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Basics. Last night my favourite character caught "tEh gh00l". Which basically totally ruins the character, or will require so much adaption that the entire personality and lifestyle will have to change. It's around a year long "campaign" type thing, so I'm going to naturally try to bear with it.

Due to this, I've actually gone out of my way to proper read ghouls and such and realised that they're horribly unbalanced, they get totally, TOTALLY shafted. Favourite character aside (although I wouldn't be doing this if it wasn't for that fact), ghouls are supposed to be pickable as a PC race... yeah, right, who's going to do that?

Flavour is nice, yes. Although I'd compare picking ghoul to the flavour of shit.

So anyway, for the last couple of hours, I've been adding things up and jotting down some suggestions and trying to work out some of the extra modifiers that are hard to apply things with.

Basically, I'm trying to rebalance them so they come to a +0 total, slightly under or higher works too, which ever way, but they should end up a reasonable choice, despite all the negatives that happen.

Anyway, this is what I've kind of worked out with my odd logic, I'm sure not everyone will agree on the values and points I've added up. I'm mostly looking for suggestions and such to balance them up.

The creative minds of this lil' place should sure come up with more than myself only. I'm just going to paste my notes and such below, it's a little messy, but shouldn't be hard to read.


  Unshafting Ghouls


+2 Body    = +4 BP
+1 Strength    = +2 BP
+1 Running Multipler  = +3 BP
Enchanced Smell (-2)  = +2 BP
Enchanted Hearing (-2)  = +2 BP
Immune to Vitas    = +2 BP

Total    = +15


-1 Charisma    = -2 BP
-1 Intelligence    = -2 BP
-1 Essence    = -4 BP*@
-1 Magic Rating    = -4 BP*$

Dietry Requirement (Flesh)  = -2 BP
Mild Allergy, Sunlight  = -3 BP
Sensitive System  = -3 BP@
Blind Flaw    = -6 BP
Dual Natured    = -10 BP$

Total    = -32
    = -35@ - Mundane
    = -28  - Magical

* Apply only one.
@ -1 Essence and Sensitive System Combined = -10 Total
$ -1 Magic and Dual Natured Combinaed  = -10 Total

  !S H A F T E D!

Also to note, YotC Mods

Altered Hair, Major  = -2
Altered Eye Colour  = -1
Altered Skin, Major  = -2

Also to note

Loses all Bioware  = -? ?? -6?
Most Cyberware Destroyed  = -? ?? -6?

Ghoul Social Modifiers  = -? ?? -4?*
* Bad Reputation 4 - +4 TN Social? Equal?


Enhanced Claws    = +2 BP
Fangs    = +2 BP

Total Postitive Value  = +19
Total Negative Value  = -56/-49*
Total Difference to Fix  = 37/30

* Magically Active

Possible Enchanted Ghoul Variants (postive only)


+2 Body    = +4 BP
+1 Quickness ?    = +2 BP
+1 Strength    = +2 BP
+1 Running Multipler  = +3 BP
Double Jointed ?  = +1 BP
High Pain Tolerance Level 3 ?  = +6 BP
Enchanced Smell (-2)  = +2 BP
Enchanted Hearing (-2)  = +2 BP
Immune to Vitas    = +2 BP

Total  = +28 - Need another +28 for +0 Balance.

Note : Most Metatypes end up with a positive balance.

Thanks in advance,

- Baatorian
Ancient History
"Shit happens."

I mean, really. It's like complaining your character gets shafted because they get an organ transplant and catch AIDS. YES! You too will have to deal with significant, life-changes when you become infected wtih Teh Virus!

But hey, imagine the look on thevampire's face when you take a bite out of him!
Yes, shit does happen.

That doesn't excuse the fact that ghouls get shafted. If suggested as a PC playable race, there needs to be a balance. There is an inbalance.

Out of curiousity, why do you always reply to my posts with a "Meeeh wateva" attitude?

- Baatorian
Yeah, with all due sympathy for your character's plight... it is supposed to suck, being a ghoul. The rules to make them playable were added (IIRC) to cover situations like yours, where a PC was infected. They're playable, they just aren't ideal.

