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> OOC: The Sun Never Sets, OOC Thread for The Sun Never Sets
post Jul 6 2013, 07:05 AM
Post #776


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I'll post something to advance things overnight and we'll do karma soon. It's been half a year since we did it last - just before Christmas (!). That's 227 posts. I'll read back through them while I calculate the karma awards.
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post Jul 8 2013, 09:06 AM
Post #777


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Man! I was all thinking it was going to be a barghest...

...still haven't gotten over the barghest (IMG:style_emoticons/default/frown.gif)
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post Jul 9 2013, 01:12 AM
Post #778

Old Man of the North

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Sooner or later somebody had to be talented.

Drone scouting. Long-range aerial bombardment. Spirits to soften up those missed by the ordnance. Then the real trouble shows up to mop up.

(This is where I wonder whether Stogie taught Jake the signal for "Run! Save your hairy ass and don't look back!")
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post Jul 9 2013, 02:55 AM
Post #779


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We're pretty well-off in the magical defenses dept, maybe need a ward or three set up but with the aspected BGC, things are tilted in our favor.

But as for technological defenses...maybe we need to get in contact with an old buddy, crazy Jeff (?) the ex-PC...
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post Jul 9 2013, 05:52 AM
Post #780

Old Man of the North

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Wasn't getting in touch with him part of the original plan when we left last time? (IMG:style_emoticons/default/frown.gif)

Aside from shooting the drone out of the sky, Stogie has nothing.
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post Jul 9 2013, 06:14 AM
Post #781


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I think it was mentioned that we could use him as a resource if we needed someone with more tech-savvy than us, but I don't think it was part of the plan that we forgot to do...not like the shopping list or anything (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile.gif)
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post Jul 9 2013, 06:21 AM
Post #782

Old Man of the North

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Well, he's not here, anyway, and we can't reach him from the Sisters' hideaway. So we are it.
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post Jul 9 2013, 06:38 AM
Post #783


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Yay, karma! PMs have gone out. Please do me a favor and update your sheets (the ones on the first page of this OOC forum) with your new totals, minus any you choose to spend. If you spend any, please let me know, plus add a karma change log to the bottom of your sheet:

"7/8/13 - Spent 2 Karma on Artisan (Cooking)"

Let me know if there are any questions!
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post Jul 9 2013, 06:51 AM
Post #784

Old Man of the North

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Wow, I just went through your pmails to me about karma and updated the list on my post on the first page.

This location seems like a great place to Initiate. Got anything against a self-Initiation here for Stogie? Don't know if that is what I want, but checking the possibilities.
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post Jul 9 2013, 03:08 PM
Post #785

Moving Target

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Wonderful, the drone comes on my shift. If it's alright I'm going to go ahead and chip in 4 karma to increase Ellesar's pistol skill. I'll get an IC post up this evening once I get home from work.
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post Jul 9 2013, 04:38 PM
Post #786


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Pbangarth, definitely no issues with a self-initiation. Again, given the nature of play-by-post and the extreme lengths of time between in-game events, we're earning karma and spending karma at accelerated rates, sweeping the usual time-to-learn rules under the rug.

Atropos, boosting Pistols is great too.
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post Jul 10 2013, 03:28 PM
Post #787

Old Man of the North

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Dammit! I knew I should have posted -before- I went to bed. I wanted to take a chance and use a dream brought on by the power line to Initiate Stogie into Sensing. I woke up composing the post. But the dream idea is old now!

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post Jul 10 2013, 03:40 PM
Post #788


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Let this be a lesson to post early and post often!!!
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post Jul 10 2013, 11:54 PM
Post #789

Moving Target

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I'd like to apologize for not keeping my word yesterday. We had a mandatory meeting after work and the hour and a half of death by powerpoint lead to me acquiring a wonderful migraine. I've been bed ridden for most of the day and couldn't handle any sort of brighter-than-dim lighting until a couple of hours ago. Hopefully I didn't keep the game held up for too long.

