Straight Razor
Oct 21 2005, 04:14 PM
some things seem to get better wih age. some thing do get better with age. and some things go to crap althgether.
any way. i'm looking at my stacks of SR source books. I'm thinking there in good shape for tha most part. My core book is starting to drop pages now and that got me to thinking... I'm going to have my books sent out to be rebound. put a hard cover on them. group some of them in the same cover too. put coer MITS and SC all together.
anyone else done this, thought about it? what ya think?
Oct 21 2005, 05:39 PM
Wow, you must really love Shadowrun.
Out of curiosity, how much does it cost ro rebind a softcover as a hardcover?
Oct 21 2005, 06:42 PM
If I were to rebind any of my books, it'd be in the nifty spiral binding. Holds up much better than a spine and allows the book to be folded over without breaking the spine up and killing the glue.
Oct 21 2005, 06:47 PM
I've got access to velobinders, comb, and spiral binders at work. I prefer the velobinders, feels more like a book.
Velobinders use plastic rods on a rigid plastic bar spaced at about 1 inch to compress and heat seal the edge. Fairly durable, and easily rebound when it does break.
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