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post Mar 9 2013, 04:43 AM
Post #626

Old Man of the North

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Ooooohhh. Here's our opportunity to piss off the Johnson!
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post Mar 9 2013, 09:02 AM
Post #627


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QUOTE (pbangarth @ Mar 9 2013, 12:42 PM) *
I wasn't posting the link to complete the earlier "wellllllllllcome baaaaack". That just reminded me of the show's title song.

It was supposed to be from the title song! Great minds think alike... (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile.gif)

Go Atropos, make us proud!
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post Mar 15 2013, 04:19 AM
Post #628


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Anything more? Open RP. Anyone can chime in at this point.
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post Mar 15 2013, 08:58 AM
Post #629

Old Man of the North

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Is Ellesar relaying Gunny's tirade to us? Are we linked to the conversation through our commlinks?
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post Mar 15 2013, 09:05 AM
Post #630


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Smohalla doesn't even have a commlink. Unless Ellesar has his commlink on speakerphone... (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile.gif)
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post Mar 15 2013, 09:33 AM
Post #631

Moving Target

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It took me a few days but I came through. Is it still called speakerphone if you're not using a phone?
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post Mar 15 2013, 09:42 AM
Post #632


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Heh - good question (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile.gif) I would think so, there's many words that are used even though they might not make sense anymore.
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post Mar 15 2013, 05:57 PM
Post #633


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I have no idea what comm etiquette is in the future. I presume in this case that it would be a conference call with Ellesar leading and Stogie listening in. If it were a private conversation, I would have put it under spoiler tags or PM'd the player directly. Smohalla doesn't have a commlink but I presume that the contents of the conversation are relayed to him, unless someone tells me otherwise.

I do refer to commlink communication as "calls" - although I have no idea if they are calls as we think of them, or video calls - although I don't know what would be providing video of the callers, so maybe there's only video of what the callers are seeing themselves? I don't know. It's probably best not to get too caught up in the details of a make-believe world.
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post Mar 20 2013, 05:34 AM
Post #634


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You can write a lot on a grain of rice, you know...
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post Mar 20 2013, 05:40 AM
Post #635


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Very naughty, Phlapjack. That wasn't your spoiler tag.

I rolled Assensing for Stogie and Smohalla. I gave you both a floor of 2 successes, based on what you could have purchased by buying hits (since this is a non-stressful situation).

Stogie - 3 HITS
Smohalla - ??? HITS

Phlapjack, if you ever get around to it could you add your Perceptive quality bonus to your character sheet next to Assensing? Back when the game started, Chummer didn't include the Perceptive quality bonus in the Assensing dice pool. It has since been updated/corrected.
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post Mar 20 2013, 05:56 AM
Post #636


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Sorry, realized too late the spoiler tag was only for Stogie...as a player I failed that Perception check (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile.gif)

I think you want me to update my char sheet that's at the start of this thread? I'll do that today...done
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post Mar 21 2013, 11:10 PM
Post #637


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Smohalla's infiltration: ??? HITS
Opponent perception: 2 HITS

Between their camo and their ability to buy hits with Infiltration, I figured Stogie and Ellesar would remain hidden. I didn't roll for Jake; I suppose I could have.
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post Mar 22 2013, 03:08 AM
Post #638


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I forget...I hope someone else has sign language (IMG:style_emoticons/default/biggrin.gif) Maybe Jake...
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post Mar 22 2013, 06:28 AM
Post #639


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Nick's perception roll: 2 HITS

Stogie's infiltration roll: 2 HITS
Ellesar's infiltration roll: 2 HITS

Tie goes to the defender. Nick is unaware of Stogie, Jake, or Ellesar.
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post Mar 22 2013, 08:15 AM
Post #640

Old Man of the North

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QUOTE (phlapjack77 @ Mar 21 2013, 10:08 PM) *
I forget...I hope someone else has sign language (IMG:style_emoticons/default/biggrin.gif) Maybe Jake...

Yeah, Jake will get your drift.

Young punks, out looking to score big on their first run. This can end badly. By that I mean unnecessary death.

But.... that Hotspur -could- make part of the trip back to the Sisters easier.

This is what the value of life has come down to in the Sixth World.
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post Mar 22 2013, 10:27 AM
Post #641


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This is getting more and more interesting. Fake mage, mohawked punks...