I gotta ask, though: why was the character infected? Isn't there, like, a three-month incubation period for the virus? One of my PCs was infected and had ample time to get the necessary treatments. Rattled him a bit, but he was never in any real danger.
Ancient History
QUOTE (Baatorian)
Out of curiousity, why do you always reply to my posts with a "Meeeh wateva" attitude?

Didn't realize I did. However, please be assured that I give that attitude to lots of people, I would never single you out specifically to give you a hard time.

Okay. Firstly. I'm not posting to try to "fix" my character, I'm posting for ideas to fix a *supposedly* playable race. If it were just to "fix" my character, I wouldn't have bothered posting here and I'd just make a boat load of changes.

What I want to do is try to make being a ghoul a little more appealing. There's never been a PC ghoul in my group before, hell the only combat with ghouls ever was last night. I hadn't really bothered to properly look over them, due to what happened, I now have and when I find broken bits, I try to fix them.

Secondly. How. As far as I'm concerned, it was an absolutely unnecessary combat situation. The PCs had just managed to escape a serious Lonestar attempt at killing (not capturing) them, they managed to get away despite serious odds and flee through an old underway system in Redmond.

Enter unnecessary combat with a pair of ghouls. My PC takes a moderate. No successes on the test. They (he) didn't realise they were ghouls at the time, then headed off for a safe house to lay low for a few months to lose LS attention... several months later.


- Baatorian
QUOTE (Ancient History)
Didn't realize I did. However, please be assured that I give that attitude to lots of people, I would never single you out specifically to give you a hard time.

No problem.

I read over your site last night actually while searching DS for any and all posts on ghouls, to see if anything had already been made to attempt to make them a little more playable.

I'd comment on what I read, but it was late and I wasn't in the best of moods and therefore have forgotten whatever I read.

- Baatorian

Edit : Oh I remember. Shiawise (SP) MAYBE having a cure for ghouls. A very important piece of information that.
The long and short of it, is bad things happen to good characters. Some mages get shot up really badly and lose magic points, some lose a leg and have to get a cyber replacement. Apparently someone found a synthetic flesh for ghouls to eat. An advantage is now you do not have to hide bodies, you can just eat them.

I am not in favour of the enhanced ghoul idea, although I feel for you. I had a gm once take my favorite character and make in into a cyberzombie because he thought it would be cool. Sometimes you just have to roll with the punches. (in that case I never played with that gm again.)
Ancient History
Ghouls are very playable - as far as roleplaying, as opposed to rollplaying. They're a challenge to play, to be sure, and a rare choice for a PC race...but then again, few PCs choose to become ghouls!

Consider this: A ghoul can access the astral without becoming a magician, and they can accept cyberware. Sure, they've got some social stigma attached, but they're better at intimidation too. If you survive the change well, you don't suffer quite so bad with stat losses either.

Oh, and you would have noticed something those first few months you were infected - sickness and the like.
Trying not to spam post here.

Okay, please, imagine I said nothing about my character, imagine I said. "Hey, I bought the Shadowrun Companion yesterday, dang, I read ghoul and man, it's a pile of horse shit. Man, I LOVE game balance and choice and damn, they're unbalanced for the worse and a choice no ones even going to consider".

.. and yes anyway. I don't want to make ghouls more than they are, just more balanced, that's all. I don't want them in ANYway being nearly equal to say, Vampires or Nosferatu. Just a little more in there.

Here, these are some of the things I was thinking about, BUT, they come from my impression of ghouls and what ghouls should be able to do (makes them more scary, hey, ghouls ARE for horror if you ask me).

Roof Hopper - Quickness is considered +4 for jumping distances. Ghouls also recieve +2 dice for jumping tests.

Wall Hanger - Ghouls recieve a -2 TN modifier for climbing tests, or +2 dice and can cling stationary to one point with a STR5 test or STR8 for ceilings.

Resistant - Due to HMHVV, ghouls recieves +1(+2?) dice to resist future pathogens (maybe toxins too).

.. can't think of anything else right now, they'll come to me however, but here's some other things, that could be added in, to try and fuck them a little less.

Astral Shutdown - Ghouls can temporarily seal themselves off from astral space for Will Power in combat turns. The astral backlash however strikes them for 4(5?)M stun when it "snaps" back.

Dual Nature - Dual Natured beings recieve impressions from everyone around them all the time. They're treated as automatically recieving 1 success on an assensing test. They can still roll for more if they want to.

