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> [Real Life] Modern Mercenaries, Extensive press report
post Aug 27 2005, 10:36 PM
Post #51

Resident Legionnaire

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QUOTE (Supercilious)
The travel, the adventure, the money. It sounds like a lot more fun that pushing paper all day.

Although, to be fair, I am a teenage male so I might moderate as I get older.

Eh, I went through that too (some would say I'm not out of it), but nowadays I'd rather be working someplace comfortable where I can relax every once in a while. But then again, I don't have to work a "real" job right now either, so I might be missing the appeal.
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post Aug 27 2005, 10:41 PM
Post #52

Moving Target

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My goal in life, other than revolution is to be a badass mercenary.

I aspire to be Han Solo shooting greedo first in a seedy tavern. I admit to being influenced by movies on this issue, but oh man I would be almost as cool as a vampire hunter.
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post Aug 27 2005, 10:46 PM
Post #53

Resident Legionnaire

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I would try to sign on with one of the UK pmc companies. It will be hard without any military experience, but not to sound like an ass, but they tend to have lower standards. edit: Don't expect the top-notch pay though.

Other than that, you could do a short stint in the military and move on from there. Hell, I'd reccommend the Foreign Legion to just about anybody who's looking for adventure. You don't get the same pay, but there are certainly other benefits!
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post Aug 27 2005, 11:24 PM
Post #54

Moving Target

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If I am joining up with an outfit that handles my housing/feeding/wound-fixing I am willing to accept relatively poor pay.

I want a career kicking ass, though.
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post Aug 27 2005, 11:31 PM
Post #55

Resident Legionnaire

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Join the Legion. You're almost guaranteed to see action somewhere :)
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post Aug 28 2005, 12:11 AM
Post #56

King of the Hobos

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Of course the only downside to that is all the bloody Frenchmen and having to speak the language. ;)
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post Aug 28 2005, 03:07 AM
Post #57

Moving Target

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Which is why I want to make my own elite team of hard-boiled hard-bred hard-core sons of bitches and go around the countryside kicking ass and taking names.

EDIT: Because I dislike the French, is why.
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post Aug 28 2005, 03:19 AM
Post #58

Resident Legionnaire

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Well you can't train behind a keyboard, that's for sure ;)
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post Aug 28 2005, 03:35 AM
Post #59

Moving Target

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I play a lot of counterstrike? In all seriousness, though, I am too young to own a gun, and my parents are not keen on the idea, so I am not going to be able to get any weapons experience until I am old enough to get a weapons permit.
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post Aug 28 2005, 04:14 AM
Post #60


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Frosty neglected to mention that getting into the Legion is a cast iron bitch. They won't build you from the ground up like any other military. You need to be damn ready when you get there for training and evaluation.

I'm quite surprised to learn that you can sign on to a pmc with military experience, though. Is that only with UK companies?
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post Aug 28 2005, 04:17 AM
Post #61

Manus Celer Dei

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I aspire to become Norway's bravest son one day.

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post Aug 28 2005, 04:33 AM
Post #62

Moving Target

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I aspire to bring open-warfare to the streets of Seattle in the name of revolution...

Atleast in a screenplay anyways.
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post Aug 28 2005, 04:37 AM
Post #63

Resident Legionnaire

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QUOTE (Arethusa @ Aug 27 2005, 11:14 PM)
Frosty neglected to mention that getting into the Legion is a cast iron bitch.  They won't build you from the ground up like any other military.  You need to be damn ready when you get there for training and evaluation.

I'm quite surprised to learn that you can sign on to a pmc with military experience, though.  Is that only with UK companies?

I assume you meant (without) military experience?

The trick is to get into the company in an administrative capacity and then switch over. It's probably going to be easier to suck it up and join the military for a while, but it's possible nonetheless.

As for the Legion, Arethusa is right. You wanna be able to run 5 miles in under an hour before you get there (and it gets harder once you're in) as well as be able to do well with a variety of strength excercises. It's not easy, in fact it's hard as hell. But it's a very rewarding experience.

