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Full Version: Tell me about Humanis?
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I'm working on an adventure featuring Humanis and am having trouble finding any decent information. Can anybody point me in the direction of a good resource for this policlub or share their views and opinions on how they should be run?
Roughly model them on A Message of Love NOT Hate! sarcastic.gif , only themed on metahumanity and not race and you'll do fine.
caramel frappuccino
That website is, like, hilarity squared.
Basically the KKK or Neo-Nazis, although their focus is based on (meta)humanity and not race.

Just remember, despite what we might think about the humanis as slang for 'fodder' for stressed out PC's, the true danger of the organization lies on the other end of the spectrum in the ones who 'only want to defend humanity' and decide to run for office.

Remember, Karl Brackhaven didn't do half bad when he ran for president and he is openly the Head of the Seattle Humanis!
It's like Aztechnology. We get so hip-deep in everything they actually do that we forget that the rest of the world loves the Azzies to bits.

QUOTE (Rifleman @ Nov 1 2005, 06:59 PM)
Just remember, despite what we might think about the humanis as slang for 'fodder' for stressed out PC's, the true danger of the organization lies on the other end of the spectrum in the ones who 'only want to defend humanity' and decide to run for office.

Remember, Karl Brackhaven didn't do half bad when he ran for president and he is openly the Head of the Seattle Humanis!

Absolutely. Also remember that it does help such politicians that a VERY small percentage of eligable voters are metahumans. The establishment is primarily human. The Man is primarily human. The CEOs of the majors? Human, IE, or dragon. An orc inhereted a corp in Japan and look what happened there. He basically had to ship the whole thing out of the country to the backwaters of a country that despartely needed the business, and is a bit different in that regional ethnic trumps metahuman bias.
Holy Crap, does humanis have such a poorly designed web site too?
They can't—since the Crash, FrontPage is no longer available.

QUOTE (Halabis @ Nov 1 2005, 10:52 PM)
Holy Crap, does humanis have such a poorly designed web site too?


That's the rough faced, 'fodder' wing. Those colour/B&W "Don't destroy the rainbow" graphics at the bottom of If i saw that as a parody of the KKK i would think it was over the top unbelievable. If the whole topic didn't involve people getting dragged to death behind pickup trucks it would be piss-yourself-laughing hilarious.
Remember, US President Woodrow Wilson once praise the accuracy of The Birth of a Nation, the imfamous film which present the Klu Klux Klan as heros.

This film and prevailing sentiment spurred the recreation of the KKK as a political action group rather than a bunch of vigilanties. This second incarnation of the KKK actually had a good bit of political power due to support from the public and strong ties to certain elected officials.

However, its most outspoken leader was a corrupt rapist who missaprperiated funds and who eventually killed a girl with an overdose of a date rape drug. Congressional hearings followed and the Klan broke up into the isolated cells of wackos that we know today.

The difference between Humanis and the KKK is that Humanis still has a good public image. It has competent leadership and hasn't been hit by the types of scandels that destroyed the second incarnation of the KKK.

Humanis has strong connections in government and in business and it has enough public support to be a serious political contender. That, and it probably has a banal teenage pop band.

Also, humanis isolates itself from violent human supremacist groups. Alamos 40k and a few human suprecimist gangs almost certainly have ties to humanis but they a do a good job of hiding it. Their no violent position is one of the things that makes the palatable to the public at large.
QUOTE (hyzmarca @ Nov 1 2005, 11:15 PM)
Remember, US President Woodrow Wilson once praise the accuracy of The Birth of a Nation, the imfamous film which present the Klu Klux Klan as heros.

Even though he was "progressive" on a number of issues, and was in power for Women's Sufferage (although it was more a driving force that he witnessed) given his childhood background (his parents lived in Ohio but supported the Confederacy in the Civil War as he grew up) and on it was completely in character. It was also what was the equivalent of Politically Correct in the US at that time. Certainly politically prudent/expediant given the voting realities for blacks and the overall majority opinion of those that weren't.

EDIT: Which put like that closely mirrors where the 6th World is sitting at with metahumans. That also makes Dunk managing to win the Presidency all the more bizzare. Stupid player vote driven plots. nyahnyah.gif
See also whatever forums pop up during a google search of the word "Stormfront." (I'd do one right now, but I'm at work and very seriously don't want to risk that sort of cookie showing up on my pc)
QUOTE (blakkie)
Stupid player vote driven plots.

