not even be possible to open (easily) without having the dog brain / rigger request it. Winter and the Medic/Tacnet manager might not be ABLE to exit the vehicle when Fear hits them. Not going to be able to hit the 'crash bar' and jump. I included triggering Fido to attack the mage in the IC, but do not know where that should be in the sequence. No information about when Fido would get into position, or how that matches to the Spirit kidnapping Jazz. I tried to leave the dependencies between the Sprite hacking the commlink, and the Spirit attacking the Citymaster occupants open. With a description of the somewhat anticipated / planned timing. Let's see where you put the progress of the Spirit when it gets the go ahead from Oyl. Crack Sprite has Suppression power, so any firewall related alerts triggered by the Sprite actions gets delayed by 3 combat **Turns**, and for the hacking, that delay does not start until the firewall accumulates Stealth(5) hits on Analyze(6?)+Firewall(7) extended. Even if that was the first roll, the alert does not get triggered for 9 matrix IP Sprogget [ Spoiler ] Crack(5)+Spoof: Pilot 5, Response 6, Firewall 5, Matrix Init 15, IP 3, Edge 5 SR4A242 [ Spoiler ] Information to go with the fake sensor data thoughts in IC AU36/7 Radar sense (= UWBR AR60), Cumulative 5 x rating structure rating SR4A166 penetration |
Dragon ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Group: Dumpshocked Posts: 4,258 Joined: 9-March 10 From: The Citadel Member No.: 18,267 ![]() |
[/indent]No, she's gone, no scream, nothing... I guess the question is what the watcher spirit has been seeing then. My previous IC may have issues. How fast is Fido going to be in position to take the shot at the mage in these timelines? Don't think so...spirit engulfed her (sorta) and concealed her so that the mundanes can't see her...the watcher can see this (sorry, I forgot you had a watcher there when I wrote the original IC)...it has been ordered to bring her out 'unseen' so being quite bright it is going to silence poor little watcher and send it packing! I'm working up the timeline IP by IP more or less to try and track the intrusion etc...it might take me a bit of time to go through all your rolls etc so bear with me (IMG:style_emoticons/default/sarcastic.gif) EDIT: I note a lot of your rolls have spirits / sprites using their edge! Don't be surprised if your foes (mainly Winter) do the same! Gotta have the main villain live to fight another day (IMG:style_emoticons/default/ork.gif) |
Moving Target ![]() ![]() Group: Members Posts: 619 Joined: 12-October 12 From: Calgary, AB Member No.: 56,960 ![]() |
Don't think so...spirit engulfed her (sorta) and concealed her so that the mundanes can't see her...the watcher can see this (sorry, I forgot you had a watcher there when I wrote the original IC)...it has been ordered to bring her out 'unseen' so being quite bright it is going to silence poor little watcher and send it packing! I wouldn't say 'a lot' Exactly one each, other then their own discretion in defending themselves.I'm working up the timeline IP by IP more or less to try and track the intrusion etc...it might take me a bit of time to go through all your rolls etc so bear with me (IMG:style_emoticons/default/sarcastic.gif) EDIT: I note a lot of your rolls have spirits / sprites using their edge! Don't be surprised if your foes (mainly Winter) do the same! Gotta have the main villain live to fight another day (IMG:style_emoticons/default/ork.gif) So the information from watcher to Oyl will be something about hiding, then it goes poof, and Oyl will pass to Sprogget that she can not track, and will just have to get the shot from Fido as soon as possible. And will not know where Jazz will be at the time. I will assume that as a prisoner, Jazz is unarmed. I sort of accounted for that with the IC for the script to feed to the City master. It should not be attacking unarmed people, only trying to keep away from them, unless they are trying to board. |
Moving Target ![]() ![]() Group: Members Posts: 869 Joined: 8-March 02 Member No.: 2,252 ![]() |
Uhhh, so did the watcher deliver it's message to me or not? I am getting lost in the walls of text and the rapid time shifts.
