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> Shadowrun 4: Magic
post Oct 10 2005, 05:42 PM
Post #308

Prime Runner

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QUOTE (Siege)
Frag, there should be at least one Sailor Moon mage running around somewhere


Not a problem. In SR3 this was handled game mechanically by being a Houngan. You did your Sailor Senshi transformation sequence (which was summoning a spirit and being possessed by it), after which you didn't really look any different but noone recognized you. While in your Scout form you got access to a number of specific powers that you could use over and over again, and when you finally turned back into your normal self you were totally exhausted. And of course, eventually you learned how to do your super transformation, which gave you an even spiffier outfit and some extra powers - which game mechanically meant that you initiated and learned Invoking.

Of course, all the Sailor Scouts had access to a number of powers that were usable while in their human forms (such as Usagi's Physical Mask and Ami's Analyze Device), so they were clearly Full Mages, Aspected Traditionalists, or Physical Mages (Personally, I'd go with Aspected Traditionalists, as I think Usagi can only use Illusion and Helth spells while in human form). Super Heroes who actaully can't use powers while in human form (such as Captain Marvel or Thor) are simply Aspected Conjurers.

With SR4's open tradition system, it's going to be even easier once Possession comes back as an option in Street Magic. I have a working version here:


Which means that Sailor Mercury is simply an Aspected Traditionalist of a Possession Tradition that associates Water Spirits with Detection Spells. So she can possess herself with Water Spirits and cast Detection Spells. Of course, this means that she can also reanimate corpses as Zombie Mercuries, but we can assume that she's enough of a good guy that she doesn't. She probably doesn't even have a binding skill.

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post Oct 10 2005, 05:48 PM
Post #309

Neophyte Runner

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Frank, I want you to know, you officially scare me.
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post Oct 10 2005, 05:49 PM
Post #310

Shooting Target

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post Oct 10 2005, 05:51 PM
Post #311


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QUOTE (RunnerPaul)
Frank, I want you to know, you officially scare me.

Because he has ever considered Sailor Moon and SR in the same moment in time? Or because he's watched Sailor Moon enough to have that sort of detail on it? ;)
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post Oct 10 2005, 06:05 PM
Post #312

Shooting Target

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Both valid points.
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post Oct 10 2005, 06:07 PM
Post #313


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QUOTE (Azralon)
Both valid points.

It could be worse; The Thin H Line Fighting Evil By Moonlight.

P.S. No i'm not going to link. ;)
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post Oct 10 2005, 06:11 PM
Post #314

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Any other magic-types people want converted? It isn't very hard.

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post Oct 10 2005, 08:48 PM
Post #315

Shooting Target

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I quote the moral from many sci-fi tragedies:

"Just because you can do a thing, does not mean you should do a thing."

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Gothic Rose
post Oct 10 2005, 10:29 PM
Post #316

Moving Target

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QUOTE (FrankTrollman)
QUOTE (Siege @ Oct 2 2005, 11:12 PM)
Frag, there should be at least one Sailor Moon mage running around somewhere


Not a problem. In SR3 this was handled game mechanically by being a Houngan. You did your Sailor Senshi transformation sequence (which was summoning a spirit and being possessed by it), after which you didn't really look any different but noone recognized you. While in your Scout form you got access to a number of specific powers that you could use over and over again, and when you finally turned back into your normal self you were totally exhausted. And of course, eventually you learned how to do your super transformation, which gave you an even spiffier outfit and some extra powers - which game mechanically meant that you initiated and learned Invoking.

Of course, all the Sailor Scouts had access to a number of powers that were usable while in their human forms (such as Usagi's Physical Mask and Ami's Analyze Device), so they were clearly Full Mages, Aspected Traditionalists, or Physical Mages (Personally, I'd go with Aspected Traditionalists, as I think Usagi can only use Illusion and Helth spells while in human form). Super Heroes who actaully can't use powers while in human form (such as Captain Marvel or Thor) are simply Aspected Conjurers.

With SR4's open tradition system, it's going to be even easier once Possession comes back as an option in Street Magic. I have a working version here:


Which means that Sailor Mercury is simply an Aspected Traditionalist of a Possession Tradition that associates Water Spirits with Detection Spells. So she can possess herself with Water Spirits and cast Detection Spells. Of course, this means that she can also reanimate corpses as Zombie Mercuries, but we can assume that she's enough of a good guy that she doesn't. She probably doesn't even have a binding skill.


