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> Living in the Shadows: OOC, never relax...
post Apr 22 2005, 09:26 PM
Post #876

Prime Runner

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No worries.
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post Apr 23 2005, 07:36 PM
Post #877

Moving Target

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Reference. :D
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post Apr 24 2005, 12:32 AM
Post #878

Moving Target

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Question, has the DS site being on and off lately or am i just having difficulties my end, havent been able to get on untill today for the past week? or am i just hitting it during maintenence hours or something silly atm?

Jon / Knight
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post Apr 24 2005, 03:21 AM
Post #879

Moving Target

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Moirdryd: Reference. :P Basically hiccups in the new server.
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post Apr 25 2005, 12:51 AM
Post #880

Shooting Target

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Sedna: zurramato is spanish (mexican, acutually) slang for "dumbass". I've only heard it in a perjoritive context, although like most spanish slang it tends to have a non-pejoritive literal translation. Seemed approprate, given the rest of Shadowland's response for that poster and my character's background.
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post Apr 25 2005, 10:51 AM
Post #881

Moving Target

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Question: what actually counts as trainning time? Specifically I'm looking at social skills, which are a bit hard to just "train" in a vacum, or by studying books or whatever.

On another note, I am so not cut out to play an investigator. :) This whole sequence has felt like wandering through a maze with no walls, no structure, and no indication of where the endpoint is, or if one even exists. It's extremely frustrating to a linear mind like mine. I have a sinking feeling I'm not going to ever actually make any real headway until grendel gets so sick of my confused nattering that he either bodily forces Eyes into the answer or just has him killed. :P
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Cedric Rolfsson
post Apr 25 2005, 01:18 PM
Post #882

Running Target

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For all of you GM types out there I have a suggestion/request for information on Shadowland.

I am interested in the local political scene, I think it is ripe territory for shadowrunning for any and all runners. It would seem to me that political information, like who is running for what office, when the elections are, which party is backing which canidate, which canidate is rumored to be in the pocket of X-corp or the Y syndicate would be of great interest for shadowfolk. As far as I can tell though no one has explored that at all yet.

I just think that would provide all kinds of nifty story hooks, and if people were interested in organizing their own operations that would be a decent starting place. It would also allow GMs to provide relatively easy runs, which could easily spin into all sorts of interesting areas.

Anyway, I was hoping someone could explore that area of the Dumpshock universe and post some information on the Shadowland network.
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post Apr 25 2005, 01:31 PM
Post #883

Moving Target

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Hey, you want to do it? I think it's been sufficiently proven that I'm barely creative enough to handle my own character, and most of the GMs are already busy; you want to give it a try? I'm dead certain you won't find too many objections. :)
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post Apr 25 2005, 02:33 PM
Post #884

Prime Runner

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For the time being, treat all skill training time as the same. If that changes, expect an update as required.

Also, I have only ever once killed a character out of hand, and that only because I knew the player was planning on making a new character. So Eyes has little to fear about that.
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Cedric Rolfsson
post Apr 25 2005, 02:57 PM
Post #885

Running Target

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Is anyone but me interested in the political landscape as possible shadow running territory? If no one is interested but me then I won't clutter up your forum with poli-talk but if anyone else is interested let me know and I'd be willing to whip something up.
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post Apr 25 2005, 03:11 PM
Post #886

Moving Target

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QUOTE (grendel)
For the time being, treat all skill training time as the same.  If that changes, expect an update as required.

Well, I more meant: what do you usually do when trainning up something like a social skill and, perhaps more appropriately, can you be doing anything else *while* you're trainning a skill, particularly social ones? For instance, I'm thinking of spending some karma to pick up my Negotiations skill; can any of the four hours Eyes spent hanging out at the bar "yesterday" count towards the trainning time, or does the time specifically have to be dedicated to trainning the skill?

Also, I have only ever once killed a character out of hand, and that only because I knew the player was planning on making a new character.  So Eyes has little to fear about that.

Of course I was being facetious. I hope noone here is taking the comments with smilies in them seriously or anything. :)
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post Apr 25 2005, 03:23 PM
Post #887

Shooting Target

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Patience! It's Monday, it's been a downloaded-upon kind of week (and it hasn't really started yet), many of us aren't really awake yet (I know I'm not), some of us are happy to have electricity at all, and I'm behind on everything -- but it's good to know at least some of us are on top of things :)

You should know our policy on these things by now, Cedric: if there's an aspect of the world you want to explore, go for it! Write your character in those directions! Start writing political columns on Shadowland! You've got the same knowledge of what's canon-happening in early January 2063 as we do. The only restrictions we place, here, is to clear it with your GM before you write in any events that might reach out and affect another player -- unless they occur as a direct result of what Erebus does, of course :)

bclements: thanks! (and my glossary of useful Aztlaner Spanish terms grows a little).