These guys look like they're late to the game. Wonder why that is - is there an "open" recruitment thing going on?
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post Mar 22 2013, 08:41 PM
Post #642

Moving Target

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I'm sure they're taking anyone and everyone. The woods are going to turn into a wasteland if a bunch of unstable, bloodthirsty murderers meet up.
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post Mar 22 2013, 10:40 PM
Post #643


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Ahh, the Tata. If only one of you actually knew how to drive. Well, I suppose Stogie has Pilot Groundcraft 1, so I'll amend that to say "if only one of you knew how to drive well."

Phlapjack, just to be clear, during the recent call with Gunny he confirmed that the price on the Sisters heads is a bounty. In other words, anyone can claim it, and anyone and everyone is welcome to try. He offered you ¥15,000 per Sister, so a combined prize of ¥45,000 would certainly draw a lot of interest. That's real money, even to jaded Seattlites.
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post Mar 23 2013, 06:17 AM
Post #644


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If only Smohalla had the magic fingers spell right now (IMG:style_emoticons/default/biggrin.gif)

So, is there any opinion on how people want this to go? On one hand, Smohalla's of a mind to teach them a lesson about real magic and how well they'd fare against it. But he's also of the mind that these jokers don't really pose much threat and to just let them be on their way. Either way, they don't seem like they know anything useful.

Nick's a different, intriguing story. Might try to salvage him from all this.

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post Mar 24 2013, 04:36 AM
Post #645

Moving Target

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QUOTE (phlapjack77 @ Mar 23 2013, 01:17 AM) *
On one hand, Smohalla's of a mind to teach them a lesson about real magic and how well they'd fare against it. But he's also of the mind that these jokers don't really pose much threat and to just let them be on their way.

Never trust an elf and all that. They do seem pretty dense, however. This Nick character is an interesting one alright. Hopefully he's not a lost cause.
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post Mar 26 2013, 07:29 AM
Post #646


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Heh - I just randomly found this map while roaming the internet - a map of what will happen when Mt.Rainer blows. Looks like Greenwater might be a victim of a natural disaster...or the Sisters are able to control the mountain, a scary thought...

Mt. Ranier disaster map
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post Mar 26 2013, 04:38 PM
Post #647


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Yes, if/when Mt. Rainier blows there will be quite a mess. Forget lava; the lahars are the big problem. All the geothermal heat will melt the glacier ice and send a giant wall of mud speeding down all the surrounding valleys at 60mph. Realistically (as much as we can say that for a futuristic game involving magic), Greenwater would not have survived the eruption. The surrounding lakes and rivers would probably all be gone too. But who's to say how much of the town would be rebuilt in the 50+ years following the eruption though, or what rivers the new rains and snowmelt would carve. I've been using the modern maps for convenience and because I'm not a geologist. Plus, "magic" is a good excuse to hand-wave these things.
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post Mar 27 2013, 12:48 AM
Post #648


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My SR lore is pretty lacking - didn't Mt. Ranier blow when the Great Ghost Dance happened? It would make sense that in the 50+ years since then that they've rebuilt it...even makes more sense that it didn't get rebuilt very big and so was easier for a lone fire-spirit to wreck the place.

QUOTE (Tecumseh @ Mar 27 2013, 12:23 AM) *
Now how well these boys can "track" while riding in the Tata is an open question, but that might not be important. The river valley is a straight line leading back to the Sisters with little, if any, opportunity to turn down the wrong path due to the steep mountains on either side of the river. Alternatively, Toothy is out there and presumably is still hungry. If he eats these bozos then maybe he won't bother you again.

So we should probably kill them ourselves to save them from this horrible fate (IMG:style_emoticons/default/biggrin.gif) Plus like pbangarth said, hey, free Tata!

QUOTE (AtroposReborn @ Mar 24 2013, 12:36 PM) *
Never trust an elf and all that.

Just realized this - isn't Ellesar an elf? (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile.gif)
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post Mar 27 2013, 03:35 AM
Post #649

Old Man of the North

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I was wondering whether that would pop to someone's mind.
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post Mar 27 2013, 03:52 AM
Post #650


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You have any opinion on how to proceed from here? I'm of the opinion more and more that we'll have to take 'em out...
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