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> OOC New Beginnings DAWN
post Sep 1 2021, 02:30 PM
Post #826

Old Man of the North

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Off to the cottage again till Sunday. I'm taking character sheets. There is a tree by the Seniors' Centre in the village under which I can get two, sometimes three bars on my cell phone (weather permitting). I will try to keep up.
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post Sep 8 2021, 01:39 PM
Post #827

Old Man of the North

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Here's a bunch of rolls for bartering:

1) 4 hits

2) 7 hits

3) 5 hits

4) 7 hits

5) 4 hits
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post Sep 12 2021, 09:38 PM
Post #828

Old Man of the North

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Torley won't barter for the price of the bottled drink. (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile.gif)
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post Sep 25 2021, 03:17 PM
Post #829

Old Man of the North

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As a matter of interest to Torley, are there other languages being spoken in the market?
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post Sep 26 2021, 08:24 AM
Post #830

Moving Target

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Probably, as there are a lot of dialects in Lagos.
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post Sep 27 2021, 03:44 AM
Post #831

Running Target

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I am very sorry for disappearing so long guys. The new job is kicking my ass, my depression is kicking my ass and it looks like I am getting a divorce. I hope some of that gives me a pass for the radio silence.

Thanks for keeping things going here and making the rolls I didn't ever get around to.

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post Sep 27 2021, 03:53 AM
Post #832

Old Man of the North

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Holy shit. I've had two of those three at once, so I feel for you. We will all soldier on.
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post Sep 27 2021, 07:31 AM
Post #833

Moving Target

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Sorry to hear that, let us know if you need to put the campaign in hiatus.

I've lost my notes and have no clue where we're at money wise. Anyone have it recorded what our up front payment was, how much we got for the per diem on the first leg of the run, and what we got after it was raised?
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post Sep 28 2021, 12:14 AM
Post #834

Old Man of the North

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While we consider our future, consider this:

Torley, decked out in sparkling, coruscating rainbow hued finery, broad-brimmed hat angled just-so, sashaying down the chic, high-rent shopping district. Finger-shooting the lesser mortals who stop and stare at his confident parade. This playing in his mind, and maybe, just maybe, in the air about him, projected into the mundane world by the power of his magnificence.
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post Sep 28 2021, 06:21 AM
Post #835

Moving Target

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I'm also not sure what our current per diem is, but money wise, I'm still good. I still have about 33,000 nuyen at the moment from our first runs (as mage I don't need too much money). I'm wondering when we get some extra karma, as I'm in dire need of that (my last update to my file was in 2016).
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post Sep 28 2021, 01:31 PM
Post #836

Running Target

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Btw, since I didn't mention it in in the post, the granade come 12 to a case.
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post Sep 29 2021, 07:03 AM
Post #837

Moving Target

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Since no one has notes, I've been combimg through the old posts.
Original agreement was
Daily rate: 2,000¥ per person
Per Diem: 250¥ per person, with five days paid upfront
Finder fee: 20,000¥ to the team

We renegoitated after switching focus from the sextant to the map
Per Diem: 500¥ per person, with two days given before returning to Lagos.

So each runner has been paid a total of 2,250¥ in the form of 45,000 naira.
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post Sep 29 2021, 07:13 AM
Post #838

Moving Target

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O'Connor's low on funds without using his own money.

Six Pack of Beer x4: 120 naira
Armored Suits x2: Price never specified
Zen Tabs x6: 300 naira
Commlink: 20,000 naira
Meal and shopping trip with Lil' Homie: Price never specified

Torley's been handling the bribes, haven't gone back through and tallied those, but they've been constant.

I don't think Starlet's had too many expenses though. She may need to fund this.

100¥ (2000 naira) for tac-gear and 1000¥ (20,000 naira) per grenade case.
We're here for thermal smoke, and flashbangs. A case of tear gas, and some gas masks, might be worth picking up too.
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post Sep 29 2021, 10:52 AM
Post #839

Moving Target

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QUOTE (Crossbow @ Apr 23 2020, 09:17 AM) *
A courier arrive with a massage from the Adegoke.

Just so it is clear, do not interfere with our efforts in Lagos. I want the thief to stand trial, AND the statue returned. Do this and you will be given entrance to the auction.

