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> The Found Arcana - Tenth Interlude - Seattle [OOC]
post Aug 29 2023, 09:36 AM
Post #76

jacked in

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QUOTE (Tecumseh @ Aug 29 2023, 08:18 AM) *
Apologies for the delay. There's COVID in the vicinity. I'm fine but others in my orbit are not and I'm having to pick up their slack.

Noone needs that. (IMG:style_emoticons/default/wink.gif)

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post Aug 29 2023, 02:29 PM
Post #77


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It's more of a disconnect between mechanics and world description (similar how the movement notation system in Core makes no sense at all in the context of the world)

Because usually, Capacity is disconnected from (Device) Rating. In Core the regular goggles' price is defined as Capacity x 50¥

The critter goggles on the other hand, have explicitly 50¥ x Rating (1–6) and this sentence in their description: "These goggles have a capacity equal to their rating."

Bows have a description on what their rating means (a strength rating)

So I admit, it probably was not intended as an option, but neither were the stealth tag hacking devices.

As for why not everyone (ab)uses them: The same reason most people don't jailbreak their phones, even though it's really simple and a great way to get corporate bloat- and spyware off your device: It can ruin your device, make it less secure if you don't get your updates anymore and require more maintenance in general.

SR4 had a very nice ruleset for that (software degradation) to deal with hacked lifestyle/equipment.

As a compromise, we could borrow that for our game as well. Bobby would have to put in the time and rolls to maintain his hacked/cludged together equipment.

Pirated Software
Pirated software—i.e. programs whose copy-protection and activation/validation anti-piracy mechanisms have been bypassed through cracking—are usually distributed by warez sites (see Piracy, p. 94). While pirated programs have the advantage of not being linked to a registered SIN, they are not automatically updated and patched in the same manner as legal software. Without registration and the confirmation that the copy is legitimate and licensed, the software is not authorized to connect to the manufacturer’s update sites. In game terms, illegal and pirated software—and also programs that a character has coded himself (p. 118)—degrade over time, reflecting that the program is slowly becoming outdated.
Hacking and malware programs degrade at the rate of 1 rating point per month; all other programs degrade 1 rating point per 2 months.
To circumvent or prevent degradation of their utilities, hackers have three options. First, skilled hackers with programming resources can patch programs (see Patching, p. 118) on their own.
Second, those that have connections to warez sites can go looking for an updated pirated copy. Third, daredevil hackers of course always have the option of hacking the corporate patching nodes directly to steal the patch for themselves and their contacts.
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post Aug 29 2023, 03:30 PM
Post #78

Great Dragon

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@Jack - I like degradation - I just don't like bookkeeping.
- there is also a unique form factor or something to pay a little extra and have things look differently. So R6 Goggles comlink is doable (albeit more expensive, but not huge amounts of nuyen).

The Erika with overlocker and a program can reach 6 in any matrix attribute - I think it is still better than most tricked comlinks and dongles and their ilk. I don't mind others dabbling in decking.
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post Aug 29 2023, 03:44 PM
Post #79

jacked in

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In SR4A, I just used a monthly "fee" (for software, the added-up cost of the monthly patches plus half of the bi-monthly patches) to keep things from degrading, which was simply added to lifestyle costs. That minimizes the bookkeeping. (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile.gif)

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post Aug 29 2023, 09:40 PM
Post #80


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QUOTE (Thanee @ Aug 29 2023, 01:21 AM) *
She would not invent working for some corp (i.e. Gaeatronics), though. Rather say something like "just doing some freelance work" or "I'm into fashion design", or something like that.

Noted. That said, I tried to keep it ambiguous. In my head they were playing a guessing game about where Raven works. He guessed Gaeatronics (because of her heritage, Gaeatronics is a Salish corp) and she didn't bother to correct him.

But if she would have actively discouraged the misunderstanding, I can remove it.
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post Aug 29 2023, 10:35 PM
Post #81


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As for the electronics, Degradation sounds good to me.
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post Aug 30 2023, 12:55 AM
Post #82

Neophyte Runner

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Buy three hits on perception.

