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> Magic Spell Creation question, a wierd one
post May 23 2005, 03:40 PM
Post #1


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ok during our gaming seccioun yesterday i was sit with this new spell one of my higher level shamans came up with it is called Trans Locate

this spell is conducted though Fetish magic per say you requiret to linked fetishes to conduct the telaport spell

the teleport rang Null in voids the LOS requirements i am actually concidering this but i want to give it some serious to deadlly drain code just to be a fragging jerk i think

the spell details are you per say drop one of two fettishes and keep on going now when the dreck hits the fan the shaman can cast the spell though his meterial link the then teleport back to the safe location where he or she droped the first half of the fettish

this information is verry raw i have looked ver the spell forumla and it look sound the player insisted he is doing this though the manipulation of eithe rthe mana plane or asteral plane so please shoot me some advice on if i should make some more restrictive rules or let this one fly and see what kind of thouble we can get the shaman into
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Eyeless Blond
post May 23 2005, 03:55 PM
Post #2

Decker on the Threshold

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Teleportation is strictly forbidden in the spell creation rules. In fact it's almost one of the only things that's outright impossible by the rules. Let me see if I can find the specific rule...

(Edit) Found it: p. 47 MitS, under: Sorcery cannot alter the fabric of the space/time continuom.
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post May 23 2005, 03:58 PM
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cool hehehhe let me crush this persons hopes
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post May 23 2005, 04:22 PM
Post #4

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Eyeless is right, Teleportation and Alteration of Space/Time are expressly forbidden.
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post May 23 2005, 04:48 PM
Post #5

Moving Target

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That doesn't mean your shaman can't try to make a formula for the spell. :)

Has the player been able to access a copy of MiTS to learn this rule? If he has, and hasn't remembered the cardinal rules of magic then he SHOULD have to learn the hard way.
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Eyeless Blond
post May 23 2005, 06:56 PM
Post #6

Decker on the Threshold

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Player: "I cast my new Translocation spell!"

GM: "Okay, resist 6D damage."

Player: "...huh?"

GM: "Since magic can't actually warp space-time, the spell instead basically just ripped you apart at a molecular level. Consider the low Power level me going easy on you."

Player: *rolls, rerolling with a few Karma* "Ugh, okay, I take an S wound. Never trying that spell again."

GM: "Okay, now resist 8D Stun, the Drain for your Translocate spell."
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post May 23 2005, 07:13 PM
Post #7

Running Target

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QUOTE (Eyeless Blond)
Player: "I cast my new Translocation spell!"

GM: "Okay, resist 6D damage."

Player: "...huh?"

GM: "Since magic can't actually warp space-time, the spell instead basically just ripped you apart at a molecular level. Consider the low Power level me going easy on you."

Player: *rolls, rerolling with a few Karma* "Ugh, okay, I take an S wound. Never trying that spell again."

GM: "Okay, now resist 8D Stun, the Drain for your Translocate spell."

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post May 23 2005, 09:03 PM
Post #8

Moving Target

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I think the closest thing to magical teleportation possible in SR would be to somehow send your body physically into the astral, get to your destination with fast astral travel, then return to the physical world...

But then you'd have to figure out how to do that...
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post May 23 2005, 10:18 PM
Post #9

Moving Target

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QUOTE (Eyeless Blond)
Player: "I cast my new Translocation spell!"

GM: "Okay, resist 6D damage."

Player: "...huh?"

GM: "Since magic can't actually warp space-time, the spell instead basically just ripped you apart at a molecular level. Consider the low Power level me going easy on you."

Player: *rolls, rerolling with a few Karma* "Ugh, okay, I take an S wound. Never trying that spell again."

GM: "Okay, now resist 8D Stun, the Drain for your Translocate spell."


Almost exactly what I would do had that happen in my group. :vegm:
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post May 23 2005, 10:19 PM
Post #10

Moving Target

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Well when GMming I never let the rules forbid something if a good rationale can be made.

If somehow you can take Einstein's ideas and say "I'm making a wormhole," go ahead and try. Of course, you might want to be Harlequin or another 20-th grade initiate. With a ritual casting. And a lot of Karma Pool, Power Foci, and expendables. Then you might have a shot.

It would be much more likely to use Anchoring metamagic to create a permanent gateway of some sort, but even that would be an immense undertaking - Using the laws of physics with riddiculous circumstances.

