Sep 17 2005, 01:28 PM
Dark Father murdered...
Bloodyguts Murdered...
Lady Death Kidnapped...
So, what happened to Red Wraith?
Sep 17 2005, 06:05 PM
QUOTE (JesterX) |
Dark Father murdered... |
I loved that racist decker honkey whom was also a ghoul.
and yes where is Red Wraith , is this system failure info? And what about the Woman with the anubis persona ? Can't remeber her name , she ran the barrens Matrix school , Timea or something like that. she was alright too
Sep 18 2005, 08:52 AM
This is System Failure info and is basicly Deus telling Mirage to back the Frag off my business. Red Wraith is still around or at least not caputred/kill before the crash. He makes a couple of posts later in the book.
Sep 18 2005, 10:30 AM
For those who thought the names were familiar, check out the Psychotrope novel by Lisa Smedman
Sep 18 2005, 02:01 PM
One of Mirages' otakus that I think would be nearly untouchable would be Hitomi (but I wouldn't put it pass the authors to do so, and since my FLGS has not gotten System Failure...

Sep 18 2005, 05:50 PM
Wasn't she snatched at one point but then freed later?
SL James
Sep 18 2005, 08:57 PM
Sep 18 2005, 11:25 PM
With Dues's already proven track record with using drugs and psychotropic ICE to rebuild people's personalities and create Manchurian candidates, I hope someone's put this girl fully under the microscope.
Sep 19 2005, 01:11 AM
QUOTE (toturi) |
One of Mirages' otakus that I think would be nearly untouchable would be Hitomi (but I wouldn't put it pass the authors to do so, and since my FLGS has not gotten System Failure... ) |
What happened to Hitomi Shiawase was detailed in SOTA:2064. The SF stuff is just a repeat of that.
SL James
Sep 19 2005, 04:06 AM
SOTA:2064 didn't mention that Deus framed Ex Pacis for it.
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