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> OOC: The Sun Never Sets, OOC Thread for The Sun Never Sets
post Jun 3 2013, 04:25 AM
Post #726

Old Man of the North

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Damn that 'work' stuff. Why can't they just leave us alone to do the important things?
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post Jun 3 2013, 06:39 AM
Post #727


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Agree whole-heartedly!

Also, I hope Stogie's not suspicious of Smohalla (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile.gif) Although if we get some karma soon, he MIGHT come back with a different aura again...which would prove Stogie somewhat correct in his suspicions...
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post Jun 3 2013, 01:32 PM
Post #728

Old Man of the North

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I didn't think of Stogie getting suspicious. Thanks!
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post Jun 3 2013, 09:27 PM
Post #729


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I caught Smohalla looking at Jake as if he were food (again), so maybe Stogie should be suspicious.

We'll likely do karma at the end of the "day", with the usual caveats (if you survive, etc.).

Work is the leading cause of me losing players in my non-PbP games. I have one on Wednesdays that loses players every four weeks. Constantly replacing them is a chore. If/when I win the lottery, I might have to hire full-time players/GMs.
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post Jun 4 2013, 02:13 AM
Post #730


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QUOTE (pbangarth @ Jun 3 2013, 09:32 PM) *
I didn't think of Stogie getting suspicious. Thanks!

That's right, keep not thinking it! He's safe, no reason to be suspicious, Smohalla's fine, nothing to see here (IMG:style_emoticons/default/biggrin.gif)

QUOTE (Tecumseh @ Jun 4 2013, 05:27 AM) *
I caught Smohalla looking at Jake as if he were food (again), so maybe Stogie should be suspicious.

We'll likely do karma at the end of the "day", with the usual caveats (if you survive, etc.).

Work is the leading cause of me losing players in my non-PbP games. I have one on Wednesdays that loses players every four weeks. Constantly replacing them is a chore. If/when I win the lottery, I might have to hire full-time players/GMs.

Jake should worry only if the local goat population suddenly becomes scarce...

Yeah, I hear you about work, I say similar things about the lottery. Guess that means I actually should buy a ticket sometime...
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post Jun 6 2013, 06:43 AM
Post #731


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Pbangarth and Atropos, there's some in-game time for some interaction with K'wa'iti, or patrolling, or woodcarving, before the two threads rejoin each other.
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post Jun 6 2013, 11:17 PM
Post #732

Moving Target

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QUOTE (Tecumseh @ Jun 3 2013, 04:27 PM) *
Work is the leading cause of me losing players in my non-PbP games. I have one on Wednesdays that loses players every four weeks. Constantly replacing them is a chore. If/when I win the lottery, I might have to hire full-time players/GMs.

Sounds like every group I've ever been in. I feel as if a full-time role-playing position would be one of the most sought after jobs in the market.
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post Jun 7 2013, 04:51 PM
Post #733


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Atropos, will you do me a favor and add the following to your sheet (on the first page of the OOC thread) so that I have a record of it readily accessible:

- thermographic vision
- visual enhancement (level unknown)
- vision magnification
- image link
- smartgun link

Ruger Thunderbolt
- internal smartgun system
- customized grip
- under-barrel weight

Heavy Pistol Ammo (from drowned man, quality questionable)
2 clips EX-EX
2 clips gel rounds
2 clips stick-and-shock
4 clips hollow point

In case anyone needs a refresher for what happened seven months ago, this is from the scavenging you did in posts #567 and #571.

And, Atropos, just a friendly reminder: Ellesar's skill with pistols is somewhere in the neighborhood of "goodbye left foot".
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post Jun 7 2013, 09:14 PM
Post #734

Moving Target

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It has been added. And guns don't have to hit you to have an impact.
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post Jun 9 2013, 03:23 AM
Post #735


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Now's the perfect time to strike! Their group is split, the werewolf is outnumbered and the sisters are exhausted. They'd never see it coming!

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post Jun 15 2013, 04:20 PM
Post #736


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What happened to all my players not named Phlapjack? Let's drum up some RP. If you're delayed, that's fine, but let us know in the OOC channel.
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post Jun 15 2013, 04:36 PM
Post #737

Old Man of the North

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Sorry gang! Until now I wouldn't have believed how much a lost cat can traumatize a family. Holy shit! And a pain-in-the-ass, mean, old, hissing-at-everyone cat at that. My son and his wife were inconsolable.

