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> OOC: SR4-First Run, Food Fight!
post Nov 3 2005, 09:19 PM
Post #476

Moving Target

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In melee combat, I get to roll dodge and reaction, and if I want to I can go full defense and roll reaction + (dodge *2)?

I will go full defense(dodge) so:
14 Dice
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9 hits

the above precludes any actions I guess. I'll take care of him next pass :D and hopefully someone else will shoot him too.
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post Nov 3 2005, 10:28 PM
Post #477


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@BarokKen: Oops, I forgot just how injured Crosshairs already is. The sprawl can be tough, but this game wasn't supposed to be deadly for a group of 'runners......
Actually, I am going to use GM fiat to make a change to your character sheet, so that Crosshairs is still alive:
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@Shalimar: Excellent roll. So you were able to defend successfully, but Bruce is even more upset that he was unable to hit you. So even if somebody else does come to help, he'll probably still be attacking you. :)

@netlich: Looks like you're up, along with the spirit who is attacking you again.
The spirit gets only two successes on its attack this time. Guess the last attack wore it out.
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post Nov 4 2005, 12:51 AM
Post #478


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The Stuffer Shack map has been updated.
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post Nov 4 2005, 02:08 AM
Post #479

Moving Target

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I'll use my free action to broadcast to my teammates:

"I have some martial art junkie all over me, need a hand in Aisle 3"
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post Nov 4 2005, 10:51 PM
Post #480


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Just posted more IC. Almost caught up, just need to post something about Bruce's attack on Tempty.
But right now it's time to leave work. I'll take care of that tonight.
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post Nov 5 2005, 07:32 PM
Post #481

Moving Target

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First of all (dunno if you need a perception roll for this so I will roll it along with my attacks) DarHar sidesteps the spirit trying to get it to turn its back on the approaching Taku os he circles around it anti-clockwise...He tries his luck once more, panting as his wounds are starting to get the better of him...
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just one success for noticing Taku

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Both get 3 hits. I was hoping for more luck but I can't really complain with the dice I get to roll ;-)

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Damn only 1 hit on defense and only 7 hits out of 22!!! Does that put me down? Can't remember how much damage he does...
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post Nov 5 2005, 08:01 PM
Post #482


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@gobogen: I believe you're intention is to charge in against the spirit, correct? Oh and have you dropped your pistol along the way, or will you still be suffering the -1 i was giving you for using a martial arts focusing on hands while holding it?

@Whizbang: You can go ahead and tell me what you want to do.
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post Nov 7 2005, 02:51 AM
Post #483

Moving Target

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I am going to be out of town from Tuesday to Friday for a funeral, so no posting for me.
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post Nov 7 2005, 04:04 AM
Post #484

Running Target

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I'm going to be checking out the rest of the system to make sure Maddie isn't still kicking around here somewhere before checking out that file. I got their lights for them...what more can they ask for in the real world? :)
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post Nov 7 2005, 02:07 PM
Post #485


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@Shalimar: Sorry to hear of your loss, I think we can all sympathize with you on that. So take as much time as you need.

@Whizbang: Give me a couple Matrix Perception Tests (Computer Skill + Analyze program) to see if you notice anything.
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post Nov 7 2005, 02:12 PM
Post #486

Moving Target

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I will still do the movement action as even if I fail the roll to recognise Taku it will place me at a better position fo rboth of them...

Menory check :
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10 successes easily shaking off the damage...But for how long?? At the same time even without the -3 for shooting in melee I don't think I do anything with 3 successes in either shot...

With the Mauve cloak gone and DarHar pissed off (plus one more new-comer joinning melee ;-) ) DarHar decides it's time to get messy...I presume it is a free action to extract my spurs but do I need to holster the Viper? Next phase am gonna go Wolverine on the spirit's armoured butt! :) I don't suppose I could have moved far enough to charge back to it?

EDIT : How much of a strategic move (if feasible) would it be if DarHar tried to use his immense size to grapple the spirit and pins its clawed hands to the side even momentarily so that Taku couldmore easily hit it?
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2 hits are good enough for him to think of it in a feat of divine inspiration!