Dragon ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Group: Dumpshocked Posts: 4,258 Joined: 9-March 10 From: The Citadel Member No.: 18,267 ![]() |
Uhhh, so did the watcher deliver it's message to me or not? I am getting lost in the walls of text and the rapid time shifts. Yes, it did, just before disappearing mid sentance...something is UP! But that will be clear as soon as you look round and can't see Jazz anymore but can see Gemeaux coming towards you down the sewer... Ok, let’s start with Fido & the Plant (IMG:style_emoticons/default/biggrin.gif) : For shooting the mage, I think a pair of short bursts looks good. If the first burst takes him out, use the second simple action to start the retreat. Yeah, your rolls may be ok but the mage is alert (Full defense), in cover, wearing good armour and benefitting from a tacnet! One burst certainly ain’t gonna cut the mustard, neither is 2 (although (s)he is wounded by then)…after that I don’t hold much hope for Fido’s chances…poor Jazz (IMG:style_emoticons/default/nyahnyah.gif) Inbound fire!!![ Spoiler ] Can you clarify for me exactly how Osha is communicating with her Plant? Normally remote service means it buggers off to perform your instructions, it’s a bit of a reach to give live commands after that (although I’m going to allow it for now!) Materialized spirits have 2IP I believe… Plant Spirit(5)+Confusion: B 8, A 4, R 7, S 9, CILW Edg 5, Init 10, IP 2 Rolls Can you remind me who the Plant is attacking, what order etc, sorry, lost in the epic posts (IMG:style_emoticons/default/biggrin.gif) I’ve assumed Confusion, Fear, Fear, Engulf?!?, Fear…???[ Spoiler ] |
Moving Target ![]() ![]() Group: Members Posts: 619 Joined: 12-October 12 From: Calgary, AB Member No.: 56,960 ![]() |
.. snip .. Tricky coordination: Oyl 1IP, Spirit 2IP, Sprogget and Sprite 3IP.Ok, let’s start with Fido & the Plant (IMG:style_emoticons/default/biggrin.gif) : .. quote snipped .. Yeah, your rolls may be ok but the mage is alert (Full defense), in cover, wearing good armour and benefitting from a tacnet! One burst certainly ain’t gonna cut the mustard, neither is 2 (although (s)he is wounded by then)…after that I don’t hold much hope for Fido’s chances…poor Jazz (IMG:style_emoticons/default/nyahnyah.gif) Inbound fire!!! I think that Fido is running at matrix speed (3IP), so might get another shot, if the mage used (his/her {hir}) (only?) action with 1IP for full defense. Others likely have more IP though, and can respond sooner. Assuming that inbound fire is from the Citymaster, Jazz should be OK (at least not targeted), since she is unarmed. Sprogget can also watch wirelessly for her to get clear of the earth blocking, and give her a headsup about the situation. He is not hacking, only monitoring his own tacnet sensors AND the hacked feed for the squad. At least enough to say ‘stay down, hug pavement’. She might also get ‘released’ early, if the mage wants that spirit or to call another for protection. Or if/when the Citymaster opens fire (likely on the APC first, since it should look like the most dangerous threat to the do Citymaster), the mage will be one of the targets. If the mage is near the APC, here’s a missile up your tail pipe. If the mage is at the breach, Fido will be exposed only to those that are also there. Can you clarify for me exactly how Osha is communicating with her Plant? Normally remote service means it buggers off to perform your instructions, it’s a bit of a reach to give live commands after that (although I’m going to allow it for now!) Micromanaging the Spirit’s actions was not the intent. Osha/Oyl setup the goals IC here, then is just going to use the mage/spirit link to let the Spirit know when it is time to go