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> Two german cons., RatCon and Spiel '03
post Aug 24 2003, 05:01 PM
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Moving Target

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Ok, I just wanted to inform that next month the RatCon takes place. This is the FanPro in-house convention which officially centers around the house-games, but you can find many sessions on-site which will play many other games.

Then, in October, we've got the Spiel '03. Biggest toy fare in Europe. (NOT only roleplaying. Everything game-related but with a quite large portion set aside for rpg's.)

The germans here should all know about this, but I wondered if some other folks would be able to attend one of these cons.

People from the Netherlands don't have much to travel, as RatCon is stationed in Dortmund, whereas the Spiel is in Essen.

. . .

So, any chances of meeting some of you there?
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post Aug 25 2003, 08:20 AM
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With some more info on Spiel 03, I just may attend. It'd be nice to get back down around my old stomping grounds. Have any more info for me, Sarge?
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post Aug 25 2003, 04:07 PM
Post #3

Moving Target

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Here you go!

If you need translation help, just ask what you're looking for...
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post Aug 25 2003, 04:43 PM
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Perfect...thanks! No translation help needed, though...thanks...I was stationed there for almost 6 years. ;)

It looks great...have you been there before?
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post Aug 25 2003, 05:02 PM
Post #5

Moving Target

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Yepp, the last two years.
I even got to a merchant, who offered me 20% price cut, just because he liked my attitude. :D

The people are friendly, nice and pretty outgoing. There are many american and british folks running around and it's always nice to barter with them. Yeah, that's the most fun part: "I buy two shirts and this book and you give me 5%?" - "Hell... Yeah, why not? Be my quest!"

You feel kinda' dumb though, when you start talking english to some vendor, and then he looks at you and mildly states: "Wir können auch deutsch..."

Ooops... :D
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post Aug 28 2003, 03:58 PM
Post #6

Moving Target

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I heartely endorse getting over to Spiel if you can - it's quite an event indeed. Plus there's all of that lovely German beer and the local clubs to hang out at afterwards!

If you're lucky you can even terrorise a few of the local DSF regulars in person with the German Phrasebook of Doom! (Make sure they don't confiscate it though - BTW can I have it back now TW?) Alternatively you can always seek out a spare space and a game of SR with them. Beware though, you might be sudenly "allocated" as the GM and then have to use a German rulebook because they catch you unprepared!

Time to roll out the bad Dutch accents again eh Stormy, Honourableman, TW?

BTW - any Brits out there who want to attend, it's just a short hop over the channel or via the chunnel. The EuroStar gets to Brussels and then its off to Essen via Koln (Cologne) all for about £100 or so return whereas if you're up for a bit of an overnight bus and ferry trip there's one that gets you there and back for half that if you pre-book it.
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post Aug 28 2003, 09:20 PM
Post #7

Moving Target

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If I come, where can I crash??
Though I have to check with Dutch and grandparents and my school and all...

This sounds like more fun than the danish Viking Con. :) And I can meet some of you guys... :D
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post Aug 29 2003, 11:10 AM
Post #8

Moving Target

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Be careful what you wish for Bitten - you may just get it... :D
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post Aug 29 2003, 01:49 PM
Post #9

Moving Target

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IF you would like to attend, I am quite certain that I can get two people over at my place. Free meals et al. :D

I'm in Gelsenkirchen, which ist just 20min's away from Essen.

So, 2(two) places are free. (Expect nothing too fancy, though. The best you might get is your own room, if I get my sister to crash with her bf, the worst would be... Your own small room as I crash my sister's. *g*)

I've got enough mattraces and beds, so that's no problem.

Oh! And I don't speak any other languages besides english and germen, ok? Perhaps some broken polish, but that won't get me too far with you, won't it?
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post Aug 31 2003, 06:28 PM
Post #10

Moving Target

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Nope, it wouldn't.
My german is pretty rusty though, but StormSpirit thought that I just needed training.
Beeste, what did you mean by that??

I'll let you know soonish if I can come. Perhaps even Dutch will attend.. ;)
But save me a bed, Sarge, if you would be so kind? :)
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post Aug 31 2003, 06:36 PM
Post #11

Moving Target

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One bed reserved and another one held back in hopes of Mr. -DK attending too. *scribbles down notes*

What would you like for breakfast?
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post Aug 31 2003, 07:09 PM
Post #12

Moving Target

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Ye're joking!? :eek:
I'll let you know as soon as I know if we/I am coming.
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post Aug 31 2003, 07:54 PM
Post #13

Moving Target

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:D Although it was an attempt at humour, I also would have accepted your wishes. I _would be_ able to fulfill your wishes if you state them early enough.

Two or three days up front would be good enough.

Perhaps I will have tidied up my place untill then. *g*
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post Sep 18 2003, 12:04 PM
Post #14

Moving Target

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Hoi Sarge, could you tell me the dates for the Spiel '03? It's sometime mid-October isn't it? Just need to know to see if I'm free to make it over and so I can get cheap-rate travel by pre-booking. I'd ask TW but he's currently on hols and uncertain if he's attending.

