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> Hoverboards?
Swing Kid
post Apr 26 2005, 01:02 AM
Post #1

Moving Target

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Anyone every use the idea of hoverboards? You know, hovering skateboards, like in the Back to the Future movies. We had a team that had a couple of PhysAds that were basically skaters on hoverboards. It was pretty cool. I assume with the hovering capabilities of some of the drones and vehicles, this technology would likely exist in the mid 21st century. Any thoughts?
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post Apr 26 2005, 01:18 AM
Post #2

Ain Soph Aur

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Well, yes and no. SR's "hover" capability relies on vector thrust, which means it makes an insane noise, is insanely expensive to generate (in fuel terms) and basically kills anyone that steps too close underneath the exhaust.

However, these drawbacks aren't detailed really in SR, and since small vectored thrust drones do exist, a vectored thrust hoverboard isn't out of the question. It wouldn't really be a flat board, since you still need the engine which takes a bit of space, and a fuel reservoir, plus only very rich kids could have one. I imagine the controls would be... tricky to say the least. A VCRed version, or at least datajacked, is almost a must.
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post Apr 26 2005, 02:11 AM
Post #3

Mr. Johnson

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How about wiz-kid gangers with Levitate spell-locks in the shape of boards? :)
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post Apr 26 2005, 02:22 AM
Post #4

Moving Target

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Actually we've close to anti-gravity technology right now, it's very exciting stuff. It would be applicable to skateboards in the next twenty years, since the power required is enormous.
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post Apr 26 2005, 02:28 AM
Post #5

Mr. Johnson

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QUOTE (Kiedo)
Actually we've close to anti-gravity technology right now, it's very exciting stuff. It would be applicable to skateboards in the next twenty years, since the power required is enormous.

Any relevant links you wish to share with the rest of us? Other than the standard hype sites like americanantigravity.com?
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post Apr 26 2005, 02:31 AM
Post #6

Moving Target

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You could get away with using SEV, or hovercraft, technology. Using tech found in your average 3A-class electric R/C airplane, one could make a ducted fan, and attach a small skirt to a deck made out of a light but strong material such as carbon fiber. Of course, it would be unstable as heck, but if T-birds are a possibility, then someone has obviously invented a gyro strong enough to keep the thing upright.
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post Apr 26 2005, 02:49 AM
Post #7

Moving Target

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I retract my previous statement, I was about to post the link but then I noticed that the article about mercury drives was copied from american antigarvity, total gayness.

And here I was hoping to be driving a hovercar when I'm fourty.
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post Apr 26 2005, 02:51 AM
Post #8


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Yeah, you never will. And it's them fucking faggots. Always getting in the way of my antigravity. Goddamn gays. It's always them damn homosexual liberals a'messin' things up'n stuff.
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Swing Kid
post Apr 26 2005, 02:53 AM
Post #9

Moving Target

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tellem' how you really feel
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post Apr 26 2005, 03:23 AM
Post #10

Neophyte Runner

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QUOTE (Swing Kid @ Apr 25 2005, 08:02 PM)
I assume with the hovering capabilities of some of the drones and vehicles, this technology would likely exist in the mid 21st century. Any thoughts?

Somewhere, I've got notes from where I'd adapted rules for a medium skimmer drone into a hoverboard-like mode of transportation. They didn't have the altitude of the BttF hoverboards, but they didn't really need it, either.

In fact, in my campaign, there was an adrenaline-junkie part time extreme-sports enthusiast part time street samurai who as soon as the Renraku Arcology went into lockdown, called in a few favors from a rigger buddy of hers, and had him fly his helicopter up to the side of the arcology (flying in just under the upper floors' anti-air machinegun emplacements' fields of fire). Once the helicopter was in place, she lowered herself and one of her her skimmer boards by winch onto the sloped side of the building, and then rode the board down the side of the Arc almost all the way to the bottom, where a mage buddy of hers who also owed a favor levitated her out just before things would have gotten ugly. The skimmerboard was a loss, but it was one of her older ones anyway.

As an added bonus, she had the rigger film her with surveillance drones all the way down (she was wearing a full helmet that concealed her face, she may be crazy but she's not dumb), and then later took that footage, plus footage from her helmet cam and from the chopper's own sensor suite, and edited together a nice trideo clip of the stunt that she was able to sell off to some trid pirate buddies of hers, who then in turn were able to sell it off to a legitimate extreme sports media outlet (and her deal with the trid pirates stipulated that a percentage of the resale would come back to her and her team).

Sometimes, the best runs don't come from a fixer or a Johnson. As for what Deus thought of the whole stunt, the AI's never commented.
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post Apr 26 2005, 05:40 AM
Post #11


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post Apr 26 2005, 06:04 AM
Post #12

Neophyte Runner

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QUOTE (FlipShow)

Yeah, the ones I had were like that, only a lot less bulbous and clunky looking. That, and there weren't control handles, you basically ran a cable from your datajack down your clothing and plugged it into special boots that had an induction pad (like the kind found in smartlinks and subdermal datajacks) built in. The deck of the skimmer board was set up to be the receiving induction pad, so that you could have datajack control just by standing on the thing.
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Mac Swift
post Apr 26 2005, 10:33 AM
Post #13


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QUOTE (Arethusa)
Yeah, you never will. And it's them fucking faggots. Always getting in the way of my antigravity. Goddamn gays. It's always them damn homosexual liberals a'messin' things up'n stuff.