*Blink. Blink Blink. Blink.*

That is...so...cool....
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Eyeless Blond
post Oct 10 2005, 11:01 PM
Post #317

Decker on the Threshold

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Have you considered doing Ally spirits Frank?
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post Oct 11 2005, 12:48 AM
Post #318

Prime Runner

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QUOTE (Eyeless Blond)
Have you considered doing Ally spirits Frank?

Yeah, I should probably do that.

By which I mean, I just wrote the prototype. Karma costs have been slightly tweaked and the rules for creation have been somewhat streamlined (when was the last time you saw someone fail the TN 3 Conjuring test?) in keeping with the design principles of SR4.

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post Oct 11 2005, 01:09 AM
Post #319


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I had to do a quick version of ally spirits to convert an SR3 character in my campaign. I basically decided that ally spirits are ordinary spirits that are bound permanently. They can't cast spells anymore, and their manifest forms have to fit with the type of spirit.

The character I was converting had an ally spirit that manifest as a cat (2 forms: housecat and panther), and she had never really developed the sorcery powers -- the spirit only knew the 1 spell it started with. So I converted it as a permanently bound beast spirit of the same force.

Of course, this is a lot different than the old version of ally spirits, and it won't let you make dikoted AVS ally spirits :)
But it's very streamlined and avoids introducing a whole new type of spirit with different powers.

I didn't do creation rules since I was just converting a character, and I haven't really thought about how ally spirit improvement will work yet.
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post Oct 11 2005, 11:30 AM
Post #320

Moving Target

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It could be worse; The Thin H Line Fighting Evil By Moonlight.

Wow, someone else who remembers it from when it was The Thin H Line, and not it's current incarnation, Sexy Loosers.

Uh.. I mean... You are one sick puppy, reading that stuff which I have never heard of, being such a decent and honorable human being. Yep, that's my story, I'm sticking to it.

On an actually related note, I too would like to seem some clarification on the Bear totem. Following it to the letter means bear shamans always overcast, then always heal themselves, and get bonuses to both. Scary stuff.
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post Oct 11 2005, 02:54 PM
Post #321

Shooting Target

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QUOTE (Feshy)
I too would like to seem some clarification on the Bear totem. Following it to the letter means bear shamans always overcast, then always heal themselves, and get bonuses to both. Scary stuff.

Oh, bless you for moving the thread back on track.
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post Oct 11 2005, 04:56 PM
Post #322

Prime Runner

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I seriously don't see how you can even make the argument that Bear gives you bonuses to resist overcasting drain. The procedure for drain is that you make a drain resistance check against the Drain Value, and the Drain Value is subsequently applied as damage. At no time do you ever make a damage resistance test, so bonuses to resisting damage are useless. The Bear Totem no more assists in drain reduction than bone density augmentation does.

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post Oct 12 2005, 11:00 AM
Post #323

Moving Target

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QUOTE (FrankTrollman)
I seriously don't see how you can even make the argument that Bear gives you bonuses to resist overcasting drain. The procedure for drain is that you make a drain resistance check against the Drain Value, and the Drain Value is subsequently applied as damage. At no time do you ever make a damage resistance test, so bonuses to resisting damage are useless. The Bear Totem no more assists in drain reduction than bone density augmentation does.


Hmmm... let's look at that suggestion.

Bone Density says:
Increase the recipient's Body by the bone density rating for damage resistance tests.

vs Bear Totem's

+2 dice for resisting Physical damage.

and the drain test reads:

Magicians roll [tradition appropriate dice] to resist Drain.  Each hit on the Drain Resistance Test reduces the Drain value by one.  Note that wound modifiers or sustained spells have no effect on the character's dice pool for Drain Resistanc Tests (never noticed thab before, good to know).  Drain damage for spells is Stun damage unless overcasting.

Implied then is that when overcasting it is Physical damage.

When looking up damage resistance tests, you find:

Damage Resistance Tests

Which is a specific type of test, the mechanics of which I don't think I need to type out. (Though, interestingly, it mentions that wound penalties do not apply to it, but sustained spells are not mentioned here.)

