OOC: SR4-First Run, Food Fight! |
OOC: SR4-First Run, Food Fight! |
Feb 4 2006, 04:45 PM
Moving Target Group: Members Posts: 661 Joined: 23-March 03 Member No.: 4,322 |
I gues shadowrunners are paranoid, and this guy comes up to her talking about a piece of biz from the night before, that she has only told to her boyfriend/fixer and Hammer. If he knows about it, then he has to have been following her. If he knows about that, then he knows about the job they pulled, and that could get her geeked, so he had better expect for it to get him geeked if he isn't careful.
Feb 4 2006, 04:47 PM
Moving Target Group: Members Posts: 156 Joined: 12-April 05 From: Greece Member No.: 7,328 |
I am not playing devil's advocate here but if Tzaz supposed he knew us from before then a gruff character like him might easily come up with such an opening line...Also our discussion would probably heavily depended on the ambient and backgorund music which could give us some provacy...
Then again with the technology of Shadowrun and the shadow ettiquette, talking this way in a club would probably be out of the question ... 'Sides, this is why we agreed I dropped dDarHar so as to play a slightly more professional version of him. So I would have to end up siding with Slacker & Tempty on this. Naming names, places and giving specific info out in public is a bad idea to start up a conversation with a Shadowrunner...Unless you are looking at getting aqauinted with the wrong end of his weapons :-) Dunno my 2 cents of thoughts :-) I am still finalising Hammer so even if I don't have a commlink I will put it in now for the sake of the story :-) |
Feb 4 2006, 04:50 PM
Target Group: Members Posts: 79 Joined: 16-January 06 Member No.: 8,173 |
Im not a shadowrunner per se. Im a paramedic. I waited till the Troll/Tempty conversation was stopped, I was polite. Im going to my end of the bar and drink/think. Im also going to listen in on the Tempty conversation. Perception 7(10). 4,2,2,2,5,6,4,2,5,3 |
Feb 4 2006, 04:51 PM
Moving Target Group: Members Posts: 661 Joined: 23-March 03 Member No.: 4,322 |
Even just a handheld unit is fine, the only difference is whether it can be taken away, you don't need to actually have one implanted, but most everyone has a commlink of some kind.
Feb 4 2006, 05:02 PM
Moving Target Group: Members Posts: 156 Joined: 12-April 05 From: Greece Member No.: 7,328 |
Edit : I need to re-read the book on commlinks- Why would I need one? For the sake of communications between teams? Is that standard procedure or is there some easier way to have a simpler chrome component that need not give me access to the Matrix? I am a bit confused now....Sorry I will try and sort it out in my head but I could use some pointers... :-)
Feb 4 2006, 05:04 PM
Moving Target Group: Members Posts: 156 Joined: 12-April 05 From: Greece Member No.: 7,328 |
My previous version of the sheet had a handheld one mainly used for as phone ...Bu thtis aint DarHar so I need to reconsider....
:-) In essense what I am interested in is how "open" will that leave me to hackers? :-) Otherwise I will probably add a basic internal commlink.... |
Feb 5 2006, 04:04 AM
Moving Target Group: Members Posts: 753 Joined: 31-October 03 Member No.: 5,780 |
A commlink can be set up to serve as many things, but the most common is basically a home/business computer, your back accounts (as far as confirming its you and tallying), phone, spam-receiver, etc, etc.
It's just about anything, lol. Active mode means you will note many things and aren't 'hiding' from them either. Passive means you're not hiding, but people would have to try and confirm you (subscribe or whatever) to get more active with ya. It's the polite form of 'I'm not interested in multicolor tofu, thank you.'. Hidden mode is the overcoat and the hate with black shades. people have to actually search you our or they won't detect you. Naturally, subscribing them tends to void that unless you're hacking. Some areas have a 'No' policy to hiding. As far as hackers go, they'd have to get into your system. a basic system without protections is at mercy, but if you know some decent techies, they will probably give you some protection, lol. Worse case, you flip the off switch and become immune by becoming nonexistant. that sort of thing. *goes to read now* |
Feb 5 2006, 04:28 AM
Moving Target Group: Members Posts: 753 Joined: 31-October 03 Member No.: 5,780 |
Making checks for a watcher spirit. 8 dice:
5,1,5,2,6,2,5,6 5 successes O_o Lowering it to 2 successes for 2hours, resisting drain of 2, 8 dice: 2,5,3,4,5,5,1,4 3 successes. no drain suffered. Perception checks of some sort may be needed if ghostie gets to close to fellow runners, fyi. |
Feb 5 2006, 09:29 AM
Moving Target Group: Members Posts: 156 Joined: 12-April 05 From: Greece Member No.: 7,328 |
Ok I go tme a commlink...Question number 3....I pay for the internal commlink, Ipay fo rthe model, do I need to pay for th eoperating system as well? Are these th ebare minimums I need and all else is extra? I think I only calculated the commlink and the model not the OS...
