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> Weapon Focus Monowhip, Power of the Attack?
post Mar 2 2005, 12:45 AM
Post #1

Moving Target

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If a Weapon Focus Monowhip (let's say force 1) is used in Astral Combat by a shaman (let's say he's charisma 8), what's the power? On page 191 of the BBB it says "When used in astral combat, the weapon focus's Power is determined using Charisma instead of Strength." Now, since Monowhips don't use strength, and just do 10S, I'd assume in astral combat it does 10S, from this paragraph. However, on page 176 of the same book, the Astral Damage Codes table says an armed attack does (Charisma) + weapon focus damage, so I'd think from that he'd do 8S. Which is correct?

Likewise, would the same mage weilding a weapon focus Staff do (Charisma)M or (Charisma + 2)M?

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Guest_Crimsondude 2.0_*
post Mar 2 2005, 12:57 AM
Post #2


It'd cause as much damage as my fist impacting with the player's face for even suggesting a Monowhip Weapon Focus.

I'd use Charisma + Weapon Focus, since the whole point of the monowhip's lethality doesn't really mean anything on the astral.
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post Mar 2 2005, 01:00 AM
Post #3

The King In Yellow

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Can monowhips even become weapon foci? Didn't these need to be specially grafted and forged with special ceremonies and/or ingredients?
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post Mar 2 2005, 01:11 AM
Post #4

Immortal Elf

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according to SR3, the weapon has to include some amount of orichalcum. according to MitS, this is optional. you could make the axle for the spool out of orichalcum, if your GM uses the SR3 requirements.
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post Mar 2 2005, 01:22 AM
Post #5

Mr. Johnson

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I'd let my players use it as a very small club in Astral combat. Dunno about applying weapon foci dice to Whips attack tests.
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post Mar 2 2005, 01:34 AM
Post #6

The King In Yellow

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The point is, to be present n astral space, the whip wire has to be enchanted too, right? And it's pretty hard to get a magical alloy onto a carbon hydroxide molecule chain ... unless you plan on destroying the molecule, that is.

Small club. I like that. Would it only be a small club weapon focus in the real world, too? After all, the whip wire would not get any more magical there ...
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post Mar 2 2005, 01:28 AM
Post #7

Mr. Johnson

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QUOTE (hermit)
Small club. I like that. Would it only be a small club weapon focus in the real world, too? After all, the whip wire would not get any more magical there ...

You know, it wouldn't be all that bad of an idea, come to think of it... the Club part would be used for non-lethal encounters and add extra dice, and the monowhip part would be for throwing off the kid-gloves (and not add any extra dice). A sort of "double weapon"... I've been thinking of creating a revolver weapon focus specifically for pistol whipping with my current character, so I guess that would be a similar concept.
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post Mar 2 2005, 01:28 AM
Post #8


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The monowhip is special, I'd give it a base damage of (Cha)L simply because it relies on the cutting ability of its monofilament for damage. This is the base whip damage, and thus I consider it to be fair. Also, this only applies if attacking a purely astral target, they would have to make the rolls to dodge their own attack, as if the target had dodged theirs (because well, the whip won't stop simply because it hit them, it'll go back around). This is already in the rules, and I say that if they're astral already, they automatically cause these rules to come up.
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post Mar 2 2005, 01:30 AM
Post #9

Moving Target

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Well, it only has to include some orchalium... I assumed it would be in the counterweight at the end of the whip, and in the wieght at the base of the whip.

I don't really see why a monowhip wouldn't deal damage appropriately in the astral. The astral is a place of feeling and intent, and most people probably believe the monowhip to be quite deadly, so it would work there just as well as an astral anything else.

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post Mar 2 2005, 01:33 AM
Post #10

Mr. Johnson

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QUOTE (JaronK @ Mar 1 2005, 08:30 PM)
I don't really see why a monowhip wouldn't deal damage appropriately in the astral.  The astral is a place of feeling and intent, and most people probably believe the monowhip to be quite deadly, so it would work there just as well as an astral anything else.

The same reason why a dikoted Katana weapon focus (if that could EVER happen) doesn't do more damage on the Astral Plane, or more appropriately, a poisoned/acid/fire-coated weapon. It relies on technology to increase its damage from its base template, that of a (STR)L whip. On the Astral Plane, the template of the weapon counts for more than the realworld damage code of the weapon.
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post Mar 2 2005, 01:39 AM
Post #11

Moving Target

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I've always assumed that if you had a weapon focus katana, then dikoted it, it would behave as a normal katana in the astral, but if you had a dikoted katana, and turned it into a weapon focus, it would behave like a dikoted katana in the astral.

After all, isn't a katana a club that uses technology to make it do more damage (namely metalworking and sharpening and all that)?

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Eyeless Blond
post Mar 2 2005, 02:09 AM
Post #12

Decker on the Threshold

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Exactly. Every weapon focus in the game should do the same damage as either a sap (Str+3 M Stun), a club (Str+2 M Stun), or a staff (Str+2 M Stun), depending on the Reach. After all, the astral plane and thus magic does not interact with technology at all, which is why spellcasting cannot ever affect a computer and people with cybereyes cannot use astral perception to see on the astral plane.

And I'm not being in any way sarcastic. Nope, not at all.
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post Mar 2 2005, 02:13 AM
Post #13

Immoral Elf

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You don't need to get any mystical alloy into the whip part. If you choose to use Orachalcum in the enchanting process, it could easily be incorporated into the non-whip part of the weapon. The wire itself can be enchanted just as anything else can.

