Oct 24 2005, 04:18 AM
I was wondering what the range on the ranger x bow in third addition is. Since in cannon companion it states it is harder hitting bow with longer range. If any can clarify this for that would be great.
Oct 24 2005, 04:35 AM
That's a good question.
I'd say it depends on how the Bow ranges work.. If they're based off of the Str+2 damage they do (surely the ranges are based off of the strength allowed for the bow, not just ANY strength), then the RangerX bows are +2 meters "per multiple" of the Strength, for range...
Otherwise, I'd have to say, they don't have longer range.
Oct 24 2005, 05:40 AM
Cannon Companion states that the new weapons use the normal rules for throwing and projectile weapons, so the Ranger X Bow uses the normal bow range table (pg. 111 of the main book). Not the first time the rules and flavor text don't agree.