Oh well. Dumpshock's style seems to have gone to hell in a handbasket while I wasn't watching... Leave the house for just a few years and you won't recognize it when you get back. *g*
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post Apr 26 2005, 11:14 AM
Post #14


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My GM made the hoverboards from Back to the Future II some time ago, using Rigger II rules. I don't think it would be different from Rigger III, the creation rules are almost the same. His site can be found here:

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post Apr 26 2005, 12:39 PM
Post #15


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QUOTE (Mac Swift @ Apr 26 2005, 05:33 AM)
QUOTE (Arethusa @ Apr 26 2005, 02:51 AM)
Yeah, you never will.  And it's them fucking faggots.  Always getting in the way of my antigravity.  Goddamn gays.  It's always them damn homosexual liberals a'messin' things up'n stuff.

Oh well. Dumpshock's style seems to have gone to hell in a handbasket while I wasn't watching... Leave the house for just a few years and you won't recognize it when you get back. *g*

Sir, I do believe your sarcasm detector is damaged beyond repair. Please replace it post haste!
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post Apr 26 2005, 12:52 PM
Post #16

Moving Target

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And you, sir, are full of it. It's clearly the gay-bashing environment nuking anti-condom baby seal clubbing conservatives who are keeping us from our Antigravity! Damn that Delay and his reactionary pro-gravity ways!

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post Apr 26 2005, 12:54 PM
Post #17

Moving Target

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Yeah he was making fun of my "gayness" comment. It's a common saying here in texas to express dissgust for something. The logic in it would be, if any, that it sucks to take it up the butt.

But Arethusa you have to admit, the annonimity of the internet and the impersonal nature of forums, basically jams all but the most sophisticated sarcasm detectors. That or yours is broken too. And mine too if you want to over analyze it.
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post Apr 26 2005, 01:10 PM
Post #18

Moving Target

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You know, it may be common in Texas, but it's not actually a good thing to do. I, for one, avoid calling something Gay at all times unless it actually is homosexual. And let's face it, it's not because taking it up the butt would be bad. It's "that's like a gay person, i.e. lame." It promotes some pretty idiotic stereotypes.

I know some friends of mine started saying "that's so hetero" but it didn't catch on. It was pretty interesting to see the reactions, though.

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post Apr 26 2005, 01:56 PM
Post #19

Chicago Survivor

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I don't care you you grew up with your parents saying every 15 minutes, it's still passive aggressive bullshit. I expect better from Dumpshock peeps, not sure why, I just do.
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post Apr 26 2005, 07:06 PM
Post #20

Traumatizing players since 1992

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QUOTE (Nikoli)
I don't care you you grew up with your parents saying every 15 minutes, it's still passive aggressive bullshit. I expect better from Dumpshock peeps, not sure why, I just do.

I concur doctor.
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Shanshu Freeman
post Apr 26 2005, 08:01 PM
Post #21

Moving Target

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QUOTE (Kiedo @ Apr 26 2005, 12:54 PM)
Yeah he was making fun of my "gayness" comment.  It's a common saying here in texas to express dissgust for something.  The logic in it would be, if any, that it sucks to take it up the butt.

maybe "taking it up the butt" is the preferred mode of "taking it" for some? eh? eh?

btw: love the zoidberg quote <3

in summation:

1. Using "gay" when meant as an insult is lame. (It makes you sound foolish and is sooooooo 1995)
2. internets r serios business. >_< (Everybody else should stop taking themselves and a posting board so seriously.)

Nothing personal guys... I like you all, it's just that I started having flashbacks to DS before the Lounge was closed. Everybody reserved the right not to be offended and yet took offense at the tiniest slight.

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Swing Kid
post Apr 26 2005, 10:18 PM
Post #22

Moving Target

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So...so should I take it from all of this that hoverboards are OK, unless you are a Buttrunner?
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post Apr 27 2005, 01:08 PM
Post #23

Moving Target

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ok, you want hover boards? Check out Cyber-gen. I know it is a different system, but there are some futuristic extreme sportes equiptment in there and they have simular tech to Shadowrun. Heck, check it out just for it's self. "My parents were edgerunners, and all they left me was this dark future." -I think that is the tagline-
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post Apr 27 2005, 01:24 PM
Post #24

Moving Target

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QUOTE (Swing Kid)
So...so should I take it from all of this that hoverboards are OK, unless you are a Buttrunner?

I just have no idea how to respond to this.

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post Apr 27 2005, 03:11 PM
Post #25

Incertum est quo loco te mors expectet;

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Personally, I'd say no. The mechanics of it make it difficult to build and even more difficult to control for the average Joe (it'd effectively be a flat drone), and from a world stand point it's a bit too 'happy cheery' for me. I hate things that fly. I shoot at them first.
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