Feb 5 2006, 08:54 PM
Moving Target Group: Members Posts: 753 Joined: 31-October 03 Member No.: 5,780 |
OS is also a separate buy, and again you could possibly get something decent if you got a techi friend, but an OS is the bigger part of things, so that's less likely.
Beyond that, I would recommend getting the common use programs at least. :P lol. You should read the commlink section really. |
Feb 5 2006, 10:03 PM
Target Group: Members Posts: 79 Joined: 16-January 06 Member No.: 8,173 |
Jack assumes tempty is a gunslinger based on Wang Chi description.
Looking for weapons. 7(9) 2,5,3,1,5,2,1,3,2 Jack checks out the troll. Assume he was the masked vigalante from stuffer shack. lokking for weapons 7(9). 3,6,3,1,3,5,6,5,3 If things get tight, go Invisible, and get out of club. Otherwise order more beer. |
Feb 6 2006, 05:55 AM
Runner Group: Members Posts: 3,420 Joined: 30-October 03 Member No.: 5,776 |
@Tzaz: Since I believe their intention was to communicate via commlink, there really wasn't anything for you to over hear, even if they were talking to each other they would have tried to do so quietly since you were still in the club, that combined with the noise of the club would mean you wouldn't have been able to pick up on much if anything. Doesn't much matter as they were just saying that they were going to go to the backroom and you can easily figure that out by watching them get up and head towards the back.
About the perceiving of concealed items....I'm actually not using the official rules on this because it would require you to roll seperately for each item concealed and based on the modifier I give you you could come fairly close to guessing just what it is they are hiding (though that would be metagaming). In stead of giving a negative dice pool modifier based on the size of the item, I am increasing the threshold needed to detect it. Using this house rule, you did not notice any pistols concealed on Tempty, but you think you may have noticed something hard and straight in her boot, though that may just be some sort of odd design (at least I don't see your character as being up on women's footwear fashion/design). If I'm not mistaken Mark checked any weapons he was carrying at the door, but with that roll, I will say you notice some tears in his gloves. Could be just old gloves, or maybe something more. (Oh and I'm taking it that it's your character that thinks Mark is the masked crusader from the Stuffer Shack incident, because in reality its not.) There is no message from Wang Chi for you, nor is there any activity from him on any of his usual matrix haunts. @netlich: The main functionality of a commlink besides general communication with the outside is providing a connection and security to various equipment you have on you. For instance, your cyber-ware smartlink and your guns' smartlink are wirelessly connected. Without a commlink they are still wirelessly connected, but their firewall rating is typically going to be lower than if you had a commlink so it would make them easier to hack. It is possible to add the skinlink to both the smartlink cyberwear and the gun so that they can talk without wireless, but really that is still meant to be controlled via a commlink. Don't forget you can load up your commlink and/or each device with IC if you want. You can also buy an Encryption program to make all your devices use encrypted signals (technically you should have to buy one program per device, but i would go ahead and let you just buy one Encryption program for all your devices). The encryption won't make it impossible to hack, but it will add one more step before it can be hacked, and in a combat situation that is just one more step too many in most cases. The OS is a separate purchase, but it is a necessary purchase to make the device function. It's kind of like buying a PC in modern day without buying Windows or some other operating system. You could spend thousands on all the hardware, but without the operating system its just the worlds biggest paperweight. @Shalimar: Most bars/clubs have a backroom that they let out to private parties (especially in Shadowrun). So its fine for you and Mark the Hammer to go back there to talk privately. Though you'll get kicked out if anybody else has to use it and the employee that lets you back there does tell you that a private party is scheduled for sometime tonight. @Cold-Dragon: There are no details on this club so I rolled a random d6 to see if the private room was warded at all. With the owner of the place being a fixer it seems quite logical that he might have a ward put on the room. And because the die came up as a 6 it looks like the room is in fact warded. It will take a moment for you to get tired of just silence from your watcher before you ask it what is going on and it informs you that they went beyond a ward. |
Feb 6 2006, 06:26 AM
Moving Target Group: Members Posts: 753 Joined: 31-October 03 Member No.: 5,780 |
eek. A private room. I guess I missed a sentence, lol...understood.
Feb 6 2006, 06:30 AM
Target Group: Members Posts: 79 Joined: 16-January 06 Member No.: 8,173 |
Yes i am assuming that Mark is DarHar. A Spatial Recognizer [p. 325] does not help overhearing conversations? |
Feb 6 2006, 06:41 AM
Moving Target Group: Members Posts: 753 Joined: 31-October 03 Member No.: 5,780 |
A sound filter certainly would, I don't know about the other...heh..
But going on to other things, Celia is debating pulling the 'I need to return a troll friends broken commlink and apologize for busting it.' To try and get into the back room, or at least get one/both of them back out. She's hoping a little more tact and selective information will make them more workable. So what sort of checks would you like in that situation? |
Feb 6 2006, 06:47 AM
Target Group: Members Posts: 79 Joined: 16-January 06 Member No.: 8,173 |
Slacker: you can run the pet rock. Cold dragon is very good talking to her spirit. I am not.
