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> Keeping track of combat, any suggestions? battle mats vs. paper
post Feb 14 2005, 07:47 PM
Post #26

Neophyte Runner

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You could draw a grid or print these: Mathsphere::Free Graph Paper (then use clear contact paper so you can draw on them if you want) to make individual floors/rooms and lay them out as they are explored. You can cut them out as you wish and make a puzzle! Fun! :D

Seriously, I would write a floor and room number on the back and keep a master key plan behind the GM screen and lay them out as the infiltration occurs.
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post Feb 14 2005, 08:29 PM
Post #27


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QUOTE (shadow_scholar)
Yeah, I ordered a mat but it hadn't come in yet so I took a D&D grid layout a friend gave me and had it laminated. We used some Expo dry erase markers and they really stuck to the plastic. Water or window cleaner wouldn't get it off, we had to use nail polish remover to finally get it off, but it still left a light stain in places. I'm glad it was just a temporary grid and not my good mat. What kind of markers do you recommend? I hear there are markers specifically made for mats.

As for markers to use for battlemats, the following works for us:

NEVER use dry erase markers, they will almost always stain! Use wet-erase markers. We use vis-a-vis wet erase personally. Also, avoid using red markers. They tend to stain for some reason as well... But all the other colors are fine!

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post Feb 14 2005, 09:34 PM
Post #28

Moving Target

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You could draw a grid or print these: Mathsphere::Free Graph Paper (then use clear contact paper so you can draw on them if you want) to make individual floors/rooms and lay them out as they are explored. You can cut them out as you wish and make a puzzle! Fun! 

Seriously, I would write a floor and room number on the back and keep a master key plan behind the GM screen and lay them out as the infiltration occurs.

free is always the best , but killing my printer ink might stack up fast, but for smaller rooms this will work great. i experimented with projector screen sheets over maps but the markers stained the hell out of it and smeared alot.
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post Feb 14 2005, 09:44 PM
Post #29

Moving Target

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QUOTE (DocMortand)
We use battlemats ourselves. For one thing, it's funny to see them plan out the explosives they're going to use, and then plot the interdiction circle the explosives caused...In the last game there was a 45 D explosion at -3/m...I was using 2m/square, and the explosion took out a quarter of the map. The look on their face was priceless...

That and when throwing grenades, it is always a good idea to know what the blast radius of the grenade is before tossing...

Correction; it was 75D (ie, 25 meter radius or 12 "squares" as we were laying it out last weekend). In our defense, it was the first time all of us as players were using the Shadowrun Explosives rules on large-scale explosives (ie, more than a grenade or kilo of material), and our demolitionist (Dirk) got lucky on his roll (4 successes out of 4) to increase power, which we couldn't have anticipated. This was what got us scrambling to buy so much fertilizer and petrol.
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James McMurray
post Feb 14 2005, 09:49 PM
Post #30

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We always use vis-a-vis markers, usually blue and black. We've never had staining problems except when a mat is left out for too long without being wiped down. A small spritz bottle and a hand towel are all you need for cleaning the mat.
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post Feb 15 2005, 06:16 AM
Post #31

Moving Target

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We use the flesh of our enemies, and then draw upon them with the blood of their loved ones.
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post Feb 15 2005, 07:28 AM
Post #32

Moving Target

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We almost exclusively use verbal descriptions and hand gestures. Although battlemaps create more clarity, they often seem to restrict the player's freedom by regimenting the combat too much. Plus, I think it's easier for players to get drawn into the imagery of the moment by having everything working by descriptions. The downside is that it sometimes leads to confusion about what the scenario looks like.
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post Feb 15 2005, 01:38 PM
Post #33

Moving Target

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QUOTE (tisoz)
QUOTE (OurTeam @ Feb 12 2005, 08:21 PM)
How else can you decide whether someone is in or out of a Fireball? Or how many Combat Turns it takes to get into Melee range? Or whether there is a dumpster, car, or Troll you can take cover behind?

According to responses elsewhere:

By deciding what makes a more interesting story.

Sorry, but I think I'm going to point out this absurdity whenever possible.

I think that would be a good one for the: "You know you play too much White Wolf when you...".
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post Feb 15 2005, 07:16 PM
Post #34

Moving Target

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Our group always uses the mats for D20 games, and we can't imagine it any other way. We have been playing SR for about 10 years and up to this point have just used hand drawn maps when needed. We decided to try the mats during the last run and I wanted to keep it from seeming like a D20 game so we tried the hex side...DON"T DO THAT..is all I can say. We are going to try the square side this weekend, so hopefully that goes better, the hexes were nightmare.
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James McMurray
post Feb 15 2005, 07:53 PM
Post #35

Great Dragon

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Hexes are great for outdoors battles that don't have a lot of walls. But if you're inside or near buildings, square is the only way to go. Just count every other diagonal as two squares and things owrk out pretty well.
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