Thus, if you are extraordinarily pedantic, you can claim that while the drain test is most certainly NOT a Damage Resistance Test, it IS a test to reduce physical damage (while overcasting). After all, the bear totem does not add dice to any specific test type (Drain Resistance nor Damage Resistance) but to a specific damage Type (Physical vs. Stun). And that damage type is a possibility in both test types. Claiming it doesn't apply to a Drain test (because it is not mentioned) is about as valid as claiming it doesn't apply to a Damage Resistance Test (because it also isn't mentioned).

I *think* what was meant was instead that the bear bonuses would apply to a more limited number of Damage Resistance Tests (specifically, those that resist physical damage) but as written *could* be interpreted otherwise. Maybe it's even meant to be interpreted otherwise -- would a Bear shaman get those dice when resisting black IC? What about poisons? Neither of those cases is a damage resistance test (and bone density surely doesn't apply). But maybe bear totem is meant to?

Really, it's hard to tell from the sparse wording.
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Eyeless Blond
post Oct 12 2005, 02:21 PM
Post #324

Decker on the Threshold

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It's not damage until the Drain Resistance test is already done. The text pretty clearly states that you do the Drain Resistance test to lower the drain value, and whatever is not resisted is applied directly as either Stun or Physical damage. A Drain Resistance test is not a damage resistance test, because the Drain doesn't become actual damage until after the Resistance test.

It's a subtle distinction, yes, but it's pretty clearly stated in the rule excerpt you quoted.

Oh, and the reason that Bone Density is worded differently is because it applies against Stun damage resistance tests as well.
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post Oct 12 2005, 04:04 PM
Post #325

Shooting Target

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Feshy, I thank you for typing out the exact adventure in rule-seeking that I went on. :) I also appreciate that you ended up in the same place that I did.

I could thematically justify the ability to overcast with less risk by saying Bear is just that tough or otherwise heedless of his personal safety. He's a berserker, after all. From a game-balance standpoint, it'd make a Bear healer really darn good in a clutch healing situation.

As I (think I) mentioned, I'm fine with summarizing the situation to my players with "Drain Resistance is not Damage Resistance." Bear is fine with keeping you alive when you've been shot, but if you're melting your own brain that's your problem.

I just wanted to make sure that line of reasoning wouldn't bite me in the ass later.
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post Oct 12 2005, 05:03 PM
Post #326

Prime Runner

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now, from a game balance point of view, I honestly don't have a problem with Bear giving you extra drain resistance dice for the purposes of Overcasting. It's 2 dice, which only has a 5/9 chance of reducing the drain you actually suffer in any way.

Since overcasting a spell doesn't normally produce less drain than not overcasting it does, any follower of Bear who might be tempted to overcast for the extra drain resistance wouldn't need those extra two dice to cast the spell normally without suffering drain. All in all, it seems a tempest in a teapot. If you want to allow Bear Mentors to give bonus dice to resist drain, go for it. In fact, the rules for berserking are so bad (and always have been), that I seriously have not seen any player character actually have a Bear Totem since first edition. Bear needs all the help it can get.

I just don't think that the RAW actually supports them having that ability. (but I'll probably let them have it in any game I run)

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post Oct 16 2005, 02:28 AM
Post #327

Moving Target

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Heal Spell Clarifications and Exploits

Permanent spells must be sustained
for a short time, after which their effects become “natural”
and no longer require magic or concentration to maintain.
The time required to make a spell’s effects permanent is equal to
twice the Drain Value in Combat Turns., 4E Core, P. 195.

Type: M • Range: T • Duration: P • DV: (Damage Value) – 2
Heal repairs physical injuries. It heals a number of boxes of
Physical damage equal to the spell’s hits from the Spellcasting
Test. Hits can also be used to reduce the base time for the spell to
become permanent; each hit spent this way shaves off 1 Combat
Turn (hits can be split between healing and reducing time as the
caster desires).
A character can only be magically healed once for any single
set of injuries., 4E Core, P. 200.

Clarification 1: What is the force of the spell? The number in the parentheses for other spells is (F ÷ 2).

This is important to know for several reasons. First, one needs to know how long to sustain the spell. Second, if someone has low Magic, will they be able to heal someone with high damage and if they can will it cause Physical drain. We need to know these numbers.

