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Full Version: SR4 GM Screen, MiniatureRules, Dieroller, InitTool
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Hey, I suck. I've been posting all my SR4 gizmos into the actual SR4 forum, and I didn't notice there was a forum dedicated to community "stuff". Maybe now I'll get some replies! Here's some links to stuff I've been working on:

[edit: added some mirrors w/latest updates]

[edit: IGNORE ALL THESE LINKS, go to bottom post for most recent version]

GM Screen PDF (work in progress)
direct: GM Screen
direct: (old GM Screen, might not work)

SR4 Miniature Rules PDF (mostly done, just need input)
direct: Movement Rules
direct: Movement Rules Mirror (might not work)

OpenRPG SR4 Dieroller + SR4 Initiative Tool (done)
direct: (SR4 Diceroller)
direct: (InitToolv2.1)

/me spends 4 karma to improve his h4x0ring skill.

EDIT: damn, doesn't seem to be up at the time of this posting... oh well, be patient
EDIT2: Thanks Connor. Forums shortened the links for some reason. Hope it works now?
Actually the links are messed up. Where it says veggi... it is actually pointing at veggi... instead of veggiesama, same for the other one.

Nice work though!

Yeah, they look good from here.
The GM Screen has been upgraded to include Vehicular Combat (two pages worth!) and a list of most actions (organized by Combat, Rigger, Magic, and Matrix):

I should start putting headers at the top of each sheet or something.
Great work!
It gives a nice clear breakdown of the combat sequence for those of us that are new to this game system. Thanks.

Clark smile.gif
I made some more updates to the GM Screen, but MyFileStash is acting up and won't let me upload the changes. Can anyone else help with hosting?

- fixed some typos/grid mistakes
- added Shotgun Spread table to the third page
- added the Damage Types page, showing all the effects of different types of damage (fire, fatigue, etc.)
- added the Social Situations page, showing all of the social modifiers and information about charisma-linked opposed tests
- added the Perception page, showing methods, modifiers, and thresholds for Perception tests, along with information for Matrix Perception, Astral Perception, Astral Signatures, and Assensing thresholds.
- removed the uncolorful actions page that was organized only by Free/Simple/Complex actions (the page that organizes actions into Combat, Rigger, Magic, and Matrix is still there, though)

I'll try uploading this a little later and make a post if it works then.
EDIT: It's been uploaded, grab it here:
More changes! Once again, myFileStash doesn't want to let me upload (guess I gotta wait until non-primetime). Until then, I do have a cruddy temporary link:

- Added three pages worth of Matrix and Hacking material!! The whole freaking chapter is almost covered.
- Bookmarks have been added (still no headers for print copies; hmm, I should work on that).
- Reasonable attempt to standardize more colors (shotguns got changed to blue, chase combat lost its ugly orange).

Give me a yell if anything in the GM screen makes your eyes bleed.
Gothic Rose
Suggestion, if I may.

On the Full Defense column, for the defender, put:


and for the melee, put /Gymnastics at the end of each, as well.

Awesome work, Veggie!

Veggi, any reason you haven't linked this thread in the sticky post at the top? It's kinda a pain to track down once it slips past the 30-day mark. frown.gif
QUOTE (Veggiesama)
More changes! Once again, myFileStash doesn't want to let me upload (guess I gotta wait until non-primetime). Until then, I do have a cruddy temporary link:

- Added three pages worth of Matrix and Hacking material!! The whole freaking chapter is almost covered.
- Bookmarks have been added (still no headers for print copies; hmm, I should work on that).
- Reasonable attempt to standardize more colors (shotguns got changed to blue, chase combat lost its ugly orange).

Give me a yell if anything in the GM screen makes your eyes bleed.

Veggie; I sent you an email via the forum, but I forgot to add... I have a permanent host I can offer. So, send the warez this way and I'll gladly host 'em for you. My contact info is in the email the board sent you, however that works.
I've been talking to Yoan, and he's been kind enough to host my PDFs for the time being. I've been getting back into the SR4 scene with a new game coming up, so expect to see updates (probably in a new post) sometime to the GM Screen (speaking of which, I should probably change the name back to "cheat sheet" to avoid any confusion with the announced SR4 GM screen). Thanks Yoan! =)

GM Screen/GM Cheat Sheet
Grunt & Lieutenant Creation Guide
Miniature Movement Rules

As for the OpenRPG tools, the SR4 dice have now been included in the latest release of OpenRPG. You can find the initiative tool floating around on their forums somewhere. Go here:
Very nice stuff Veggiesama. The changing font sizes on the GM screen get to me a little bit, but it's a great piece of work.
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