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> OOC:SR5 Introduction/Milk Run, Out of Character Talk
post Aug 13 2013, 07:11 PM
Post #251


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QUOTE (Redjack @ Aug 13 2013, 12:58 PM) *
I'm in the doorway. What about my 2 dice of partial cover... or given the full attack from inside, full cover?

The doorway is a double-wide sliding door that can readily accommodate troll patrons. And you were on your way out of it. If anything, i woud say you would have moved to get cover from inside (exposing yourself to the outside) considering that is where you thought the only threat was.

But I'll tell you what, give me luck roll (your full edge roll). For every hit you get, i'll give you a point of cover.
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post Aug 13 2013, 07:16 PM
Post #252

Man Behind the Curtain

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QUOTE (Slacker @ Aug 13 2013, 02:11 PM) *
But I'll tell you what, give me luck roll (your full edge roll). For every hit you get, i'll give you a point of cover.
Fair compromise; Luck(4) [4,5,4,3] = 1 hit

Reaction(8) + Intuition(4) + Wounds(-2) + Powder(-2) + Second Defense(-1) + Short Burst(-2) + Cover(1) [4,2,5,2,5,5,2] = 3 hits
Now to deal with the fact that I have been outflanked.
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post Aug 13 2013, 07:18 PM
Post #253


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QUOTE (Redjack @ Aug 13 2013, 01:16 PM) *
Fair compromise; Luck(4) [4,5,4,3] = 1 hit

Reaction((IMG:style_emoticons/default/cool.gif) + Intuition(4) + Wounds(-2) + Powder(-2) + Second Defense(-1) + Short Burst(-2) + Cover(1) [4,2,5,2,5,5,2] = 3 hits

Hehe. Ok. Good job.
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post Aug 13 2013, 07:23 PM
Post #254

Man Behind the Curtain

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I'm kinda lost where we are in initiative.
Troll swung and missed. I hit, passing him.
He hit me, I ran for the door. He then took an interrupt and attacked me again... and then threw a shelf at me.

Have I missed some actions? Where are we now? What turn and what pass?
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post Aug 13 2013, 07:43 PM
Post #255


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QUOTE (Redjack @ Aug 13 2013, 01:23 PM) *
I'm kinda lost where we are in initiative.
Troll swung and missed. I hit, passing him.
He hit me, I ran for the door. He then took an interrupt and attacked me again... and then threw a shelf at me.

Have I missed some actions? Where are we now? What turn and what pass?

Recap for Combat turn 2 Pass 1
Takako decides he's outmatched and tries to run.
Mako tries to stop Takako with a mighty fist but is blocked spraying the both of them with glop that gets in their eyes.
Takako then stumbles away to make it to standing directly in the entrance to the StufferShack with the doors open and moderate rain coming down.

Swims-with-Sharks dashes to behind the counter and waves his hands and magical force at the troll who begins to levitate off the ground a couple meters.

Flailing about in mid-air, Mako grabs a large container of the top shelf of aisle 1 and tosses at Takako because he failed to notice the person casting a spell on him.

Angel mentally stepped into the virtual landscape as her body sagged to the ground behind some cover in the food prep area (still invisible). She try to figure out where the noise/jamming was coming from but couldn't pinpoint it. All she new is that it seemed to be coming from in front of the building.

Bob the supervisor then stepped out of his office with a shotgun to defend Shelly the cashier. He fire on Swims, but only succeeded in nearly killing Shelly.

Flowers then shouted from the back of the store to make the supervisor accept him as leader for the next 5 combat turns.

Following that is when an unknown assailant in the parking lot opened fire on Takako with a submachine gun. Takako barely managed to avoid taking more damage thanks to what little luck he had left in him.

Various non-combatant NPC's also moved around, armed family to behind the refrigerated section, the doctor and amy along the back wall towards the employee section, and the drunkard towards the back wall.

Currently we are waiting on confirmation that Sledge still wants to move towards the front office. Once we have that we are starting up with the second pass of combat turn 2.
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post Aug 13 2013, 07:50 PM
Post #256


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Oh and the Stuffer Shack Map has been updated with the current position of everybody. I haven't drawn up the parking lot and the guy shooting at you from the cover of a van yet. But he's not that far away from the front entrance, maybe 6m away from Takako.
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post Aug 13 2013, 08:48 PM
Post #257

The Dragon Never Sleeps

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QUOTE (Slacker @ Aug 13 2013, 09:24 AM) *
With Agility 7, you could walk to the front of the store in a single combat turn without roll, though you wouldn't get there until the third initiative pass. If you ran (still no roll needed), you could make it to the manager in pass 2 and still have some movement left over.

It's Agility 7 with the cyberarm, Agility 3 otherwise.

