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> Who's going to play SR4?, I think it's too goofy.
Are you going to play SR4?
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Total Votes: 138
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post Apr 28 2005, 07:52 PM
Post #1

Moving Target

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So after reading the New SR4 FAQ I don't think that i'm going to be playing SR4. I'll probibly still buy the books for the other material in them, but, annoyingly, alot of it will need converted back to older versions. also, this will only encourage Fanpro to make the game even wierder and move it more away from the orrigional concept. Ah well... Not much I can do about it except voice my opinoin.

EDIT: And, so, of course, I don't see the Poll in the SR4 forum until after i hit 'add new poll' >_<
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post Apr 28 2005, 07:54 PM
Post #2

Ain Soph Aur

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Read before you post
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post Apr 28 2005, 09:04 PM
Post #3

It's for winners

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I put maybe....... again! ;)

torz x
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post Apr 28 2005, 09:51 PM
Post #4

Neophyte Runner

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He's not redundant, just very thorough. ;)

I voted yes, or was it maybe???
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post Apr 28 2005, 09:58 PM
Post #5

Manus Celer Dei

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At least we don't have people saying "I voted yes, but that could change" while those of us whose answers are no but that could change just vote maybe and thus skewing the polls significantly towards switching in this one.

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post Apr 28 2005, 10:11 PM
Post #6

Neophyte Runner

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I'm just curious about the person who voted for the last option. They do know what this board is about, I hope.
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post Apr 28 2005, 10:24 PM
Post #7

Manus Celer Dei

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Master Shake, perhaps?

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Rory Blackhand
post Apr 29 2005, 03:30 AM
Post #8

Moving Target

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That must be you then.
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post Apr 29 2005, 05:23 AM
Post #9

Freelance Elf

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Some people play tennis for fun. Rory holds grudges.
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post Apr 29 2005, 07:13 AM
Post #10

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Voted maybe again. :D

I don't say or no without knowing the new ruleset.
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Rory Blackhand
post Apr 29 2005, 10:07 AM
Post #11

Moving Target

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It wasn't me that voted, nor do I think it worth while to. I will fight at the drop of a hat though if provoked.
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post Apr 29 2005, 10:15 AM
Post #12

Moving Target

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QUOTE (Chibu)

I'll probibly still buy the books for the other material in them, but, annoyingly, alot of it will need converted back to older versions. also,  this will only encourage Fanpro to make the game even wierder and move it more away from the orrigional concept.

I'm not sure I understood your point: you say that you won't play SR4 becasue the concept is too much different that the original one (SR1 in other words), but still you will include materials from SR4 in your game.
So, are you talking about game mechanics, or background, when you use the word 'concept'?
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post Apr 29 2005, 10:34 AM
Post #13

Freelance Elf

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QUOTE (Rory Blackhand)
I will fight at the drop of a hat though if provoked.

Really? None of us had noticed that.
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Bullet Raven
post Apr 29 2005, 11:59 AM
Post #14

Moving Target

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I voted No, but i'd buy the books for other stuff

the other stuff = Metaplot. Oh.. I'm such a sucker for metaplot.

from the FAQ I can tell so far that SR4 will change enough that not only will I not know SR3 very well, but I will ALSO not know SR4 very well. I'd rather be beefed on one system than crap on both.
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Little Bill
post Apr 29 2005, 02:51 PM
Post #15


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Hm. One option for yes, one for maybe, and three for no. I wonder what opinion this poll maker has of the new system that IS MONTHS AWAY FROM RELEASE and that NO ONE WHO VOTES ON THE POLL HAS READ?

Prejudicial, perhaps?
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post Apr 29 2005, 03:28 PM
Post #16

Running, running, running

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no, i dont think thats it, as obviously, if you're going to play it, you'll be buying the books. but, as he has stated, you might buy the books for the other information (updating the plots and people and who not)

So, maybe he could've excluded the no from two of them, and just said, "Buying books for the metaplot information", but thats still a no to the original question.
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post Apr 30 2005, 02:47 PM
Post #17

Prime Runner

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Nope. The system change is too much. Earlier changes from 1st through 3rd ed's made small changes to the basic mechanics, this is going too far. My group kicked this around and pretty much are going to kepe with the 3rd ed. We'll probalby buy the SB's to keep up with the world but not the rule books that are sure to come out-Guns, rigger BB etc.
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Eyeless Blond
post Apr 30 2005, 04:42 PM
Post #18

Decker on the Threshold

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Initially I was very excited about SR4. After four of those FAQs though, I remembered that the current dev team was also responsible for the current SR3 FAQs and erratas. As such, I have serious doubts as to theor abilities to write for so much as a single page without contradicting themselves, let alone being able to create essentially a completely new game system from the ground up and make it balanced and interesting. "Streamlined" I note is easy; any monkey can do it, as evidenced by d20. It's the balanced and interesting ones that are hard.

For a system like the current SR3 one with such fidelity and depth, the bar is going to be pretty high for the new system, and considering the dev's current FAQ responses I am in serious doubt as to their ability. Ah well, I guess I'll hear about it all come August when the fans who haven't been deterred by the press releases buy the book and review it here.
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post Apr 30 2005, 08:30 PM
Post #19

Moving Target

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Background. Events, people, history, but, i don't like the way that the rules are turning out. So, i'm (90% chance, It IS possible that it will still be good) going to buy yhe books and use the world material, and use the rules from previous editions.

and the last option was a joke... som there was a yes, a maybe, a no to the rules, and a no, not at all.
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post Apr 30 2005, 08:36 PM
Post #20


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Joke? I don't play your shitty game. Where the hell am I?
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post Apr 30 2005, 11:03 PM
Post #21

Moving Target

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I've read the faq, and so far I'm not liking it. It seems like a cross between shadowrun and whitewolf's engine. If it turns out being what it looks like thus far, hell no I'm not using it.

That said, I will look into it when it comes out, and I will likely by books for source material. But they are changing the rules so completely, that, well, I'm really not happy. Yes, shadowrun has it's flaws. But one of the reasons I play is that the engine is one of the better engines out there. I don't see what they are proposing thus far as an improvement. If this changes, I will gladely take these words back. I hope I have to.

And to those who have flaamed over people posting opinions over things we have not yet read, I have this point to make. No, we have not seen the book. However, what has been stated thus far in the official blog and FAQ is what we are talking about. The statement is IF this is how it WILL be THEN I won't play. Personally, as long as it is kept in that realm I see no problem. I have gathered that at least some of the developers read this board, and hopefully use it as a development tool. Dumpshockers are one of their bigger fan bases. I'm assuming if the say ahead of time "Hey, this is what we are doing." and everyone on here has similar reactions, they might take it into account.

Course, just my 0.02 :nuyen:, I could be wrong. :-)
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Crimson Jack
post May 1 2005, 03:22 AM
Post #22

Running Target

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Yes. I'm a Shadowrun freak.
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post May 1 2005, 02:57 PM
Post #23

Shooting Target

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I've voted "No. But, I'm going to buy the books for the other material."

Because at the minute thats how my opinion is. Theres a couple of things i'm not liking right now if it stays that way then i won't be playing it, i hope it doesn't, but it's looking like it will.
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Sandoval Smith
post May 2 2005, 03:10 AM
Post #24

Running Target

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I voted 'I don't play SR.' Just to be contrary (and right now, I don't, but that's mostly for scheduling reasons). I'm getting a copy at Gencon, and I'm going to run a couple games to see how it feels. If it doesn't strike all myplayers dead with cancer right then and there, I'll keep going.
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post May 2 2005, 11:31 PM
Post #25

Running Target

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When is 4th edition due out?
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