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post Apr 7 2013, 06:08 AM
Post #676


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I'm tempted to say too much here. Remember this moment and we'll revisit it when we debrief at the end of this adventure, whenever that may be.
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post Apr 7 2013, 11:56 AM
Post #677

Moving Target

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I promise I'm not dead.

Sorry for the delay, the motherboard for my new PC actually was dead on arrival. I should have taken the time to let you guys know from my phone but the interface is just so terrible when I try to do anything online.

Anyway, lets get into a more exciting discussion. Ellesar is certainly going to have some problems attacking non-aggressors. With things as they are he will be handing over the rifle with the condition that Stogie stick to non-lethal shots. His own attack will be more shock and awe than damaging, hopefully. The current plan is to hand the rifle to Stogie, switch to his bow, aim, fire an explosive tipped arrow a good 20 meters away from the tata, and call out a warning.

Air assault: AGI (4) + Archery (6) + Specialization in bows (2) + Aim (1) - Cover (2) - Long range (3) = 8 dice >>> 3 hits

I'm not sure if the initiative is needed but just in case: REA (4) + INT (4) + Lightning reflexes (2) = 10 dice >>> Also 3 hits

At the range he shot the arrow it shouldn't do any damage but let me know if I'm incorrect on that. Also, would his warning be considered intimidation if he has no hostile intent? I'll get an IC post up once I'm sure what's going on.
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post Apr 7 2013, 05:19 PM
Post #678

Old Man of the North

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Hmpphh. Stogie will grumble, but he would respect Ellesar's wishes. Go ahead and post something, A.R. so Stogie can grumble IC. All the more reason to buy his own arsenal soon. (IMG:style_emoticons/default/grinbig.gif)

A non-lethal shot sounds like a called shot. I don't recall the dice rolls I did on Invisible Castle, but I guess you could drop the last four dice, Tecumseh, to see what Stogie's non-lethal shot does. Go for a leg, maybe?
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post Apr 7 2013, 05:38 PM
Post #679


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On these guys, a non-lethal shot might be a head shot... (IMG:style_emoticons/default/biggrin.gif)
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post Apr 7 2013, 09:53 PM
Post #680


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Glad to have you back, Atropos. Everything you said sounds great; go ahead and post something ICly so the game can have it "on the record". (You know, for when future generations are re-reading our campaign.) Plus, I am curious about how you'll word the warning - it will probably shape their response.

The rules for attacking an area instead of an individual are a bit of a joke, to the degree that's more or less impossible to miss unless you glitch. (As an aside on the rules, many grenades will only scatter a maximum of 6 meters no matter how badly you roll, but their area of effect is 10 meters. So technically it's impossible to miss with some grenades, doubly so if you aim for an area - which doesn't get a dodge roll, so you only need 1 hit - versus an individual who gets a roll to evade. End aside.) That said, because Ellesar is actually Robin Hood, I have no problem with him intentionally missing.

Phlapjack, what does this do to Smohalla's plans? I'm away from my books right now so I can't remember if Buffet/Blast does damage (stun damage?) or just hits the target with a knockdown roll, or both. What Force would Smohalla be casting this at?

If I wanted to make this really interesting then I could say that Smohalla's reducing hearing doesn't allow him to overhear the side conversation/plan between Stogie and Ellesar, but perhaps it wouldn't matter since he's probably casting the same spell either way.
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post Apr 8 2013, 05:21 AM
Post #681


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[ Spoiler ]

There's a chance to speak briefly here before the next IP begins. If the RP doesn't satisfy either side, we'll roll initiative and continue to the second round.
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post Apr 8 2013, 05:34 AM
Post #682


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QUOTE (Tecumseh @ Apr 8 2013, 05:53 AM) *
Phlapjack, what does this do to Smohalla's plans? I'm away from my books right now so I can't remember if Buffet/Blast does damage (stun damage?) or just hits the target with a knockdown roll, or both. What Force would Smohalla be casting this at?

Buffet does blast elemental damage, which is stun damage with a better chance to knockdown (Force + net hits vs Body? I'm away from books too). His plans are the same, he doesn't shy away from killing so anybody that seems a threat gets a spell to the face.