So, Movement Run, simple action get med kit from Angel as he gets by her, if she has her medkit on her.
if Flowers gets to Manager simple action to take his shot gun away, otherwise I'll have to think of something else to do.
Free action to tell him to take med kit and get "shelley" and himself safe in cover while Flowers team takes care of things..

Aisle 6 has med supplies if anyone doesn't happen to actually have a medkit on them.
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post Aug 13 2013, 09:05 PM
Post #258


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QUOTE (DireRadiant @ Aug 13 2013, 02:48 PM) *
It's Agility 7 with the cyberarm, Agility 3 otherwise.

So, Movement Run, simple action get med kit from Angel as he gets by her, if she has her medkit on her.
if Flowers gets to Manager simple action to take his shot gun away, otherwise I'll have to think of something else to do.
Free action to tell him to take med kit and get "shelley" and himself safe in cover while Flowers team takes care of things..

Aisle 6 has med supplies if anyone doesn't happen to actually have a medkit on them.

Doh. Forgot the agility was on your cyberarm. With that your max speed without using up a Complex Action to sprint, you would not reach the manager until the end of this combat turn in pass 3. And that is only if you don't stop to search Angel's body for a medkit as she is currently "unconscious" looking at the VR landscape, as well as being invisible due to the spell Swims cast on her earlier in the combat.
Her initiative is above yours, so she could come out of VR if she wanted to give you a medkit, but she's still invisible. So that hand off might be a little awkward.
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post Aug 13 2013, 09:05 PM
Post #259

jacked in

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QUOTE (Slacker @ Aug 13 2013, 09:05 PM) *
For Angel I will say that she notices the active signal she had been feeling/seeing from the security cameras just stopped suddenly at the beginning of this pass. It's definitely not just the jammer. She thinks they've probably been shut down by somebody on the StufferShack host.

I also noticed, that I should roll new initiative... I am a lot faster now. (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile.gif)

How is that done... roll new and then deduct 10 for every previous IP?

New initiative -> 28 which would mean 18 left now (at the beginning of Turn 2)

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post Aug 13 2013, 09:15 PM
Post #260


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QUOTE (Thanee @ Aug 13 2013, 03:05 PM) *
I also noticed, that I should roll new initiative... I am a lot faster now. (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile.gif)

How is that done... roll new and then deduct 10 for every previous IP?

New initiative -> 28 which would mean 18 left now (at the beginning of Turn 2)


You don't reroll the entire initiative, you instead only roll the additional dice. That and any straight bonuses you get to Init are added to whatever you previous Initiative was. So for you jumping to hot-sim VR we would add 4 + 3d6 to your existing init (+15 to your init). That does put you as the first person to go in Pass 2. Though that means you haven't noticed the cameras shutting down yet. That don't get turned off until after you take actions.
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post Aug 13 2013, 09:16 PM
Post #261

jacked in

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As for her action... before going anywhere, Angel will get some help. Compiling a Fault Sprite Level 6.

Does noise affect this? I suppose not...

Compiling 4 hits vs Sprite 2 hits -> 2 tasks

Fading -> 3 hits (leaves 1S damage for Angel)

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post Aug 13 2013, 09:21 PM
Post #262

jacked in

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Does that jamming / noise interfere with our communication, BTW?

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post Aug 14 2013, 12:31 AM
Post #263

The Dragon Never Sleeps

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QUOTE (Slacker @ Aug 13 2013, 03:05 PM) *
Doh. Forgot the agility was on your cyberarm. With that your max speed without using up a Complex Action to sprint, you would not reach the manager until the end of this combat turn in pass 3. And that is only if you don't stop to search Angel's body for a medkit as she is currently "unconscious" looking at the VR landscape, as well as being invisible due to the spell Swims cast on her earlier in the combat.
Her initiative is above yours, so she could come out of VR if she wanted to give you a medkit, but she's still invisible. So that hand off might be a little awkward.

So Flowers can arrive at the Manager if he does not Sprint, but it's at the end of the Combat Turn?
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post Aug 14 2013, 01:01 AM
Post #264


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QUOTE (Slacker @ Aug 14 2013, 02:53 AM) *
Meanwhile, Sledge was moving towards the front in the employee's section of the store. Is he just continuing that movement? He can see the the old supervisor at the opening between the office area and the cash registers, but he'll only be making it about halfway to the front this pass. Any other actions for him?
Sledge sees the supervisor menacing Swims with a shotgun...but I'm not trying to influence Sledge's actions or anything (IMG:style_emoticons/default/biggrin.gif)
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post Aug 14 2013, 02:09 AM
Post #265

Man Behind the Curtain

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QUOTE (Slacker @ Aug 13 2013, 02:50 PM) *
Oh and the Stuffer Shack Map has been updated with the current position of everybody. I haven't drawn up the parking lot and the guy shooting at you from the cover of a van yet. But he's not that far away from the front entrance, maybe 6m away from Takako.
6M? So with a running rate of 28m/turn, he can easily make a charging attack on this goon?
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post Aug 14 2013, 02:17 AM
Post #266

Man Behind the Curtain

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Time to go big or go home and at least tie this guy up in hand-to-hand...

