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> 2072 [+4 Months], Multiple Players / GMs - Recruitment Always Open
Machine Ghost
post Dec 2 2013, 08:14 PM
Post #3851

Moving Target

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QUOTE (Aria @ Dec 2 2013, 10:42 AM) *
I'd say don't worry about it...he was removed by GM fiat so that you had to sweat for your victory...he'll be back on his feet by 2075 (albeit a tad nutty!) (IMG:style_emoticons/default/ork.gif)
Just looking for something to use for Oyl to base a treatment IC on at same time as Sprogget. He is out cold, so stun track filled, but that would just need a good nights rest. Physical damage would need treatment, and maybe magic to speed things along.
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post Dec 3 2013, 08:11 PM
Post #3852


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QUOTE (Machine Ghost @ Dec 2 2013, 09:14 PM) *
Just looking for something to use for Oyl to base a treatment IC on at same time as Sprogget. He is out cold, so stun track filled, but that would just need a good nights rest. Physical damage would need treatment, and maybe magic to speed things along.

In that case assume he's on 5 boxes of physical, stun full!
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post Dec 4 2013, 01:41 PM
Post #3853


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@MG, can you write up a quick addon to the timeline to cover the summoning, instructions, Sprogget's actions etc...? Thanks

Should be able to get an IC up by the end of the week once I've got past my deadline this afternoon (IMG:style_emoticons/default/nyahnyah.gif)
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Machine Ghost
post Dec 4 2013, 11:10 PM
Post #3854

Moving Target

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QUOTE (Aria @ Dec 4 2013, 06:41 AM) *
@MG, can you write up a quick addon to the timeline to cover the summoning, instructions, Sprogget's actions etc...?  Thanks

Should be able to get an IC up by the end of the week once I've got past my deadline this afternoon (IMG:style_emoticons/default/nyahnyah.gif)
Initial timeline actions shown here, extended from your timeline.  That was based on the assumption that the intercepted transmission from Command to Winter about going to manual control was in 8.1, after the Citymaster did the first attack by charging the shell, but before Command killed the spirit.  The IC content does not really align well, because there it looks like the missile had been launched, but the spirit was still alive.  In the timeline, those actions were both in 8.2.  Having the instructions to Winter as Commands free action in 8.2 before killing the spirit works better.  Winter with only 1 IP means the dog brain should get at least one more action in 8.3.

Oyl and Jimson
Based on: 8.2 Command kills the Plant!
9.1 summon Plant(5)+Noxious Breath
9.2 Jimson travels in astral to Citymaster
9.3 Jimson concealment
10.1 Jimson materialize (concealed)
10.1 Oyl sends message to Sprogget about spirit replacement
10.2 Jimson attack (edge?) Command: engulf, fear, noxious breath?

Based on (assumption) 8.2 Command tells Winter to go for the manual controls
8.3 next attack by Citymaster?
9.1 Winter moving to physical controls
9.1 Command action

8.3 releases Crack Sprite, fails to compile Fault Sprite
9.1 checking biomonitor(free), message to Mordred about tacnet going down(simple?)
9.2 Instructions for Banjo
9.3 Instructions for G’Eye
10.1 Send signal to disable G’Eye wireless (free?), instructions for DR(complex), receive message from Oyl
10.2 Message to Oyl, Message to C&C(simple)
10.3 finish shutting down most of the wireless connections

Some actions of the Citymaster, Command, Winter not known, so this is getting a bit far ahead.  I was thinking we were going to be out of combat time, to leave room for that message from Mordred.  Which could be 10.1 (how many IP does Mordred get?), with response in 10.2 and/or 10.3.
Oyl’s instructions to Cam also seems to be outside the timeline.  With above, it could not start until 11.1.  The technical plan is for Sprogget to go wireless dark, but IC has left that still up, to support a bit of final interaction and support.  Also this gives a chance to change mind, depending on what is happening at the Citymaster.  Delaying Oyl’s response a bit, since with only 1 IP, she tends to lag a bit.
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post Dec 5 2013, 05:35 PM
Post #3855


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Ok, for my sanity and so that we are all clear on the situation I’m going to try and summarise the current disposition of the foe. I’m writing this from memory rather than checking so if there’s anything obvious I’ve missed then give me a nudge please (IMG:style_emoticons/default/nyahnyah.gif)