Sunday karma (April 18-24):

bandit: (+1 GM bonus) = 1
WinterRat: (1 (+1 GM bonus) = 2
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post Apr 25 2005, 03:56 PM
Post #888

Prime Runner

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QUOTE (The_Eyes)
Well, I more meant: what do you usually do when trainning up something like a social skill and, perhaps more appropriately, can you be doing anything else *while* you're trainning a skill, particularly social ones? For instance, I'm thinking of spending some karma to pick up my Negotiations skill; can any of the four hours Eyes spent hanging out at the bar "yesterday" count towards the trainning time, or does the time specifically have to be dedicated to trainning the skill?

Yes, skill training time is considered exclusive. The logic behind establishing a maximum amount of time able to train (or work or program) in a day is so that a shadowrunner will still have time to take care of all of the other miscellaneous details in his or her life.
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post Apr 26 2005, 12:04 PM
Post #889

Moving Target

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Hey everyone . . . I am back! Thesis-free and back in one piece, ready to pick things back up around LiTS. Just a couple random notes as I get caught up with the events that I have missed around the boards.

1. Sedna and Dragon, I think that recent post should cover the information that Virgil knows that no one else present at the meetings knows. Unless his words spawn further disussion things are ready for leaving the clinic.

2. Moirdryd and Cedric, I will be putting up posts and/or reponses to PM's and emails for the two of you later today. Thanks for bearing with me, and outstanding job Cedric!
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post Apr 26 2005, 12:13 PM
Post #890


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Sedna, if you could post something (even small) to let us know if any of the NPCs has anything to say in response to Bandit's post, as soon as I know no one else has anything to add/we are ready to move on, I'll have Dragon lead the team to Jonah's last known location, as per Virgil's mind probe of Cindy. Sound good to you?
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post Apr 26 2005, 12:25 PM
Post #891

Shooting Target

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Will do. Give me a few hours though -- those e-mails and the Infiltration Challenge had to take priority, and I only had a few minutes so far. Will be today, though.
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post Apr 26 2005, 03:24 PM
Post #892

Moving Target

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Man it feels great to be back in the thick of it all :)
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post Apr 26 2005, 05:41 PM
Post #893

Prime Runner

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Karma awards for my players:

Shadowrunner13: 1 pt (Apr. 20th - Apr. 26th)
Ecclesiastes: 1 pt (Apr. 20th - Apr. 26th)
Bastard: 1 pt (Apr. 20th - Apr. 26th)
Bclements: 1 pt (Apr. 20th - Apr. 26th)
The Eyes: 1 pt (Apr. 20th - Apr. 26th)
Morgannah: 2 pts (Apr. 20th - Apr. 26th) [includes karma for Socialite post]
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post Apr 26 2005, 07:55 PM
Post #894

Jesus Freak

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Grendel, here is the roll you asked for...

Demolitions (defaulting to Intel, -2 TN for Microscopic Vision): 17 10 08 08 04 04 04 03 02 02
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post Apr 26 2005, 10:58 PM
Post #895

Shooting Target

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bandit, WinterRat, I'll need surprise rolls from you.
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post Apr 27 2005, 01:17 AM
Post #896

Moving Target

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Surprise roll for Virgil

reaction: 14 04 03 02
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post Apr 27 2005, 01:04 PM
Post #897


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Dragon's surprise roll

11 09 05 05 05 04 04 (ah, good roll, might need it here)

Does Perceptive or any sensory 'ware modify the TN at all?

Otherwise, assuming standard TN of 4: 7 successes

Also, I figured it was reasonable to say Dragon would've checked his weapons as a matter of course upon having them returned to him. The actions he took were things I felt he could do in a very brief amount of time before (a potential) ambush. If you feel otherwise Sedna, let me know and I'll edit to adjust.
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post Apr 27 2005, 03:31 PM
Post #898

Prime Runner

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QUOTE (Ecclesiastes)
Grendel, here is the roll you asked for...

Demolitions (defaulting to Intel, -2 TN for Microscopic Vision): 17 10 08 08 04 04 04 03 02 02

I should have gone with my original thought and had you roll intelligence. There are no linked skills to demolition, so in order to default you must go to the attribute. Don't worry about a reroll, it was my mistake.
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post Apr 27 2005, 03:50 PM
Post #899

Jesus Freak

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Actually, that was Intel. Hence it saying "defaulting to Intel". :)

I checked the defaulting table in SR3 and saw that I couldn't default to electronics.
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post Apr 27 2005, 04:36 PM
Post #900

Prime Runner

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Probably smart if I read before I posted, eh?
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