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> CoH and WoW, anyone playing
Hocus Pocus
post Apr 21 2005, 05:22 AM
Post #26

Moving Target

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ya'll got me interested in it again, but I went to the offical WOW server and the whole first page is riddled with complaints. Cheif among them honor system. People still seem to be complaining about the lag, severs down, and now nerfs and such. It totally put me off again to it :( I hope this game can get on track soon.
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post Apr 21 2005, 02:25 PM
Post #27

Chicago Survivor

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Don't worry about the Honor system. It just went in. So of course people are complaining (for a good example, look at the SR4 threads here) because they don't know ANYTHING about the system yet, it's too new.

Lag is a part of the MMO world, sadly.

It's really not that bad, some nights are of course worse than others, but I've not died due to lag but once in the months since it started and I've been playing since before retail launch (open beta)
Servers are down because maintenance is every tuesday, people always bitch because they have a short attention span.
Remember most people wouldn't know a balance from a nerf if it bit them ont he face.

Here's a tip for any MMO player that wants to be happy with their game, don't read the forums. Unless you are looking for a specific thing, or want to make a suggestion for improving the game, don't even bother with the general forum. I find I like the game a whole lot more when I don't read the forums.
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Demonseed Elite
post Apr 21 2005, 03:03 PM
Post #28

Neophyte Runner

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I've got a 60 Human Rogue on the Deathwing server. 8)
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post May 4 2005, 04:15 AM
Post #29

Moving Target

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Curious: has anyone checked out Guild Wars? Is it as good as the hype proclaims it to be?

I thought about giving it a go, but the character classes seemed pretty bland and uninspiring when I looked them over.
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post May 4 2005, 03:30 PM
Post #30

Chicago Survivor

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I'm considering it. I've heard gameplay was very similair to Diablo 2 couple that with the lack of monthly fees, just buy the content upgrades when you want them make this sound like an interesting venture.
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post May 4 2005, 11:28 PM
Post #31

Why oh why didn't I take the blue pill.

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QUOTE (scoundrel)
Curious: has anyone checked out Guild Wars? Is it as good as the hype proclaims it to be?

I thought about giving it a go, but the character classes seemed pretty bland and uninspiring when I looked them over.

Two years ago (maybe sooner) 30 or so employees (including the founders) jumped ship from Blizzard and started a new company. Guild Wars is the first game out out by said company. I don't know if I can afford it, but I would hazzard a guess to say that it is an excellent game.
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post May 5 2005, 01:12 AM
Post #32

Chicago Survivor

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Advance purchase was 10$
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Hocus Pocus
post May 14 2005, 06:43 AM
Post #33

Moving Target

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i like guild wars...any questions just send my way...right now I'm too druimk...bnut in the futre I can comment on it...i like it...linear more but still a good game
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post May 16 2005, 06:56 AM
Post #34

Moving Target

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Ok then Hocus, I'm on GW as well.

You got a Guild running? I'll join yea.

Guild Wars is good. It's different. Everytime you leave town, it gives your party (wiether it's just you or you and your friends/hirelings) a completly seperate map. so that means you're not going to run into anyone else.

It's also cheap. $50 MSRP but I'm sure you can find it cheaper. And that's one time. no monthly fees. You can solo (or group by hiring henchmen) or join up with others online.

Also, skills. Don't like the way your characters stats are laid out? You can reorganize them about 15-20 times per level to play with it. You learn skills (special attacks) from various NPCs or from trains based on what stats you have.

For me, it's nothing new but I'm also not regretting this purchase.

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post May 16 2005, 10:29 PM
Post #35

Moving Target

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Having heard nothing but praise for it, I'm sold. I'll be giving Guild Wars a shot after I'm done with the SAT in June. God knows I need something interesting to do over the summer.

If enough people play, maybe we can start up a Dumpshock guild or something. :)
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post May 16 2005, 11:25 PM
Post #36

Shooting Target

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QUOTE (TimeKeeper)
It's also cheap. $50 MSRP but I'm sure you can find it cheaper. And that's one time. no monthly fees. You can solo (or group by hiring henchmen) or join up with others online.

You're kidding me. No monthly fees?


But how do they earn their money?
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post May 16 2005, 11:39 PM
Post #37

Shooting Target

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Expansion packs
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post May 17 2005, 12:49 AM
Post #38

Immortal Elf

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there is no MMO but Pirates of the Burning Sea. and it's not even out yet.
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Hocus Pocus
post May 18 2005, 05:11 AM
Post #39

Moving Target

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there is supposed to be like 3-4 expansion packs a year all costing roughly the same as the original GW. Thing is you are still supposed to be able to play the game if you don't buy the expansion packs, just that you won't have access to new areas and items and such. But it's tailored for PVP and you should be competetive despite it.

Me? i like the PvE aspects. I like being able to log on a few hours, play, and actually get a coupla missions done and enjoy a sense of accomplishment.

Forming a guild? sounds cool. I'll warn ya when I tell other in-game before I join a guild. I'm not on much cause I got a wife and kid, i got 256k ram so I lag, and I'm not competetive in the least. That usually kills all ovatures for me :P S'why on all the online games I've played I'm usually the healer :P gimmie a tell if ya see me on.

-Mardi Magnanimous
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