Edit: Very late response to hermit. Too many windows open. :)
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post Mar 2 2005, 02:17 AM
Post #14

Immoral Elf

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QUOTE (Eyeless Blond @ Mar 2 2005, 01:09 PM)
And I'm not being in any way sarcastic. Nope, not at all.

Damn! And I was all set to stomp all over that post too. :P :D
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post Mar 2 2005, 02:14 AM
Post #15


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Actually, I retract my previous statement, a monofilament whip would do 10s astrally. I still would heavily enforce making them dodge their own whip after it goes through the astral form however.
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post Mar 2 2005, 02:14 AM
Post #16

Mr. Johnson

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Ah. Semantics. Great. Let's have 20 posts on the subject of weapons and technology, then move on to the real subject, shall we? :D

Hey, I think my explanation is better than the "Astral plane is touchy feely, and therefore, because I think the monowhip will damage me more, therefore it does". Didn't weapon foci all used to do (CHA + Force/2) M damage in 2nd edition?
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post Mar 2 2005, 02:29 AM
Post #17

Neophyte Runner

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Remember, according to the enchanting rules in MITS (and these are the latest ones I am aware of) you don’t have to add anything to the item when you enchant it. You just perform rituals over it and hope you roll good because you’re talking TN 20ish.

With no oricalcum or radicals you could enchant it so it would come with you. Of cause it is OR 10 so you want to use some materials to bring down the TN.

I would have the wait on the tip of the line be replaced with a unit of radical gems, the casing around the outside is plated with radical silver with inlays of radical gold and oricalcum.

As to its damage I think it would be more than a whip,
To extend the dicoat argument. This is my reasoning.
If you take a weapon focus and dicoat it, it dose not apply in astral combat because the dicoat is not part of the enchantment.
If you enchant a dicoated weapon as a weapon focus it will apply, of cause the OR of the weapon is probably higher.

High tech materials can be enchanted, its just harder.

What happens however when I enchant a weapon (say a Kris) as a power focus, can I use it as a weapon from astral space.

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Necro Tech
post Mar 2 2005, 02:58 AM
Post #18


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Actually I asked about dikoting a weapon focus and was told that the benefits don't transfer if you do it before or after.

On the monowhip thing, how is anyone going to replace the weight on the tip? How are you going to reattach the line? I've always considered them factory only items and when they break you chuck them. Anyone ever bought a monowhip B/R kit?
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post Mar 2 2005, 03:04 AM
Post #19


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How did they attach the line in the first place? Whip b/r kit, whips (monowhip) b/r skill. Get to it. Microscopic vision major bonus. I mean, hell, companies string up monowire lines without too much issue, it can't be that hard to attach it to a chunk of something.
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Necro Tech
post Mar 2 2005, 03:01 AM
Post #20


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I would say a machine. You can't exactly tie it on. Logically (forgive my use of the word here) you would graft it on to a small rod and cast a weighted tip around it. I seriously doubt the weight can or was ever meant to come off.

If you want to replace parts with radicals use the spool, the handle, the screws that hold it together. You better have steel mesh gloves when playing with monowire.
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post Mar 2 2005, 04:22 AM
Post #21

Moving Target

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QUOTE (JaronK)
If a Weapon Focus Monowhip (let's say force 1) is used in Astral Combat by a shaman (let's say he's charisma 8), what's the power? On page 191 of the BBB it says "When used in astral combat, the weapon focus's Power is determined using Charisma instead of Strength." Now, since Monowhips don't use strength, and just do 10S, I'd assume in astral combat it does 10S, from this paragraph. However, on page 176 of the same book, the Astral Damage Codes table says an armed attack does (Charisma) + weapon focus damage, so I'd think from that he'd do 8S. Which is correct?

Likewise, would the same mage weilding a weapon focus Staff do (Charisma)M or (Charisma + 2)M?


I'd say it's a 10S on the astral, plus Charisma.

However, it's one of those OMG items, especially pricewise - Base price is ¥390,000, availability 8 (so it's unavailble to starting characters), and street index of 2. So you're looking at ¥780,000 for a force 1 Monowhip weapon focus.

Lots of advantages, and lots of disadvantages; if you roll more 1s than successes you're looking at a (10 + Charisma)S you need to soak. Better have really high astral armor spell!!!!
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post Mar 2 2005, 04:22 AM
Post #22

Moving Target

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Okay, so, ignoring all that other stuff, and just going by cannon rules here, what's the astral damage of a Monowhip? (charisma)S or 10S?

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post Mar 2 2005, 04:23 AM
Post #23


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Shadow, you replace str with cha. Since str isn't a factor in monowhip damage, you just get 10S on astral with it as well. And, I would say if attacking a purely astral target, you have to soak on every attack, since the whip isn't physically hitting them. Unless you're purely astral also.
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post Mar 2 2005, 04:23 AM
Post #24


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QUOTE (JaronK)
Okay, so, ignoring all that other stuff, and just going by cannon rules here, what's the astral damage of a Monowhip? (charisma)S or 10S?


10S. It says replace str with cha, thats it. No str, same damage.
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post Mar 2 2005, 04:32 AM
Post #25

Moving Target

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QUOTE (Tarantula)
And, I would say if attacking a purely astral target, you have to soak on every attack, since the whip isn't physically hitting them. Unless you're purely astral also.

Well I was planning on using it when astral, since he's a less combat oriented shaman and doesn't have a whole lot of whips skill (but plenty of sorcery). Still, that seems pretty harsh when duel natured and fighting astral targets.

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