NB she is now running at eight points of noise reduction (5 from rating 5 RCC, 1 from using a datajack, 2 for the Signal Scrub program, 2 for the Silence is Golden's quality she bought after the last chapter). She needs three to overcome the noise of the range, but hopefully five will tame the Touristville noise.
On the critter goggles link, a small note because trodes overcomes most of it, but this trick doesn't make it a link, it lets it form a person's. The persona is all you need for matrix stuff, but it would not inherit the base commlink functionality ( but who cares, you can duplicate pretty much all of that via the matrix. But it may just behave a bit differently)
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post Aug 30 2023, 05:45 AM
Post #83

jacked in

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QUOTE (Tecumseh @ Aug 29 2023, 11:40 PM) *
Noted. That said, I tried to keep it ambiguous. In my head they were playing a guessing game about where Raven works. He guessed Gaeatronics (because of her heritage, Gaeatronics is a Salish corp) and she didn't bother to correct him.

But if she would have actively discouraged the misunderstanding, I can remove it.

No, that is fine. She simply wouldn't have lied in such a way (unless there was a reason to), but that is not the same thing. (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile.gif)

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post Sep 2 2023, 05:19 PM
Post #84


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We're getting close to the end of the Interlude.

Let me know if there's anything you want to do before we wrap it up!
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post Sep 2 2023, 07:20 PM
Post #85

jacked in

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Rachel left something on the table... (IMG:style_emoticons/default/wink.gif)

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post Sep 2 2023, 08:27 PM
Post #86


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Thanks for the reminder; I missed that.

Gilga, AM has a card to open when she gets home.
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post Sep 2 2023, 09:15 PM
Post #87

Great Dragon

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I'll get her home, sure. Bobby can do the escort;)

I'll need to think of a few Jests for the neighbors. I thought about issuing a memo that the neighborhood watch should wear green bandanas. (like a gang) or something along these lines, and then have these delivered to its members. (IMG:style_emoticons/default/wink.gif) I'll see if I come up with anything more fun for the next post. I'l
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post Sep 2 2023, 10:51 PM
Post #88


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I think the green bandanas would be hilarious. You'll need to get some delivered though because rich folks don't have bandanas sitting around.
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post Sep 2 2023, 11:38 PM
Post #89

Great Dragon

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She'll buy a bunch on the way home.
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post Sep 3 2023, 04:56 AM
Post #90

Great Dragon

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by the way, here is what I have for a notification about the green bandanas. (IMG:style_emoticons/default/wink.gif)
can you help me with the neighborhood names and the name for someone responsible for that (do I make someone up or do we already fleshed these people).

Dear Residents of Highlander's,

We hope this message finds you well. The Homeowner Association (HOA) would like to remind everyone of a recent resolution passed during our last meeting concerning the uniform attire for neighborhood guard volunteers.

Resolution Details:
At our last HOA meeting, it was decided that neighborhood guard volunteers are required to wear green bandanas while on duty. This decision was made for two primary reasons:

Easy Identification: The green bandanas will serve as a quick and easy means of identifying our dedicated neighborhood guard volunteers. This will help ensure the safety and security of our community members, allowing residents to easily recognize those who are there to assist and protect.

Promoting a Safe Environment: While we understand the importance of vigilance and safety, the intent behind this uniform change is not to "instill fear" in anyone. Rather, it is to create a more secure and welcoming environment for all residents. The presence of our neighborhood guard volunteers, easily identifiable by their green bandanas, will deter any undesirable activities and promote a sense of security within our community.

We want to emphasize that our neighborhood guard volunteers are here to help maintain a safe and friendly atmosphere within our neighborhood. They are trained to address concerns and assist with any issues that may arise.

We kindly ask for your cooperation and support in this matter. If you have any questions or concerns about this resolution or any other HOA-related issues, please do not hesitate to reach out to the HOA board or attend our upcoming meetings. Your feedback is valuable to us, and we are committed to making our neighborhood an even better place to live.