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post Nov 7 2005, 03:38 PM
Post #487


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@netlich: You succeeded with your memory test, so you do recognize Taku as being a probable ally.
You could easily move far enough away from the spirit that you would be able to charge it next pass. Normally, I would advise you that would also mean that the spirit could charge you, but it doesn't have a third pass so that isn't an issue.
By the way, 3 net successes is exactly how many you need to bypass it's hardened armor with your pistol. The problem is getting them to be net successes and not just successes. :)
Bringing out your cyberspurs will take a free action. I'll let you use them while still holding your pistol, but at a -1. Or you could use your free action next pass to drop the pistol. Holstering the pistol would require a Simple Action which wouldn't allow you to melee the spirit that pass.
I'll let you say DarHar came up with the strategy, though I'll have to look up the rules on that to see how effective it would be (don't have my book with me so that will have to wait until tonight). The only issue I might have with it is that DarHar is rather upset at the loss of his beautiful pink...I mean...mauve cape ;) . Would he really be willing to let somebody else finish off the creature? Also, you would definitely have to either drop or holster your pistol to be able to grabble.
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post Nov 7 2005, 07:18 PM
Post #488


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Rules for SUBDUING Combat:
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post Nov 7 2005, 10:25 PM
Post #489

Running Target

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[ Spoiler ]
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post Nov 7 2005, 10:31 PM
Post #490


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@Whizbang: Ok, you failed to notice her anywhere and you strongly suspect that she is no longer on any of the nodes, so it's not a complete waste of a turn i'll also say you noticed something odd about the message/file she sent you; its larger than you would expect a simple message to be.
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post Nov 8 2005, 05:44 PM
Post #491


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@gobogen: Hope you don't mind, but to keep the game moving I'm going to go ahead and roll for you. I'll say for now you still have your pistol in hand as you charge into melee with the Spirit.
Charging adds +2 dice, you're suffering -1 for having a pistol in hand while trying to melee, -1 from wounds, and -2 from goop on your face and hands, giving you 12 dice to roll. You get 4 successes.
Unfortunately for the spirit, it failed to roll even a single success. It rolled fairly well on it's damage resistance test, just not well enough to handle the powerful combination of your killing hands and critical strike.
You did exactly enough damage to it and the Spirit is now no more. Congrats! :)
It fades away and returns once more to its native plane.
I try to remember to update the map tonight.

@Wintermancer: It's time for Rydell's turn.

@BaronKen: You can also go ahead and post actions for Crosshairs.
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post Nov 8 2005, 06:24 PM
Post #492


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Since Angie and Jack are making noise moving down the aisle, Crosshairs will move to the aisle endcap at P-22 for some cover (went on Full Defense last IP).
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post Nov 8 2005, 07:12 PM
Post #493


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Ok, I went ahead and updated the Stuffer Shack map on my lunch break.
From the looks of things, with the gangers running and the spirit gone, this game is only going to last one more combat turn. The only real question is how long it will take you to deal with Bruce.
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post Nov 9 2005, 07:08 AM
Post #494

Running Target

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Cool !!

Taku was glad with the work done, not yet able to take all the goo away from his face. He winks at the troll, "I'm always here to give a hand." and announces on the team's comm link that the spirit is no more a threat.

Feel free to roll and such. I have trouble to keep up with the pace of the game sometimes, but I'm really trying my best since the current times are hard for me.
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post Nov 9 2005, 02:51 PM
Post #495


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QUOTE (gobogen)
I have trouble to keep up with the pace of the game sometimes, but I'm really trying my best since the current times are hard for me.

Perfectly understandable. I've been trying to keep this game up to a faster pace than most other forum games (at least compare to all the other's I've been in we have been going extremely fast).
Mostly when I roll for players or say they've delayed their actions until they can post, it's only because I am bored at work. It's not that I think people are taking too long.
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post Nov 9 2005, 05:46 PM
Post #496

Running Target

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Well you're doing a really good job at it I must say and I enjoy it. I'd rather come back to the thread one day late and see that I was late for a roll than come back 4 days later and I was still the last one to post something and nothing has moved.
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post Nov 11 2005, 06:24 PM
Post #497


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I just noticed that it's been nearly two weeks since last we heard from Wintermancer. I've sent her a PM to see if everything is ok, but I think I will go ahead and post actions for her.