Well, he's been found, and the crumbling owners have been set back on their feet. God only knows what will happen when the cat dies. I have to admit, it was kind of cool to see the whole neighbourhood come together to find him. It's almost Biblical. (If you are in the mood, the reference is to Deuteronomy 22:3.)

So, tonight I'm going to listen to my daughter sing. Today I have chores to do beforehand. I'll be back in the saddle soon.
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post Jun 15 2013, 09:15 PM
Post #738

Moving Target

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I'm honestly at a loss as to what I should put. I don't have much to add to what Ellesar is doing outside of surveying the surrounding area. I guess I'm showing my amateur colors but I didn't want to just put a one line response on how he's walking in a circle marginally close to the campsite.
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post Jun 16 2013, 09:13 AM
Post #739


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It probably doesn't help that I'm trying to play Smohalla as a somewhat taciturn person, which puts more burden on ya'll to carry the narrative. I'll try to post more substantive posts when I post my posts (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile.gif)

I'll take a little narrative liberty next, hope it's ok
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post Jun 16 2013, 03:19 PM
Post #740


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Pb, thanks for the update. I have personally witnessed many examples of what I would describe as "disproportionately emotional" responses to events involving pets. I love my pets too, but still.

Ellesar, that one line is a fine start, but feel free to elaborate it with additional introspection or character development. Phlapjack's most recent post is a good example. What does Ellesar think about when he's walking through the woods at night with thermographic goggles and a pistol? Does he simply like to walk after eating? Is this just routine drilled into him by his years in the Tir? Does he think about his family, or about his master plan against Ares? Is he comfortable, clear headed, and confident? Or is he cold, cloudy minded, and concerned that K'wa'iti might go on a killing spree at any moment? And so on.

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post Jun 18 2013, 05:25 AM
Post #741

Old Man of the North

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Everybody else has gone off to play, so Jake and Stogie will snoop around. Basically get a lay of the land to have an understanding of the defenses. And a surreptitious poke at the Sister's home.

I've watched my dog chase things through the forest, and that image of flowing is really apt. It's like watching a black and white river rush through the trees.
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post Jun 18 2013, 06:21 PM
Post #742


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Good posts, everyone. Let me think about whether I want to do one big post (with spoilers) in response, or if I want to separate the replies into their own threads. Might depend on whether I have enough time to do them all at once.
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post Jun 19 2013, 03:32 PM
Post #743

Old Man of the North

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Any chance there could be a map of the defenses around the Sisters' camp? (I know this is asking a lot.)
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post Jun 19 2013, 06:01 PM
Post #744


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There's not a map of the maze, no. For those who are curious about the general shape of the terrain, here is the map I've been using for reference. Don't take things too literally: in-game, there was a massive eruption 55 years ago, so not everything is the same. The Wonderland Trail, for example, is quite gone. But broad features, like mountains and valleys, are certainly still in place.

For what it matters, the Sisters' encampment is in the pocket to the west of the lake (which is technically a tarn). This is the view from the north shore. Weep, suckers!
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post Jun 20 2013, 02:15 AM
Post #745


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Thanks for the map! It really helps to visualize where things are happening in game. I might try to get a google maps set up for places in game, if I'm not too lazy busy this weekend...
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post Jun 22 2013, 07:23 AM
Post #746


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Here's the start of the map - Google Maps for The Sun Never Sets

I think I can set other people as "collaborators" so that they can edit the map also, so if anyone wants to collaborate on this map send me a PM with your email address.
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post Jun 22 2013, 06:33 PM
Post #747


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Fun! Might have to play around with that a bit more.

I'm traveling over the weekend. I'll be back Monday night / Tuesday.
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post Jun 26 2013, 05:41 AM
Post #748


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Excellent post, Phlapjack.
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post Jun 26 2013, 04:13 PM
Post #749

Moving Target

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Welcome back Tec. Is Stogie still at the campsite or is he wandering around outside of visual range?
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post Jun 26 2013, 04:38 PM
Post #750


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That's somewhat up to him. Since he hasn't posted recently, if you're looking to RP with him I'll say that Stogie and Jake return to the camp shortly after Ellesar finishes his patrol. (Ellesar returns to camp, sees K'wa'iti run off, Stogie and Jake then return.)
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