to the next phase. Since she only has 1IP, giving more specific real time direction than that that would not work very well. Sprogget is faster, but same is true there. He gave the Sprite the goal of getting the Citymaster dog brain to use the script, and provided a path that should get to there, but the Sprite will act on it’s own to ‘off sequence’ events and problems. Materialized spirits have 2IP I believe… Yes Can you remind me who the Plant is attacking, what order etc, sorry, lost in the epic posts (IMG:style_emoticons/default/biggrin.gif) I’ve assumed Confusion, Fear, Fear, Engulf?!?, Fear…??? For details see post linked above. Phase 1: go in concealed, confuse rigger, attack others starting with Fear and medic. Restrain rigger if he tries to get out of cocoon Phase 2: Fear (only if still in VR {appears to be asleep}) then engulf (but not kill) rigger, continue attack on others Phase 3: Kill rigger and move the body to the far end of the Citymaster (breaking wired connection). The phase shifts are triggered by Sproggets messages to Oyl. To reduce message lag, I am assuming that Oyl is holding action, so she can act immediately after/same pass as the messages from Sprogget. The spirit is busy, so will act on the change in status it’s next action (it’s 2nd IP of that turn). Note: Oyl has another watcher spirit active that could notice things here. @Watcher 3:“Patrol the area around the Citymaster, APCs and Sproggets locations in astral, immediately reporting any magically|astrally active aura|presence seen”. |
Dragon ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Group: Dumpshocked Posts: 4,258 Joined: 9-March 10 From: The Citadel Member No.: 18,267 ![]() |
This is a WIP, most useful to you all is probably the timeline to the present in IPs. I’m assuming that at the end of my IC post that we are at about 1P 1.1
@Aria, There will be an override by the door (probably like the one on an aeroplane) in case the APC is hit by something nasty, loses power and the occupants need to escape…so when that fear hits assume they’ll blow the door if nobody lets them out!Looking at the image you supplied for the Citymaster, I am going to tentatively say that the door is powered, so the dog brain should at least be able to close it when open. It might not even be possible to open (easily) without having the dog brain / rigger request it. Winter and the Medic/Tacnet manager might not be ABLE to exit the vehicle when Fear hits them. Not going to be able to hit the 'crash bar' and jump. I included triggering Fido to attack the mage in the IC, but do not know where that should be in the sequence. No information about when Fido would get into position, or how that matches to the Spirit kidnapping Jazz. Let’s assume that the attack happens seconds before the Citymaster reaches the breech and your attack on the rigger’s link happens… summary of the timeline at the end of this post.I tried to leave the dependencies between the Sprite hacking the commlink, and the Spirit attacking the Citymaster occupants open. With a description of the somewhat anticipated / planned timing. Let's see where you put the progress of the Spirit when it gets the go ahead from Oyl. Crack Sprite has Suppression power, so any firewall related alerts triggered by the Sprite actions gets delayed by 3 combat **Turns**, and for the hacking, that delay does not start until the firewall accumulates Stealth(5) hits on Analyze(6?)