I didn't mind it one bit! wink.gif biggrin.gif
Don't blame me, I voted for General Yates. biggrin.gif
that would be such an awesome bumper sticker.
Take a look at Loose Alliances, it will give you a detailed overview about racist groups.
QUOTE (blakkie)
EDIT: Which put like that closely mirrors where the 6th World is sitting at with metahumans. That also makes Dunk managing to win the Presidency all the more bizzare. Stupid player vote driven plots. nyahnyah.gif

Dunk wasn't a metahuman, he was a dragon. In the voters eyes, that is completely different. Metahumans take your jobs and steal your girlfriends. Dragons level cities just for the hell of it.

Besides, Dunk was the most popular Dragon in the world. He was fore famous than Karl Kombatmage and more liked than ice cream.
Dunk winning the presidential election was about as likely as Arnold Schwarzenegger becoming governor of California.

QUOTE (Oracle)

Don't blame me, I voted for General Yates.

A vote for General Yates is a vote of a flesh form Mantis. At least it is if the runners really screwd up his VP's run in Super Tuesday. However, a Mantid couldn't be a worse president that Dunkie turned out to be. At least an insect spirit wouldn't have a good excuse commit suicide on inaguration night.
No. The damn beast died. I killed it myself. And smuggled massive evidence for the situation in Chicago out.
QUOTE (hyzmarca @ Nov 2 2005, 06:27 AM)
Dunk wasn't a metahuman, he was a dragon. In the voters eyes, that is completely different. Metahumans take your jobs and steal your girlfriends. Dragons level cities just for the hell of it.

However a big plank in his platform, iirc, was increased meta rights. It certainly was an open opinion he held.

EDIT: But ya, the Arnold factor and all.
Not to mention...

Are you not gonna vote for a Great Dragon? The kind of dragon that's been known to get into Mortal Kombat with cities and armies? And win? nyahnyah.gif

Heheh. I'd have voted for him.
All I want is my Dunkelzhan plushie.
QUOTE (The_Gun_Nut)
All I want is my Dunkelzhan plushie.

Why does that sound suspiciously like a Shadowrun in the making?
QUOTE (The_Gun_Nut)
All I want is my Dunkelzhan plushie.

Or at least a Drop Bear one.
Here's one that's apparently a member of the Drop Bear military equivalent of the Navy Seals. Only he specializes in operations revolving around waste water treatment plant effluent.
He lacks the blood on his mouth. But that has propably been washed away while he was swimming.

Remember, Karl Brackhaven didn't do half bad when he ran for president and he is openly the Head of the Seattle Humanis!

You are confusing different Brackhavens.

Kenneth Brackhaven: Head of Brackhaven Industries, former presidential candidate.

Karl Brackhaven: Head of Humanis Seattle, grandfather of Tiffany Brackhaven, uncle of Kenneth Brackhaven.
That Tiffany who was supposed to ran away from home to hook up with ork rappers?
QUOTE (Grinder @ Nov 2 2005, 10:35 AM)
That Tiffany who was supposed to ran away from home to hook up with ork rappers?

Aye. She is. grinbig.gif

'Who let the trogs out?'

edit: Once you go ork...
blakkie get the taste for...?

EDIT: DON'T HIT THE NEXT BUTTON FROM THIS LINKED PICTURE IF YOU ARE AT WORK!!! Those crazy euros and their s3x toy containing ads. cool.gif Thanks for the heads up Trax, apologies if anyone got curious and got burnt on that. frown.gif

P.S. Human civilization really did run out of new literary plots some time back, didn't we. wink.gif
QUOTE (blakkie) get the taste for...?

Is that image safe for work? Just wondering since, well, I'm at work.

I would say so, unless you work for a church group or an extreme animal-rights group.

Hrmmm, i can't vouch for the the site in general. It's one of those funny picture ad sites, things that you'd see in public anyway. But i guess it could include european print ads which tend to be a bit racier.

The specific picture i linked was an actual billboard put up by a the pork marketing council in Saskatchewan (Canada). Although G on the surface, it had [likely intentionally] sly wording that made it more PG like subtle stuff in Shrek (an overall PG rated movie). It created a bit of a stir there with the Bible Belt types ( like my Mom nyahnyah.gif ) and got taken down shortly after launch.
Awww... it's a nice little ad. Very funny.
Don't hit next to see the next ad, that is definately NSFW.
You are confusing different Brackhavens.