I figure if Superlicious is planning on being a badass for a living, then that would be easy stuff for him though :P
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post Aug 28 2005, 04:39 AM
Post #64

Manus Celer Dei

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Well, there is that key word "planning"…

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post Aug 28 2005, 04:41 AM
Post #65

Midnight Toker

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QUOTE (FlakJacket)
Of course the only downside to that is all the bloody Frenchmen and having to speak the language. ;)

There are no Frenchmen is the French Foreign Legion. Legally, Frenchmen cannot join the Legion. Frenchmen who want to join have to renounce their nationality. This involves filing paperwork with the French government at which point the French government will legally change this person's nationality from French to Canadian or something like that.
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post Aug 28 2005, 04:41 AM
Post #66

Resident Legionnaire

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Yeah, like I was "planning" on going to college when I came back!
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post Aug 28 2005, 04:42 AM
Post #67

Moving Target

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Arrogantly disdainful.

Superlicious... Not so much...


But more on subject, I intend to join active army for four years, hopefully after America gets out of Iraq so I can fight in a real war that has a clear-cut mission objective and an end in sight so I do not get "called back up" two weeks after I get home. My other professional goals are bounty-hunter, and (I forget their name but)... One of those guys who hunts after people who jump bail, because they get a lot of freedom in terms of kicking down doors and being unethical than most other groups do.

EDIT: Or I could join up with one of them Tech Support groups like geek-squad... Yeah, that sounds more practical, if less fun.
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post Aug 28 2005, 04:44 AM
Post #68

Resident Legionnaire

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QUOTE (hyzmarca @ Aug 27 2005, 11:41 PM)
QUOTE (FlakJacket @ Aug 27 2005, 07:11 PM)
Of course the only downside to that is all the bloody Frenchmen and having to speak the language. ;)

There are no Frenchmen is the French Foreign Legion. Legally, Frenchmen cannot join the Legion. Frenchmen who want to join have to renounce their nationality. This involves filing paperwork with the French government at which point the French government will legally change this person's nationality from French to Canadian or something like that.

The Commisioned Officers are French Officers. There are no foreign Commisioned Officers.

Frenchman are not allowed to join the Legion but some have gotten around it by claiming to be French-Canadian.

Superlicious: I'm sure you will have a great time as a smartass worthless soldier turned bounty hunter turned prison inmate...have a blast.
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post Aug 28 2005, 04:48 AM
Post #69

Moving Target

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Oh come on Frosty, I am sure you once entertained illusions of grandeur? I already am fairly sure that I will end up working a shitty office job, buying a house, and settling down... But at the same time if everything works out just perfectly, and I get lucky, and the fates are on my side, well then I would love to be a professional badass. It is a most-likely unrealistic dream, but I would still like to do it.

Edit: And get the name right!
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post Aug 28 2005, 04:58 AM
Post #70

Resident Legionnaire

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You're right, I had the same illusions but now I just like peace and quiet :D. Sorry about the name by the way :)

Well I gotta take off for the night so I'll make this as quick as I can and leave you some advice that I figured out:

Luck has nothing to do with anything when it comes to your "illusions of grandeur". If you want to join the army and be a badass, I suggest you start training and getting yourself into the best possible shape you can now, before you go off to do whatever it is you're going to do. Planning is one thing, but that planning has to be followed through on with preparation.

Seriously, I wish you the best of luck, and I hope you get to realize your dreams (well, except that revolution part), but really, the world isn't too kind when it comes to pursuing careers like that, and working a lousy desk job is often the result.
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post Aug 28 2005, 05:03 AM
Post #71


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QUOTE (FrostyNSO @ Aug 28 2005, 12:37 AM)
QUOTE (Arethusa @ Aug 27 2005, 11:14 PM)
Frosty neglected to mention that getting into the Legion is a cast iron bitch.  They won't build you from the ground up like any other military.  You need to be damn ready when you get there for training and evaluation.