She walks past Louis who is still on the ground in the debris and moves to shoot at Bruce's back. Unfortunately, walking through the debris made a little bit too much noise and he noticed her coming.
On her first shot, she got 4 successes. Unfortunately, Bruce's good rolling has returned and even with the -3 for being in melee he was got 6 successes. So he avoided the attack. However, he did get splashed with debris as something on the shelves was destroyed so he will be suffering a -2 until he cleans it off.
On her second shot, she only rolled 1 success and she got a glitch. Because Bruce and Tempty are in melee I'll say that if Bruce avoids the hit completely, not just matching her successes, the bullet would hit Tempty. He got only 3 successes, but that is more than enough to avoid the bullet.
Now, normally I'd say that Tempty couldn't defend against this type of hit because it had been aimed for Bruce and not her. However, Tempty is on full defense, so in this case I'll let her go ahead and roll, but only using Reaction.
Since Shalimar said she wouldn't be able to post through today I'll roll for her...and she also easily avoids the bullet, which flies down the aisle and harmlessly lodges itself in the countertop by the register.

Catcher is the only NPC left with an action this pass, so he stands up (shoving Spike away from him) and limps out into the storm outside, mumbling to himself and...you could be mistaken about this, but you even think he was...giggling?
A moment later a rumbling could be heard outside. At first everybody thinks it just more thunder, but when it stays continuous, you all realize that it is the sound of a motorcycle starting up.

Back up to the top for the third Initiative Pass.

Not wanting to have somebody behind him while he is fighting Tempty, Bruce takes advantage of Tempty's defensive stance to move around to put her between him and Rydell without provoking an attack.
He then attacks Tempty once more. Adding Edge once more to his roll to get this over with so he can deal with the new assailant, he gets 5 successes.

@Tempty: I'll go ahead and wait until you can post again for this roll since it won't effect anything else in this pass. Remember you are suffer -1 from avoiding the glitched shot from Rydell.

@netlich: Time for DarHar's actions. If you run you could just make it to see down the aisle and shoot at Bruce's back (though you'll make a lot of noise and he'd almost certainly hear you coming). You would not have enough movement to attack him in melee. Just keep in mind, that if you glitch (a good possibility with the penalities you'd be suffering) you could hit Tempty.

@Whizbang: Guess you could go ahead and post your actions also.

@All: Looks like its time for another Initiative Roll (probably the last), so you can go ahead and post them.
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post Nov 11 2005, 09:27 PM
Post #498

Moving Target

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Exactly that with the difference that he will keep on running trying to get out of the shop quickly...after Spike and Catcher. And he will mumble a brief "Danks!" with a half-stupid grin to Taku as he bursts away...

two attacks:
[ Spoiler ]

3 and 5 hits...

new initiative
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Init : 14
And a quick question : How long does it take to use the medikit or a trauma patch?
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post Nov 11 2005, 10:06 PM
Post #499

Running Target

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Init 12
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post Nov 12 2005, 01:12 AM
Post #500


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@netlich: Thanks to the demise of the spirit your mind is cleared of confusion (at least the magically endused kind anyways).
If your intention was to stop Catcher and Spike, it might be better for you to fire at Spike who is standing in the doorway. If you want to switch to firing at Spike, just tell me.
In shooting at Bruce, you would be suffering a -2 because your running and a -1 for attacking from cover (which applies even step from behind cover, as in past the shelves to be able to see down the aisle). That means the first shot only got 1 success and the second only got 3 successes.
Bruce got 4 successes against the first shot and so avoided it easily. The second he wasn't so lucky on. He only got 2 successes and so he was forced to use yet another point of Edge to avoid it. Good thing he's naturally lucky.:)

As to First Aid skill using a medkit[First Aid skill + Logic + Medkit rating (2), it is a Complex Action that takes a number of Combat Turns equal to the amount of damage the character is attempting to heal. Each net hit over threshold heals 2 box of damage.
Trauma Patches are only helpful when you are trying to stabilize somebody that is in overflow damage.
Applying any slap patch takes a Simple Action, but you would first have to pull it. Depending on where you have it stored, that could take a Free action or a Simple Action.
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