Magically Enchanced - Not sure about this. Being dual natured suggests to me that ghouls (or anything else), becomes linked with magic just like all other magically active. You could allow these victims, as long as they could find someone willing to teach them, to actually purchase a magic rating as per initition at say double cost.

Dunno about actually getting magic powers. Hermetic/Shamanic I'd say no point blank, physical adept type powers I'm not sure. It'd at least allow them to try to get a form of masking. At whatever rate, starting a magic 0 and charging double initiation is pretty damn expensive/prohibitive, but does allow SOMEthing to be gained from basically losing the ability to acuire 'ware.

- Baatorian
QUOTE (Ancient History)
Oh, and you would have noticed something those first few months you were infected - sickness and the like.

It was late, we just went off the Shadowrun Companion. I find the information in there a little lacking, but it doesn't say there are any effects in the first month.

QUOTE (Shadowrun Companion Page 33)
No outward signs appear during the first stage, but the virus can be treated if detected.

Ghouls being able to view astral space (permanently) without being a magician is not a good thing, it's a very, very bad thing. Instant death from any astral mage whenever they feel like it and there's absolutely nothing you can do. At least you can attempt to fend off astral spirits/elementals. Wards/barriers/background count, lets not go there.

Roleplaying, not really worth going there to be honest, I am talking about the actual statistic and balance here. If I did go there, I'd only end up bringing up the whole "character" thing again. Sure, some PCs can survive, but some can't.

Imagine that face. Ouch.

- Baatorian
Um, my last remake I considered a ghoul alot, the only thing I didnt like about the ghouls as PC's is that you get the ghoul mods +the roll on the 3rd stage table.. Ghouls would be perfectly fine with just the negatives they get from their normal listing IMHO.. No need to roll on the table, we assume the character made it with 2-3 sux on the table, since well.. 1 sux you can pretty much scrap the character anyway since hes more of an animal than anything else..
Yes, that roll does suck. We automatically assumed three successes. Otherwise we'd be "going back in time" or quiting SR for a good few months.

Out of curiousity, was your character magically active?

Really, picking ghoul makes a nice change roleplaying wise, but paying 10 BP, ontop of metatype costs is just ridiculus to the extreme. Hell, if anything, you should be AWARDED 10 BPs, if you did that, I bet no one in my group would still choose to be a ghoul.

- Baatorian
No I wasnt really magically active, just thought it be nifty to be dual natured guy with a digestive problem, and some hrm.. slight personality issues..

Tho it isnt THAT horrid to be a ghoul mage you loose a total of 2 magic pts but then again, becoming a ghoul should not be a possitive thing..

and 10 bp is fairly cheap IMHO.. but only if you choose human.. nyahnyah.gif

So if I where you I would accept it and get the GM to let you burn Karma when rolling on the chart.... nyahnyah.gif instead of changing the rules..
If you're going to change things retroactively, you're better off letting the character get the treatment he should have had ample chance to receive.

"No outward signs of turning into a ghoul" is not remotely the same thing as "no symptoms of serious viral infection whatsoever".

He shouldn't be getting shafted because you let several months of down-time pass without a word to let him know IC that he was sick.
You actually make a compelling argument, Baatorian. If ghouls are really intended to be viable characters, there is a balance issue. Specifically:

QUOTE (Baatorian)
Ghouls being able to view astral space (permanently) without being a magician is not a good thing, it's a very, very bad thing. Instant death from any astral mage whenever they feel like it and there's absolutely nothing you can do. At least you can attempt to fend off astral spirits/elementals. Wards/barriers/background count, lets not go there.

That is seriously teh suck. As a GM, I've always been a little annoyed at how easily the shaman in our group trounces ghoul packs; I guess that being on the receiving end would be a major pain. I'll take another look at your proposed changes and give them some serious thought befre I reply.
Velocity - Thanks and finally someone seeing things from my side of the debate.

As the heading says in the Shadowrun Companion "New Character Types", which is both Ghouls and Shapeshifters. You can make no mistake that they are supposed to be playable as a PC race. You can also make no mistake that they are severely unbalanced.

Roleplaying and flavour is all good and true. Yet to roleplay something a little different you shouldn't have to get a raw deal at the same time and basically end up with something with a list of weakness so major it's a joke.