Just cuz it hasn't been discovered doesn't mean it isn't possible - But it ain't probable.
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post May 23 2005, 10:22 PM
Post #11

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QUOTE (Sahandrian)
I think the closest thing to magical teleportation possible in SR would be to somehow send your body physically into the astral, get to your destination with fast astral travel, then return to the physical world...

But then you'd have to figure out how to do that...

I wonder if the astral gateway power of a spirit could do it?
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post May 24 2005, 12:13 AM
Post #12

Moving Target

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Certain characters (NPC's) in my game can 'teleport' magically. It isn't a spell, though, it's what I tend to refer to as metaplanar bounce. Just like what happens when you say a Free Spirit's True Name three times aloud, the character jumps physically to the metaplanes and then immediately (after a no-real-time astral quest) return to the physical at their destination (actually, without a magical connection to their destination, such as anything that can count as a material link to them they arrive somewhere randomly within 10 km of where they want to go). I suppose it might be possible to create a spell that would acheive a similar effect, but I see it as being something reserved for the uber-magicians from the 4th world and the lucky few they've been teaching in the 6th.
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post May 24 2005, 02:25 AM
Post #13

Running Target

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Well, I once had an idea for a mage character, who's dream was to build what amounted to a magical Stargate. It involved binding multiple free spirits with the Wealth power (because it creates matter), and having them create a wormhole by concentrating matter, which would be telekinetically moved and compressed in the center of the ring, and elemental manipulation in used to introduce energy into the system. The result is that you have a mass will fist undergo nuclear fusion, then it will begin to undergo the sorts of subatomic reactions we see in atom smashers, and eventually you will get a black hole. Telekinesis is then used to manipulate the black hole into a form usable for travel.
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post May 24 2005, 03:47 AM
Post #14

Moving Target

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QUOTE (Eyeless Blond)
Player: "I cast my new Translocation spell!"

GM: "Okay, resist 6D damage."

Player: "...huh?"

GM: "Since magic can't actually warp space-time, the spell instead basically just ripped you apart at a molecular level. Consider the low Power level me going easy on you."

Player: *rolls, rerolling with a few Karma* "Ugh, okay, I take an S wound. Never trying that spell again."

GM: "Okay, now resist 8D Stun, the Drain for your Translocate spell."

LMAO!! That's about what should happen to most PCs if they try that. I can only think of one way they COULD succeed. Become a high level Lightbearer.

(quoting Sharaloth)
Certain characters (NPC's) in my game can 'teleport' magically. It isn't a spell, though, it's what I tend to refer to as metaplanar bounce.

Actually, this is close to cannon.

For those who've never played Earthdawn or don't know much about Harlequins past:

Lightbearers are basically people who fought Horrors. They had several fun abilities, like pull a magic sword from my hoop, instant uber magic armor, and teleporting. Okay, so it was't real teleporting. It was transfering themselves into the astral and moving around. Read the final confrintation between Harlequin and Ehran in the Harlequin adventure and you'll see it. Harlequin also displays the other abilities during Harlequin's back at the bridge.

As far as I know, that is the only cannon way to do it, and you'de have to get Harlequin or Ehran to teach it to you, since those are the only two Lightbearers I know of that are still around.
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post May 24 2005, 03:49 AM
Post #15

Moving Target

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QUOTE (nick012000)
Well, I once had an idea for a mage character, who's dream was to build what amounted to a magical Stargate.

I think there was a way to do that in Earthdawn, it was a nethermancer ability, I think, but I'll have to look it up.
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post May 24 2005, 05:26 AM
Post #16

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Ok, somebody answer this for me please:

In regards to the Astral Gateway ability of free spirits: Does it create an actual "gate" that a person (appearantly even a mundane) can pass through, or is it a "spiritual" thing?

If they can physically pass through it, can they emerge at a different point?
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post May 24 2005, 06:04 AM
Post #17

Midnight Toker

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There was a Nethermancer spell that allowed a person to shift physically into the astral plane. It is fairly usefull when a group comprised mostly of adepts have to fight purely astral beings.

"OK. I've been marked by Chantrel's horror and the only person in our group with Astral Perception has just been disected to death. My very good very bestest friends who will surely be slaughtered one by one to torment me, it is time to see a Nethermancer."

