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Full Version: Drones and Starting weapon
Dumpshock Forums > Discussion > Shadowrun
Under the GM-Nissan Doberman drone (and some other drones also), it says that they come equiped with one weapon.... Does that mean that we don't have to pay for that weapon?!

Also, Can I remove the Autosofts from drones that comes with them and swap those autosofts to another drone?
Also, Can I remove the Autosofts from drones that comes with them and swap those autosofts to another drone?

I too have wondered this. Technically, the rules don't say, and leave you to assume you can crack it like any other software, and distribute it. Personally, I'd rule the software is actually a more limited form, designed to work only with that drone and it's capabilities (keeps cost down after all) and thus useless on other drones. But other GM's may rule differently, and there's no indication either way in the book. I just hate to see players get something for free smile.gif
My GM interpreted it as "you get a free weapon slot", so you don't have to pay 2500 nuyen to add one of those on. In addition, it gets a free Targeting autosoft, so I guess you usually have to buy both the drone and weapon at the same time in a package deal (because of this, he also ruled that the weapon wasn't removable).
development costs may well be lower if they can use the same softs for more then one model of drone. ie, write one time, sell a million times.
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