Kenneth Brackhaven: Head of Brackhaven Industries, former presidential candidate.

Karl Brackhaven: Head of Humanis Seattle, grandfather of Tiffany Brackhaven, uncle of Kenneth Brackhaven.

oops. Wires got crossed somewhere with the names (Too simular I guess.)

Still, the initial point is valid. Kenneth was doing the 'kinder, gentler' version of humanis, but really wasn't hiding his views on metahumans aka 'mutations'.
Yeah, Saskatchewan is a hotbed of controversy. wink.gif

Another often overlooked aspect of dealing with Humanis is the number of sympathizers who are not foaming at the mouth racists, but looking for some way to cut down on a) crime, which they are told is most often committed by metas and b) taxes, which they are told is funding metahuman special interest groups. I know I'm just echoing here, but the power of the policlub is in its influence.
You really have to figure that most of your human contacts may have bought into humanis's message to some degree. And in the shadows, who's ear can they bend?
Here's an example. Your fixer has a favourite nephew who disappeared in a race riot in another city just a couple of weeks ago. He's miffed, but doesn't know who to be miffed with. Coupla days later, a source 'suggests' that the nephew was raped and flayed to death by orcs 'cause "everybody knows they do that." Now, the fixer is a smart guy, and probably isn't gonna put together a run to bomb an ophanage for orcs. He probably even still deals with metas, but are his orc contacts gonna get the cushy, lucrative jobs, or the crappy ones? What kinda gear is he gonna sell them? What if his helpful source wants to know what Mr. orc is up to "because we think they might be planning another riot."
Or, alternatively, being well-aquainted with orks, he knows that that is the ultimate stupidity, and replaces the Fixer hat with the Mr. Johnson hat for a while, and pays some of his brightest Shadowrunners to find his nephew. It's probably an easy thing to do - he can pay them in nuyen.gif, he can arrange for something they want to fall off the back of the hovercraft, he can arrange for any Lone Star evidence about their wrongdoings to go bye-bye...

In short, Fixers make the best Johnsons.
No. No they do not. That is a really awesome way for a fixer to get a Hung Out to Dry flaw, though.

Individual agendas scare people. I know I would think twice and then walk from a fixer who parleyed his fixering skills too far into Johnson territory.

QUOTE (ShadowDragon8685)
In short, Fixers make the best Johnsons.

If the 6th World would be so easy (or so black vs. white), how much fun would it offer?
Kyoto Kid
QUOTE (Grinder)
QUOTE (The_Gun_Nut @ Nov 2 2005, 02:31 PM)
All I want is my Dunkelzhan plushie.

Or at least a Drop Bear one.

with frickn' laser beams...
Nice one. biggrin.gif
QUOTE (Grinder)
QUOTE (ShadowDragon8685 @ Nov 3 2005, 08:49 PM)
In short, Fixers make the best Johnsons.

If the 6th World would be so easy (or so black vs. white), how much fun would it offer?

Come on people, it's called a favor for a friend run, and it's an integral part of any good game. Sometimes people do things for reasons other than money. Sometimes some things are more important than your business. I could easily see a fixer doing either of those things.

Be careful of having your NPCs do the smart or logical thing every time. Look around you. When was the last time humanity behaved reasonably? Have your NPcs do stuff that doesn't make sense to do. Real pepole do little else. smile.gif
QUOTE (Rifleman)
Remember, Karl Brackhaven didn't do half bad when he ran for president and he is openly the Head of the Seattle Humanis!

Karl Brackhaven heads up the Seattle chapter of the Humanis. His nephew Kenneth ran for president.
*taps Velocity's shoulder, and points at JongWK's previous post* wink.gif
D'oh! embarrassed.gif
*hands Velocity a Drop Bear Dunce Cap... w/ frickn' laser beams...*
dog brought up a really good point. The mouth foaming redneck bigots are cannon fodder but the real risk come from the oh so polite ones who almost sound logical. these are more likely to get followers behind them because it isn't so bad and maybe just might make a little snese. DLN has a IC thread in the gamer's corner along those lines over at underworld93.
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