Oct 27 2005, 12:45 PM
The Rythm UndergroundThat is the link that will take you to the link for the pdf.
I don't ususally like to double post a topic, but I think this title may get more buzz going about the 'zine.
Oct 29 2005, 04:28 PM
Just wanted to say that I really like the pdf. Is this going to be a regular thing on some kind of ongoing basis? And what editions will it support? Just wondering.
Oct 30 2005, 11:33 PM
I would like it to be a regular thing. I should get started on the next edition.
The team that came together for this is really all aces. I am just in a bit of
a fall slump. There are some suggestions on the table for the theme of the
next issue. I am just having problems getting motivated to co-ordinate it all.
I still cannot praise the contributers enough for their work.
Pdf format seems to work best for this type of publication. So I would like to
keep it in that format. That is if people will be willing to stay on the team.
Oct 31 2005, 02:04 AM
I'm in for the long haul.
And I think (Nyxll, correct me if I am wrong) we will be writing everything for SR3.
Oct 31 2005, 02:04 PM
I would like to keep it sr3 based since I know absolutely nothing about sr4.
If someone needed a hand putting together an sr4 publication I could help
with the layout, and graphic design, but I do not like the system so I would
not be contributing.
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