Hey, I suck. I've been posting all my SR4 gizmos into the actual SR4 forum, and I didn't notice there was a forum dedicated to community "stuff". Maybe now I'll get some replies! Here's some links to stuff I've been working on:
[edit: added some mirrors w/latest updates]
[edit: IGNORE ALL THESE LINKS, go to bottom post for most recent version]
GM Screen PDF (work in progress)
post: http://forums.dumpshock.com/index.php?showtopic=10312
direct: GM Screen
direct: (old GM Screen, might not work)
SR4 Miniature Rules PDF (mostly done, just need input)
post: http://forums.dumpshock.com/index.php?show...=0entry318764
direct: Movement Rules
direct: Movement Rules Mirror (might not work)
OpenRPG SR4 Dieroller + SR4 Initiative Tool (done)
post: http://forums.dumpshock.com/index.php?showtopic=9999
direct: http://milspec.tss.its.nyu.edu/sr/sr4_dieroller.zip (SR4 Diceroller)
direct: http://milspec.tss.its.nyu.edu/sr/inittool2.zip (InitToolv2.1)
/me spends 4 karma to improve his h4x0ring skill.
EDIT: damn myFileStash.com, doesn't seem to be up at the time of this posting... oh well, be patient
EDIT2: Thanks Connor. Forums shortened the links for some reason. Hope it works now?