Force would be 5, most always he'll summon/cast at F5 (Magic) unless noted otherwise. I'm considering raising his Magic to 6 somewhere along the way, but that might be a few scenes in the future (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile.gif)
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post Apr 8 2013, 06:37 AM
Post #683


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Phlapjack, did Smohalla shift into eagle form or are you just RPing the shamanic mask?

Combat Monster Composure Check: ??? hits, easy pass, Smohalla can break away if he wants to. Additional rolls will be necessary if fighting resumes.
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post Apr 8 2013, 09:11 AM
Post #684


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Just rp'ing the shamanic mask and the combat monster idea a little. The idea that if he fails the check, he loses control and goes full eagle.
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post Apr 13 2013, 04:58 AM
Post #685

Old Man of the North

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Hmmm.... Actually, there could be a fair bit of profit in ambushing every bunch of bounty hunters that comes through here. (IMG:style_emoticons/default/devil.gif)

Edit: OK, so our plan to "deal" with the problem of the Sisters (and still get paid) in a way that doesn't cause them harm is clearly a no-go. Bounty hunters are going to keep coming with the money being offered. So... do we align ourselves with the Sisters more formally/completely? If so, then really the only way I can think of to help the Sisters permanently is to "deal" with Gunny.

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post Apr 13 2013, 05:16 AM
Post #686


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It's getting interesting! That's my thought.
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post Apr 13 2013, 10:42 PM
Post #687

Moving Target

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Well from Gunny's own words we know that there is already a large amount of hunters after them. Taking them all on would just escalate the situation. We could keep them out for a time but eventually they would overpower us.
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post Apr 14 2013, 03:02 AM
Post #688

Old Man of the North

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So if the source of the money disappeared, there would be no point in pursuing the bounty, would there?
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post Apr 14 2013, 11:44 AM
Post #689


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Yeah, if we stop the bounty from being offered, that seems like it would be exactly what we need. We need to find out exactly who or what is the source of the bounty - I suspect ultimately it's not Gunny, although he's involved of course. How did he become the Johnson for this?
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post Apr 14 2013, 12:05 PM
Post #690

Moving Target

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The sisters may have some idea. Too bad they don't seem to understand the danger they face.
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post Apr 14 2013, 10:57 PM
Post #691


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QUOTE (AtroposReborn @ Apr 14 2013, 08:05 PM) *
The sisters may have some idea. Too bad they don't seem to understand the danger they face.

True. Plus the fact that they weren't that hard to find.
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post Apr 14 2013, 11:44 PM
Post #692

Old Man of the North

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Well, we had a guide. That same guide probably would have eaten these young bounty hunters.
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post Apr 14 2013, 11:56 PM
Post #693


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We'll have to make sure to erase our tracks, physically and astrally
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post Apr 15 2013, 03:02 AM
Post #694


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Good conversation, and all good points. I'll make the request that it be recapped ICly once the current encounter has resolved itself. The ball is in your court there.
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post Apr 17 2013, 05:48 AM
Post #695


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QUOTE (Tecumseh @ Apr 17 2013, 01:42 PM) *
"So which is it?" the elf shouts at Ellesar. "Go home, or stand here motionless while you line up shots on our kneecaps? Can't get in the Tata and drive off if we can't move!"

LOL - this reminds me of that scene from Oh Brother Where Art Thou so much!

"well which is it young feller? iffin I raise muh hands, I'ma gonna be in motion..."
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post Apr 17 2013, 04:00 PM
Post #696


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That was Raising Arizona, not O Brother, Where Art Thou.

Mind you, I've never seen Raising Arizona, but I've seen O Brother enough times to know the movie backward and forward.
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post Apr 17 2013, 11:47 PM
Post #697


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Ah, you're right. Either way, great movie and funny scene here (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile.gif)
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post Apr 18 2013, 10:22 PM
Post #698


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Anybody else want something with these kids? Atropos, Pbangarth, speak up soon or I'm going to cut them loose.
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post Apr 21 2013, 02:03 PM
Post #699

Old Man of the North

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I'll have to check back through the thread. I don't remember much about the guy who died watch tower. That sounds like a good angle.
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post Apr 24 2013, 02:10 PM
Post #700

Old Man of the North

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Sorry guys, there's been illness in the family and I have been preoccupied. I'll try to get back on track this evening.
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