Jürgen Hubert
Oct 18 2005, 10:54 AM
Since there are already so many parallels between mages and technomancers, why not introduce a new one - mentor spirits for technomancers?
I mean, there already seem to be plenty of free-floating matrix entities around now...
(Oh, and what bonuses would Deus, Megaera, and Mirage grant?
Ancient History
Oct 18 2005, 11:16 AM
whaps with a rolled up newspaper
Jürgen Hubert
Oct 18 2005, 11:30 AM
QUOTE (Ancient History) |
whaps with a rolled up newspaper |
Oct 18 2005, 01:23 PM
well, if i had to guess, Deus would probably grant a bonus to command complex form. and possibly Black IC type stuff (just one, not both)
Megaera... hmmm... tough one... i dunno... what goes with being a little crazy? her drawback would probably have something to do with crazy too, i would think. maybe she grants resistance to black IC or something (you know, since your mind is all weird already, the IC doesn't hit you quite right... or something... )
this is just theoretical of course. oh, and i don't know enough about Mirage to make any guesses at his bonuses.
Oct 18 2005, 01:40 PM
Haven't read System Failure, but here's my crack at it.
Deus (If still around): +2 dice to Edit and Spoof forms, -2 dice pool to any test when using or connected to Renraku branded gear.
Maegera (if still around): +2 dice to resist Black IC, +2 rating to your exploit form, subtract one hit from "reboot" tests due to being easily confused and resisting going offline for any reason.
Mirage (if still around): +2 Attack and Armor forms, -2 dice when attempting to act or perceive in the meat world while in VR on top of standard penalties (an echo of Mirage's past)
Deep Resonance: +2 Cloak and Analyze forms, -2 dice during attack actions within the Matrix.
Dissonance: +2 Attack and Spoof forms, -2 dice when evading an attack in the Matrix.
Oct 18 2005, 02:29 PM
hmmm... done some further thought, and realised... what about compiling? Deus should get a bonus to machine sprites, and Megaera to fault sprites i think. but that's just IMO.
Oct 18 2005, 06:03 PM
I forgot all about sprites. Feel free to mod, these are just rectal apparitions.
Oct 18 2005, 06:09 PM
Hey, lets not get to hung up on AI's that are probably dead anyway. How about the old Captain Chaos?
+2 dice for data searches, +2 dice for messenger sprites.
Must make a Willpower +Charisma test (3) in order to keep any interesting data for himself, instead of "Spreading the word."
(Not that I approve of mentor spirits for technomancers. I hate how like magic they are. But for the purposes of discusion, I'm always ready with my 2 cents worth.)
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