Agility(7) + Unarmed(6) + Martial Arts(2) + Wounds(-2) + Powder(-2) + Charging(2) [4,6,6,3,6,5,5,4,6,1,5,5,6] = 9 hits 8 hits (due to physical limit of 8)
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post Aug 14 2013, 03:13 AM
Post #267

Grand Nagus

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QUOTE (phlapjack77 @ Aug 13 2013, 06:01 PM) *
Sledge sees the supervisor menacing Swims with a shotgun...but I'm not trying to influence Sledge's actions or anything (IMG:style_emoticons/default/biggrin.gif)

Are you sure Sledge sees? It is already proven that he is not too perceptive.

Sledge is moving now quickly toward the manager, APV drawn. His goal is to talk down the manager first, get him to safety. If he has to, he will shoot him, but he would rather disarm him. His goal is to get the manager on their side, rather than having to take out dunderhead civilians and a raging troll.

EDIT - Missed the request for explosives up front. I am on it!

Instead Sledge is moving to the door quickly and quietly, trying to stay where the manager cannot see his approach. He is not sneaking, but using as much stealth as possible, since I realize now that he doesn't possess a throwing skill.

Once close enough, or if spotted, he is giving a nice little underhand toss of the flash-bang.

STEALTH (Agility 6 + Stealth 6) = 5 Successes? [5,4,6,4,2,4,5,4,5,3,2,5]
THROWING (Agility 6 + 0 - 2 Default) = 0 Success! [1,4,3,1]
Can I use Edge to buy a success?
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post Aug 14 2013, 04:43 AM
Post #268

The Dragon Never Sleeps

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I am entertained. (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile.gif) Poor manager is going to get flash banged after he's been handled, meanwhile outside... learning curve. All very understandable! (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile.gif)

I'm at Gencon the next few days. I have no idea how this will affect my ability to post, not because of access, but because I will be extremely busy. Just FYI and a warning.
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post Aug 14 2013, 05:30 AM
Post #269

Grand Nagus

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I wasnt sure if Flowers meant the front area where the troll is, or the register area. So I used my best judgement. Not for tactical reasons, but for comedic.

Hopefully I dont flash bang myself in the attempt!
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post Aug 14 2013, 05:53 AM
Post #270


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QUOTE (Bastard @ Aug 14 2013, 11:13 AM) *
THROWING (Agility 6 + 0 - 2 Default) = 0 Success! [1,4,3,1]
This was almost a crit glitch...would've been interesting (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile.gif) And I think defaulting is only a -1 penalty

QUOTE (Bastard @ Aug 14 2013, 01:30 PM) *
Hopefully I dont flash bang myself Swims in the attempt!
Fixed it for you (IMG:style_emoticons/default/nyahnyah.gif)

I was going to have Swims vault over the counter and knee-elbow crawl away to safety from the shotgun-wielding maniac anyway, using the counter as cover while continuing to levitate the troll towards the outside. Dunno how that interacts with the initiative order at the moment...
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post Aug 14 2013, 09:16 AM
Post #271

jacked in

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QUOTE (phlapjack77 @ Aug 14 2013, 07:53 AM) *
This was almost a crit glitch...

Almost? Did they change the rules for those? Half 1s and no hit... looks pretty critically glitchy to me. (IMG:style_emoticons/default/biggrin.gif)

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post Aug 14 2013, 10:41 AM
Post #272


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Had to look it up before making that last post - it's been changed to "more than half" (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile.gif)
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post Aug 14 2013, 10:57 AM
Post #273

jacked in

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Ah, I see. (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile.gif)

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post Aug 14 2013, 11:34 AM
Post #274

Man Behind the Curtain

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QUOTE (DireRadiant @ Aug 13 2013, 11:43 PM) *
I'm at Gencon the next few days. I have no idea how this will affect my ability to post, not because of access, but because I will be extremely busy. Just FYI and a warning.
I resemble this remark.
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post Aug 14 2013, 01:22 PM
Post #275


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QUOTE (Thanee @ Aug 13 2013, 04:16 PM) *
As for her action... before going anywhere, Angel will get some help. Compiling a Fault Sprite Level 6.

Does noise affect this? I suppose not...

Compiling 4 hits vs Sprite 2 hits -> 2 tasks

Fading -> 3 hits (leaves 1S damage for Angel)


Well, threading is affected by noise, but I don't see anything at all in the book that discusses Compiling a Sprite in noise conditions. I'm willing to say they are forms of pure Resonance and therefore compiling them is not affected by Noise.
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