.. and pay 10 BP for the privilege? That's laughable. Honestly.

I look forward to seeing what you type up, I'm going to have a phone conversation with several members of my group in a bit, I'll see what comes from that also.

- Baatorian
As someone who's played a ghoul (not been turned into one, but chosen ghoul at chargen) let me just say that it's a pretty telling difference. It's like playing a street-level character in a professional shadowrunner campaign.

I designed the character well enough, for the only task ghouls are really suited for (melee combat with a minimal stealth insertion backing; can't get much more than minimal after dropping so many points just to get 'average' in other areas), and despite this my character was constantly overmatched in everything.

The other players were mostly inexperienced, and several only had the core book, so they weren't going crazy with optional gear and rules. I certainly wasn't out of my depth as a player, but my character was more than over his head.

My personal suggestion: make some of the disadvantages more mild. It's mentioned that some ghouls don't suffer from blindness, 'obvious' physical deformities (hair, skin, etc.) or at least don't have them to the same extent. So, make the base ghoul template not have those features, but allow ghoul players to take them as additional Flaws much like Changelings can take extra Flaws.

Not a huge change, but it's a start; 'combat' ghouls would get 5 BP or so back from the disadvantages to invest elsewhere, and non-combat ghouls would be a little more likely to occur.
The face is actually one of the least shafted archetypes when it comes time to get ghoulified, assuming that he gets three successes. Physical signs of being a ghoul can be defeated with cosmetic surgery and/or makeup. The eyes can certainly be replaced with realistic cybereyes and possibly bioeyes. BO can be defeated by clean metabolism.
Replace his lost CTPs (assuming he had any), as well.

On the other hand, the razorguy is lucky that most of his crome broke because, if it hadn't, he would have instantly droped dead from essence loss due to his sensitive system. He still might drop dead from essence loss. Characters with essence <= 1 can't survive the transformation at all.

The magician gets to astrally percieve without penality to physical action, with a slight drawback but he also loses a point of magic. This can be geased away and can be replaced with initiation. On the other hand, essence loss (and magic loss) from cyber is also amplified. In order to pass a magician will have to sacrifice, at least, another point of magic.

The adept also lose 1 point of magic but that can be geased away or replaced with initiation. The adept must also sacrifice another point of magic to pass. The adept isn't quite as safe in astral space.

The rigger and the decker, I'm not sure. Sensitive System shafts the heavily chromed but doesn't do much against the lightly chromed. Otaku aren't really hurt at all. They're already freaky kids with their own little world.

So, the order of screwed is -

Full Magicians

Aspected Magicians with spellcasting ability

Uncybered mundanes

Adepts, Aspected Conjurers, and lightly cybered mundanes

Heavily cybered mundanes, AKA dead.

Passing would give you the Dark Secret flaw in exchange for 0 social modifiers. So long as you don't solicit your butcher for ripe baby you should be alright.
Yeah, I'd say that's the right definition of 'screwed.' It's better to just take a shot in the face from an assault cannon. Not that either is much of a choice, but...

I'd say the character is pretty much out of action for good. Still, he was a razorboy, which raises possibilities...

You could go the way you were going with the rebalancing, give him mad jumping and wall-hugging and wall-climbing abilities, turn him into a real industrial-punk-gothic nightmare, running across rooftops and dropping down on his enemies amid a hail of gunfire, taking a big bite out of the first one's neck and then leaping to the second.

Alternatively, you could just say that, after a night or three of paranoid dreams, he decided that the thing in the night was a ghoul, a vampire, a nosferatu, a werewolf, and any one of a thousand other nasty infecty beasties, and went to get diagnosed and treated.
I haven't liked the whole idea of Krieger Strain HMHVV since it was introduced. I'm an old-schooler at heart, and Ghouls in my campaign have always been a form of goblinization.

That being said, I've never understood the "rules" for playing Ghouls, since what you got at the other end didn't particularly resemble the Ghoul that exists as a critter to be encountered in the wild. A Ghoul, as per the critter write-up, should look like this as a PC race:

(starting value/natural maximum)
Body: 5/10
Agility: 1/6
Reaction: 3/8
Strength: 4/9
Charisma: 1/4
Intuition: 2/7
Logic: 1/5
Willpower: 3/8
Edge: 1/6
Essence: 5
*Magic: 1/5

Specials: Dual Natured, Enhanced Senses (Hearing, Smell), Natural Weapon (Str/2 +1 P).

