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Full Version: PPG Corporate Stats?
Dumpshock Forums > Discussion > Shadowrun
Shortly after the publication of Shadows of Europe, released the corporate stats for the AA corps in the NEEC as a web extra. I was wondering if we would see the same things for the members of the PPG, since they are covered in Shadows of Asia.
I tossed such numbers when I wrote the first drafts of the corporation section (before RL reasons made me drop the ball). It miss Baihu and CITT, who appeared later in the development phase than the other, established, corps introduced in past books. Also I didn't bothered putting numbers together for the PRB&FC and MIB, since the rating system is completely unnapropriate and irrelevant for banking groups.

I'm not aware of any plan to put them on the website in a manner similar to SoE bonus, but then, I've been quite out of touch with SR development for the past year.
Thanks for the reply. I'd love still love to see them, but it sounds like I probably shouldn't get my hopes up.
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