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Musashi Forever
All right, here’s the deal for the OOC thread. Naturally this is the place for all OOC comments. I would rather not have any OOC comments in the IC thread no matter how they are tagged. I don’t care if you want to be clever, just do it in the proper place.

Dice rolls for all tests will be made here. Please post them by writing what they are for then putting the numbers themselves in spoilers. I don’t mind what method you use, computer program, real dice, whatever, but I expect you to be honest about the rules. Not much that’s lower than lying about the dice. sarcastic.gif

Also, I have pretty much all the time in the world so it is up to you guys ow fast we take this. But if you're going to be gone for more than a couple days it would be nice for you to give everyone a heads-up. I know this is not always possible, just be courteous.

Above all I hope that we can have a fun time playing this game. I will do my best to stay on top of everything, but even with my god-like powers as a GM I may overlook something. If you think I’ve made a mistake send me a private message and we will work it out. biggrin.gif

one eyed bat
Dice roll [12 exloping 6's into infinity]

No really, I rolled it... am still rolling it.

Actually, I really rolled Stealth:
[ Spoiler ]
and Charisma
[ Spoiler ]
I rolled some summoning, but don't remember the exact dice, just the results. I'll do better next time biggrin.gif

Do any of the PC's other than C.J. and Cryptic speak Spanish?
Musashi Forever
Bat, you're still not doing spoilers correctly.
Cryptic will be wearing his Secure Ultra Vest, and have his Max-Power (silencer detached but on his person), He's also holding a SIN which identifies him as George Marshall, and his pocket computer. As he enters, he is scanning for radio frequencies, looking for law enforcement, security, and anything "out of the ordinary."

[ Spoiler ]

He's also scanning the room visually for things which seem "odd" or a possible danger. He's also looking for available exits.

Perception Check

[ Spoiler ]
C.J. Perception

[ Spoiler ]
Musashi Forever
Sic, put your rolls in spoilers please.
sorry. will do.
Heathers percption
[ Spoiler ]
Musashi Forever
I'll get moving with the story when Cedric reports in, but could everyone at the bar give me an etiquette check please? Pliskin doesn't need one because he already made it. Street specilization applies, but none others. You can default to intimidation or Charisma if you need to.
Etiquette check

[ Spoiler ]
one eyed bat
This is like the first character I've made in a long time that doesn't have intimidation, and I actually need to use it now. Golly, doesn't that just beat all. Well, I'm sure it's just a rutine, see-if-you-piss-off-the-door-gaurd roll.
C.J.'s Etiquette, defaulted from Negotiation

[ Spoiler ]

Maybe it's a routine 'see if you piss off J and he kills you anyway because you are human' test.
Heathers Etiquette, defaulted from Charisma
[ Spoiler ]
one eyed bat

Bar scene
Musashi Forever
Good pics Bat. Thanks.
Cedric Rolfsson
Sorry bout that folks, missed the beginning of dam game. My bad.

Etiquette check for Mace:

[ Spoiler ]

Mace is wearing his Secure Jacket and one Cougar fine blade under the jacket at his back. He thought long and hard about bringing his SCK along but opted against it.
I'm glad you made it, we needed some sort of magical support out there.

Dice Roll to GM
[ Spoiler ]
Cedric Rolfsson
Astral perceptions test:

[ Spoiler ]

one eyed bat
Int test to see if I can figure out why the bar flies don't like me.
[ Spoiler ]
Cedric Rolfsson
QUOTE (brohopcp)
I rolled some summoning, but don't remember the exact dice, just the results. I'll do better next time biggrin.gif

Do any of the PC's other than C.J. and Cryptic speak Spanish?

brohopcp, in response to your earlier query, Mace speaks Spainish.
Excellent, Snake said he could as well. If Heather can we've got another wrinkle to use.
Cedric Rolfsson
Mace can also speak a little Latin, (product of a classical education) smile.gif
Quite useful when reading species names.

Etiquette from Charisma - GM
[ Spoiler ]
heather can speak Spanish too
Excelente, ahora podemos gobernar el mundo.
gobernar I don't know. the rest I got.. "now we can... something... the world."

