Lastest file is dated 2005/Oct/02 over top of the Legend at the top rightmost of the main sheet.
As always feel free to take the file and run with it. All the sheets are protected, but the passwords are all blank. Just PM Autarkis and myself if you plan on doing some major work so we hopefully we can avoid having to pick either one or the other improvements, and instead get them all. This one was a fairly major change, not on the main sheet but elsewhere.....
Large rework of the Magic section:
- fixed Spell cost calculation error
- support for Spirits, including BP costs and data validation of all limits (but not checking spirits vs. Tradition)
- data validation for limits on Spells
- better checking for Adept Powers
- now checks to see if character is actually awakened, if not have visual warning on the Magic sheet and DOES NOT include any awakened character BP costs (Spells, spirits, Magic attribute) when totalling up on the main sheet, this means you can switch between awakened character and mundane/techno for a better look at overall character cost, and then back again without having to clear and then reenter all the Magic options
- rearranged layout to fit in smaller window, all except the Attribute arrary from the Powers is very easily visible on 1024x768, very close to all visible for me on 800x600 (although i run with fat menu/title bars and a few toolbars up)
- added Excel tool-tip style comments to help explain what is going on (where ever there are those red triangles in the top-right of the cells)
Added a entirely new section for Technomancers:
- all the general features listed above for the Magic section, except that support is complete for costs and validation purchasing Sprites and Complex Forms
- all visible on 800x600 screen, no dropdowns for Complex Forms (short list, ya!)
'Ware section:
- renamed sheet to "Cyberware/Bioware"
- now displays Avail, and does so correctly for all "Cyberware/Bioware" you select on that sheet, this includes for the few special cases of 'ware with static Avail. for variable Ratings
- will give visual warning if Avail 12 exceeded
- handles Bone Density/Bone Lacing bonus to Body separately
- cleaned up layout to fit easily in 1024x768 except for Attribute matrix (not tested at 800x600, but it should be close), in included improved names and descriptions in the 'ware list, as well as resizing the appropriate columns to alway fully display names/descriptions but no more than needed
- Rating column has more imformative display to let you know when Rating shouldn't be used (includes visual warning on validation errors)
- also the the "N/A" option was removed from the possible Ratings to choose because it is no longer needed with the new layout
- a few more tool-tip comments added
- a Toxin column added for future use tracking those Body check bonuses, but it isn't used yet
Main sheet:
- added display of cash remaining after Cyberware/Bioware purchases right below inital Resource figure
- added some support for Skills at 7 (it calculates the cost, but doesn't not check for the Aptitute Quality for that specific Skill), including more validation for specifying rank for Skill/Skill Group (groups over 4 now display as red on yellow)
- added text for bonus Body that is only used for damage resistance tests (this is from the Bone 'ware), right now it caps this bonus so that when added to the 'normal' augmented Body it will never exceed the augmented max cap, but i'm pondering this as sometimes your Body may temporarily drop (from magic, etc.) so you'll want to know the whole thing even if you can't use it all
- choosing Techno or one of the awakened types causes more changes in the display of "static" text, has better validation checking, and will only include Magic related costs (Spirits, Spells, Magic) for awakened characters and Resonance type costs (Res, Sprites, Forms) for Technos.
- a few more tool-tip comments
P.S. Next phase i'll likely be adding an equipment purchasing section to help buy equipment. I might also add some critical details for the Spells selected since right now it just lists the name and that is all. But i'll likely have to wait till at least mid-week before i get around to even looking into what form that might take.