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> Invisiblility question, Yeah I know, but it's not that bad
post Feb 14 2005, 11:43 PM
Post #1

Moving Target

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Anyway, This is probiblaly me being blind and stupid, but does improved invisibility effect Thermographic eyeware, and lenses?

I know it doesn't effect ultrasound, but I just needed to know about thermo, because to me it doesn't make sense for it to have an effect, but I know better than to mix logic and SR rules.
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James McMurray
post Feb 14 2005, 11:50 PM
Post #2

Great Dragon

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It depends on how you read it. The spell's description says it makes the target undetectable by "normal vision." Some would probably read this to mean it doesn't protect against temographic vsion at all.

If you're not one of those, then you don't even need improved invis to fool cybereyes, as the mana version of the spell affects the viewer's mind, not his eyes.
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post Feb 14 2005, 11:52 PM
Post #3


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Except that thermographic is normal for a number of species...
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James McMurray
post Feb 14 2005, 11:54 PM
Post #4

Great Dragon

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Right, which is why I said that some people would read it that way. It all depends on your definition of "normal."
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post Feb 15 2005, 12:08 AM
Post #5

Shooting Target

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QUOTE (paul_HArkonen)
Anyway, This is probiblaly me being blind and stupid, but does improved invisibility effect Thermographic eyeware, and lenses?

I know it doesn't effect ultrasound, but I just needed to know about thermo, because to me it doesn't make sense for it to have an effect, but I know better than to mix logic and SR rules.

If someone paid essence then I'd let Invisibility effect the player.

If it's not been paid with essence (goggles, lenses, systems, sensors, bleh) then I'd make them use Improved Invisibility to try and fool them.
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post Feb 15 2005, 12:14 AM
Post #6

Moving Target

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While there's no perfect way to scientifically explain the physical version of magical invisibility in shadowrun, here's my take on it: The physical invisibility spell, improved invisibility, allows 99% of electromagnetic waves to pass throught the recipient of the spell, but the recipient's mass still intereacts with medium-dependant waves (like sound) normally. (if 100% of electromagnetic waves passwed through the character, he'd be effectively blind, so I reason that this 1% is also why witnesses of the invisible being et a saving throw...)

In plain enlgish: the target of the spell is like a squeaky clean, flat, piece of glass at room temperature. Sound still bounces of it just fine, and it doesn't necessarily give off a noticeable thermal signature.

Just my 2 cents
Thanks for pretendig to pay attention ;-)
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post Feb 15 2005, 12:51 AM
Post #7

Manus Celer Dei

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If you resist the spell, you see the target normally and may not even realize that they're invisible to some people. That doesn't sound like a physical change to me.

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post Feb 15 2005, 09:01 AM
Post #8

Moving Target

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Though I don't like the decision (because thermo is only heat radiating off not the person themselves), FanPro has it listed in their FAQ that it does fool Thermo.

Not to mention if Trolls were near by, they would (pretty much) always see the invisible people if it did work.
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post Feb 15 2005, 07:38 PM
Post #9

Shooting Target

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There is little-to-no logic with magic, trying to tie real physics in attempts to explain it are often pointless.
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post Feb 15 2005, 07:41 PM
Post #10

Immortal Elf

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kage, you can't get that from the text in SR3. all it says is that a target who resists the spell notices the illusion--that's a whole different animal from not realizing the illusion exists.
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post Feb 15 2005, 07:44 PM
Post #11

Moving Target

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If it were me I would rule on the basis of wether the thermo being used to view the invisible target was a part of the viewers normal vision (were they born with it) or is it artificial, if artificial yes they would see, if part of thier natural vision package, then no.
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post Feb 15 2005, 07:46 PM
Post #12

Shooting Target

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QUOTE (mfb)
kage, you can't get that from the text in SR3. all it says is that a target who resists the spell notices the illusion--that's a whole different animal from not realizing the illusion exists.

huh? I gatherd from kage's comments that just because you see it doesn't mean you know who else knows it's an illusion or who has/hasn't make the resistance check.

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post Feb 15 2005, 07:50 PM
Post #13

Manus Celer Dei

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I'm having trouble finding the exact section, but I'm pretty sure it says that someone who resists is unaffected by the spell. If you'd care to tell me how someone unaffected by an invisibility spell would notice that someone was invisible without observing the reactions of others (or, alternatively, point out that I'm completely wrong in my memory of the wording), I'd appreciate it.

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post Feb 15 2005, 08:05 PM
Post #14

Moving Target

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Every gaming group I've been with has rulled that it does not affect thermal. Hence the reason our mages wrote a spell that does affect thermal as well... just with a slightly higher drain of course.
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post Feb 15 2005, 08:07 PM
Post #15

Shooting Target

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QUOTE (Reaver)
Every gaming group I've been with has rulled that it does not affect thermal. Hence the reason our mages wrote a spell that does affect thermal as well... just with a slightly higher drain of course.

Which is interesting since heat is radiation like light. Like I said, physics and magic don't mix.
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post Feb 15 2005, 08:10 PM
Post #16

Moving Target

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It affects a person's visual senses. It's an illusion--the physical version makes a little less sense since it automatically fools sensors (which have no mind to fool) but people resist normally. Which means, as some fellow kindly stated before, that if they resist, it's like the spell doesn't exist--they're completely unaffected.

Anyway, the basic point is, against living organisms, it fools their mind--or at least the part governing sight. The reason ultrasonic vision will bypass it is it's technically a sound-based sense. The processor built into it will make a visual map based on the data it gathers from the sonic pulses it emits, but remember--a stealth spell will fool it.
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post Feb 15 2005, 08:31 PM
Post #17

Moving Target

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a Stealth spell, perhaps I'm just being stupid again, but I haven't heard of a stealth spell, silence, yeah, but not stealth, care to fill me in?
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post Feb 15 2005, 08:41 PM
Post #18

Moving Target

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QUOTE (paul_HArkonen)
a Stealth spell, perhaps I'm just being stupid again, but I haven't heard of a stealth spell, silence, yeah, but not stealth, care to fill me in?

page 196, SR3:

Indirect Illusion Spell: Stealth.
Type: P. Target 4. Duration S. Drain +1(M)

Stealth is cast on a target who becomes inaudible to normal hearing. The subject can move in complete silence and nothing they do makes noise. Things not being touched by the subject can still make noise, so a character under a stealth spell would make no noice knocking on a door, but the door would make noise hitting the floor or wall if it was kicked in.

It's basically a single target silence spell.

M&M page 18 notes indirect illusion spells that affect sound affect ultrasound vision in the same way invisibility affects normal vision. They do use silence as their example, however.
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post Feb 15 2005, 08:41 PM
Post #19

Manus Celer Dei

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Essentially single-target Silence with a more powerful effect.

Edit: old and sloooow.

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