+Firewall(7) extended. Even if that was the first roll, the alert does not get triggered for 9 matrix IP Sprogget [ Spoiler ] Crack(5)+Spoof: Pilot 5, Response 6, Firewall 5, Matrix Init 15, IP 3, Edge 5 SR4A242 [ Spoiler ] Don’t forget that a commlink only has admin rights, it’s not a nexus or mainframe…so you’ll need the extra 6 hits to get in! And the extra chance to get spotted! Commlinks are an Ares model milspec ‘link – too tired to come up with a funky name at the moment, feel free! As noted above, firewall 7 + admin 6 = 13 so that’s 7 complex actions to get in! Analyse + firewall vs Simple Action: Analyze Node: Computer(5)+Analyze(5) : Hardwired access to Citymaster Analyze Node: Citymaster hardwired connection address 10d6.hits(5) → [1,5,4,3,4,5,2,3,2,5] = (3) 10d6.hits(5) → [5,4,3,6,6,4,6,1,1,2] = (4) 10d6.hits(5) → [6,1,2,1,4,5,5,2,4,5] = (4) Complex Action: Spoof Command SR4A232: Hacking(5)+Spoof(5)+Edge(5) opposed Pilot+Firewall : Accept and run this script Hacking(5)+Spoof(5)+Edge(5) Spoof Command run script; edge 6's dice pool 15d6.hits(5) → [6,3,6,1,4,4,1,6,3,1,5,2,4,2,6] = (5) 8d6.hits(5) → [ 6 hits with the edge Detection: Agent Pilot+Analyze opposed Sprite Hacking(5)+Stealth(5) Stealth against detection 10d6.hits(5) → [5,6,2,2,2,1,2,5,2,2] = (3) 10d6.hits(5) → [4,4,6,1,4,6,2,1,6,5] = (4) 10d6.hits(5) → [1,2,4,1,1,6,3,6,2,1] = (2) 10d6.hits(5) → [6,5,6,4,5,4,6,1,6,4] = (6) Initiative: 3 x Rating Matrix Initiative (15d6.hits(5) → [3,1,3,1,5,2,6,3,1,5,6,6,1,1,5] = (6) = 21) I don’t think I’ve every had a 21 initiative on anything I was play before. Has 4 more edge to use to protect itself Defense: Agent Pilot+Attack opposed Sprite Response(6)+Firewall(5) SR4A236/7 Full Defense: Agent Pilot+Attack opposed Sprite Response(6)+Firewall(5)+Hacking(5) (if waiting for rigger to be kicked out) Spoof Command: Hacking(5)+Spoof(5) opposed Agent/IC Pilot(4?)+Firewall(7) : Ignore Sprite and Sprogget (if waiting for rigger to be kicked out) Resist Damage: System(5)+Armor(0) Miscellaneous and Edge dice pool 10d6.hits(5) → [1,3,5,4,6,1,3,3,1,4] = (2) 10d6.hits(5) → [1,1,5,3,5,5,4,2,4,4] = (3) 10d6.hits(5) → [6,5,4,3,3,4,4,4,1,5] = (3) 10d6.hits(5) → [4,6,2,5,5,5,4,3,2,4] = (4) 10d6.hits(5) → [5,2,5,6,5,5,3,2,3,5] = (6) 10d6.hits(5) → [5,3,1,2,1,6,3,4,5,1] = (3) 10d6.hits(5) → [2,2,2,3,6,5,4,4,6,5] = (4) 10d6.hits(5) → [5,2,1,1,6,5,3,3,3,5] = (4) 10d6.hits(5) → [3,4,3,5,5,3,6,3,2,4] = (3) 10d6.hits(5) → [4,4,2,4,1,3,2,2,3,4] = (0) Hope I do not need much of that Information to go with the fake sensor data thoughts in IC AU36/7 Radar sense (= UWBR AR60), Cumulative 5 x rating structure rating SR4A166 penetration Timeline (feel free to disagree with the order if it doesn’t make sense, my brain is fried):
Moving Target ![]() ![]() Group: Members Posts: 869 Joined: 8-March 02 Member No.: 2,252 ![]() |
Okay, so Initiative time: Initiative 8 = [4,4,2,4,6,4,5,2] = 2 hits. Initiative 10, Edge spent to get a second Initiative Pass. 2 Edge remaining.
1.1 Free Action: Drop weapon (AK on sling) Simple Action: Ready Weapon (draw machete from scabbard) Simple Action: Bellow challenge to air spirit. 1.2 Complex Action: Melee attack vs. spirit. No, Scrapheap hasn't the faintest idea how stupid this is. Yes, Scrapheap's player knows. All about the IC, yo. Agility 4 + Blades 3 = [2,1,3,2,4,3,6] = 1 hit. Damage is 7 with 1 hit, assuming he even manages to hit it. And unless that is an amazingly weak spirit, it'll just no sell the attack. *shrug* IC post being crafted. |
Dragon ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Group: Dumpshocked Posts: 4,258 Joined: 9-March 10 From: The Citadel Member No.: 18,267 ![]() |
It's not...it might be an amazingly peeved spirit now... (IMG:style_emoticons/default/ork.gif) Might have to go and look up 'attacks of will' though, something Scrap might be doing without realising it, just depends on RAW, he certainly seems angry enough (IMG:style_emoticons/default/biggrin.gif)
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