Netherwalk is basicly an Adept power.

There is a post somewhere around here that proves that teleportation should be an illusion spell. In illusion that cause you to actually physicaly move to another location, but an illusion none to the less. It has the advanage of d completely ceasing to function if the target disbelieves it.
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post May 24 2005, 09:53 AM
Post #18

Moving Target

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Of all the odd ideas, I don't ever buy that an illusion spell can create something real. At least in the sense that an illusion of being elsewhere is the same as being elsewhere.

I'd say do exactly what's been proposed - A helluva lot of experimenting (many of the guinea pigs going kaboom in the process) followed by a huge amount of cost for any sort of formula.

IF "toning it down" or "progress" is possible with time, it ain't gonna be within the 2000's - Maybe 2100's. Or 2200's.
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Crimson Jack
post May 25 2005, 06:29 AM
Post #19

Running Target

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The only problem with GMing the little spoof on resisting 6D damage for casting, then an additional 8D for drain, is that there are some players that could successfully cast the spell (even with those ridiculous drawbacks). Then what?

GM: ... umm, okay, so I guess you bamf without a hitch.

Better to simply not allow it. Regardless of the fact that it was just a joke. ;)
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post May 25 2005, 06:54 AM
Post #20

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With the exception of what was mentioned earyer about a pare of immortal elves the base theories required for this have not been discovered yet.

Creating this type of effect would be as difficult as creating a fireball spell with no texts or knowledge of elemental manipulation. Remember a library rating >= force is a /requirement/ for creating a spell formula, your going to have to write the book before you can write the spell, and that is the life’s work of a research mage with several assistants.

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post May 25 2005, 07:15 AM
Post #21

Uncle Fisty

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The Nethermancer spell was a 10th circle spell, that had to be linked between two bone circles that the nethermancer had already created, and it's max range was 5,000 miles, with a high target number (extrd success against the thread weaving I think). There were a few other adept disciplines at high circle that could step into the astral.

In MiTS it states the teleporation and time travel are the holy grails of magical research R&D's. I allow the "jump into the astral" in my game ,although none of my players have thought of it yet (and if you're reading this, hope you have a damn high magical theory!). Basically the spell duplication version of the spirit power. I don't remember what I had the drain at though. I remember it being pretty nasty. Also, you had to have a clear target in mind. No dawdling about. And wards blocked it completely.
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Eyeless Blond
post May 25 2005, 10:14 AM
Post #22

Decker on the Threshold

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QUOTE (Crimson Jack)
The only problem with GMing the little spoof on resisting 6D damage for casting, then an additional 8D for drain, is that there are some players that could successfully cast the spell (even with those ridiculous drawbacks). Then what?

GM: ... umm, okay, so I guess you bamf without a hitch.

Better to simply not allow it. Regardless of the fact that it was just a joke. ;)

Well no, what I was saying is that you take all that damage and also don't go anywhere! The entire Force of the spell (which of course requires a willing target) was basically funnelled into ripping you apart at a molecular level; it didn't actually *move* you anywhere at all. :)
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post May 25 2005, 11:27 AM
Post #23

Moving Target

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Is it even possible for the Astral Plane to support physical mass?

Your body is left behind for a reason. Its just flesh, and the astral is the place of spirits.

In order to push inert mass through the astral, how would you do this?

And even if you get physical mass into the astral space, how will that look from outside? - Everything astral is a shadow of our world. Would the mass of a person "break" the window between the planes, or maybe distort it where it passes?

I like to think it would be something alike walking on thin ice, to take a physical object into the astral.

And the reason I say object, is because if a Body can enter, then items can too.. and then you'll quickly see a new market for logistics. Tons of goods would be moved from A to B at lightning speed. :eek:

The strain on the astral space would be severe as automated vehicles tear through it, perhaps dumping garbage even.

But if there IS a way to go into astral space, with your meat body and your gear, then the above will certainly follow. :)
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Herald of Verjig...
post May 25 2005, 04:05 PM
Post #24


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QUOTE (weblife)
Is it even possible for the Astral Plane to support physical mass?

Alchera, see Target Awakened Lands.
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post May 25 2005, 04:07 PM
Post #25

Moving Target

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I don't have that book..

Could you sum it up to a yes or no? :)

Maybe even post a tiny excerpt of the text? :D
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