Cheers Term.
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post Sep 18 2003, 12:06 PM
Post #15

Moving Target

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My location got free, 'cause Bitten and Dutch can not attend. So, if you want to get something _really_ cheap (Say, like, completely free. *g*), I'd have a place for you to drop by.

Spiel is from 23. to 25. October.
Thursday 'till sunday.
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post Sep 18 2003, 02:27 PM
Post #16

Moving Target

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Unless we have a windfall of money (like 300€ or so) we are, alas, not attending.:(
I had to buy new books for this semester and it left us rather tight in the money department.:(
Have fun and drink a few for us.:)
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post Sep 25 2003, 07:44 PM
Post #17

Moving Target

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QUOTE (The_Sarge)
My location got free, 'cause Bitten and Dutch can not attend. So, if you want to get something _really_ cheap (Say, like, completely free. *g*), I'd have a place for you to drop by.

Spiel is from 23. to 25. October.
Thursday 'till sunday.

Cheers for the info Sarge. Hmmm, I should be able to make it that weekend - and even have some spare cash too! If the offer for a crash-space is open and you don't mind a hairy hulk like me knowing where you reside, then count me in!

I'll have to look into the details, but I'll probably be catching a bus over from Merry Olde England and arrive in Essen on Friday morning - but the next one back wouldn't be until Tuesday evening. At least that's what it was last time. Of course, finances may indicate a more luxurious EuroStar crossing instead this year, but then I'd be cutting back on the beer money.

Hmmm - scrap the EuroStar then. :grinbig: :D :grinbig: :rotfl:

Anyhow, mucho Danke for the opportunity to attend my second Spiel. I'm looking forward to meeting the regular crowd again. It's a pity that Bitten and Dutch won't be there. Ho-hum, I guess I'll have to take a deeper look into this brochure on the desk about Danish cruises...

PS> If you can round up a few victims... err players, I might even have a Shadowrun or three ready to rock this time. (Must remember to bring plenty of Irn Bru and eat chocolate for maximum mentality.)
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post Sep 25 2003, 07:53 PM
Post #18

Moving Target

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Beeste? You're in. (Bitten and Dutch: If you should get any sort of lucky windfall, there are places for you too. I can... Organize. *evil grin*)

Victims? Most certainly sire. I should start to round the herd for you!

And if you would like some beers and stay mobile, you've got the perfect dedicated driver. *g* I just don't drink. So, you're save there.

Staying with me until Tuesday is no problem at all. Feel yourself invited. :-)
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post Sep 26 2003, 02:23 PM
Post #19

Moving Target

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Cheers there Sarge - count me in on the visit. I've still got one or two details to sort out first though before I can confirm exactly when and where I'll be arriving.

BTW regarding victims/players ask Honourableman, Stormy & TW. If they're still around and up for another dose of BEESTE GMing that is. (check out the Dumpshock_Memeber_Gallery for some scenes of last year's debauchery...)
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post Sep 26 2003, 02:32 PM
Post #20

Moving Target

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Maybe (BIG MAYBE) we are attending. Let me check with the bank. I would be SO delighted to play with Beeste.:evil:;):D

Err, as for the debauchery... Hmmm, include some good looking women and I am game. But hunting me would be dangerous to your health.;)
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post Sep 26 2003, 02:41 PM
Post #21

Moving Target

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Perhaps three beds? It shall be done. :-)
I would be glad to house you. There shall be much rejoicing!

But, Bitten: Wouldn't Dutch mind the good looking women?
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post Sep 26 2003, 02:57 PM
Post #22

Moving Target

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QUOTE (The_Sarge)
Perhaps three beds? It shall be done. :-)
I would be glad to house you. There shall be much rejoicing!

But, Bitten: Wouldn't Dutch mind the good looking women?

As long as he and I share, he won't mind.;)
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post Sep 26 2003, 03:03 PM
Post #23

Moving Target

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It somehow /felt/ stupid asking such a quetion. :D
Sadly, all the good looking women I know (all three *g*) are either in a relationship, or searching for one. Sorry on that front.

Perhaps if we would visit a club? *g*
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post Sep 26 2003, 03:08 PM
Post #24

Moving Target

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Perhaps! Perhaps? Ain't no perhaps about it Sarge old Term. We've GOT to visit a club. Mandatory. Like beer. I might even remember to pay up before leaving this time rather than be grabbed by the bouncers. (We pay for drinks as we get them over here in Blighty you know...)

@ Bitten & Dutch
Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! You can do it, you know you want to. Remember - Who Dares Grins!
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post Sep 26 2003, 03:57 PM
Post #25

Moving Target

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So shall it be then.
T-Club/Blade in Oberhausen is the place of my choice.

T-Club has a good mix of Alternative&Metal, some EBM, (harder)top40 and classics. (Once they even played the "A-Team" opening. Hilarity ensued on the dancefloor. *g*)

Blade is your nice, small Industrial/EBM/Noise/Metal Dancefloor.

They're both in the same building. The "Turbinenhalle". An old industrial complex. (A turbine- hall, as it should be. ;) ). There's another dancefloor. The "Turbinenhalle" (named after the building, cause it's the actual hall. Quite big.), but as this hall only plays dance/gabba, I'm not an actual visitor. Just a victim. *argh*

Listen to the beast! *grins*
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