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> Living in the Shadows: OOC, never relax...
post May 5 2005, 11:40 PM
Post #1001

Moving Target

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The Jackrabbit is fishtailing across the path that Erebus just started to change lanes into. Because of your positive reaction roll you have a chance to swerve back to the left and move past the out-of-control car, but you will need to make a driving test.

TN breakdown: Base TN 3 (handling) + 4 attribute defauting modifier + 1 restricted terrain

total TN = 8

As per SR3 pg 134 you may roll one extra die for the Rapier's autonav.
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post May 6 2005, 05:40 AM
Post #1002

Moving Target

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do I get to roll a dodge test now? Somewhat confused as to how to resolve this...

and coincidentially I would like to finish dialing the number.. can we assume that

coincidentially I would also like to actually finish dialing Dragon's number, can we call that as having happened in that first action? otherwise as a free action (i'd imagine the number is queued up if not already dialing)

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post May 6 2005, 02:24 PM
Post #1003

Shooting Target

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This is for ronin. WinterRat and bandit: stay out! :D
[ Spoiler ]

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Cedric Rolfsson
post May 6 2005, 02:56 PM
Post #1004

Running Target

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anyone know what the autonav on a standard Yamaha Rapier is?

I don't have my books.
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post May 6 2005, 03:05 PM
Post #1005


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good thing you told us to stay out. I was just about to open it up. Good use of sign, there.

Don't worry, I stayed out. :)
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Cedric Rolfsson
post May 6 2005, 03:06 PM
Post #1006

Running Target

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Well rolling Reaction without augments:

03, 07, 02, 05, 08 TN: 8 = 1 success

If I need more than one success then I'll get the autonav for the Rapier if not then this should do.
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post May 6 2005, 03:30 PM
Post #1007

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Sedna: Andie will scan the store front and possiblely the three new comers without attracting attention.

Assense test TN4: [7,5,1,1,3,7,4] = 4 successes
Aura Reading TN4: [8, 9, 3, 5, 4] = 4 successes

If the temporary background count from the spells cast would affect the circulation batch then Andie will clean it up as quickly as possible.
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post May 6 2005, 04:57 PM
Post #1008

Moving Target

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The autonav of the Rapier is 1, that is why I said roll one extra die :-P

I'll get an IC post up for later on today. . .the one success is all you needed though :)
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post May 6 2005, 08:03 PM
Post #1009

Moving Target

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hey how do you do that spoiler thing?

Sedna: any way I can tell where it is going?
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post May 6 2005, 09:25 PM
Post #1010

Moving Target

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Cedric and Moirdryd:
Thank you both for sticking with me during these last few weeks. I have been distracted by a final project, my honors thesis, final exams, and two weekend trips and I know that you two and your gaming experience took a back seat. I completed my last final exam as an undergraduate today and I think I am caught up with all owed posting and ready to game-on. The only thing that I still owe the both of you are two weeks worth of karma awards, which I will lump in with this week's karma on this coming Sunday.
Thank you both.

Tiredronin and Winterrat: Now that we're all here in LiTS together perhaps some of our famous RPing actics will arise to entertain the entire LiTS community :P
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post May 7 2005, 01:42 PM
Post #1011

Shooting Target

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[ spoiler ] [ / spoiler ] (but without the spaces)

Normally I'd ask for an appropriate roll -- oh, let's see, maybe Tactics or Launch Weapons -- but I don't want to slow this down any further. (Pre-emptive rolls always welcome, even if sometimes I'll rule that the skill doesn't apply.)

ronin, the last missile was an AVM (Anti-Vehicle). This one you already know is a missile rather than a rocket: it's behaving with some intelligence; and it's a good guess it's an AVM as well. However, there really isn't anything vehicle-sized you can think of that it might hit. From your own experience you do know that with difficulty (+4 TN), an AVM can seek out a smaller-than-vehicle target. You don't have the information to extrapolate more.

