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> Shadowrun Video Game, What should be done?
If you were in charge of an SR videogame would it be...
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post Oct 11 2004, 12:23 AM
Post #1

Moving Target

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Remember the old Genesis/SNES SR games? I'm just curious that if FASA remembered they made a RPG called Shadowrun, what would you want it to be and how it'd work.

I personly would pick the Deus Ex type game, but hey.
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Ancient History
post Oct 11 2004, 01:05 AM
Post #2

Great Dragon

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Whatcanayesay? I like RPGs.
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post Oct 11 2004, 02:21 AM
Post #3

Why oh why didn't I take the blue pill.

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I think a game using the 'Knights of the Old Republic' engine would be awesome.
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post Oct 11 2004, 03:40 AM
Post #4

Chrome to the Core

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Indeed it would.

I randomly thought up a crazy (and hella tough) idea. A Morrowind mod. Replaces the entire game with Shadowrun. It would take tons, and tons, and tons of work. But, damn, if it wouldn't kick ass.
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post Oct 11 2004, 03:44 AM
Post #5

Moving Target

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If you're going to do that, why not a Sims version as well?

Personally, I think these are all good ideas. But who is the decker that's going to create all this?
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post Oct 11 2004, 03:46 AM
Post #6


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post Oct 11 2004, 03:56 AM
Post #7

Moving Target

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"Hmm. I think I'll just trap the troll in the bedroom and let him starve to death."

Two minutes later...

"HAHA! Die troll! Die!"

One minute later...

"Holy Hell! The troll just beat down the wall! My god! He ate the fridge!"
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post Oct 11 2004, 04:54 AM
Post #8

Running Target

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It should be both text-driven (for interaction) & multi-character (something like 1 player/4 character Gauntlet), but still have the processing power for online multiplayer.
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post Oct 11 2004, 09:07 AM
Post #9

Moving Target

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Bungi is allegedly (using the word strongly) in works with Microsoft for an X-box release version of SR.

My question is...these are the guys who made Halo. How well are they going to handle SR?
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post Oct 11 2004, 06:06 PM
Post #10


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I'd rather have a turn based game personally, top down or isometric.
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post Oct 11 2004, 08:47 PM
Post #11

Immortal Elf

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mmm. Jagged Alliance 2 mod...
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post Oct 13 2004, 01:45 AM
Post #12

Moving Target

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QUOTE (Stumps)
Bungi is allegedly (using the word strongly) in works with Microsoft for an X-box release version of SR.

My question is...these are the guys who made Halo. How well are they going to handle SR?

They made other (And IMO better) games then Halo ya know...
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Jason Farlander
post Oct 13 2004, 02:50 AM
Post #13

Running Target

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My understanding, which, admittedly, could very well be flawed, was that Halo was originally supposed to be a FPS/RPG for the PC, but that Microsoft convinced them (by throwing lots and lots of money at them) to switch development to getting it out in time for an XBox release.
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post Oct 13 2004, 04:05 AM
Post #14


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shadowrun should be a fps rpg. the old games had great story but lacked the graphical appeal that games have today. I think the fps with wide openess of morrowind and the missions like alot of fps would be great. multiplay where you can customize with magic and cyberware your character would be awesome.
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Caine Hazen
post Oct 14 2004, 07:49 AM
Post #15

MechRigger Delux

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Yup a FPS/RPG would be the best way to do it. But we'll see what comes out next year. The impression I got from talking to Jordan Weisman this year at GenCon was that we'll only have til E3 to wait and hear about this, but I've posted that before.... In defense of others here, Bungie, like so many other software companies has proven the longer they stay around, the worse the games get... Oh and though the X-box is where the "money :nuyen: " is, I'll not play it if it comes out for it. Consols are for fighting games and the occasional non-complex rpg, not for what could be good games, those are for PCs :grinbig:
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post Oct 14 2004, 01:37 PM
Post #16

Incertum est quo loco te mors expectet;

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I still vote for fallout style. They need to reassemble interplay JUST for this game.
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post Oct 14 2004, 11:28 PM
Post #17

Moving Target

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QUOTE (nezumi)
I still vote for fallout style. They need to reassemble interplay JUST for this game.

:eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:

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post Oct 15 2004, 03:44 AM
Post #18

Moving Target

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Anybody ever play Arcanum on the PC?
Much like Fallout, but had a GREAT hint at what could be a possibile way to do magic in a Shadowrun PCRPG.

Oh, and it's OPTIONAL-ON-THE-FLY turn-based, or real-time combat was REAL slick.
I would like SR to have that!
To answer the poll...I would make SR an RPG/MMORPG.
Just because it's one doesn't mean that it can't be the other.

Take SpellForce for example...hell! That's almost an MMORPG but yet stays as an RPG (simply because the designers were short-sighted and didn't support HALF of their game features online for some reason?!....note: I don't have the BOW add-on yet.)

I would seriously make it an MMORPG and then make a version of it that works as a stand-alone as well as toy with a thrid option where the player can link up and grab their character from the MMORPG and us it to play the non-MMORPG by themselves for solo missions and just in case they want to get some points or something by themselves without everyone bugging them, but want not to waste the points earned on a character that they won't be using when they login to the MMORPG to play with everyone else.

In my opinion...if you aren't offering growth and massive-interaction in your game now days...you are going to fade away fast.
The games that have the highest potential are the ones that offer both growth and massive-interaction.
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post Oct 17 2004, 12:00 AM
Post #19


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I just wanna play a Troll with vindicator and shoot the hell outta of corp goons. Run and gun. Well..........maybe a little stealth action too.
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post Oct 17 2004, 10:42 PM
Post #20

Moving Target

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Honestly i think the best way to do it is to do an RPG like the old Balder's Gate games, and then give them a MMO ability, but the single player game has to hold up on its own.

Either that or something like Morrowind with Multiplayer available.
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post Oct 18 2004, 04:39 AM
Post #21


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Something like the old Vampire: The Masquerade: Redemption game. Except better graphics and a less buggy engine.
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post Oct 18 2004, 03:58 PM
Post #22


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I think they should incorporate some of the game mechanics from Xmen Legends. Especially where you can hop from character to character to get certain goals accomplished and when you swap from one to another the AI is smart enough to seemlessly pick up where you left off is regards to characters actions.
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post Oct 22 2004, 09:41 PM
Post #23

Neophyte Runner

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X-Com, Ladies and Gents. It's all about X-Com. Real-time strategy for the big picture global interactions and instanced tactical turn-based strategy around a persistent squad (persistent if you could keep them around) for combat.

Brilliant game.

Anyone who loves Shadowrun and hasn't played X-Com needs to find it and play it. It's long in the tooth, graphics wise, but I know after an hour or so I didn't even notice. It is way, way up there in my book for elegance, depth and inventiveness.

I think the most important thing that a good Shadowrun computer or console game could do would be to make a robust and extensive character generation system.

That would be the worst kind of balance nightmare that I can imagine for the game's designers though...
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post Oct 26 2004, 12:18 AM
Post #24

Moving Target

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Nah. Just use the standard character generating system. It'd simplistic, easy to understand, and doesn't get me to wishing it were possible to telekinetically beat the developpers to death.
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Just Jonny
post Oct 26 2004, 07:09 AM
Post #25


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Kayne, Vampire was a horrible and worthless game with a brilliant concept and interface. Check out Neverwinter Nights, it's a similar idea, done right, with pretty good visuals if you zoom in. Neverwinter Nights is actually just about exactly what I'd like to see in a SR video game, only with a FPS component.

Also, I 100% second that if it has some new (and likely inferior) rules/character creation system, it won't be Shadowrun. It was the single biggest problem Vampire had.
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