I'm probably violating some sort of copyright restriction, but seeing as how I don't care, I figure I'd help everybody else out until a real GM screen comes out:
I'm trying to keep each page relatively themed through colors and information mentioned.
The cheat sheet isn't done yet, since I haven't even started on vehicles, drones, or the Matrix. I'm just trying to make a set of quick combat tables and flow-charts so dredging through the book for information doesn't take too much time.
I need some suggestions for other stuff to put in, especially for the Matrix. Too much of the Matrix seemed vague to me, so maybe just a few parts in particular.
I probably won't copy down what every action does (though info about what rolls you need for Quick Draw, First Aid, etc. would be nice). I'm thinking about just copying that sheet out from the back of the book where it shows EVERY action known to man, along with page numbers.
Also keep an eye out for typos or mistakes. Hope you like.
Stuff to do:
- Vehicles
- Probably astral/magic things I forgot
- Perception tests
- Social, build/repair, and other "Using Skills" info
- Matrix!
- Probably will avoid gear and weapon stats because it'd just be too huge