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Full Version: Program Prices
Dumpshock Forums > Discussion > Shadowrun
Sorry if this is a dumb question, but I'm not quite sure about the Program prices listed on pg 228.

Would a Common Use Program be:

Rating1: 50¥; R2: 100¥; R3: 150¥; R4: 400¥; R5: 500¥; R6: 600¥


Rating1: 50¥; R2: 100¥; R3: 150¥; R4: 250¥; R5: 350¥; R6: 450¥
Eyeless Blond
First one. It's a simple stepped multiplacation problem; don't make it more complicated than it has to be. The rules complicate themselves enough already (take a look at the skill cap rules for details on this smile.gif)
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