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Hocus Pocus
well I've been saving up to buy some ram from my dell 8200 comp and I've finally have enough to buy 2 sticks of 256ram total of 768.

it's got me thinking that even that will not be sufficient for most games coming around the bend. Since I'm getting a new job which pays better maybe I could save for that instead of the ram and buy a new rig, keeping my dell monitor. My ram will cost like 170 bucks can one build a decent gaming rig in the neighborhood of 5-8 hundred bucks?
Well it depends. Your first mistake was getting a Dell (damm them and their propritary everything), so I cant even tell you to just peicemeal it.

If you can find a case (with pref a 350-400 watt power supply), you can pick up a pretty reasonable motherboard/CPU/Ram combo for 3-4 hundred, a repectable video card for another 200, and a 80 gig HD for about 100. So its possible, just not easy.
Hocus Pocus
ty lindt

been confering with a few friends and my buds at UW and the general consensus is to wait a year

crappy rdr ram is what is the big deal seeing as how I got a dimension 8200. Ima gonna upgrade for now so that my WOW experience can be a little better
You probably want to shoot for at least a gig of good RAM for alot of the newer games. I'm still at 512 and I hate it.
Top of the line come with 2GB of RAM and more now, so yeah 1GB is a minimum.
Shadow is your friend.

AMD 2.2 ghz 3200 proc
1gig of ram
Asus MB
Nvidie Gforce 6600
Tsunami case

Total= >$600.00

QUOTE (Hocus Pocus)
been confering with a few friends and my buds at UW and the general consensus is to wait a year

That's always true.

That said, you need to define "decent gaming rig". If you mean something that plays new games well at medium quality settings, the answer is usually. If you mean something that plays games from a year or two ago well at high quality settings, the answer is yes. If you mean something that plays new games well at high quality settings, the answer is unlikely but you may get lucky. If you mean something that will play games coming out a year from now well at high quality settings, quadruple or quintuple that price.

Hocus Pocus

i had got 512 more of samsung ram from and it works great! I now have 768 and i don't lag at all through Iron Forage in WOW. I have the graphics off as I'm not too concerned with how it looks but how it plays. I'd like to get a new comp still next year, but considering my wife raised h e double hocky sticks at me buying this ram it is unlikely.

for now it suits my purposed quite well and I'm very happy i got it.
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