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> IC: Chasing the Prize, We always get our mark
post Mar 18 2005, 12:56 AM
Post #701

The back-up plan

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In nomine Patri

You draw clean line of fire down on the frozen guards shoulder and depress the trigger slightly.

Ic Filli

A similar shot finishes the hound, its breath filling the air with the scent of brimstone.

Espiritu sanctum

Without a second glance at your work, you jog forward towards the gate. The last guard had been running in your direction but quickly veers off and heads for the chateau after his companions don't respond to his frantic comm calls.
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post Mar 18 2005, 12:56 AM
Post #702

Jesus Freak

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Bishop jogs, due east to meet the guard as he heads north towards the house. Lord, be with me...

Once he is within 70 meters of the road, he slows and moves at a walking pace, trying to keep himself hiden from notice and waits for the guard to come into range.

While he moves, he relays a message over the comms, "Ralley point changed. Head to the yellow dot on your maps. Guard located at front gate, but moving towards house. I am engaging now and will meet Invasion Team at the ralley point.

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post Mar 18 2005, 01:50 AM
Post #703

The back-up plan

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With the guard in an open position, Bishop slowly watched the rangefinder countdown until optimal positioning. Rising slightly to take a knee from his low crouch, the tactician fired once. The shotgun falls back, hanging loose on its sling, after its purpose has been served. A lone figure in security armor jogs forward to take two well aimed shots at the last guard and hound under the night sky.

The pistol is holstered.

Bishop turns to continue on to the meeting point and pauses, thinking. Pulling the shotgun back up ito his hands, he catches the glint of light reflecting back from the barrel. The action precedes the thought, his body moving faster than conscious command.

A jump and roll into the snow deftly moves one teammate from the road. The van on loan from your neighborhood smugglers, hits a patch of ice and slides, brakes useless. It slams through the front gate, electrical sparks arcing away from the ruined iron.

Another bellow from the underbarrel grenade launcher sends a thin capsule arcing towards the limo where it rests parked in front of the chateau. Freeze foam bursts out and around, locking onto tires and filling every crack and crevice in the undercarriage.

Meanwhile, ghosts in the snow, several bounty-hunters jump over fences and keep an ever vigilant eye open for hidden threat. They converge, winter masked faces looking at visages that only desire the hunt.

Astral space is filled with echoes and screams of dying spirits, the land weeping for the violence visited upon it through the incarnate will of mortal kin. The wood-skinned hunter fades away, bearing the gibbering shadow with it. A hound and his mistress stand alone, watching the astral signatures of her companions closing in on one another. On the horizon another astral presence comes soaring forward, leaving a sky based chariot carrying hunters of another breed.
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post Mar 18 2005, 01:57 AM
Post #704

Jesus Freak

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Bishop gives a nod to everyone as they hone in on his possition. "Alright boys. Lets go get this bastard. Tigger, you have point."
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HMHVV Hunter
post Mar 18 2005, 02:34 AM
Post #705

Running Target

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Helios mutters, "Damn..." as he hears that Tigger's got point.

Oh well, the time would come when he'd get his chance.

Taking the second position directly behind Tigger, Helios switches on his adept Thermographic vision, keeping an eye out for enemy heat signatures with his SMG at the ready.

This is it, Helios thinks. No turning back now.
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post Mar 18 2005, 02:48 AM
Post #706

Jesus Freak

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Bishop glances sideways at Helios as the team makes their way behind Tigger. "Tell me you have Gel rounds in that thing... We're bounty hunters, not murderers, right?"
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HMHVV Hunter
post Mar 18 2005, 02:43 AM
Post #707

Running Target

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"You're joking, right?" Helios replies. "You don't carry stun rounds in my line of work; you shoot to kill, or they bite to kill. That simple."
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post Mar 18 2005, 02:56 AM
Post #708

Jesus Freak

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Bishop stops dead in his tracks, looks Helios dead in the eyes, and says, "Go back to the van and watch over them. Now. Tehse guards are people, not targets."
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HMHVV Hunter
post Mar 18 2005, 02:54 AM
Post #709

Running Target

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"You want to take down all the guards surrounding this guy with your stun rounds?" Helios replies, staring back at him. "Fine. But I'm not going to sit out of bringing this Infected freak down."
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post Mar 18 2005, 03:05 AM
Post #710

Jesus Freak

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"We aren't bringing him down. We're bringing him in. Thats been the plan from the begining, or have you not been paying attention?"
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post Mar 18 2005, 02:58 AM
Post #711

Canon Companion

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Graves steps between Bishop and Helios,"We don't have time to debate this. We need to move now and we might need his firepower. Helios and I'll take care of the guard animals, you do the guards. If and when vamps and ghouls show up, Helios will take care of those." Taking a firm grasp of both persons' arms (and he can be very firm), he shoves both of them towards in Tigger's direction. "We don't have time to debate this drek. And I don't want to freeze my balls off out here in the cold."
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HMHVV Hunter
post Mar 18 2005, 03:06 AM
Post #712

Running Target

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"Down, in...once he's strapped in the electric chair for bio-warfare, it won't make any difference. Either way, I'm staying."
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post Mar 18 2005, 03:11 AM
Post #713

Jesus Freak

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"Fine. Deal with the hellhounds then. Just don't use lethal force on a human being."