Ghouls have the following flaws: Allergy (Sunlight, Mild), Dietary Requirement (Metahuman Flesh), Blind.

OK... so the Blind drawback is pretty close to meaningless, because they are Dual Natured. So you might as well cost that flaw as it really is: Illiterate. Their Allergy to Sunlight is a 10 pointer and non-trivial, and their dietary requirement is mostly a flavor concern - it really just adds about 500 nuyen.gif a month to your lifestyle (in clonal tissue), and grosses people out. That one is probably worth about 10 points as well (mostly because of the social stigma, more than the thought that you might actually starve to death). So you are walking out with about 25 points of uncompensated flaws, plus maybe an additional 10 pointer for "Hunted in CAS", or whatever you want to call it. Your stats, on the other hand, are about 5 points better than any other metatype, so that still doesn't quite balance out.

All told, you should probably be able to pull off "Ghoul" for 40-50 BPs. That is, until they start pulling out all the crazy like extra additional drawbacks like Sensitive System, and major statistic reductions like they did in the Shadowrun Companion. My suggestion is just to ignore all that crap (and for that matter, the entire plotline that characters could contract ghoulness), and just run them like a metatype with the statline they have in the book. I'd probably charge people about 50 BPs to be on the safe side.

QUOTE (FrankTrollman)
OK... so the Blind drawback is pretty close to meaningless, because they are Dual Natured. So you might as well cost that flaw as it really is: Illiterate.

While I agree with most everything else you said, this isn't entirely accurate: ghouls also have a hard time distinguishing similar colours or understanding anything displayed on a computer screen more than a few feet from their face (including icons and images) which can be a real pain.

Perhaps I'm being anal, but there really is more to their blindness than just illiteracy.
Very true. Of course, unlike the truly illiterate, they can still type. Let's just say: they get the same number of points for being "blind" that Daredevil would.

On a different note: I would also give Ghouls an extra 2 dice for resisting pathogens in general. They are metahumans who eat decaying metahumans as a normal thing. They have got to have the Porsches of immune system world. And like Dwarves, I don't think that I would charge them anything for that.

FrankTrollman - Hey, this isn't the SR4 forum =)

I'm with Velocity here, their blind flaw is more than just illiteracy, it's also colour blind and computer incompetence. Where as I'm sure it says astrally percieving people can see colours somewhere or other, it states that ghouls cannot in the Shadowrun Companion.

Although, I am with you with the Critters write up.. looks to me that they should get +4 Body, +2 Quickness, +3 Strength, -2 Charisma, +1 Intelligence and +2 Will Power, as well as the other bits. Which is a ridiculusly high set of stats, but if you assume that the stats written down for critters are average 3's, then that's what the bonuses translate to.

I finally worked on this for starting PC ghouls.

+3 Body = +6 BP
+2 Quickness = +4 BP
+1 Strength = +2 BP
+1 Running Multipler = +3 BP
Double Jointed = +1 BP
Natural Leaper = +3 BP
Natural Climber = +3 BP
Pain Resistance Level 3 = +6 BP
Enchanced Smell (-2) = +2 BP
Enchanted Hearing (-2) = +2 BP
Immune to Vitas = +2 BP

It still leaves a big negative inbalance, but it sorts out a lot of problems and makes ghouls a touch more scary. What with clinging from walls, dropping down from above and leaping that gap straight in to you. Also works more the way I like to see ghouls, I DM mostly so I like having packs of things out there to scare my players with.

We also agreed that they have a venom gland in the roof of their mouth and that HMHVV Krieger can only be passed on via the bite of a ghoul, not just sharing a cigarette with one, or being scratched.

Regardless, I'm still interested in any other ideas.

- Baatorian
Immune to VITAS should cost more as it's not an available quality to players typically.
QUOTE (FrankTrollman)
A Ghoul, as per the critter write-up, should look like this as a PC race:

I think the OP is running a SR3 game...
Nikoli - Yes, I knew someone would say that eventually.

My justification of making only a +2, is that what absolute bastard GM is going to give his players VITAS and let them die? Therefore I ruled it as a very, very rare case and therefore only worth +2.