Clarification 2: Is it possible to reduce the number of Combat Turns needed to make the spell permanent to zero?

Exploit 1: Overcast a spell taking 4 points of physical drain. Cast Heal on yourself back to full health. Resist drain. Get two successes. No drain.

This has been pointed out already in the Bear Mentor Spirit example, but any magician with decent stats can pull this off with ease.

Exploit 2: Do the same thing to every team member every chance you get. You get less dice to heal your cybered teammates but that does not affect getting off mostly drain-free every time you do this. Wating until a character is almost dead will give you a pile of drain, however, so heal early and heal often.

Some would say that the touch aspect of the spell makes this harder to pull off, and it does, slightly. Just be bold and run into the battle allong with the street samurai. You are more bullet and spell-proof than you think.

Magicians are still seriously too powerful. I can go into detail later about how magical benefits can create a synergy that unbalances the whole game. All it takes is initiation and a nice chunk of Karma.
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Eyeless Blond
post Oct 16 2005, 07:42 AM
Post #328

Decker on the Threshold

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Re: Clairification 1: The Force of the Heal spell is whatever you want it to be. In this case all it alters is the maximum number of hits and whether Drain is physical or stun. Note that it doesn't have anything to do with how long the spell must be sustained; as your quote indicates that's the domain of the Drain Value (DV), not the Forse (though those are usually connected).

C-2: I dunno; isn't there a minimum Drain Value? I don't think the designers allow Drain to go to 0; it probably bottoms out at 1, which means 1 CT to sustain before becoming permenant.

E-1: Yes, and you'd be (mostly) out of the combat for 3 Combat Turns to pull this off as well. One CT to cast; 2 more to sustain. Well, the second 2 CTs you can put the spell into a focus, or a bound spirit, or just take -2 dice to all actions, but it's still a consideration. What's the problem with that?

E-2: Yeah, well at touch range this is a bit impractical. It's especially bad as most of your team won't want to cluster too close unless they want to get grenaded. If you want I suppose you can design an LOS Heal spell with a higher DV, but then you're not getting as much benefit from it, and you have to spend Karma on that spell as well.

So, yeah. Of course mages with 5+ initiate grades are going to be powerful; given how much you have to pay in karma for that the mundanes will have all attributes at 6 and most skills doing all right.
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post Oct 16 2005, 11:15 AM
Post #329

Moving Target

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Thank you for that! Now if I clarify myself we will be on the same page.

C-2 was about using hits from the Sorcery + Magic test to lower the number of turns needed to sustain it. I was just wondering if skilled sorcerers could make it effectively an instant spell with permanent effects.

E-1: The overcast spell was something like a Stunball at level 12. 12 / 2 + 1 = 7, with a drain resistance roll of 3 successes. Physical drain of 4 points. Round 1 of being out of combat is casting Heal on yourself. With your info, I decide to cast it at force 12 as well. With 12 dice I hope I can get 4 successes. If not, I am still a tad wounded. If I get more, I shorten the amount of time I need to sustain the spell. That drain is 4 - 2 = 2 (the minimum drain is 2, by the way). I think I can get two successes on drain resistance. I do have -2 two dice for four turns, though unless I was lucky.

It's not as bad as I thought. The example shows how hard it is to dramtically heal a character.

E-2: You are totally right about this. I was thinking I could make touch-only attacks on my teammates, but that does leave us vulnerable.

Here are two more things for the magic thread:

Exploit 3: You (the sorcerer) and your team blitz the enemy army. (This is because my gamemaster would always have the enemy army hiding behind trash cans, bushes or in shadows. Otherwise I would always knock them out as my first action.) By bum-rushing them you can get a look at them, because their cover is blown. Then you cast the mother of all stunballs while everyone is engaged in melee combat, right on top of their team your team and yourself. You counterspell for the good guys. If they have a counterspeller this will not work.

Remember, a level 3 combat counterspelling focus can be bound at character creation for only 6 BP!! And with the skill, and maybe even shielding, that could be 9 or more additional dice each character for everybody you want (and can see) to resist spells!