Winter: In the Citymaster, wrestling with the manual controls
Command: In the Citymaster keeping a watch for more spirits / other foes…he failed his initial perception to detect the new concealed spirit (IMG:style_emoticons/default/ork.gif)
Citymaster Dog Brain: About to have a firewall boost when it (or the rigger’s ‘link anyway) detects the intrusion. There’s a chance its standing orders are to scream for help from wherever it comes from…

Squad 1:
Fireteam 1: 2no. outside the Citymaster (one mildly electrocuted), 1no. protecting the downed mage (M2)
Fireteam 2: 3no. inside the sewers
Fireteam 3: 3no. rear guard positions…between the breech and the Citymaster, heading out of dodge
M2: Out of it, he may or may not have summoned help

Squad 2:
Fireteam 1: 2no heading into the sewers, 1no in cover in the mouth of the manhole
Fireteam 2 & 3: 6no in various states of cremation in / around APC2

Others: 2no. original APC rigger/gunners, 2no. Disonant brothers all cooked. I think there was a comms op in one of the APCs too…

2no. rotodrones with belt fed grenade launchers…one is about to go up in smoke from an HE rocket before Winter can do his thing… the other will advance inside the mall looking for targets.

Spined Drakes Gangers: In disarray, many badly wounded from Crow’s grenade blast, slinking off, trying to avoid going in the direction of any combat, so predominantly heading SW or around the N side of the mall. Couple of corpses left behind…

Rather than tracking combat time now, mainly to keep the flow of the IC, the Citymaster will fire one more time before Winter gets manual control (vehicle only, not weapon systems!), then Osha’s spirit will do its thing and finally Cam will order in your backup. He will be able to chase off/mop up the gangers and probably ‘persuade’ the remaining military guys to hot foot it out of the area.

Ok, the next part might be considered spoilers for the end of 2072 so read at your own risk…
[ Spoiler ]

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Machine Ghost
post Dec 6 2013, 01:20 AM
Post #3856

Moving Target

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QUOTE (Aria @ Dec 5 2013, 10:35 AM) *
Ok, for my sanity and so that we are all clear on the situation I’m going to try and summarise the current disposition of the foe.  I’m writing this from memory rather than checking so if there’s anything obvious I’ve missed then give me a nudge please (IMG:style_emoticons/default/nyahnyah.gif)
Winter: In the Citymaster, wrestling with the manual controls
Command: In the Citymaster keeping a watch for more spirits / other foes…he failed his initial perception to detect the new concealed spirit (IMG:style_emoticons/default/ork.gif)
Citymaster Dog Brain: About to have a firewall boost when it (or the rigger’s ‘link anyway) detects the intrusion.  There’s a chance its standing orders are to scream for help from wherever it comes from…
Probably makes no game difference, but that firewall boost will either not exist, or have limited effect, depending on the the node configure.

If the Citymaster node was slaved to the rigger commlink, it’s firewall is effectively off, and it uses the commlink firewall.  This will be a fresh alert, after the script was delivered.  That boost gives a bonus for an future events that involve the firewall, but there are not going to be any.  The sprite is gone.  In fact, that alert, after the fact, could even be an indication to the dog brain that the warned about compromised validation is in play, and one of those ‘enemy’ targets is now trying to hack it.

If the rigger was using his own login, but had not slaved the Citymaster to his commlink, the Citymaster’s own firewall is up, but the alert is only on the rigger’s commlink.  The Citymaster node was not hacked, and the spoof was a one off, with no accumulated tests to get to the detection threshold.  The IC/agent on the commlink will learn about the alert, but it will also know that the cause has already left.  Unless it is smart enough to figure out that sprite was just using the commlink as a forwarding point, and has instructions to followup, the Citymaster will not know anything about it.

Note that the sprite breaks the wired link in 8.1, and the alert triggers in 8.2, so any slaved connection will be gone, and the Citymaster dog brain is on it’s own before the alert gets triggered, and the alert is on the commlink, not on the Citymaster node.  Unless the rigger had slaved the commlink to the Citymaster instead of the other way around.  Previous IC/OOC though says Sprogget found a commlink using matrix perception.  If the ’link had been slaved to the Citymaster node, he should have found the Citymaster instead, due to the automatic forwarding of connection requests to the master node.

.. snip ..