Then again, what bastard of a GM is going to make one of his players turn in to a ghoul and have to make a new character becaue the group won't work with "it" anymore.

- Baatorian
QUOTE (FrankTrollman)
Very true. Of course, unlike the truly illiterate, they can still type. Let's just say: they get the same number of points for being "blind" that Daredevil would.

Given. smile.gif

QUOTE (FrankTrollman)
On a different note: I would also give Ghouls an extra 2 dice for resisting pathogens in general. They are metahumans who eat decaying metahumans as a normal thing. They have got to have the Porsches of immune system world. And like Dwarves, I don't think that I would charge them anything for that.

Good point and well said.

QUOTE (Baatorian)
Where as I'm sure it says astrally percieving people can see colours somewhere or other

Actually, I'm pretty sure that colours are not perceptible on the Astral Plane. Remember, we do not see in Astral Space, we simply use visual metaphors to describe astral perception because it's easier for our monkeybrains to comprehend.
Not so much bastard GM. It's a risk of tangling with ghouls, bastard GM would be purposely infecting them with no chance of survival. There are a great many good roleplaying opurtunities out of a disease that will change who you are on a basic level.
Velocity - SR3 Page 173. Astral Senses. Third Paragraph

"For example, you could see a stop sign and know what it is, based on it's shape and colour, but you can't read a street sign"

Yet, ghouls can't see colours... don't ask me, I just copy text.

- Baatorian

Edit = Added "3" to "SR"
I think the only thing you need to "balance" ghouls is to change the cost from 10 to -10. By itself, that would make a playable race in my eyes.

Happening after the fact, sorry, you should have gotten your shots smile.gif
Although, I am with you with the Critters write up.. looks to me that they should get +4 Body, +2 Quickness, +3 Strength, -2 Charisma, +1 Intelligence and +2 Will Power, as well as the other bits. Which is a ridiculusly high set of stats, but if you assume that the stats written down for critters are average 3's, then that's what the bonuses translate to.

See, that's the trap that the authors of the shadowrun companion fell into when they put in those foolish rules in the first place. The goal is not to create a "ghoul-lite" that is so inoffensive that you don't mind letting players staple it to their characters. The goal should be to make rules that charge enough BPs that players will purchase Ghoulishness if and only if it fits their character concept with the actual (and large) bonuses that Ghouls are supposed to have.

So, using SR3 terminology, a Ghoul's stat bonuses are +10, which compares quite favorably to a Dwarf's +4. Of course, while they are sitting 12 BPs in the black over what a Dwarf gets, they also have a number of drawbacks as well. More points worth of flaws than many GMs will allow a player to start with.

So a Ghoul has more Willpower than any other race, and coincidentally also has a Mild Allergy to Sunlight - so obviously we should start off with a comparison to an Albino Dwarf. That means that you are 1 Strength, 3 Body, 2 Quickness, and 1 Intelligence in the black, but 2 Charisma in the hole. So we have to consider the value of:

* Dual Natured. This is rather large flaw in some cases, but in this case you actually need it to have a targetting sense, so I'll call this a wash.

* Claws. These are virtually meaningless. The SR3 claws are so craptacular, and weapons with reach so astoundingly awesome, that most ghoul characters will probably never use these. I'll call this "flavor" and price it at zero.

* Enhanced Senses: Hearing and Smell. These are pretty decent, and probably worth as much individually as the extra attibute points.

* Blind. These guys are Awakened by defintion. They don't even suffer penalties while Astrally Percepting. So I'd call this a -2 Flaw.

* Police Record. This is a -6 Flaw. Sure, they might not have a Police Record, but the effect is much the same in much of the world.

* Dietary Requirement: Metahuman Flesh. This is the equivalent of the -1 Flaw where you have expensive tastes, and the -2 flaw where you have a dark secret at the same time. This is a -3 Flaw when put together.

* Distinctive Style. This -1 Flaw is easily subsumed in your putrid sweat and horrifying appearance. You might even want to throw in the "Ugly and Doesn't Care" flaw on top of that for an additional -1.

