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Full Version: real life armored jacket?
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but its denim silly.gif
i dont know, i kinda like it, would rather have it in a leather bomber jacket or duster but hey its a start

Zen Shooter01
Gosh, that's one of the most badly designed products I have ever seen.

Number one, when did Doofus Denim get to be a hot fashion statement?

Number two, it needs more pockets. If I'm going into an environment where I need the armor, I'll also need my own gear.

Number three, does it extend past the waist? I need it to conceal the gear clipped to my belt, too.

Number four, it needs to be black, to lower my visibility.
Austere Emancipator
Doesn't actually say it has lining in the sleeves as well, and based on the way the sleeves are crumpled in the picture I'd say it doesn't -- current level III-A materials don't tend to flex into that kind of wrinkles, they're too thick and rigid for that. And it'd be immediately obvious it's not a normal jacket from the way the sleeves move, or don't move. Yet the extremely high weight gets me thinking...

If it's basically just a vest made to fit inside a jacket, which I suspect it is, then it's certainly not one of a kind.
It's not that far a reach - as I understand it, most biker jackets have a kevlar weave to help cut down on road rash and similar mishaps.

At the moment, there isn't a large, commercial demand for a casual wear jacket with ballistic inserts and a formal projectile defense system, but the groundwork is certainly there.


Edit: Thanks Aust - I'd say, "new rule...geek the person wearing the largest jacket," but in SR, there just isn't enough ammo to go around.
Austere Emancipator
QUOTE (Siege)
It's not that far a reach - as I understand it, most biker jackets have a kevlar weave to help cut down on road rash and similar mishaps.

Jeans too. You can get them NIJ stab threat rated these days as well, though only at the lowest levels IIRC. It's just that serious ballistic protection is too thick to make into a jacket or pants that are easy to move in, let alone inconspicuous.
There are days when I wonder about your knowledge base, Aust. grinbig.gif

He's getting ready for armageddon...
QUOTE (Squinky)
He's getting ready for armageddon...

I'd go so far as to say exceptionally well-informed, not that its a bad thing.

Just the subject for some minor amusement. Not unlike snickering at a new grad growling "magazines, magazines" under his breath at a tv show when the actors start yelling for more clips of ammo. grinbig.gif

Zen Shooter01
I'm wondering, why not wear a concealable vest under a regular jacket?
QUOTE (Zen Shooter01)
I'm wondering, why not wear a concealable vest under a regular jacket?

You'll find common sense to be a silly and most pointless trait on these boards. grinbig.gif

ugh, this was supposed to go into the shadowrun section, not the sr4 subsection...
Holy crap, check out the hairpiece on the model for this product. That vest won't do much good when your toupee draws fire.
Austere Emancipator
QUOTE (Siege)
I'd say, "new rule...geek the person wearing the largest jacket," but in SR, there just isn't enough ammo to go around.

Forgot to edit this in earlier... In a couple of decades, you might be able to make a jacket that's around level III-A, sleeves and all, that bends about as well as a thick winter coat. General improvements in materials and rigidity-on-impact stuff such as Shear Thickening Fluids help make light armor thinner and much more flexible.

That has to be true in the SR timeline, anyway, since you got stuff like Form Fitting body armor for the arms and legs that's apparently capable of stopping Light Pistol FMJs.
I wouldn't put it past the realm of possibility, but unless I'm in particular danger of being shot, I'm not gonna buy body armor and wear it around.

No matter how miraculous the stuff may seem to a noble in the 1700s.

I think that's been the biggest point of contention about armored diapers in SR - why?

Just because you have the tech to make clothing armored enough to resist small arms fire doesn't mean it makes good commercial sense to upgrade the product.

Motorcycle armor uses rigid plates on impact areas (knees, elbows, spine, neck) to make it less likely that you'll cripple yourself by smashing an important joint when you smack into pavement at sixty miles an hour. For keeping your skin intact when you're skidding on said pavement, most bikers seem to rely on good old-fashioned leather. I know a couple of guys who owe a big debt to leather when they took falls at high speed, winding up pretty much unscathed where less-responsible riders have lost big patches of their skin.
QUOTE (Hasaku)
Holy crap, check out the hairpiece on the model for this product. That vest won't do much good when your toupee draws fire.

He could just be a hardcore Republican, in which case his hair is real and bullet resistant... wink.gif
nah, he's a 1980's televangelist who got routed, now THEY need the protection.....though i like the vest in all honesty have to say,

I WANT ONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

think santa will bring me one for christmas, i just put in an aplication with an armored car corp so i could definately use one

Talking about this reminded me: has anyone else wondered about the Armoured Jacket vs. Lined Coat in the new rules? One is normally short and covers the torso and arms, one is longer and also covers the legs, but even though Shadorwun still has no hit location system beyond "Called shot" the Jacket gives better protection than the coat?

And it could be attempted explained in terms of weight and the fact that the coat is bigger and heavier, but once you put it one a decently fitting coat is not much heavier than a jacket. Doesn't make sense.
There are two aspects to armor: Coverage and thickness of the protection. That's why a helmet will have +1, +2 at tops, no matter how thick the material is that it's made out of.

The lined coat, it states, has plates sewn into the fabric. The armor itself is lighter, and I presume because its plates and not a gel, and hanging in the fabric rather than held against something, like say your body, it performs worse as armor alone than the armored jacket, which presumably has superior armor and positioning.

It would, conceivably, be possible to make an armored jacket, then add coat tails to it, to get it past 5/3, but I imagine it would look kinda silly.
Yes, but why make them like that in the first place?

A jacket like this would be tailored to distribute its weight on the wearer and the same would, logically, be done with a coat. I can see the in-game explanations for this, but it still doesn't make sense from a logical perspective: the coat could use the same type of armour as the jacket and still not be that much more cumbersome once worn.

I'm getting a sneaking suspicion that the idea has been to make the jacket better mechanic wise in order to stop the trend of every character wearing long coats.
do the coat still have better consealability to weapons and other tiems?

if so then allso giving it the best protection would lead to every shadowrunner and their ally spirit wearing one...
I can't remember if it does, but I'd suppose so. That still leads us back to the problem of Game balance and design over logic and realism.

A suggestion I can come up with on the fly is to have the coat give better armour and conceal ability, but hamper you in certain stealth, athletics and combat situations due to the tails coming in the way and similar.
another logic is that the added concealability effect comes from using rigid plates and so on that allows for space between the wearer body and the coat itself. ie, the plates and so on could be as thick as on the jacket but then you would not get the extra conseal nyahnyah.gif
The whole point of lined coats/lined jackets is to make it look like your not wearing armor. If you know your going into a fire fight, by all means break out the military vest.

If I was planning on robbing a bank, I'd wear something like this. It's enough to stop a 38, but it won't cause the guards to trip the alarm as soon as I walk in the door.
Austere Emancipator
QUOTE (Kleaner)
The whole point of lined coats/lined jackets is to make it look like your not wearing armor. If you know your going into a fire fight, by all means break out the military vest.

Only as long as there are no rifle plate inserts, the concealable flexible vest (whether made to fit as the lining of a jacket or just worn under clothing normally) will protect you from all the same handgun threats as the tactical vests. Modern concealable vests generally weigh less than 4lbs and have ballistic panels about 0.2" thick while covering the shoulders and sides along with the front and back, defeating threats up to and including 9x19mm SMG FMJs and .44 Magnum JHPs. You can forget about .38s.
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