Someone would have to isolate and then triangulate the signal to track down that other rigger directly. It needs a bit of luck, and then time none of you have had yet. Beyond that, the best that can be done is to neutralise the drones and/or dumpshock the rigger.

Reminds me: Dragon and Daedalus would know there's a chance the downed drone is still live -- depends on whether the rigger jumped out of it or not. (The damage wasn't severe enough for them to have been forced out.) But so long as none of you walk in front of the turret-jammed SMG, you're probably okay.

Now that you're clear of exams, bandit: I'll let you write up your most recent summoning in-thread :)

Sentinel: noted, answer in IC thread.

WinterRat: thanks for not looking :D
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post May 7 2005, 01:51 PM
Post #1012

Moving Target

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I will do that post-haste Sedna.

Can someone who has been heavily involved in this combat (probably Sedna or Winterrat) throw up an OOC post that lists the position of each PC and the direction of each threat? I am having trouble piecing those details together from the IC posting and I feel handicapped without a mental battle map.
Thanks a lot.
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post May 7 2005, 02:01 PM
Post #1013

Moving Target

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I figured that I post this in an attempt to avoid slowing the action.

City Spirit (force 5) iniative: 27 - obviously it has not manifested yet.

When the spirit's action occurs, which will be before Virgil gets another action, the spirit will just have to sit around command-less. It will hold it's action until the iniative passes reach Virgil's next action.
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post May 7 2005, 02:45 PM
Post #1014

Shooting Target

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Street about 10 metres wide. Clinic on one side, burning hulk of a former Americar parked across from it.

Virgil's almost against the clinic door, having been hurled there by Dragon.

Dragon, Sybersnake, and Tiffany were all on the opposite side of the car from Virgil, who can't really make them out (before, because of the car; now, because of the flames). Father Bremen, who used to be on Virgil's side of the car, has joined them.

The drone crashed about 12 metres down the street from the burning car.

Daedalus' drone is above the rooftops on the side of the street opposite the building.

You don't know where the missile is.

Approximation of current locations:

||||                                                       ||||   (missile came
||||                                          Virgil      Clinic  from behind
||||                                                       ||||    here)
||||                                                       ||||
||||        Burning car                                    ||||
||||                                                       ||||
||||  Dragon                                               ||||
Alleyway  <-- T+S+FB (seeking cover)                     Alleyway
||||                                                       ||||
||||                                                       ||||
||||                                                       ||||
||||                                                       ||||
||||                                                       ||||
||||                                                       ||||
||||                                                       ||||
||||                                                       ||||
||||                                                       ||||
||||                                                       ||||
||||                                                       ||||
||||          X                                            ||||
||||     Crashed drone, billowing smoke                    ||||

Edit: Yay! I got it to work! :D
Second edit: note that that's where the drone crashed. It started out on the other side of the street from the clinic, more or less between the burning car and Dragon's current location, but using the roofs for cover. Extrapolate the line from T/S/FB through Dragon and you'll have it. Daedalus' drone is occupying that space now.
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post May 7 2005, 03:03 PM
Post #1015

Moving Target

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Wow! That sketch provides much more detailed information that I had hoped for. Outstanding job :D Thank you very much for doing that for me . . . and I am sure that it will help all of us as things progress.
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post May 7 2005, 03:10 PM
Post #1016

Moving Target

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Preemptive rolls:

Small unit tactics
09 05 04 04 02 01

09 05 04 04 01

07 05 03
(will read up on MIJI rules... though I don't think it'll be possible here...)

gots to study : P

just testing...
[ Spoiler ]
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post May 7 2005, 04:13 PM
Post #1017

Shooting Target

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Worked much better than my previous e-mail attempts, neh? :grinbig:

Can't give more detailed data based on information each of you has individually. Can say that Dragon has now picked up the sound of an incoming missile, although it's still too far to project any specific programmed destination beyond "incoming" (and the Doppler tells you that).