So before we even get to the whole question of "How much is a point of Essence worth to you, chummer?", a Ghoul is staring at 12 points of Flaws and 14 points of bonuses over an Albino Dwarf. In fact, being Dual Natured is supposedly a -5 Flaw, so by the book a Ghoul is at least 3 points in the hole.

But you also get to walk away with a noticably higher run multiplier.

So by the book, it looks like a Ghoul, when compared to an Albino Dwarf, should cost about 5 Build Points.

why is anyone really surprised that ghouls got hosed, when the other new player choice (shifters) were equally hosed (albeit in different ways)?
Frank. Yeah, we agree often. I mean, if you let the ghouls have those +10 attribute points, things start adding up. They're a hell of a lot of points though.

If you take it from your stand point, as in, they're their own metatype, it's not that bad, if you take the normal one, as in, they're placed upon the top of ANOTHER metatype, you're starting to get problems as those attributes can and most likely will spiral out of complete control.

Although yes, what they obviously did was go "Oh, fuck, we can't let a PC have stats that high, I mean, combined with a troll... I know, lets knock them down a few steps and.. what shall we give them in return? How about... nothing? Less work that way."

PC Ghouls should be equal to NPC ghouls, no special treatment for anyone, it all remains fair that way. Regardless, ghouls as PCs aren't balanced at all and need an overhaul. Giving them what a NPC would get is partially there, although combined with other racial modifiers maybe too much.

- Baatorian
Apathy - Yeah, I mean, Shapeshifters don't get it so great. Never had one played in one of my games, I find mostly humans and orcs. Yet, I'd be using them with the critter stats if someone wanted to play one. Only fair.

Can't even remember what kinda crap was written for the regeneration power. Hell, if they're supposed to have it, let them have it or don't let them play it, simple as that.

Why the hell develope a watered down lame ass version for PCs and have uber NPC shapeshifters running around everywhere laughing their asses off.

- Baatorian
Oh, fuck, we can't let a PC have stats that high, I mean, combined with a troll...

Mmmmmm...Take troll, add krieger, make serviteur, possess with petro loa, crunchy evil fun!

[edit]...although, with the charisma penalty when you turn, there's pretty good odds that a PC will become a cha < 1 NPC.
QUOTE (Baatorian @ Oct 12 2005, 04:05 PM)
Apathy - Yeah, I mean, Shapeshifters don't get it so great. [...]Can't even remember what kinda crap was written for the regeneration power. Hell, if they're supposed to have it, let them have it or don't let them play it, simple as that.

I do like the SR4 interpretation of regen better though. Still pretty tough, works vs stun damage, but not invincible, and works for PCs and NPCs.

The biggest problem with shifters though, was that they had to split their stats. Add on to that them having to go magical so they could get masking (since they all had bounties on their heads), and you had no points left to spend on anything else.
QUOTE (Baatorian)
If you take it from your stand point, as in, they're their own metatype, it's not that bad, if you take the normal one, as in, they're placed upon the top of ANOTHER metatype, you're starting to get problems as those attributes can and most likely will spiral out of complete control.

Absolutely. Which is why I've always suspected a link between the fact that the idea that ghouls could have another metatype at the same time came out simultaneously with the idea that player characters could become ghouls.

I'm pretty sure it went like this:

Player: "I want my Troll to become a Ghoul, the rules say that Ghouls are goblinized humans or metahumans, I'm a metahuman, I want to goblinize!"

GM: "Uh... OK."

Aftwerwards, game balance flew striaght into a wall, and new special rules were made to make player character Ghouls get reamed.


It seems way easier to eliminate the middleman and go back to the way things were: if you goblinize into something, that's the only thing you are. There are no Orkish Trolls, there shouldn't be any Ghoulish Trolls either. The one-upsmanship with PCs getting Ghoul mods stapled to advanced metahuman characters followed by a nerfing of Ghouls so harsh that players wouldn't even want it any more is just silly.

QUOTE (Baatorian)
Hell, if they're supposed to have it, let them have it or don't let them play it, simple as that.

Yes. Noone seems put off by the fact that we don't let people play Great Dragons, Banshee, Corporate CEOs, Toxics, or Free Spirits. There are lots of things in the Shadowrun universe which for one reason or another are simply off limits for PCs. But on the other hand, if something is within the power scale of a player character, it should probably be available. It really is very easy: charge appropriate amounts for a character type, or ban it outright if appropriate costs cannot be made. Don't half-ass it.

