Just thought I would share a quirky little discovery here (might have been noted already):
If you go and check out the Shadowrun art group on yahoo http://groups.yahoo.com/group/SRartgroup/
(It's been mentioned here, thats how I got there, somebody pointed it out to me when I made a crappy shadowrun comic)
You can go to photos/echo ( I don't want to post it here, since I have no permission to do so. You may need to sign up for an account there though) and there you see the human chick from page 66 of the main book. I just thought it was cool that is was made back in 2003.
One last thing, And I may be full of crap here. But I think I have stumbled on the inspiration for the dwarf on pg. 65. I found it on a banner ad on Zug.com:
and heres the fullpage shot:
Now, to me, that guy is the dwarf on page 65, I think the artist must have used it for reference, which I myself to a bit. But I thought it was a cool, random find...