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.


Arjan Jimenez, CPM
Property Manager
Emerald City Property Management
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post Sep 3 2023, 07:53 AM
Post #91


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1) That's hilarious
2) This will cause so much trouble - great RP potential (IMG:style_emoticons/default/biggrin.gif)
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post Sep 3 2023, 04:16 PM
Post #92


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This is indeed quite funny.

I have been calling the neighborhood "Highlands" and so I think of it as the "Highlands Homeowners Association".

Edie (pronounced E-D) is the President. She doesn't have a last name so I'll call her "Edie Thom".

There are a few ways to go about it:

1) Send it from Edie and hopes that no one questions her about it. A well-timed Influence spell might help Edie think that this is her idea.
2) Send it from the property manager, which is the company that collects HOA dues, pays Sakura, etc. In that case you could use:

Arjan Jimenez, CPM
Property Manager
Emerald City Property Management

3) Send it from Sakura from someone high up enough that nobody will question it.

Taguchi Gorou
Assistant District Manager
Sakura Security
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post Sep 3 2023, 05:47 PM
Post #93

Great Dragon

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I haven't updated the sheet yet but AM has a brand new link. (bought it when I bought Raven's link).
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post Sep 4 2023, 02:06 AM
Post #94

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Much like Tamarind, I'd spent a bit of time watching what was going on around Cutty's gym without feeling a need to get more involved. I'd come up with something I was going to post Friday evening, then on the way home from a quick trip to Ikea, while my son was driving, a cyclist ran a red light and we hit him. Thankfully the young man managed to not apparently get too badly hurt (regained consciousness quickly, nothing broken, seemed reasonably lucid given what had happened, paramedics let him get onto the stretcher himself), and we were less than a kilometre from a major hospital, but obviously the evening and weekend rather went sideways. I'm only just settling back into routine. I'll adapt what I'd been thinking about, given what has progressed since earlier Friday.

And this is obvious, but be careful out there.
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post Sep 4 2023, 03:18 AM
Post #95


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Oh, wow! That's an unhappy shock. Although I honestly wonder why it doesn't happen more often. I'm all for driving less, but where I am all the cyclists are lawless anarchists when it comes to the rules of the road.

What's a "quick trip to Ikea"? j/k
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post Sep 4 2023, 04:27 AM
Post #96

Great Dragon

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Oh wow, this is awful Beta.
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post Sep 4 2023, 07:54 AM
Post #97

jacked in

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It's a sign of a good person, if you feel bad for what happened, despite knowing full well, it was the other person's fault.

Glad to hear, that nothing worse happened there.

Around here, cyclist are also kind of reckless sometimes. And there are those bicycle couriers and food delivery folk that are always in such a hurry.

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post Sep 4 2023, 08:50 AM
Post #98

Great Dragon

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In BS they mainly use the sidewalk because most streets would have no pedestrian traffic as it is too hot. I go everywhere by bicycle. Too hot to get into a car for most distances.
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post Sep 4 2023, 09:16 AM
Post #99

jacked in

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Oh, yeah, when it is hot and the car is parked outside, it is no fun getting inside... cooking! (IMG:style_emoticons/default/biggrin.gif)

@Wards: I know you can let people in with wards you created, but a magical lodge? Not sure, if that is possible.

After looking into it a bit more, since I was wondering how it works with your own lodge, even, it turns out, that you do create it (you only buy the materials). So, yeah, Rachel should be able to let you pass through without any hassle. (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile.gif)

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post Sep 5 2023, 02:06 AM
Post #100

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We all identified with him, as we are all cyclists. Heck, I rode through that intersection on the way home from work earlier on Friday. No idea why he blasted through the intersection like that, and when you get knocked out you lose some seconds of memory so he likely doesn't either.

I'm way out of the timeline, so I'm having Jawsey arrange to come back later in the day. Really it is just to check in on the team, wish AM happy birthday, and show that so far he's still alive and not gone toxic.
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