Exploit 4: Spend NO points at character creation on Physical or Mental attributes. Get all the raise attribute and initiative spells. Cast them after you have initiated to level 1 (choose quickening). Have 7 Karma available. Conjure and bind a spirit. Then cast the spell, rolling edge, and using the Aid Sorcery task. Many dice, rerolling sixes. With a little luck, you have have 9 or more hits (edge dice unrestricted by force of spell, page 172), raising your 1 stat to 9. Repeat whenever you get 7 Karma until you have maximum in everything. You did this spendind something like 100 Karma, and zero BP. Here is the kicker, the number of dice your spell gets to resist dispelling attempts is Force + Karma spent + Magic. Their net successes counteract your successes. Then they roll drain. This one is really sick. I think it should be made less useful by making people spend at least 1/4 BP on physical and mental attributes.
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post Oct 16 2005, 12:47 PM
Post #330


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QUOTE (Shemhazai)

Exploit 4: Spend NO points at character creation on Physical or Mental attributes. Get all the raise attribute and initiative spells. Cast them after you have initiated to level 1 (choose quickening). Have 7 Karma available. Conjure and bind a spirit. Then cast the spell, rolling edge, and using the Aid Sorcery task. Many dice, rerolling sixes. With a little luck, you have have 9 or more hits (edge dice unrestricted by force of spell, page 172), raising your 1 stat to 9. Repeat whenever you get 7 Karma until you have maximum in everything. You did this spendind something like 100 Karma, and zero BP. Here is the kicker, the number of dice your spell gets to resist dispelling attempts is Force + Karma spent + Magic. Their net successes counteract your successes. Then they roll drain. This one is really sick. I think it should be made less useful by making people spend at least 1/4 BP on physical and mental attributes.

Accidentally walk through a ward, and watch your 100 karma worth quickened spells vanish...
Also, you're going to have a hard time living long enough to initiate with all attributes at 1. You'll have a maximum of 1 die to dodge, 3 dice to resist damage, and 2 to resist drain.
Not to mention being completely incompetent at all non-magical tasks.
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post Oct 16 2005, 01:32 PM
Post #331

Midnight Toker

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QUOTE (FrankTrollman)
Any other magic-types people want converted? It isn't very hard.


Ninja sexcraft and Shikima demons?
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post Oct 16 2005, 02:46 PM
Post #332

Moving Target

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The idea is to get skills that add dice to most of the things you do. I haven't gone over a list of all the attribute-only rolls, so it may be infeasible.

Dodge for ranged attacks is Reaction + Dodge. Defending melee attacks is Raction + Weapon Skill (if armed) or Reaction + Unarmed Combat or Reaction + Dodge. Full dodge adds Dodge again to that number. Full Parry adds their appropriate combat skill. Gymnastics Dodge adds gymnastics rating.

Drain would be a serious bitch starting off. Maybe the character should have either Logic or Intuition to one point less than max (and get some free knowledge skill points at the same time.)

It is the attribute-only tests that would suffer the most initially. Like rolling Body to resist damage.

Thank you for bringing up those points, and especially the one about the spells ending unexpectedly. They get additional dice equal to the Karma spent to quicken them. The Karma limit is double the Force of the spell. So a force 7 spell would get from 14-21 resistance dice depending on how much Karma was spent (7-14). For dispelling tests add you Magic rating to that pile of dice. That's for each spell.


In some cases, a spell, focus, spirit, or even a character may be unintentionally forced into a situation where either they or the barrier must give. For example, a character who unknowingly walks through a mana barrier carrying an active focus, or a dual being in an elevator that passes through a ward on its way up. In this case, make the same Opposed Test described above [against the barrier's Force x 2] (using Force x 2 for spells, spirits, foci, etc)., 4E Core, P. 186.

For quickened spells, that would be (Force x 2) + Karma Spent.

Since Mana Barrier Force is equal to net hits in the Sorcery + Magic test and Wards have a maximum force of Magic x 2 (thus making the theoretical maximum dice for the Ward Magic x 4) I think that the spell succeeding is quite likely. Also a magical lodge would have to be of quite high level to stand a good chance of winning. If you are walking through Gostwalker's Hoard, all bets are off. :) Maybe play it safe and cast your spell at max level and spend more karma to give it 36-48 dice!! That would be a level 12 spell quickened with 12-24 Karma. Steep price but damn near permanent unless your GM wants the spells gone. Then nothing could have saved them anyway.
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