I knew he'd give us problems. Lord, give me patience.

Bishop falls in behind Tigger, eyes peeled.
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HMHVV Hunter
post Mar 18 2005, 03:47 AM
Post #714

Running Target

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"Fine. Glad we agree."

Helios continues on, right behind Tigger.

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post Mar 18 2005, 06:37 AM
Post #715

Moving Target

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Tiny makes sure that all is ready just incase he has to open fire at the guards. Hoping that the Gel round will take the guards down quickly, even with all the well padded clothing.

"Let me know if you need me to take the Guards down at the gates, now or in a few minutes."
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post Mar 18 2005, 08:35 AM
Post #716

Grand Nagus

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As the team regroups at the rally point, the only thing visible of the dog shaman is his light breathing. He reappears, next to Kane, both panting in cadence.

Stepping in with Graves, between Bishop and Helios, trying to keep the piece.

"Helios, even though this guy is a bastard, and probably infected, if he does have the cure, isnt that what you are fighting for? His methods deserve punishment," turning to Bishop, "and justice." He turns back to Helios, "If the end result is a cure for the HMHVV, we need to keep this piece of horsedrek alive, if possible."


"Dont worry, leave the hellhounds to me. It will be an addition to our team to have a couple hounds with us," JT says hinting at his shamanic abilities.
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post Mar 19 2005, 03:08 PM
Post #717

Canon Companion

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"Negative. I've seen you do magic before. Subtle you ain't, just keep spells off us. Bishop, the guards are wearing armour, if we don't aim for the head or pump full auto, the guards shouldn't die if we do shoot them. And stun rounds aren't exactly effective against armour."
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post Mar 19 2005, 08:44 PM
Post #718

Grand Nagus

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"I never said it would be subtle, just that it would be worth it. Trust me, if there are any more hellhounds, I can turn them against their masters."
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post Mar 20 2005, 01:25 AM
Post #719

Canon Companion

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"Ever heard of the saying,'Geek the mage first'?"
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post Mar 20 2005, 02:20 AM
Post #720

The back-up plan

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Even as your teammates bicker and argue amongst themselves, the astral form that was moving towards you closes the distance enough for you to make out a solid form.

A massive troll, his incarnate will cloaking his body in chitinous plates and razorwire, moves forward. In his hands, the mage carries a glowing greatsword wreathed in the fire of the northern sky.

The sound of a pack of hellhounds all bending their heads back at once to call out to the moon, echoes across the valley stretching from high mountain to the lowlands that you stand in. Kane's howl joins the pack as feral aspects of the Dog sweep across the snow and ground. You feel the magic touch each one of you, counting every life essence for a great tally sheet. The mana grounds back into JT as his divinations impart wisdom upon him.
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post Mar 20 2005, 04:35 AM
Post #721

Jesus Freak

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Bishop just sighs and lets it go. Inside, he knows there are few left in the world to respect life as he does. So what if they wear armor? They haven't heard of aiming for the head?

"Let's just do this."
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post Mar 21 2005, 07:07 PM
Post #722

The back-up plan

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Heightened senses begin to pick up the soft whirring of a helicopter moving stealthily closer to the compound.

"Edana's got company." A brief message crackles across the network from Tigger's comm unit. Tiny has been lumbering along with the main team, the van and the storm-ridden shamaness' body under the watchful eye of Charlie and Gonzales.

Glass shatters behind you.

A spider web crawling across the windshield of the van. A second spider web begins moving to intercept the creeping tendrils of the first. The movement of a dark shadow against the deep purple sky shows a rifleman pulling himself back into the helicopter.
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HMHVV Hunter
post Mar 21 2005, 09:00 PM
Post #723

Running Target

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"Damn!" Helios curses as the rain of fire from the helicopter hits the van.

"Well, there goes our ride. Anyone got a rocket handy?" he asks sarcastically, knowing full well the team can't shoot down that thing, especially not these guys.

Stun rounds... he thinks to himself incredulously. What the hell was I thinking signing on with these guys?
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post Mar 21 2005, 09:43 PM
Post #724

Jesus Freak

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"Nope. But I got something else for them... Take cover!"

Bishop pushes himself up on a tree, keeping it between himself and the chopper. He tells his suit to go all white, as he may have to run and the Ruth's won't be able to keep up. The SPAS-22 swings into possition with its underbarrled grenade launcher.

"Van team, respond! Can you back that thing up about 15 meters to use that tree as cover?"
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post Mar 21 2005, 10:06 PM
Post #725

The back-up plan

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Only silence echoes back from the radio and your teammates in the van.
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