I'm quite surprised to learn that you can sign on to a pmc with military experience, though.  Is that only with UK companies?

I assume you meant (without) military experience?

The trick is to get into the company in an administrative capacity and then switch over. It's probably going to be easier to suck it up and join the military for a while, but it's possible nonetheless.

As for the Legion, Arethusa is right. You wanna be able to run 5 miles in under an hour before you get there (and it gets harder once you're in) as well as be able to do well with a variety of strength excercises. It's not easy, in fact it's hard as hell. But it's a very rewarding experience.

I figure if Superlicious is planning on being a badass for a living, then that would be easy stuff for him though :P

Erm, yes, without. Sorry, pretty burnt out right now.

Also, is that something you heard of happening once, or something that has happened a few times, though is not common? And, yeah, seems like joining some country's army for a while would be a better start.

QUOTE (Superlicious)
But more on subject, I intend to join active army for four years, hopefully after America gets out of Iraq so I can fight in a real war that has a clear-cut mission objective and an end in sight so I do not get "called back up" two weeks after I get home. My other professional goals are bounty-hunter, and (I forget their name but)... One of those guys who hunts after people who jump bail, because they get a lot of freedom in terms of kicking down doors and being unethical than most other groups do.

Not likely. Syria, Iran, North Korea, and wherever else may be heating up in the future, but even those will be pretty wimpy in terms of traditional conflict. There is no nation in the world that can stand against the United States in a traditional military conflict at this time, and the ones that could stand a chance if they banded together (say, the EU) are unlikely to be at war with us any time soon. If you want action in the military some time in the next 10 years, expect it to be in Iraq or in an Iraq style clusterfuck.

Bounty hunters, at least within the United States and working within the law, are the people who hunt down bail jumpers. It isn't violent or glamorous, and you sure as hell do not get freedom to kick down doors and kick in teeth. You'll use a cell phone more than anything else. If you're thinking of international bounty hunting (ie Osama Bin Laden and the 30 million on his head), have fun. Unlikely you'd ever stand a chance of catching someone like him all on your own, and bounties like that are extremely rare (and more of a publicity stunt than anything anyone'll ever cash in on). If you're talking about hunting down bounties for organized crime, I guess that's something else. Good, uh, luck with that. Talking about it on the internet is clearly an excellent first step in an assuredly long and distinguished career.


Seriously, I wish you the best of luck, and I hope you get to realize your dreams (well, except that revolution part), but really, the world isn't too kind when it comes to pursuing careers like that, and working a lousy desk job is often the result.

Well, er, that or the other thing.

This post has been edited by Arethusa: Aug 28 2005, 05:05 AM
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post Aug 28 2005, 05:08 AM
Post #72

Moving Target

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I would enjoy fighting in North Korea. *(For a lot of reasons, none of which would stand up in a debate, they are mostly personal)

And I know the unliklyhood of my ever getting anywhere with this career path, and I probably should get a job telling CEO's what a PCI card is, but...

I played soldier as a child, and I watch a lot of movies. I just want a piece of that in real life. I basically want all the glory and none of the work, and very few legitimate enterprises will give me that. If I ever were to be a bounty-hunter I would not be operating in America, though. I would go somewhere relatively lawless with an abundance of bounties.

*Not racist reasons.
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post Aug 28 2005, 05:17 AM
Post #73

Canon Companion

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One thing about the military I've learnt: Cowards are heroes. Heroes are dead.

5 miles is the morning warm up. The real bitch is the 5 miles in battle gear. Now that will kill you dead. I've got a backache that won't quit to prove it (humping a GPMG 5 miles cross country everyday will do that to you).
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post Aug 28 2005, 05:17 AM
Post #74

Manus Celer Dei

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"Strength and muscle and jungle work, strength and muscle and jungle work…"

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post Aug 28 2005, 05:23 AM
Post #75

Moving Target

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Hehe, Kage, that can be my weapons dealers in the campaign I just started motto.
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