Gothic Rose
Oct 17 2005, 11:01 PM
Has anyone heard anything about the supposed upcoming book Running Wild? I've only heard that it's been discussed and that it may have ghouls as PCs rules.
Anyone have anymore info? I'm hoping for meta-variants, ghouls, drakes, and possibly other things, but I somehow have the feeling I will be sadly disappointed.
SL James
Oct 17 2005, 11:18 PM
Don't know. I like the cover (mockup?) though.
Oct 17 2005, 11:20 PM
It was going to be an SR3 book, then was posponed when SR4 was announced.
Patrick Goodman
Oct 17 2005, 11:22 PM
It was almost finished when it was decided to make it a release for SR4 instead of SR3. It's a ways back on the schedule at the moment, but I just talked to Rob about it a few days ago, and he assures me we're going to finish the damn thing.
As far as ghouls-as-PC rules go...we've already got them, though they'll need to be translated for SR4. Meta-variants, ditto, though it's not hard to figure out how to do them from what's in SR4 already; we also need no more of them, since I think there's quite enough already. In any event, they're not going to be in RW at this stage (though it's certainly not too late).
The less said about drakes the better.
As I understand it, it's going to go from being a "how to use critters in SR" book to a "how to use critters in SR along with a massive catalog of SR4 stats for existing critters" book. So yeah, I think you're going to be a bit disappointed if those are the things you're looking for, since they weren't ever in RW to begin with.
Gothic Rose
Oct 18 2005, 01:07 AM
QUOTE (Patrick Goodman) |
It was almost finished when it was decided to make it a release for SR4 instead of SR3. It's a ways back on the schedule at the moment, but I just talked to Rob about it a few days ago, and he assures me we're going to finish the damn thing.
As far as ghouls-as-PC rules go...we've already got them, though they'll need to be translated for SR4. Meta-variants, ditto, though it's not hard to figure out how to do them from what's in SR4 already; we also need no more of them, since I think there's quite enough already. In any event, they're not going to be in RW at this stage (though it's certainly not too late).
The less said about drakes the better.
As I understand it, it's going to go from being a "how to use critters in SR" book to a "how to use critters in SR along with a massive catalog of SR4 stats for existing critters" book. So yeah, I think you're going to be a bit disappointed if those are the things you're looking for, since they weren't ever in RW to begin with. |
Hrmm...alright. I'd heard that it would have SR4ified ghoul pc rules, but I guess that may be wrong data. Makes me ungenki, that.
I know Metavariants wouldn't be terribly hard. I might actually try my hand at making them. Hrm... *begins to think. This is a bad thing.*
Oct 18 2005, 02:53 PM
Well, Goddamit, in what book will those critical updates occur? and when will I get my Damn SURGE Effects in SR4? (Demanding tone is sarcastic

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