The phone line between Dragon and Daedalus remains open. ronin, Daedalus can post a 2-3 line answer to Dragon if he wants. (That would be the second pass free action. The first exchange counts as the first pass free action.)

WinterRat: you're up.
bandit: you're right after him. Until Dragon says something out loud or Daedalus spends a Simple Action to contact you by phone, you're out of the communications loop.
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post May 7 2005, 05:39 PM
Post #1018

Moving Target

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Though Dragon will take his actions before Virgil I am posting his intended actions to keep the action smooth.

Free action: Allocate spell defense dice (6 spell pool + 2 totem modifier)
  • Dragon - 2 dice
  • Tiffany - 2 dice
  • Sybersnake - 2 dice
  • Virgil - 2 dice

Simple action: Command city-spirit to use concealment on Father Bremen, Dragon, Tiffany, Sybersnake, and Virgil.

Simple action: Command Danagrath to head down the alleyway that Tiffany, Sybersnake, and Father Bremen are currently heading towards. He is to scou t the area ahead and alarm them if anything hostile is on the other side.

Sedna: Let me know if you need any of this altered. If not than I will make an IC post after Dragon's actions are posted in the IC.
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post May 8 2005, 07:03 AM
Post #1019


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Sedna- Dragon is holding, other than calling out to warn everyone of the second missile.

As an aside, Daedalus and Dragon both have transducers to go along with their radios. I believe this allows communication at the speed of thought, which translates into essentially telepathy. I have to reference M&M, which I don't have with me, but I believe we definitely have more than 1 exchange per person per pass, although I suppose it could be relative. It's not particularly relevant here, but I thought I'd mention that so we could research that point and clear it up now for future reference.

Perception Roll for missile (-1 TN): 11 04 04 03 03 02 01

Bleh...don't think I'll be learning much from that.
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post May 8 2005, 05:46 PM
Post #1020

Shooting Target

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Actions noted, both, including assignation of spell defense. (WinterRat, there's some relevant knowledge here wrt the likely resources of your opponents that Virgil doesn't yet have, but Dragon does.) bandit, I'm leaving you to write up your own action, just in case you wanted to shift it based on Dragon's words. Note that it's your last action before the missile hits.

Father Bremen, Sybersnake, and Tiffany spend their actions getting to cover (alleyway); and Sybersnake's also pulled out her (your) gun with the one free hand.

Dragon can now for sure hear the incoming missile, but not yet details beyond "at us". No one other than Daedalus can see it yet -- probably next pass.

After you're done, bandit: we're into third combat pass and Daedalus is up, followed by Dragon.

As an aside, Daedalus and Dragon both have transducers to go along with their radios.

That's why I've been allowing 2-3 lines as a free action between you two explicitly, as opposed to 2-3 words. Remember, it's communication at the speed of coherent thought: not standard thought, but thought that has been shaped into something tangible and verbalised. I'd say that's the major limitation -- you wouldn't run into equipment limitations before you ran into this.

What Dragon shouted to Virgil should technically be much more than a single free action, but fortunately you had that held simple action from last round. Beyond sheer number of words (normally takes more than a split second to say all that -- and be understood), look at the number of ideas brought across:
  1. We've got another missile incoming! (informative data)
  2. Stay sharp! Virgil, (Attention: Virgil)
  3. send a watcher or something (method by which to accomplish a requested goal, suggested course of action)
  4. and track down the rigger (requested goal #1)
  5. and the missile (requested goal #2)
  6. ASAP! (reinforcing urgency)
But with a transducer, all that's just an incidental free action. Example, Dragon's and Daedalus' exchange from earlier, each a free action:

  1. "Dragon, (Attention: Dragon)
  2. you are about to have a VERY bad day. (semi-informative data -- more bad news incoming)
  3. Another missle was launched (informative data)
  4. masked by the explosion of the first one. (informative data)
  5. Get everyone out of the way (method by which to accomplish a requested goal [implied, but unstated], suggested course of action)
  6. [as fast] as superhumanly possible." (reinforcing urgency)
  1. "Daedalus, (Attention: Daedalus)
  2. I'm already having a very bad day. (semi-informative contextual data)
  3. Gotta hand it to you though, (acknowledgement and appreciation)
  4. great timing. (cause for the above)
  5. Do you have a point of impact the missile is targeting? (request for data)
  6. I'd like to avoid running to the place it's going to hit. (reason for request, possibly influencing type of data to be received) *
  7. Which way should I get everyone moving to? (further refinement of request)
  8. And can you do anything about the fragger who's firing these missiles at us?" (requested goal)
See? No problem as a free action, not with the transducer and the IN to do it.

The guideline is one word per IN point (and that's to comprehend as well) as a free action without a transducer; or, if both parties have transducers only, one quickly phrased concept per IN point. One step up, and it turns into a simple action. (It's also entirely possible a person could be communicating at breakneck pace, but it's just not comprehended that quickly.)

Now, I have no intention of strictly count out separate concepts, or words, or sentences, or whatever, each and every time. I'm just giving this by way of my reasoning in creating a general guideline, knowing we all know when and how to bend it.

* You just reminded me on something that has to go into the Laughs in the Shadows thread :)
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post May 8 2005, 08:26 PM
Post #1021

Moving Target

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Ok, well Daedalus is trying however he can to help Dragon and company in regards to this missile. (by watching a play by play of the trajectory, can he determine the likely target? especially with people now scattering?)

Otherwise its just a delayed action I guess.

Though he does also want to keep tabs on the downed drone, the other drone and any other new threats... not sure how to translate this into actions

but if the above can be somewaht passive (sensors don't imply any particular focused direction right?) He would like to try to isolate that signal.. you can apply that electronics roll from before.

but the top priority is to try to help his allies being quashed by the missile.

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post May 8 2005, 09:04 PM
Post #1022

Shooting Target

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Generalities are okay, especially generalities of "keeping tabs" :) I get where you're going, and you'll be writing an IC post framing the ideas. The degree to which it's passive rather than active is up to you.

The missile's coming in pretty much along the same trajectory as the previous one: so more or less line toward car/Dragon/others. You can't be more specific beyond that. It should be visible shortly. You can guess that even though it's going to go almost directly over Virgil, he at least isn't its target.

Isolating the signal -- do you mean attempting to determine its frequency?
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post May 8 2005, 09:06 PM
Post #1023


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Sedna- Very interesting breakdown of communication, and good guidelines. Sometimes you're so thorough you crack me up, in a good way. :)

I realized I was pushing it with Virgil, but I figured the held Simple action should cover me there. Would it be possible for Dragon to hold until say, 5 or so, and then break away from the missile in time? Since it arrives on 1, he should hopefully be able to see it by then?

And I realize Dragon has more info than Virgil, but I tried to cram in the essentials there. I'm holding os I can react to the missile when we know where it is.

EDIT: Does Dragon know the trajectory by now, or is it only Daedalus who can tell?
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post May 8 2005, 09:11 PM
Post #1024

Shooting Target

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Would it be possible for Dragon to hold until say, 5 or so, and then break away from the missile in time? Since it arrives on 1, he should hopefully be able to see it by then?

Yes, to both: it should be visible during all of the last pass.

Daedalus has the advantage of seeing it. Dragon's trying to judge by sound ... and you didn't have that great of a Perception roll for something very difficult.
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post May 8 2005, 10:30 PM
Post #1025

Moving Target

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Sunday karma (three weeks worth)

Cedric: [April 18-24] 1 + [April 25-May 1] 1 + 1 (quality bonus) + [May 2-May 8] 1 = 4
Moirdyrd: [April 18-24] 1 + [April 25-May 2] 1 + [May 2-May 8] = 3

*Here's hoping that I never go that long without awarding karma ever again :)
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