Allowing players to play nerfed versions of things from the Shadowrun universe is worse than not letting them play those things at all. The player knows that he's not getting the real deal, so the desire to play that thing is essentially unfulfilled. And nine times out of ten you end up jerking the player around, meaning that the whole team suffers.

Eyeless Blond
QUOTE (FrankTrollman)
* Dual Natured. This is rather large flaw in some cases, but in this case you actually need it to have a targetting sense, so I'll call this a wash.

I really wouldn't call this a wash at all. The biggest problem with dual-natured is that it creates a balancing problem with your Awakened characters. See, without a ghoul in your party it's easy to add wards, background count, patrolling spirits etc. that affect the mages more than the mundanes. Once that ghoul is added, however, every ward you add is one deterent your initiate mage can deal with, but your ghoul never will be able to. Background count will affect the ghoul more than the mage; spirits will have an easier time beating up on the ghoul than the mage; etc etc. Dual-natured is a huge headache waiting to happen.

Personally I'd rather change Dual-Natured to the Astral Sight Edge. That would be more of a wash IMO; they can disappear off the astral if they want, but at the cost of becoming completely unable to target anything.

Actually, when I think about it, I don't remember (it's been a while though) using, or considering using, the like of Troll or Ork ghouls in SR2. All I remember is the human-like picture in the critters section.

When exactly, if anyone knows, did ghouls get the ability to have an additional metatype? Was that in 2nd edition or was it introduced along with the 3E Shadowrun Companion?

If it's the case that including metatypes was introducing soley in the Shadowrun Companion, as a PC playable race, then I'm highly tempted to just reverse the process back to 2nd.

Although, admittedly, a Troll Ghoul does induce much added fear.

- Baatorian
QUOTE (Baatorian)
When exactly, if anyone knows, did ghouls get the ability to have an additional metatype? Was that in 2nd edition or was it introduced along with the 3E Shadowrun Companion?

The idea, AFAIK, was first floated in Bug City, right along with the first-ever rule or indication that people could become infected with ghoulishness. How people managed to go the first 50+ years of the Awakening without noticing this is beyond understanding.

Ancient History
Ghouls have always been transformed humans or metahumans. E'en back unto the 1st edition.
QUOTE (Ancient History)
Ghouls have always been transformed humans or metahumans. E'en back unto the 1st edition.

That's great, but in 1st and 2nd edition they were goblinized, which meant that the original metatype was gone, and exposure to other ghouls made no difference as to whether you transformed yourself.

Ancient History
A detail, because it was explained (or if you prefer, retconned) into canon that ghouls are among the Infected. They were mistaken to have Goblinized (after all, whoever heard of Goblinizing twice?)

Look, Frank, I understand where you're coming from on this. Which is why I haven't really blasted you about it. But you need to be less antagonistic about it.
QUOTE (FrankTrollman)
How people managed to go the first 50+ years of the Awakening without noticing this is beyond understanding.

People managed to go 20 years or so without noticing that hetrosexuals could contact HIV. Even the medical community to subject to basic prejudices. Whith an event as far reaching as the awakening, it is a small miracle that anyone knows about HMHVV at all.
Troll Ghouls are a threat to game balance?

Have you ever seen a garden-variety troll with Dermal Sheathing 3, Titanium Bone Lacing, two armor-plated Cyberlegs, a Trauma Damper, and Platelet Factories? You won't find a ghoul with that package, as he'd be quite dead, and I assure you the cybertroll will be ten times more durable than the ghoul.

Shifters: Shifters are screwed up. I've noticed the only Shifters anyone's ever used in my games have been created with absolute minimum physical stats for the animal form, which they then avoided using whenever possible. Yeah, that works real great for animals with the power to turn into humans, right?

However, 'balancing' Shifters is a rougher proposition because Regeneration is so naturally unbalanced. I saw someone earlier in this thread mention how it's watered-down or some such, but quite frankly it's still the single best ability a character can have (unless you count being a mage as one ability, but Shifters can and will have that as well) and that makes it really hard to know where to draw the line.

The Shifters I've had in my games have not been terribly overmatched. They were all mages, granted, except for a lone adept. They may be very limited in the roles they can handle, but they at least work well within that context.
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