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> 90210: IEs
Cynic project
post Mar 24 2005, 09:30 PM
Post #1

Running Target

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Now, I just read worlds without end,and I have to say, that goddamned if that is canon.

I mean, look at the way these immoral elves act. Really look. Are these the greatest minds of our history? Are they the minds that form plots that have changed the world? WIthout these great people, would humans still be living in wooden huts? I mean, good goddess, these people act like they were still in high school, and the agnest that runs off of them makes Buffy seem like a level headed drama.

So, really what great things did immoral elves do?And what great things did humans do?

Did the Elves make Rome?
Was Jesus an Elf?
Did the elves make the printing press?
Was JFK an elf?
Did an elf kill JFK?
Was the internet made by an elf?
Did elves make role playing games?
Was shadowrun made by elves?
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post Mar 24 2005, 09:37 PM
Post #2

Moving Target

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No. All of those were Lofwyr in disguise :P
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Herald of Verjig...
post Mar 24 2005, 09:37 PM
Post #3


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All but the last were the result of IEs bragging about "the good old days" and ticking off some nearby humans who then set out to one-up the "floofy pointy-eared jerks."
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post Mar 24 2005, 09:46 PM
Post #4

Running Target

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Shh! If you discuss this too openly the IEs will come and take you away...

I tend to ignore IE plotlines myself. I prefer machievellian corps.
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post Mar 24 2005, 09:51 PM
Post #5

Moving Target

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I think this goes to one of those, who cares if it's cannon, I'm the GM and that's not how it happend.

I'd tend to think that at least some of the elves were involved in history, they may be highschoolers but with the level of knowledge and power they have, they could still pull some stuff off.

Playing devils advocot since 2052,
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post Mar 24 2005, 10:00 PM
Post #6

Moving Target

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I'm not particularly opposed to IE's, but, really, they're hardly immortal. Sure, they don't age, sure, they're all 70th level Initiates, but you put a bullet through their brain and they're still as dead as anyone else would be. I'm absolutely positive that the IE's that have survived to this point are some of the greatest cowards on earth. Sure they're hot stuff now, but during the downcycle? They'd be unaging cannon fodder, easy prey for the countless religious persecutions that sweep through practically everywhere every now and then, and pretty much F**kin screwed if they got caught in the wrong war at the wrong time. I'm guessing maybe 10% of all IE's from the 4th world could have survived to the 6th if they were really as active as they like to claim. Therefore, they were probably in the most remote regions of the globe for most of the 5th world, scavenging what they could and hiding from anybody who so much as looked like they'd think pointy ears meant 'kill me please!' I can see them emerging in the 19th-20th centuries, when the realized the mana cycle would start up soon, and the political climate had eased enough so that they could explain away their 'deformities' and conceivably accumulate a power base.

And, hey, if you were hiding in a cave for the past 5000 years, wouldn't you want to claim that you invented the cuisinart, built rome, and wrote Shakespeare's plays for him? Who's gonna prove you wrong? And hey, why not act like a big sulky teenager while you're at it! It sure impresses the ladies.
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post Mar 24 2005, 10:00 PM
Post #7


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Like that Urdli chap.
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Demonseed Elite
post Mar 24 2005, 10:12 PM
Post #8

Neophyte Runner

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Al Gore invented the Internet.

But Al Gore is also an immortal elf!
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Ancient History
post Mar 24 2005, 10:26 PM
Post #9

Great Dragon

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Did the Elves make Rome?

No. The humans built Rome, and then the elves broke it.


Was Jesus an Elf?

No. Jesus was an elf poseur.


Did the elves make the printing press?

No. Most elf writing died out in the kaers. Besides, why the Hell would they start out printing Bibles?


Was JFK an elf?

No, but he might have been a previous incarnation of Domingo Ramos.


Did an elf kill JFK?

How else do you explain the magic bullet?


Was the internet made by an elf?

No. They didn't have enough building points left over.


Did elves make role playing games?

