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> Shadowrun Video Game, What should be done?
If you were in charge of an SR videogame would it be...
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post Oct 26 2004, 09:41 AM
Post #26


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Theres no way, if microsoft made it , that you would end up with an isomeric or turn based game. Reason being they just dont sell very well. I think something along the lines of freedom fighters, third person shooter with nice squad control mechanics and a bit of stealth, is robably a good way to go.
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post Oct 26 2004, 11:55 AM
Post #27

Moving Target

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One of the biggest problems that a proper Shadowrun game would face is the abundance of gear. Shadowrun is the 'clothes horse' of RPGs, more obcessed with its equipment than any other game. Where else can you find over a hundred slightly different versions of reflex-boosting 'ware? (Accounting for alpha, beta, delta, cultured, the Reflex Trigger and Stepped Reflexes.)
The programming on that sort of thing would be a b***h.
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post Oct 26 2004, 04:46 PM
Post #28

Neophyte Runner

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QUOTE (Sabosect)
Nah. Just use the standard character generating system. It'd simplistic, easy to understand, and doesn't get me to wishing it were possible to telekinetically beat the developpers to death.

What 'standard' chargen system are you referring to, Sabosect? There are standards but no 'standard'.

And I'm not talking about supporting BeCKs and Point Buy and Priority and, and, and... I'm talking about all of the meaningful and interesting decisions you get to make in chargen - attributes, essence, edges and flaws, gear, resource.

And Nine-9 - I well know that it's unlikely that MS would ever make a turn-based, tactical isometric RTS/RPG. I can dream, though, can't I?
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post Oct 29 2004, 04:32 AM
Post #29


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All I know is that if they make one they need to borrow the soundtrack from the old SEGA Shadowrun game that I still go back to periodically and play. *um-dada-umph-dada-umph SHOTINLAU um-dada-umph-dada-umph SHOTINLAU*

Uh, seriously though, I could see them doing it like Knights, but I would love to see a more traditional RPG, ala Fallout or Balder's Gate. The Deus Ex idea is also pretty likely, though I think it'd be awfully hard to pull off a shadowrun 'team' if they went that route.

Either way, I don't care, just get it too me and include the old soundtrack.
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post Oct 30 2004, 12:50 AM
Post #30


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The main problem with games that have an MMORPG option is that then tend to lack in the single player mode.
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post Nov 12 2004, 11:56 PM
Post #31

Neophyte Runner

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A really fun way to make a multi-player (not massively multiplayer - there's little chance the next few generations or so of MMOGs could handle the depth and complexity of a living, breathing Shadowrun world) would be to make a game in the style of NeverWinter Nights. With a huge library of Shadowrun appropriate art, lots of differnent environments and a robust and extensible level editor.

GMs would lay out Run targets like regular game levels with physical, astral and matrix layers. The Decker can be present physcially or remotely, but plays on the matrix layer whenever they jack-in to the level. A hitcher jack would let non-deckers see the level as the decker sees it. A mage or shaman can astrally percieve or project.

Real-time combat gets wonky, initiative becomes Player reflex instead of Character reflex. To compensate, fast PCs could have a greater LOS - they see what's coming sooner and react accordingly. Perhaps not the best solution.

A way to bring in a feeling of connectedness to a greater plot or world might be to make the game lobby a city block (think the Downtown area in The Sims expansions) with a variety of Shadowrunner meet spots where avatars can talk IC (or not) and meet with Fixers (GM Avatars) who give them jobs (links to instanced game servers - Runs).
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post Nov 17 2004, 12:52 AM
Post #32

Moving Target

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QUOTE (kevyn668)
The main problem with games that have an MMORPG option is that then tend to lack in the single player mode.

IMHO, Neverwinter Nights had a good balance between online multiplayer and offline single player (although, being able to have a couple more Henchmen would have been nice...).
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post Nov 17 2004, 11:10 AM
Post #33


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As a NWN Persistent World host, DM, and builder, I would LOVE to see the Shadowrun genre on that platform.

Some pretty amazing work is being done for D&D Modern using the NWN engine, and a few folks are talking about Shadowrun there. The only downside would be using those dreadful D20 rules, but I'd accept that to have an immersive Roleplaying world that I could build to my own spec from the ground up.

If you wanted a roleplay server as opposed to point 'n' shoot, then this would be the way to go.

Neverwinter Nights will be around for a while with NWN2 coming in 2005/6 and it's allegedly backwards compatible to NWN, so the D20 Modern people should be able to migrate their sterling work easily.

Check out "Shadowrunner Nights" here... ;)

Shadowrunner Nights

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post Nov 27 2004, 08:44 PM
Post #34


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I'm new to dumpshock (the forums anyway) and I wanted to know who owns the rights for old Shadowrun video games? More specifically for the SEGA CD game. I know it's rather impossible, but wouldn't it be interesting to see the game translated and released for the Nintendo DS? I'd buy the thing just for that.
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post Nov 27 2004, 11:15 PM
Post #35

Old Man Jones

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Why isn't there a Shadowrun computer game or MMORPG?

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post Dec 9 2004, 06:23 PM
Post #36

Running Target

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There is no need to balance anything. Anything other than what we already have in the rules would just not be Shadowrun. I personally voted for a MMORPG. If done well, I think it would be loads of fun.

Players would need to be able to create things with B/R skills.

Higher Initiative could allow faster movement and actions.


The Super Nintendo game used 1st Edition I think. The character advancement rules didn't match up with anything in my 2nd or 3rd books.
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