On a separate note I wasn't sure if my camouflage suit gave me any sort of bonus to hiding. In the core book it says that it adds an additional 2 points against perception if used in an appropriate environment, but takes away 2 points if used in an inappropriate one. It also says it's reversible for day and night use. Should I be switching it inside out every time the sun goes down? I went ahead and rolled for my shadowing without the bonus.

INT 4 + Shadowing 4 = 8 dice >>> 4 Hits
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post Jul 11 2013, 06:19 AM
Post #790


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Thanks, Atropos. No problem. The skill you wanted to roll was Infiltration, not Shadowing, but your dice pools for both are exactly the same so we'll use your roll. The camouflage suit certainly applies; Ellesar has the training and the good sense to reverse it as appropriate. It's a negative dice pool modifier to being observed (i.e. fewer dice for the drone) rather than a positive dice pool modifier for your Infiltration attempt.

Pbangarth, it's time for your dream sequence! You know you want to! Won't you look like a Johnny-come-lately, but still! Dooooo iiiiit!
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post Jul 11 2013, 06:58 AM
Post #791


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QUOTE (AtroposReborn @ Jul 11 2013, 07:54 AM) *
the hour and a half of death by powerpoint lead to me acquiring a wonderful migraine....
INT 4 + Shadowing 4 = 8 dice >>> 4 Hits

ugh - just thinking about long meetings with ppts is close to giving me a migraine. Glad you're feeling better man.

And wow, good roll!
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post Jul 11 2013, 07:26 AM
Post #792


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Getting 4 hits on 8 dice is about a 1 in 4 chance (25.86%).

The best roll I've seen in the last two years is 13 hits on 16 dice, no edge. That's about 0.01%, or 1 chance in 10,000. (Or 91 chances in 781,334!)
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post Jul 11 2013, 07:30 AM
Post #793


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Hmmm - I thought the average on 9 dice would be 3 hits, so 8 dice with 4 hits seemed much mo better...
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post Jul 11 2013, 07:39 AM
Post #794


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QUOTE (Tecumseh @ Jul 11 2013, 03:27 PM) *
Rapidly circling the camp, Smohalla soon determines that there's no major lifeforms within a hundred meters.

You sure about that? No other major lifeforms? Nothing? Not even like a...a barghest or anything?

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post Jul 11 2013, 07:09 PM
Post #795


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I have 5th edition!!!

That is all.
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post Jul 11 2013, 08:58 PM
Post #796

Moving Target

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QUOTE (phlapjack77 @ Jul 11 2013, 02:58 AM)
ugh - just thinking about long meetings with ppts is close to giving me a migraine. Glad you're feeling better man.

And wow, good roll!
Thanks, I feel much better today and I didn't think that 4/8 was such a great roll.

QUOTE (Tecumseh @ Jul 11 2013, 03:09 PM) *
I have 5th edition!!!

That is all.
Color me jealous. Ever since I heard about 5E coming out I've wanted it. I've read up on the portions that were leaked but can't wait to get my hands on a copy.
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post Jul 12 2013, 03:08 AM
Post #797


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Atropos, action is to Ellesar at this point, even if it's just more 'wait and see'.
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post Jul 12 2013, 03:33 AM
Post #798

Old Man of the North

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Pbangarth, it's time for your dream sequence! You know you want to! Won't you look like a Johnny-come-lately, but still! Dooooo iiiiit!

It's better to come late than never to come at all.
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post Jul 12 2013, 05:26 AM
Post #799


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Pbangarth wins the award for the tallest post.
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post Jul 13 2013, 04:55 AM
Post #800

Old Man of the North

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I sort of did mean that Stogie howled in pain. And that light from his eyes lit up his tent. Artistic license, I know, and I hope I didn't tread in GM territory. Just thought I'd spice things up a bit.

In the spirit of Tecumseh's suggestion we speed up karma expenditure and progression, I'd like to spend 19 karma for Initiation for Stogie into grade III, and acquire for him the Sensing metamagic. I figured if it was sped up, it had to hurt.
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