No. Great dragons did.


Was shadowrun made  by elves?

Yes. They work at Santa's Workshop at the North Pole and create wonderful, colorful magical cyberpunk supplements for all the good little consumers of the world.

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post Mar 24 2005, 10:37 PM
Post #10

Immortal Elf

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QUOTE (Demonseed Elite)
But Al Gore is also an immortal elf!

finally, a reasonable explanation for why a group of immortals steeped in knowledge of how to gain and keep power managed to run their own country into the ground after less than half a century!
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post Mar 24 2005, 10:42 PM
Post #11

Resident Legionnaire

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If you want to know the truth about IE's, look at David Bowie on the cover of The Realities Tour DVD.
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post Mar 25 2005, 12:37 AM
Post #12

Immoral Elf

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QUOTE (Sharaloth @ Mar 25 2005, 09:00 AM)
And, hey, if you were hiding in a cave for the past 5000 years, wouldn't you want to claim that you invented the cuisinart, built rome, and wrote Shakespeare's plays for him? Who's gonna prove you wrong? And hey, why not act like a big sulky teenager while you're at it! It sure impresses the ladies.

Magic still worked in the Downcycle. It just took much more effort to use it. There were also a number of small Mana Spikes during the 5th World. There's no reason to think that the IEs couldn't whip up a two-week-long ritual in order to anchor some type of Mask spell to hide their features, especially with the level of magic ability they have access to.

Oh, and Harley can hardly be called a coward. Disillusioned maybe, but definitely not a coward considering his 4th World history.
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post Mar 25 2005, 01:31 AM
Post #13

King of the Hobos

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QUOTE (Cynic project)
Did the Elves make Rome?

Unlikely since Uomonza, Earthdawn's incarnation of Rome, has a great dragon lairing underneath it. IE's and dragons tend to not mix well.

Did the elves make the printing press?

No that was the Immortal Humans/Denairastas.
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Fresno Bob
post Mar 25 2005, 02:00 AM
Post #14

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QUOTE (FlakJacket @ Mar 24 2005, 05:31 PM)
Did the elves make the printing press?

No that was the Immortal Humans/Denairastas.

I could have sworn it was Johannes Gutenberg...

I think that immortal elves are silly and nonsensical. What keeps them alive? Magic? Well then they should have died, or at least aged during the 5th world.
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Kanada Ten
post Mar 25 2005, 02:12 AM
Post #15

Beetle Eater

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Magic existed durning the 5th world.
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Fresno Bob
post Mar 25 2005, 02:13 AM
Post #16

Neophyte Runner

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Your logic is inescapable...
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Kanada Ten
post Mar 25 2005, 02:11 AM
Post #17

Beetle Eater

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I made no comment as to whether [Immortal Elves] made sense or not, simply that canon states that magic existed during the downcycle. It was simply far more difficult to manipulate and in less supply. Your logic skill are all too powerful for me.

If you're asking why they didn't age even a little bit, I might suggest blood magic. They killed and drank the blood of dragons, sacrificed followers, drained the ancient power sites, devoured the hearts of other immortals, and generally acted like the leeches they are to survive.

This post has been edited by Kanada Ten: Mar 25 2005, 02:17 AM
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Fresno Bob
post Mar 25 2005, 02:15 AM
Post #18

Neophyte Runner

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This is true. But with less magic, they should have all been like...sickly and frail, or something.
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Kanada Ten
post Mar 25 2005, 02:25 AM
Post #19

Beetle Eater

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See my edit.
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post Mar 25 2005, 02:36 AM
Post #20

Moving Target

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Okay, so magic existed during the 5th world, it just took a crapload of effort to do and probably hurt like a bitch when the drain hit (I know nothing of ED spellcasting, so I'm working off of the SR3 system here). I wonder if the mana level drops like it rises, so at the peak of the downcycle even grade 70+ initiates can do jack all with the lightest magic in their arsenal? I still doubt that outside of a few errant mana spikes the IE's could do more than strain themselves to breaking lighting a candle with magic. In a spike they could show off a bit, sure, maybe turn on that mask so they don't look so damned weird to the normies, but when they wandered off into a low-mana region the poor mana-starved spell would just puff away.