Feb 6 2006, 06:51 AM
Moving Target Group: Members Posts: 156 Joined: 12-April 05 From: Greece Member No.: 7,328 |
Well the idea is that Jack will be joinning us in the private room...I haven't post anything and I guess Shalimar hadn't either as we were expecting a heads up on whether it was doable and a room was empty...Now we have to convince the dwarf to come to a small room away form public!!!! Hmmmm... ;-)
Should I go ahead and post Mark trying to convince Jack to join them in the private room or is Tempty going to do something else? |
Feb 6 2006, 07:21 AM
Moving Target Group: Members Posts: 753 Joined: 31-October 03 Member No.: 5,780 |
*bows* thanks for the compliment. I'm sorry your Pet Rock isn't as talkative as my rat eater. Although now that it's being stated aloud so much, I might find myself doubling spirit duties. O_o Not that I would mind, but still, be funny in my eyes. ^-^ lol As to Jacks invitation, despite knowing, Celia will probably still try to use the commlink to get in too. Darn those metagame limitations (I jest, of course). |
Feb 6 2006, 10:05 AM
Moving Target Group: Members Posts: 661 Joined: 23-March 03 Member No.: 4,322 |
Yea, I just wanted to know if it was doable to get the room. Once she found out, she was going to go talk to Jack and ask him to come with her and discuss Wang Chi in private since he thought it was so important that he was willing to just blurt stuff out in public.
Since they are all inside the club, presumably, they all came through security, just like jack had to all check their weapons. So relatively speaking it should be safe. |
Feb 6 2006, 03:36 PM
Moving Target Group: Members Posts: 753 Joined: 31-October 03 Member No.: 5,780 |
Well, guess I don't really need to seduce the bartender person. ^-^ Not that I would have 'seduced' seduced. But hey, we'll see!
Feb 6 2006, 03:54 PM
Moving Target Group: Members Posts: 156 Joined: 12-April 05 From: Greece Member No.: 7,328 |
Let me guess this straight as I am a bit confused - Now Tempty is angered and talking in public too giving names and saying she is a runner?
Can we take a pause and give some backdrop info on the joint we are in? Is this a regular haunt where no out-of-the-shadows types would not regularly drop in to listen? To be honest I would personally consider giving names, or info about your runner status or jobs as not something to be done in public...Of course some people (like Mark) do look like the shadowrunning type so he does have a problem there no matter how "pro" he tries to sound - especially once you count the fact he isn't charismatic in talking... In any case how about we solve some of these issues OOC before we continue IC? As much as I like roleplaying a pro character I also like to metagame a bit especially in starting a module and ensuring that the characters DO get totgether and cooparate - I am also roleplaying a Shadowrunning Razorboy Troll who has been around for a few rans and survived while still having a valid SIN number so there are a few lines I will not cross in the way Mark is roleplayed if he has indeed managed to ruffle corp's feathers and still be out there getting jobs... Or perhaps I am exaggerating things? |
Feb 6 2006, 04:08 PM
Moving Target Group: Members Posts: 753 Joined: 31-October 03 Member No.: 5,780 |
Well, true, a little bit for team cooperation might not hurt. Otherwise....
It sounds like it's a relatively busy club we're in, yes? Depending on the noise or how loud people are actually being, it'd be somewhat hard to hear, even with filtering, There are limits. Slacker will either figure out something, or we'll figure out something ourselves. At this rate, I wouldn't put it against those present to pick up Tzaz (literally), put him on the shoulder, and walk him into the room. |
Feb 6 2006, 04:20 PM
Moving Target Group: Members Posts: 156 Joined: 12-April 05 From: Greece Member No.: 7,328 |
Yeah but at the same time there is the "Don't shoot the messanger" slightly altered scenario - somebody had to somehow get us together and poor Tzaz got the worst of it by the looks of it...At the same time he was working on some assumptions IC and OOC which I personally can understand how they drove him to approach us in such a blunt and perhaps unprofessional way....Besides if the guy is not a shadowrunner he has to get the "baptism of fire" so to say some day... So perhaps things are going ok at the moment if we keep a good hold on them in character but out of character as well...
Which means I overreacted :-) :-) |
Feb 6 2006, 04:55 PM
Target Group: Members Posts: 79 Joined: 16-January 06 Member No.: 8,173 |
Mark is DarHar. Tempty is a friend of Wang Chi. Celia is a friend of Wang Chi. Wang Chi did not make it back from the Stuffer shack. I know the resumes of Tempty, Taku, Rydell, Zelda, Crosshairs. I am a paramedic and this is my first "conversation " with Shadowrunners. |
Feb 6 2006, 05:01 PM
Running, running, running Group: Dumpshocked Posts: 2,220 Joined: 18-October 04 From: North Carolina Member No.: 6,769 |
Slacker asked me to post this since he's still at work and can't access dumpshock:
Lo-Fi Version | Time is now: 31st January 2025 - 01:15 AM |
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