Oh, I also found this post while trying to figure out the finances. The idol and thief are a package deal to get the invite. Crossbow, can I roll a memory test for O'Connor to remember this and realize that Jane is in fact trying to frag us over?
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post Sep 29 2021, 04:14 PM
Post #840

Moving Target

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We have the thief, right. He doesn't have to know we're going to deliver him to the king later.
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post Sep 30 2021, 01:28 AM
Post #841

Moving Target

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O'Connor already has a plan for that. The problem is that we asked Jane for clarification when none of you believed me when I said the thief and idol were a package deal. She said that the idol was all we need and suggested that we hire the thief. We're being set up.
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post Sep 30 2021, 04:43 AM
Post #842

Running Target

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QUOTE (Necrogigas @ Sep 29 2021, 06:52 AM) *
Oh, I also found this post while trying to figure out the finances. The idol and thief are a package deal to get the invite. Crossbow, can I roll a memory test for O'Connor to remember this and realize that Jane is in fact trying to frag us over?

Context matters. The message you reference is from right after when the deal was negotiated. Torley later had a conversation with Jane AFTER you had Silence, and told you to honor the deal you made with him.

O'Connor, especially, would know that Jane is one of those Robin Hood, criminal with a heart of gold type Shadowrunners after the conversation he had with her outside of that Tamanous Clinic. If she told you to honor the deal she might know more than you know about Adeoke's disposition, or did you think she was just sunning herself by a pool this whole time? You showing up at Adeoke's with Silence might be a thing you could do to REALLY piss her off, considering you would be going against her instructions AND showing dishonorable intent by breaking the deal you have with Silence, thus making HER look bad as her representatives.

Also, I should point out that you had already violated THAT deal, or did you think that getting Adeoke's soldiers into a shootout with the Area Boys would not not be considered interference?

Final point, I just checked, O'Connor does not have paranoia, but you are real close to role-playing your way into a negative quality you don't get any points for. (IMG:style_emoticons/default/wink.gif)
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post Sep 30 2021, 10:34 AM
Post #843

Moving Target

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You're seriously threatening to punish me for being suspicious in a game of Shadowrun? O'Connor hasn't trusted Jane's motives or actions from the onset. The kerfuffle of the opening meet saw to that. A kerfuffle of your own making by forcing Snow to not be there and then punishing the team for it.

O'Connor didn't do shit to the Army. They chased him after instantly pinpointing supressed fire. They shot at him, and he ignored them. He then went to engage the Area Boys and got shot at by both sides. He got out of the line of fire and then they started shooting at each other.
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post Sep 30 2021, 05:31 PM
Post #844

Old Man of the North

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I dropped into this thread quite late, so I don't know the history from before. Let me have a chance to refresh Torley's understanding of recent events before we get deeper into a hole about right/wrong roles. So far, as I understand Torley, he is loathe to break a promise to a 'teammate', but let's see where the actual profit lies.
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post Oct 1 2021, 03:31 AM
Post #845

Running Target

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No, I wasn't serious, thus the smiley-con.

I am not questioning O'Connor's motivation, I am using the OOC thread to try and make some things known. 0
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post Oct 1 2021, 03:35 AM
Post #846

Running Target

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Why would she be trying to jam up the team she hired?
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post Oct 2 2021, 05:07 PM
Post #847

Old Man of the North

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Got pulled away. Back Monday.
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post Oct 8 2021, 02:33 PM
Post #848

Old Man of the North

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Sorry. Trying to sell our cottage and stuff happened. I'll do some research today.
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post Oct 10 2021, 12:52 AM
Post #849

Old Man of the North

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Going back a bit through the IC thread, I find a few points of note.

We are now being paid 500 nuyen per diem more than the original contract. I don't know what that adds up to, but we have a few thousand nuyen we haven't used yet. More importantly, in post #608 of the IC thread, Jane tells us more money can come if we need it. I presume that can show up the way our per diem does? So the cost of the new materials we are getting should be covered, even if we have to go to the bank of mommy to get the cash.

What I don't know is how many crates will fill the shopping list O'Connor has put together. and how the two of us propose to transport those crates back to the hotel room.

Past Englebrecht's man.
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post Oct 11 2021, 07:21 AM
Post #850

Running Target

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One case of each would more than fill out your shopping list, and while you are a couple of days short on your per diem you should still have enough to cover the tab.

As for transporting the crates, the man has several varieties of mil-spec gear that should fit the bill. Rucksacks, duffle bags, even foot lockers. The grenades come in ammo cans which are fairly easy to transport.
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