Oct 16 2005, 11:13 AM
Okay the title says it all. Where is he? Any details in System Failure as to his fate? I need to now, mostly as I may be tieing him in to one of my players backgrounds.
Oct 16 2005, 11:21 AM
He was never really there... it was just a mir... illusion
Oct 16 2005, 07:22 PM
[ Spoiler ]
He's a major player in System Failure. All three AIs were involved in the battle royale at the East Coast Stock Exchange which caused the Matrix Crash. While the fates of the AIs are left up in the air, whatever happened to one of them probably happened to all of them, as they were directly fighting each other at the time.
Oct 16 2005, 07:27 PM
If I recall correctly, they never said what happened to them. All the AIs were having their little hissy fight, and then the über-worm went off. Nobody knows what happened to them after that. I mean, one would probably assume that they would have "died", but since we're talking about AIs, I guess that may not be a particularly safe assumption to make. Still, that was only....what, six or so years ago in the SR timeline? I guess it depends on your character background.
Oct 16 2005, 10:46 PM
Not for my characters background, I'm reffing and one of the players, bless her cotton socks, has given me an amnesiac character to play with. The look on her face, and those of the group when her charcter popped a spur and dropped the gang leader who was hasseling him. Happy ref.
Mostly I was wondering about Mirage down loading himself(?) into a person as a hardwired P-fix chip. I really haven't decided on the characters background, the other one I've thought of is him being a winternight agent who got caught by the diss. worm and had his memory screwed with by that.
Oh what the charcter knows. He is Kyle Quentin Frost. He woke up in a docwagon clinic in the early days of 2065, he had no memory of who he was. All he had to go on was the ID filed with the clerks and that he had a lined coat. His ID said he was a grapphic designer so that is what he did. It seems he lost client files in the crash and his ID is tagged by the goverment noting that it has been left holey by the crash... He has been happily working in his chosen vocation for five years. He has no idea just howmuch wear he has jammed into him...
On a OOC front the player knows his stats and skills, but has no idea what wear he has (she has no idea how the wear is in SR4).
If any of you have other ideas I could use please post. Though he is NOT A DISGUISED DROP BEAR!!!!! Thank you.
Kremlin KOA
Oct 17 2005, 01:18 AM
guys consider the SOTA rules in SR3 and remember these guys haven't have a gode update in 10 years.... they would be weak and pathetic now.... except that this fact will be handwaved away
Oct 17 2005, 11:28 AM
QUOTE (Kremlin KOA @ Oct 16 2005, 07:18 PM) |
guys consider the SOTA rules in SR3 and remember these guys haven't have a gode update in 10 years.... they would be weak and pathetic now.... except that this fact will be handwaved away |
1) they were so out ahead of the curve that they still kick ass
2) because they are self-aware they could be self-upgrading in small increments on a continuous basis
3) smaller upgrades could have been possible in the meantime, for example during the reconstruction of Deus although....
[ Spoiler ]
I haven't read SF yet, but i got that the gist of why Deus was at the stock exchange was for a "significant upgrade", though i'm not exactly sure what that means. So that could have some bearing on this.
Jürgen Hubert
Oct 17 2005, 11:55 AM
Possibly the AIs got split up into all those weird new matrix entities. Or perhaps they now live on those strange new matrix metaplanes (sorry, Resonance Realms)...
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