Even if not, I find it hard to beleive that the IE's could have survived so long by meddling in the affairs of Man. Sooner or later they'd piss off someone with the means to do something about it, and there wouldn't be a convenient manaspike around to save their asses. And Harley didn't strike me as the cowardly type from what I've read of him, no, but I'm also pretty sure he'd be staying out of the way in the 5th world, otherwise he'd be dead. Maybe kept his ear to the ground, financed a bunch of contacts around the known world so he could troubleshoot if the need arose, but mostly kept to himself and out of the way of a history that would grind him to tiny IE bits. There's probably a bunch of horror stories of IE's who thought they could stay arrogant little bastards in the 5th world who got squished spectacularly. Not that the remaining IE's will tell them, they've got to keep up the mystique.
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Kanada Ten
post Mar 25 2005, 02:41 AM
Post #21

Beetle Eater

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They may well have used Loci, mana batteries, to store more than enough mana to fuel spells such as mask and heal. Things like the Holy Grail, for a top-of-the-head example, may actually be Loci. They simply refuel the mana cell with a few sacrifices or such and continue on. There might have even been periods in which they hibernated like dragons.
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Ancient History
post Mar 25 2005, 03:03 AM
Post #22

Great Dragon

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From the sound of it, some IE's may have developed a metamagical technique to store or hoard away a certain amount of mana...sort of like an Absorbtion Pool without a time limit, mainly. Maybe.
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post Mar 25 2005, 04:08 AM
Post #23

Neophyte Runner

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Unless I am very much mistaken all the IEs have resources other than magic to draw upon in a pinch.

Notably high stats, athletics stealth and weapon skills. That should save them when chatting doesn’t. If all else fails they are probably the fastest runners on earth.

Wether there longevity is mystical or biological I can not say. Canon says there longevity was not damaged by the down cycle in magic so it was ether biological or the mana level never hit 0 or they stored some.

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Shanshu Freeman
post Mar 26 2005, 08:37 AM
Post #24

Moving Target

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QUOTE (Sharaloth @ Mar 24 2005, 10:00 PM)
I'm not particularly opposed to IE's, but, really, they're hardly immortal. Sure, they don't age, sure, they're all 70th level Initiates, but you put a bullet through their brain and they're still as dead as anyone else would be. I'm absolutely positive that the IE's that have survived to this point are some of the greatest cowards on earth. Sure they're hot stuff now, but during the downcycle? They'd be unaging cannon fodder, easy prey for the countless religious persecutions that sweep through practically everywhere every now and then, and pretty much F**kin screwed if they got caught in the wrong war at the wrong time.  I'm guessing maybe 10% of all IE's from the 4th world could have survived to the 6th if they were really as active as they like to claim. Therefore, they were probably in the most remote regions of the globe for most of the 5th world, scavenging what they could and hiding from anybody who so much as looked like they'd think pointy ears meant 'kill me please!' I can see them emerging in the 19th-20th centuries, when the realized the mana cycle would start up soon, and the political climate had eased enough so that they could explain away their 'deformities' and conceivably accumulate a power base.

And, hey, if you were hiding in a cave for the past 5000 years, wouldn't you want to claim that you invented the cuisinart, built rome, and wrote Shakespeare's plays for him? Who's gonna prove you wrong? And hey, why not act like a big sulky teenager while you're at it! It sure impresses the ladies.

they'd still have a metric f load of karma to invest in mundane skills... they could be incredible athletes, able to dodge and survive in a fight pretty well.

<edit:> finished reading the thread, Edward said it better than me.
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post Mar 26 2005, 08:49 AM
Post #25

Resident Legionnaire

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I'm telling you: David Bowie is an IE.
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