From previous OOC and IC, I have limited information about counts by location.  Only fireteams have been mentioned, no counts.  The described squad disposition looks reasonable.

2no. rotodrones with belt fed grenade launchers…one is about to go up in smoke from an HE rocket before Winter can do his thing… the other will advance inside the mall looking for targets.
Mechanicals C&C should have that from their own sensor input, plus what Sprogget has been feeding them (up to 10.3), so they better be passing that intel along through that link to Fre∑dom.  That rotodrone is going to need to take care, or it will bring the roof down on itself.

.. snip ..

Rather than tracking combat time now, mainly to keep the flow of the IC, the Citymaster will fire one more time before Winter gets manual control (vehicle only, not weapon systems!), then Osha’s spirit will do its thing and finally Cam will order in your backup.  He will be able to chase off/mop up the gangers and probably ‘persuade’ the remaining military guys to hot foot it out of the area.
If Winter only gets control of the vehicle, does the dog brain still have access to the weapons system?  Or are they just offline?

Ok, the next part might be considered spoilers for the end of 2072 so read at your own risk…
[ Spoiler ]
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post Dec 7 2013, 01:00 AM
Post #3857

Moving Target

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[ Spoiler ]
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Machine Ghost
post Dec 9 2013, 03:22 AM
Post #3858

Moving Target

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@Aria, E:Tribes

For Oyl
First Aid SR4A252; First Aid+Logic(2) success test, net hits each reduces 1 box of damage
First Aid(4)+Logic(3)+MedStation(6)+feng shui(3)-magican(2)+situational modifiers (2): Complex Action, takes (existing patient physical damage) combat turns
- maximum of 6 boxes of healing for the doc box rating

Heal spell SR4A208; Magic(2)+Spellcasting(5)+Mentor(2)
Drain Resist:WIL(4)+INT(5)+Limited(2) vs (Starting damage boxes - 2)
11d6.hits(5) : buy 2 hits when limiting to treating 4 physical or less

healing Spindle
[ Spoiler ]

healing Sprogget
[ Spoiler ]

General healing for how well Oyl is doing at the clinic.
[ Spoiler ]

The ‘status’ that Oyl is passing to Cam about Mechanicals tribe members being treated is for him to do scheduling.  It is based on the boxes of physical and stun damage left after treatment.  The treatment is only for physical damage, but the status will include reference to the stun too, indicating how ‘tired’ they are.  Someone that came in with only physical damage, like a gunshot wound, could be treated and immediately released, as fit for regular duties.  They are healthy.

Physical damage
Healthy; no remaining physical damage
On Call; 1 or 2 boxes of physical damage remaining, no wound modifier
Needs rest; 3 to 5 boxes of physical damage remaining
down-checked; 6 or more boxes of physical damage remaining

Stun damage
now; less than 3 boxes stun damage
tired; 3 to 5 boxes of stun
weak; 6 to 8 boxes of stun
exhausted; 9 or more boxes of stun
morning; currently unconscious

So Spindle’s status went from 'needs rest, in the morning', to 'healthy in the morning'.
Sprogget went from 'down-checked and weak' to 'needs rest and weak', then 'needs rest, in the morning', with no change after the final treatment.

Priorities will be to stabilize anything life threatening (tribal or not), then to get actives back out the door, then the rest, which will include non-tribal members.
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post Dec 9 2013, 01:57 PM
Post #3859


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Grand! Your final posts seemed to me to wrap things up nicely so I propose that we all jaunt over to 2075 now! Don't worry if you haven't had a chance to convert characters yet, that's no reason not to start posting IC in my book (IMG:style_emoticons/default/biggrin.gif)
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Always Overkill
post Dec 19 2013, 01:06 AM
Post #3860

Moving Target

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Runner Looking for Work

Name: Genry von Tresckow

Race: Human

Archetype: Gunslinger Adept

Hometown: Berlin

A former soldier who fought in the Anarchist Movement that took Berlin in 2039. Served in the Berlin Anarchist
Defense Force until the city's fall to Megacorp/AGS forces in 2060. He has kept low ever since, taking any
opportunity to get back at the corporations who destroyed his home.
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Machine Ghost
post Dec 19 2013, 08:23 AM
Post #3861

Moving Target

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2072 (SR4) thread mostly shut down. Moved over to 2075 (SR5), where I see you posted for some other characters.
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