Perception Check

[ Spoiler ]
What is everyone's Call-Sign for the radio? Cryptic's is.. obviously Cryptic. He's real name btw is Frank Dixon, I presume your characters know that.

I figure Plisken's is Snake, and Cedric's is apparently Mace. (is' Cedric's character named Cedric too? I'm confused.) But what about CJ and Heather? using those over the radio seem like giving away more than necessary to any one listening.
one eyed bat
Well now, someone whose name is Cryptic that specializes in radio communations should be able to do something about the transmissions being listened to, huh? I mean with a name like that I should be able to read off your social security numbers and directions to our houses, you think? I mean come on, that's your freaking job isn't it? We could pay just about anyone to talk at us on a radio from the safty of a bullet-proof bubble car, couldn't we?

I'm just messing with you. I actually really like your character's roll and what he could do for the team. But, I am, first and foremost, an ass.
Cedric Rolfsson
Okay, everyone had my character's name messed up during the exchange, player name is Cedric character name is Mace. His real name is Mason Valin, but everyone calls him Mace. Call sign would be Mace.
Musashi Forever
Snake does have a point, even if he put it the most ass way possible. You guys are running level four encryption you might not have to be as anal as you think. Depends how paranoid you are.

I mean what do you have to fear from lovable old Palooka, your friendly neighborhood Game Master. grinbig.gif
Unless otherwise written, my handle will be C.J. I would suggest not using 'boss' or 'captain' or 'supreme overlord'.

I'm not to worried with the encryption in place, but I will stick with one handle to allow our/my reputation on the streets to grow.

F.Y.I. The gm is evil (but in a good way).
Musashi Forever
QUOTE (brohopcp)
F.Y.I. The gm is evil (but in a good way).

He's lying to you...I'm harmless. spin.gif
lol.. Cryptic is paranoid... it's part of his charm.
one eyed bat
To GM:
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Cedric Rolfsson
Astral Perceptions roll for Mace:

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Cedric Rolfsson
Uhhhh, brohopcp, I don't have any kind of communications package, subvocalizing won't exactly get my thoughts on anything.

I'd suggest we talk about specific logistical problems:
1. Method of insertion
2. Method of extraction
3. Specific logistical support available on site.
4. Security levels; numbers, arms, etc.

If we can't get specific details then I'd suggest a flat fee of 500,000. For a 100K a piece, I think I'd sign on for a pig-in-a-poke mission with zero intel and little chance of sucess. smile.gif
Understood, thanks for the ideas.

I thought we all had throat mikes with our radios so we could do the whole subvocal thing. I realize you probably have a cyber radio, but that shouldn't matter, should it? Anyway, let me know if I have been playing it wrong, thanks.
Cedric Rolfsson
uhh, I didn't buy a radio with subvocal mic I don't htink.

Astral perceptions for aura reading:
[ Spoiler ]

Musashi Forever
You read his aura when you walked in.
I guess we'll have to take a look at getting those, it also seems that I failed to purchase one as well. It's good we still have a chunk of change (11,310 nuyen.gif )

Subvocal Throat Mike's cost 500 nuyen.gif

Cryptic, what else per person (if you could, please list equipment, cost, and use) do we need to make that rating 4 broadcast encryption you bought work through radios set up with subvocal microphones? Assume I bought no radio equipment at all. Thanks.
I bought 4 microtranscievers at rating 4 with rating 4 encryption for CJ,Mace, Heather and Snake. I also bought Heather encryption at rating 4 for Heather's headware radio. It was my understanding that microtrancievers came with throat mikes for subvocalization, but I could be wrong, I don't have the book in front of me. if they don't, Mace would still need to lean over, but he would hear the comment at least.

Musashi Forever
I'll check out what the micro trancievers include. We all dropped part of this ball. nyahnyah.gif
Cedric Rolfsson

[ Spoiler ]
Musashi Forever
To Cedric
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Ok everybody. Your trancievers came with subvocal mics. cool.gif
Cedric Rolfsson
got it, no more test on this particular subject. wink.gif
TY GM, that's good news.
aye. hurray for GM!

Musashi Forever
So now everyone has one, but just to make certain that my records are correct, who had cyber-mics already?
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